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Active Planning

I have never been a student that works ahead a lot of them. I do my work the day that is due and I

know that some say that it is not a good idea to do that, but it has worked for me. However, for

this class I noticed that this is something that I should not do. I need to stay on top of it and

figure out times that work best for me before they are due and do them. This whole active

planning is new to me. I do have to say, the initial project plan I did not plan ahead of time and

was very stressed about it. If you look at the assignment that I first turned in, I did not have any

assignments because I thought I picked and chose which assignments. Once I was able to figure

out what I needed to do, I have been working on it.

When it came to the Perusall and the video quizzes, I kind of just did them when I had time to

them. I tried my best to do them a day or so before when it was due but sadly, I did not follow

the plan with what I written down. It has been a hard month but having this plan somewhat

helped me so much. Active planning has helped me so much with preparing better for school.

Obviously, things happen, and stuff come up which can’t control but having this plan and

planning for a situation happen you know what to do. I had to fix some stuff like the dates were

done earlier than I thought or later than I thought.

I talked about in the Baseline Assignment that I was excited to learn something about this class

and how it was a lot different than I thought it was going to be. I did not think that I would use

any of this in my everyday life or for my career. That is far from the truth. I am going use lots

from what I learn, for example, planning for everyday stuff that is needed, listing certain risks

and contingencies that I may have, and putting the time that I think it will take. All these things

can be used as a teacher as well and teach my students thing. My active plan was good at time

and bad at the times. I need to make sure that I do it for every assignment not just the hard ones.

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