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3 Practice: Rock Steady Practice

Earth Science Sem 2 Name: Isabella Lopez

Answer the following questions thoroughly.

1. James Hutton is considered the "father of geology":

A. What theory did James Hutton develop? (2 points)

B. What is the main concept behind this theory? (3 points)

A. James Hutton along with Charles Lyell, James Hutton developed the
concept of uniformitarianism. He believed Earth's landscapes like mountains
and oceans formed over long period of time through gradual processes.

B. Study of living things. theory that sudden, violent events have formed the
shape of the Earth.

2. Igneous rocks are often found along volcanoes and plate boundaries.

A. What material do igneous rocks form from? (3 points)

Magma or Lava.
B. What is the difference between the formation of intrusive and extrusive
igneous rocks? (2 points)

Igneous rocks that form below the Earth's surface are called intrusive
igneous rocks (or plutonic). They form when magma enters an underground
chamber, cools very slowly, and forms rocks full of large crystals. Igneous
rocks that form above the Earth's surface are called extrusive igneous rocks

3. What processes occur that change a sedimentary rock into an igneous rock?
(4 points) Crystallization. In the ground or on the surface, the magma cools and
solidifies to form igneous rocks. Crystallization occurs as the magma cools,
resulting in the formation of various crystals at various temperatures.
4. What are three ways sedimentary rocks can form? (6 points)

Sedimentary rocks are created by the accumulation of already existing

rocks or fragments of extinct organisms on the Earth's surface.

5. What three factors can change a sedimentary rock into a metamorphic rock?
(6 points)
Stress, heat, and pressure.

6. Describe three actions caused by the force of water that help drive the rock
cycle. (6 points)

The three actions caused by the force of water that help drive
the rock cycle are weathering, compaction, and rock melting.
7. What processes found at a convergent boundary will help form the following
rocks? (6 points)

A. Metamorphic rocks

B. Igneous rocks

C. Sedimentary rocks

Metamorphic rocks found at a convergent boundary and a divergent

boundary will help form both the igneous and the sedimentary rocks.

8. What processes found at a divergent boundary will help form the following
rocks? (6 points)

A. Metamorphic rocks

B. Igneous rocks

C. Sedimentary rocks

Metamorphic rocks form in a transformation of existing rock

to new rock in a process called metamorphism.
9. What event found at a transform boundary will help form metamorphic rocks?
(2 points)

When two plates move slide passing one another, then it is known as
the transform plate boundary.During this transform plate movement,
the plates experiences friction and shearing, accompanied by compressive
stress, then increases the transfer of heat. Due to this, the rocks in those
region undergoes metamorphism process because of the high temperature
and pressure condition.

10. What processes found at hot spots will help form the following rocks? (4

A. Metamorphic rocks

B. Igneous rocks

The processes found at hot spots help in the formation of igneous and
metamorphic rocks, both. The hot spot would need lava(magma) and
pressure(to form the rock out of magma)
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3.5.3 Practice: Rock Steady

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