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Revision Guides (3 techniques)

Note - all sources mentioned are in this folder for download, but I'll leave them
in the guides anyway)

>What is Revision?
The basic premise of using revision to change your life is that in addition to
being able to create your future experiences, you can also use your imagination to
re-create past experiences as you wish them to be.
According to Goddard, the most important parts of any day aren’t the actual events
you experience, but rather the feelings you remember. Through the use of your
imagination, you can downplay any negative, or unwanted events, and then instill
the idea of a preferred outcome or experience.

Revision works because it causes you to reframe the past from the higher
perspective of your chosen desire. When you do, you cement your belief that your
desire is already working for you, and are able to transcend the physical memory
systems of the brain. As you choose to re-remember something a new way, you can
then instill a belief that the event happened differently. Thus changing your
future circumstances.

Revision by Neville Goddard, taken from the 1954 lecture - The Pruning Shears of

1. Review an event that didn't go the way you wanted it to go. Don’t judge it, just
review it.
2. In your imagination, rewrite and revise the event the event the way you wish it
would have gone.
3. Get into the state akin to sleep (SATS). Many wonder what this means - it is
simply a state where you feel completely relaxed and can be done in any comfortable
4. Relive the revised event in your imagination over and over again, until the
imaged state begins to take on the tones of reality. That is, until it starts
feeling as though it may have actually happened the way you would have preferred.
5. Either fall asleep while repeating the scene or wake up from this drowsy state
once you know it is done.

Neville advises us at the end of each day to revise our day the way we wish it
would have gone, then relive the day in our imagination in accordance with our
desires until it feels real. Through this method, you can revise any unwanted
event, and you will find that in the coming days and weeks, things will start to
change for the better in accordance with your revision.

"It seems that it's real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from
experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows. When
I meet people tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow, for in
me I have changed the very nature of that being, and having changed him, he bears
witness tomorrow of the change that took place within me." — NG in The Pruning
Shears of Revision, 1954


Self-Administered EMDR (Revision) Guide (from /LoA/ anon)

Only resource I use during therapy is this YouTube video of a glowing ball moving
left to right:
This video can be used two ways: Visually (watching the ball travel back and forth)
or aurally (listening to the sound which pans from left to right or a combination
of the two (sound on with headphones or a smartphone with speakers and watching the
ball travel back and forth)

While I'm being stimulated (usually visual or aural), all I do is bring up emotions
in my mind (or body) by either directly reliving them or recalling scenes to
trigger the thoughts, then focus on fully reliving or experiencing the troubling
emotion and thoughts, rather than shutting them out in my mind.

Afterwards (during the next phase, 'Installation'), I try to make an effort of

recalling the same scene and then re-affirm a positive thought or message.
I found this resource ( helpful in that
process. I would confront the situation in mind, then ask myself 'What resource
would help me cope with this situation better? What resource would help me respond
better?' For me, the thing that came to my mind was clarity in many if not most
cases. Confusion was a large source of many of my symptoms, so clarity is what came
to my mind. Your situation may be different so try skimming that PDF, then just
wing it and see what feels best. Your resource that you decide on may be different
than mine.

Other method of Revision called Lefkoe method:,063004,03.pdf

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