Grade 1 Social Studies Homework and Practice Book

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= Reflections a) A Child’s View Homework and Practice Book Grade 1 COrando Aussn NewYork SanDisgo Terenas London i Te esi Ste wharcourtscoolom Copyright © by Harcourt, ne ‘All ight reserved No pat of his puicaon may be reproduced or ansmited in any form er by ary ‘means, electronic o mechanical, Incuding photocopy, recording, oF ary information storage and ereval ‘system, without permission in wring rom the publish. Permission is hereby granted 10 al indialteachors using the coresponcing student’ textbook or kt ‘as the major vehicle or regular tassroom insiacion to photocopy complete pages from tis pubcation in elaeeroom quanti for nstuctional use and nt for resale. Requests or information on oor mattrs regarding dupioaton of th work shoud be adkirssed to School Peicsions and Copysahts, Harcourt, Inc, (6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orando, Flosda 22887-6777. Fax: 407-345-2418. REFLECTIONS i a vadamarkof Harcourt, Inc. HARCOURT and tho Harcourt Logos are trademarks of Harcourt, Inc, rgitered in te Unied Stats af America andlor other jurscitons Printed inthe United States of Amarica ISBN 0-15-981467.7 910 073 14 1312 11 10 0908, ‘The activities in this book reinforce social studies concepts and skills in Harcourt School Publishers’ Retlectfons: A Chila’s View, There is one activity for each lest und skill. In addition to activities, this book also contains reproductions of the graphic organizers that appeat in the unit reviews in the Student Edition. Study guides for student reviews are also provided. Reproductions of the activity pages appear with answers in the Teacher Edition. ns Contents UNIT 1: RULES AND LAWS wovouaune Lesson 1: Following Rules Critical Thinking Skills: Solve a Problem Lesson 2: Who Is Obeying the Law? Lesson 3: Who Is the Leader? Participation Skills: Make a Choice by Voting Lesson 4: Rights and Responsibilities Participation Skills: Working Together Unit 4 Study Guide Reading Social Studies: Cause and Effect, UNIT 2: WHERE PEOPLE LIVE " 42 13 14 15 16 7 18 Lesson 1: Where You Live ‘Map and Globe Skils: Color @ Globe Liasson 2: Compare Maps and Models Map and Globe Skils: Mapping Symbols Lesson 3: Earth's Resources Map and Globe Skils: Following Directions Lesson 4; Dressing forthe Weather Unit 2 Study Guide Reading Social Studios: Categorize and Classity cALLEoRiTA| UNIT 3: UNIT 4: UNIT 5: UNIT 6 WE LOVE OUR COUNTRY 2 guvegess SESSSRBN 38 Lesson 1: The Pledge Lesson 2: National Holidays Chart and Graph Skils: May Days Lesson 9: National Symbols Chart and Graph Skis: The Liberty Bell Lesson 4: Our Country's History Unit 3 Study Guide Reading Social Studies: Main idea and Details R CHANGING WORLD Lesson 1: School Tools Then and Now ‘Chart and Graph Skills: Which Room? Lesson 2: Changes hart and Graph Skills: Tina's Time Lino Lesson 8: Transportation Then and Now Critical Thinking Skis: Tell Fact from Fiction Lesson 4: Which Came First? Unit 4 Study Guide Reading Social Studies: Sequence ALL ABOUT PEOPLE 3 38 39 40 at 42 a4 Lesson 1: Different People, Different Cultures Lesson 2: How Did They Help? Chart and Graph Skils: Follow a Flowchart Lesson 3: All About People ‘Map and Globe Skills: Mike's Route Lesson 4: Folktales Lesson 5: Lats Eat! Unit 5 Study Guide Reading Social Studies: Compare and Contrast He MARKETPLACE 47 Lesson 1: Pet Shopping List Chait and Graph Skis: Make a Picture Graph Lesson 2: Work Chat Lesson 3: Buy, Sell, and Save Critical Thinking Skis: Make a Choice When Buying Lesson 4: Pencil Factory ‘Chart and Graph Skills: Make a Bar Graph Unit 6 Study Guide Reading Social Studies: Recall and Retell Name «zt Following Rules Read the paragraph, and then answer the questions. Victor's class has rules for using the computer. One rule is to finish schoolwork before using the computer. Victor did not follow this rule. The next day, he could not use the computer. @ What rule did Victor break? @ What happened because he broke the rule? @ Why would it have been better for Victor to follow the rule? (3 (CALIFORNIA STANDARDS HSS1.1, 7.1.2) Use attar