Docker Volumes - Transcript

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Hello and welcome to the next ups.

That is stalker volumes.

In this task, we will see how we can make Dr Persist
the radar.
So let's first understand why Vinnie Docker volumes.
So whenever you create any doctor container consist
of two layers, one is the doctor image clear, which is which
usually is made up of multiple nears.
But this holds as one is a real earlier.
You cannot make any changes in the doctor image.
Here. Any changes are done in the second layer, which
is known as the container earlier, which is also a right, a
So in case you want to make any changes in any of the fine
of the image, maybe some configuration filed some text file
some round file that gets copied into the container earlier,
and then you can make changes.
But what happens when you delete the container
or you delete dammit?
So when we delete the container, all the freedom
with that also goes off, and all the data from the image also
goes when you delete the image.
But consider an example, say, for example, you have micro my
sequel installed on the system.
The databases, which holds the record on the data, you know,
wanted to go off vineyard when we are deleting the container.
So what we can do for that is we can save that in some other
location which we call as break up or lose.
So her data volumes were case We have a re lonelier Cesare
major there.
And then we have a read right layer, which is our convene
So instead of writing the data inside the container earlier,
the attack tree from the container with one value that polio
resides on Dr Post and his external to the container.
So whatever data you're renting in the container actually
gets written here.
And if you removed a Gandhian around, you removed the image,
the state are still persist.
So let's cheque that.
So, first of all, where this data column by default currency
for that you can go to one called left in this part when I do
a less minus a large, you'll see.
Can you know the union?
See that these direct Reza there Now, if you see we have
volumes are decrease by default.
Whenever you trade any value and mapping to the container,
it gets created inside the so it's been cold
inside the volumes and inside this as of now, you will not
find anything, will not find anything or there are some
some volumes which have some before it will.
You got created by levels running.
Some contain.
We can create our own volume by running command called doctor
So let's say arena command Dr World the eight and say,
for example, we give it any mass state up, flash on you
and in create this and let's say you do analysts pseudo.
But this time does not have a permission to cheque
these things as five.
You're getting the syringe to even see that speed.
A volume is created, we can run a less pain.
And San Artie So we conceived.
Beta volume is created.
Let's go to the street up.
Underscore one Do and Night to pseudo Let's Man insularity
will see one folder with name Underscore data that ZESCO
Inside List data holder has been.
So this folder, for now will be M P.
There is nothing inside it Now Let's run Earth can dinner
so have cleared the screen.
Let's run the container to run the Canton I'll Rana command
soccer, run finance and right.
And after that, they be name of the value of the changes
created the choice of all You did underscore Bond, you Poland.
And after that, we will nab some directory
inside the container.
Say, for example, here I say.
Aye. Hyphen on slash one.
I've been clashed.
Www. So this directory is the directory inside containers,
which you want to map as state of India.
Time can be an application court directory.
Or it can be locked, directory and salt.
And after that, the name of the image.
So this will run a convener.
We can take it by running Dr P s command.
And here is the container running.
Now, next week and connect to this container.
Aye. Running a command for Dr XTC.
Hi. Plan B.
That is an interactive mode.
Connectivity ist 74 with Bill mash.
And so I connected to it.
You can see we are connected to the terminal now if I threw
an A a less man, it's an art.
E f N c.
There is a folder with name www is created right now.
Let's go inside this Www So if I coincide As of now, there is
nothing that's clear the screen and let's create one friend
so I can create a file using Deco command.
Right, Zico as and then give it to s t dot e x t and even see
a less The file is there.
Now let's disconnect from here.
And let's cheque If in Zar left Dr Volumes did avenue data we
have five Sweden, see, has start p 60 exist now if let's see
I stopped this container So doctor stop and will admitted
what was the ideal 74 So if I say talker, stop selling poor
you can see the doctor is storm bill against the status
Nothing is running but if you do alleged the campaigners, the
file is still there Let's believe that container So if I run
a command doctors are the main force The container is removed
We can again cheque the file still exist another container
and connect to this while you and then heights and it be
Let's say I'm gonna This data underscore of world will slash
www and let's say the name of the images Open sciences say so.
They're mapping the same data volume with new container, so
it got started.
Now, if you connect with that containers let sick Doctor
Tapia's new one Air 737 ideas there.
So let me click on the screen.
It's connected.
So this commanded dunker.
Text me See?
Hi son.
And after that, you give was 37 and then been bashed Been
flash crash We want connected to that conveyor with the
starting 37 90.
Want to slash www and do analysts We will find that this same
finest still existing.
And this way we have mapped one of the volume.
And even if I delete a container, that file still exist.
So this is the different of all new which we create.
There is another time called Buying the Mount.
This was volume Mount What we have seen.
There is another example called bind amount which we will see
in the next task.
Thank you.

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