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The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023


All lesson plan templates are to be typed up. No handwritten lesson plans will be accepted
for final submission of any PoE.

This lesson plan template is used for all lessons taught in the following Teaching
Experience modules - TEIP5119/ TEIP6219/ TEXP6219/ TEIP7319/ TEXP7319/ TEIP7419/
TEXP7419/ TESF7112p/ TESF7112w.

This lesson plan template is used for PoE submissions across a number of didactic modules
on The IIE Education Programmes.

Please use the following link to access the editable version – click here

You are encouraged to refer to The IIE Quick Guide to Lesson Planning.

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

The IIE Lesson Plan Template

STUDENT NAME Gregory Shabangu
QUALIFICATION B.Ed Intermediate Phase


A. Lesson Details
GRADE Grade 6
SUBJECT (CAPS) English Home Language
TOPIC Adverbs of manner, time, and place
DATE OF LESSON 06 September 2023

B. Caps-Specific Focus
CAPS SPECIFIC FOCUS (link here) State your CAPS specific focus here…
REFERENCES Department of Basic Education (2011).
Department of Basic Education (2011). Curriculum Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement
and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), Grades 4-6 (CAPS), Grades 4-6 Mathematics. Retrieved….
Mathematics. Retrieved…. from from p. p.

C. Summary of the content to cover

Briefly describe ‘what’ content you need to cover. This will inform the lesson objectives and
choice of teaching strategy.
At the end of the lesson learners will be able to understand the different types of adverbs
of and words used on them. They will be able to write a sentence in full bearing in mind of
the adverbs in the correct format. They will be able to analyse their everyday live using
adverbs in the different times. The learners will be able to rewrite the different adverbs.

D. Lesson Objectives
List the objectives for this specific lesson below. Use the verbs from Blooms Taxonomy to frame
your objectives.
1. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to know what advebrs of manner are

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

2. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to know what adverbs of time is
3. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to know what adverbs of place is
4. By the end of this lesson, learners will be able to know what adverbs of degree is
E. Curriculum Integration (if relevant)
Briefly describe how this lesson integrates content, skills or knowledge from other areas of the
curriculum (if relevant).

F. Rationale for Lesson Design

Consider the following questions and write a paragraph that responds to these questions in the
space provided below:

1. How does the knowledge of this topic inform choices for learning design?
• What is the main idea/s and most important things to know about this topic?
I will be taking into consideration the need to keep them busy during that hour and have a
longer practical, hands-on lesson as they are Grade 6 learner that have a short
concentration span. I will try and explain in a short and simple way for them to understand
the content in a short amount of time. Students in Grade 6 tend to enjoy the
implementation of something different in lessons so that is where I will get them to be
exposed to a different environment from the typical classroom setting to demonstrate the
implication of real-life situations and examples therefore resulting in the student’s ability
to remember the work taught in the lesson. I will be taking into consideration their
behavioural issues and their lack of ability to control themselves during a lesson, and
through this will be using effective and specific classroom management strategies to allow
optimum performance and an effective teaching and learning environment. I will be more
understanding of the learner’s short time that they have been exposed to me as a student
teacher and will try to encourage and allow a comfortable environment where they won’t
feel intimidated.

G. Teaching and learning strategies

Select the teaching strategies you will Justify your choice/s of teaching strategy/s below
employ that are suitable for each phase of by explaining the strategy (with references) and
your lesson, for your content and context. how this strategy will be used in this specific
Note: You can select more than one strategy for lesson plan.
each phase. Delete if more than one strategy is
not required in each phase.
Teaching and Learning Phase: As I will be teaching Grade 6 learners, I will need
Select here to take into consideration that they have short
attention spans and will need to
incorporate this into my teaching strategies. I
aim to incorporate real life instances into my
lesson as this is a strategy that will capture the

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

attention of the learner. By incorporating real life

instances into my teaching, I am promoting the
children’s memory of the specific content. This
promotes active learning. Co-operative
learning is a good way for learners to
develop a deep understanding of the work as they
are able to share ideas and hear the views from
their peers and not just from myself as
the teacher. I will take language awareness
into consideration and explain the work using
terminology that a grade 6 learner would
understand. I as a teacher do expect all my
learners to do well, and I have encouraged a
comfortable learning environment that
compliments my teaching strategies. This will
ensure that I encourage collaboration, success and
participation. (Killen, 2015). I will also be
incorporating a visual and more active lesson,
where the learners will now be exposed to a
different style of teaching. There will be an
implementation of group work as mentioned
before, but not just co-operative learning,
group work will help encourage and allow
better and more meaningful participation.

H. Lesson Phases
Phases Write, in detail, every element/step of your lesson for each phase.Include Resources
time on task for each phase.

I will begin the lesson by asking the learners if they have ever noticed that
some verbs are in different forms, I will make them aware of the different
verbs they have learnt and what they have learn about them. In that way I
will be measuring the learner’s prior knowledge and what they know
about verbs in general. I will ask students to share their ideas or prior
knowledge about percentage. Refresh learner’s minds on verbs and assess
learner’s prior knowledge through a quiz. I will then a play a video
explaining to them what adverbs are and how they work.

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

Define what adverbs are

They type of adverbs and in what situation are they used in.

Make examples with them pertaining adverbs.


summarize the key points discussed in the lesson.


Encourage learners to observe and analyse adverbs as a daily habit and

how they change changes in their own situations in life and how it affects
Assign a related activity or worksheet for leaners to reinforce their
understanding of adverbs.

Monitor students' participation and engagement during class discussions.


Evaluate students' understanding through their responses to questions and completion of

the assigned activity or worksheet.

The IIE Supervisor’s Date:
Signature OR
Mentor Teacher’s Date:
Student’s Signature Date:


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