reading Unit |, Lesson |, pages 12-15. Homework and Practice Book = | Name —____om__._____ Date CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Solve a Problem Five children want to play soccer, but they cannot make two teams with the same number of players. List two ways they can solve this problem. (3 (CAUFORIA STANORROSHSSLA2) Use after reasng Uni 2 « Homework and Practice Book Skil Lesson, pages 16-17 Name — ~ Date _ Who Is Obeying the Law? Color each person who is obeying the law. Draw an X on each person who is not. Ves (C53 (Caciromun stanpanos Hs8137,41.2) Use after reading Unt | Lesson 2, pages (8-21 Homework and Practice Book « Name Date Who Is the Leader? Draw a line to match each clue with a leader. Then write the name of the leader on the line. ® | tell a team how to play. Tama @ I make sure swimmers follow rules at the pool. Tama @ Tam in charge of a city. Tama- - @ I teach a class. Tama £3 (Garona SranoAROS TESTA) 4 « Homework and Practice Book Use after reading Uni Lesson 3, pages 22-25, Name PARTICIPATION SKILLS & Make a Choice by Voting Choose four foods, and write them on the chart. Ask children or family Orr @ members to vote for their favorite food. Ee Tally the votes on the chart. Write to tell which food wins. Favorite Food @_ got the most votes. (C3 (Cauronma StaioaROS TEST Use after reading Unit, ‘Skil Lesson, poges 26-27, Homework and Practice Book » 5 Name Date Rights and Responsibilities Circle right or responsibility under each picture. Go to school. right responsibility Behave and learn. right responsibility Keep your dog on a leash. right responsibility Own a pet. right responsibility Buy a car, responsibility right (3 (CALIFORNIA STiOAROS HRS 1.4, 14.2 6 = Homework and Practice Book Obey traffic laws. right responsibility Use after reading Unt |, Lesson 4, pages 30-33. Name. PARTICIPATION SKILLS @ wan Working Together Kate, Nolan, and Ethan want to make a poster about good sportsmanship. Write what they should do to work together. Date (C3 (GALFonmn sronnOs was 2: m2) Use ofr reading Uni ‘Skill Lesson, pages 34-35. Homework and Practice Book = 7 Date Study Guide Read the paragraph. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks, vote citizen laws leader rules community People _____ to choose the mayor. The mayor is the ___ of our city. She helps make —___and__ to keep us safe. Everyone who lives in our must respect the laws. That is part of being a good (C553 (CALFORNIN sTaNDAROS HSS Zz 8 = Homework and Practice Book Use ater reading Unit |, pages I-48, @ READING SOCIAL STUDIES Name Cause and Effect Fill in the chart to show cause and effect. Rules help people get along (3 CaLFoAnn SHARIR, AD) Homework and Practice Book * 9 Use after reading Unit |, pagos I-48, Name _________mmtmtmtumtmttm___._ Date Where You Live Foliow the directions below the map. ey so 4 Canada = Moos ae d LA > . Mexico ® Color your state green. @ Place a red dot where your community is located in your state. © Color the rest of your country brown. (C3 GiLiFoRwn stanonnos WS72, Use after reading Unit 2, 10 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson |, poges 58-61 MAP AND GLOBE SKILLS i | Color a Globe | Follow the directions below the globes. @ Find Africa. Color it green. @ Find the continent where you live. Color it yellow. © Color the Atlantic Ocean blue. @ Find Australia. Color it red. (E23 (CaLiFontiia STANDARDS Hs 1.2.1; c8 4 Use after reading Unit 2, ‘Skill Lesson, pages 62-63. Homework and Practice Book = I! Name __ - Date __ Compare Maps and Models Write ways that a map and a model are alike and different. (3 (Caron aoa HIS 4.22) Use ofter eating Unit 2 12 = Homework and Practice Book Lesson 2, pages 64-67, Name © MAP AND GLOBE SKILLS Mapping Symbols Color the pictures in the map legend and on the map. Then draw a new symbol in the map legend and on the map. store library Map Legend (a) [os = house school __ park fea||-|| © bank street stopsign hospital (E23 (CALIFORMIA STANDARDS HS: 4) Use after reading Unit 2, ‘Skil Lesson, poges 65-69. Homework and Practice Book » 13 Name Date Earth’s Resources Write the names of three resources you see in the picture. Draw