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This section of the study shows the methodological framework of the research

conducted. The researchers present the design and method on how the collection of the

data necessary for the research and the analysis that provide the insight and answers to

the research question. This section of the paper provides justification to the methods the

researchers used: the section criteria of the participants of the study, the ethical

considerations for the humane conduct of the study, and the procedures the researchers

used for data collection and analysis.

Overview of the Research Design

Quantitative research design is the structure of this study. By the means of survey

questionnaire, the researchers will give a survey questionnaire form that are divided into

three parts: the socio- demographic variable, checklist and the open- ended questions that

answer the effective coping strategy of the BCAED student of Central Luzon State

University on the online classes during the pandemic. Participants’ meaning is the type of

quantitative research design used in this study. The researchers will learn the meaning of

what participants hold on about the problem. The researchers own meaning will not

control the study. The participants are the ones who will determine where the research is

going. To be able to secure unbiased results, the researchers will only base the result on

what the participants provided. They will not manipulate the result as they analyze it to

answer the research problem. The role of the researchers is to provide the research
question, interview the participant and analyze their answer to bring meaning to the



The researchers will conduct the study in Central Luzon State University. Using a

purposive sampling technique, the researchers will at least find 40-45 BCAED students

that will participate on the survey. The individuals who participated in the study fulfilled

two inclusion criteria. First, students who participated on the survey must be a BCAED

student at Central Luzon State University. Second, the researchers should make sure that

the participant have experience the stress of online classes during the pandemic in order

to provide credible answer.

Ethical Consideration

It is the foremost duty and responsibility of the researchers to protect the identity

of each respondents. The information they give must be treated with utmost care. The

researchers also need to consider the preservation of the integrity of the research.

Risk Prevention and Management

The nature of the study entails reliving the experiences and stories the participants

experienced before or continues to experience. The survey might seem offensive if the

researchers will not handle the interaction with proper respect and too sensitive question.

It might trigger past experience of the respondents or even the avoidance of response to

some questions. The researchers aim to make the question meticulously in order to avoid

such occurrences but still had a rich narrative output from the participants and heightened

sensitivity regarding the mood and conduct of the narrative interview. The researchers
will also ensure that the participants were in a setting and type of communication that

they found comfortable and safe for sharing their narratives whether it is a face to face

survey or they will use online platform such a google form survey.

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent

The data generated and collected during and after the survey were handled and

taken care of with utmost confidentiality and security. The participants were given the

choice to use nicknames, as they wish, if they felt uncomfortable with using their names.

The survey forms were protected and are hidden from other people that would want to

access the form. The conversation and the information of the participants were handled

with utmost care and respect, bearing in mind the privacy of the participant.

Data Collection

The study, as a quantitative type of research, uses survey questionnaire that

answer the studies statement of the problem to gather prior data that is needed to make

this study. The basis of this research design revolved around the narrative of the survey

which motivates the participants to share stories and experience about the instance where

they start experiencing the stress of the online classes during the pandemic and how they

cope with it and what are their strategy to cope with the stress.

The researchers will personally or virtually give the survey questionnaire form to

the 40-45 BCAED student from Central Luzon State University. Participants were asked

for their consent if they are willing to participate on the interview. The survey will be

private and all information will remain within the interviewer only.
The researchers will then give the open-ended survey form related to the research

topic. The researchers will keep a smooth and comfortable survey to avoid negative

perception towards each other to keep the survey until it is done.

The participants are free to share anything or limit their statement for their own

sake and privacy. At the end of the survey, the researchers will formally conclude the

survey with the expression of gratitude and appreciation to their participation.

Data Analysis

The data collection is a subjected to Quantitative Descriptive Research Analysis.

First, the researchers will gather the survey form that is given to the respondents by

typing it on Microsoft word.

The researcher survey was been separated into three parts. First, the socio-

demographic variable of the respondents. Second, is the checklist of the effective coping

strategy and the third part is an open- ended question on how they cope stress of the

online classes during the pandemic.

From the all the data that has been gathered, the researchers will analyze each

statement of the participants. The researchers will find some common answer of the

respondents and conclude the statements. The researchers will also include stand out

stories, insight and experiences from the participants. From all the statements, the

researchers will cancel out and filter the information, removing irrelevant and statement

that won’t benefit the topic. The statement that will make the final cut that will help the

study to bring out the findings that will benefit the credibility and integrity of the


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