something that comes from each resource. (23 (Garon Sanonnos eS 12, ta 14 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson 3, pages 70-75, Use after reading Unit 2, Name _ a _ Date MAP AND GLOBE SKILLS @ Following | Directions Color the answers to the questions. @ What is south of the pond? Color it brown. @ What is west of the sandbox? Color it red. © What is north of the picnic table? Color it green. Circle the word that tells which way to go. @ from the garden to the pond north south east west @ from the playground to the picnic table north south east west (3 (CALFomnia STANOARIOS WSS 12 Use ofter reading Unit 2, Skil Lesson, pages 76-77, Homework and Practice Book » 15 Nome Cte Dressing for the Weather Write the name of the season that matches each picture. Which season is missing? Write the name of that season, and finish the picture. Be sure to draw clothing to match the weather. (23 (cALiFonn STANDARDS ss 12, 72.4012) Use afer reading Unit 2, 16 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson #, poges 80-83, Read the letter, Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. states weather globe border map Dear Sergei, Liove living in California. The ig nice in every season. Love the snow and the sunshine. In California, you get both! If you want to see where I live, you can find the location of California by using Itshares a with Oregon, Nevada, and Arizona. ‘They are all _____________ in the United States. What is it like where you live? Your Pen Pal, Penny (3 (Fon SramORROS SS Ta. Use after reading Unit 2, poges 44-46. Homework and Practice Book » 17 Name + Date © READING SOCIAL STUDIES Categorize and Classify Fill in the chart to categorize and classify what you have learned. Clothing for difterent kinds of weather (C3 (GaLronwia Sranoanos H887 18 « Homework and Practice Book Use after reading Unit2, pages 44-86, Name _ Date The Pledge Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. liberty Flag pledge ~—Nattion States of the United _______________ of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one —__ ______ under God, indivisible, with _______________ and justice for all. (23 (CHLIFORIA StanoaROS HSS 13,73) Use after reaing Uni Lesson |, pages 106-109. Homework and Practice Bool Nome 2 ate National Holidays Write the name of each holiday that matches the pictures, Finish the big picture to show how the family honors our. country’s flag on Flag Day. £3 (Omron STM WS 1.8, 1.82 20 » Homework and Practice Book Lesson 2, pages 12-15. Use attar reading Unit 3, © itay Days Name — CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS: ‘sundey reday | soturdey 2 3 y 6 7 8 4a (0 Cinco de Mayo "1 12 13 wy 1s 16 7 Mother's Day. 13 19 20 ayaa 2g 28 25 «(26 B27 28 2a 80 BN Memorial Dey @ What month does the _ calendar show? @ On what day of the a week is May Day? @ If today is May 6, what __ day is tomorrow? ee @ If today is May 20, what day was yesterday? (3 (eaLFOR Sonn ss THOS?) Use after reading Unit 3, Sill Lesson, poges 11617 Homework and Practice Book » 21 Date National Symbols 1 of Liberty Washington Statue of American Bell Monument _Liberty flag Name Write the name of a symbol to complete each sentence. @ The holds a torch. @ The honors our first President. © Each star on the stands for a state. @ The stands for liberty and freedom. (3 (CALIFORNIA TANNA W973 Use otter reading Unt, 22 » Homework and Practice Book Lesson 3, pages 120-123. Name Cate le GHART AND GRAPH SKILLS ~ @) The liberty Bell Read the diagram to answer the questions. bell crack clapper a @ This is a diagram of the @ The part of the bell that makes the ringing sound is called a © What else do you learn about the Liberty Bell from this diagram? (EZ (CALIFORNIA STANDARDS HSS 1.3, 1.3.3: HA 2) Use after reading Unit 3, ‘Skil Lesson, pages 124-125. Homework and Practice Book = 23 Names Date Our Country's History Write the word from the box that each sentence tells about. Mayflower Constitution settler England freedom @® The first 13 colonies were ruled by this country. @ The first settlers sailed to North America on this ship. @ This set of rules leads our country. (553 (EALFORR STARS STL 24 » Homework and Practice Book Lesson 4, pages 126-128, Use atter reading Unit 3, Read the paragraph. Use the words in the box fo fill in the blanks. hero Pledge landmarks flag freedom Our____has stars and stripes. It reminds us of the —_____________ we have in our © country. We show respect for the flag when we say the ____________ of Allegiance. Sometimes we fly the flag when we want to honor a for doing something brave or important. Some heroes are honored with that we can visit. (3 CALFoRNA SranANNSTES 13.132, 733) Use after reading Unt 8, pages 97-14 Homework and Practice Book » 25 Name — ate 6 READING SOCIAL STUDIES Main Idea and Details Fill in the chart to show main idea and details. | We face the flag | when we say the (2.3 (CALroRwa StinonROS HSS 2, 73.9 26 » Homework and Practice Book Use ofter reacing Unit S, pages 47-144 Name Cato Write then or now to tell about each object. [3 (Caron sTnNoARO HSS aa Use after reading Unit, Lesson |, pages 158-163. Homework and Practice Book » 27 Nome 2 te CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS L? Which Room? Mrs. Garza and Mr. Todd have new school supplies. Mrs. Garza teaches music. Mr. Todd teaches art. Look at the picture. Which things go in each room? Draw pictures to complete the table. New School Supplies Mrs. Garza’s Room Mr. Todd’s Room Use after reading Unit 4, 28 » Homework and Practice Book ‘Skill Lesson, pages 164-165. Nome sé te - Changes a Look at the picture of a town of long ago. Then, draw ' the town the way it might look today. (3 CnLrORNA STHOMRDS HSTTA Ta; C) Use ofter reading Uni Lesson 2, pages 166-169. Homework and Practice Book = 29 Name Cte CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS Tina's Time Line Finish the sentences to tell about Tina's time line. 2, J No school today! Libraryday __Mybirthday Dentist taday Spelling test Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ® Tina’s time line shows days. @ Tina did not go to school on because it was © She went to the library on @ Tina’s birthday was on @ She saw the dentist on © The last thing on Tina’s time line happened on (C73 GALFOR sTaNTARDS HSS LAECS7) Use otter reading Unt 30 = Homework and Practice Book ‘Skil Lesson, pages 170-171 Nome Cate Transportation Then and Now Draw a picture of transportation from long ago or today to complete the chart. Long Ago Now (C3 (caLFORA Sana ss Use ater reacing Uni Lesson 3, pages 174-179. Homework and Practice Book = 3! Name Date CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS Tell Fact from Fiction Study the book covers. Color fiction books red. Color nonfiction books yellow. | ELEPHANTS Ops Wong (C3 (CaliFonnin sTanoaRDs Hiss Taz HR) Use after reading Unit 4, 32 = Homework and Practice Book Skill Lesson, pages 180-i8! Which Came First? Date Match each set to tell which item or person came first, next, and last. @ grandson first @ grandmother next @mom last @cmail first @ letters next @ phone last @DVDs first @ drawings next @ photographs last (3 (CALIFORNIA STANOARIS HSS 14.143; 68 1.3) Use after reading Unit 4, Lesson t, pages 184-169, Homework and Practice Book » 33 Nome Cate ay Study Guide Read the paragraph. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. technology past change communication present Places, schools, and transportation over time. In the children dipped pens into ink to write. In the pens or pencils, ________has helped people go places faster and safer. It has also changed our ________, or the way we share ideas and feelings. 3 (Carona Srna WS a, 147, Kae, CARESS) 34 = Homework and Practice Book Use after reading Unit 4, pages 145-208, _ Name Date | 6 READING SOGIAL STUDIES - | Sequence Fill in the chart to sequence what you have learned... | Transportation was very slow long ago. Many F people did not fj. travel far from | Hh home. ——— a | | (3 (ronan ranma HON 1 ARON, Ow Use after reading Unit 4, pages 145-208. Homework and Practice Book » 35 Name _ —_ —_— Date — Different People, Different Cultures Draw pictures that show three things about your culture. Share your pictures with the class. Talk about how the pictures are alike and different. Me My Favorite Food | | My Favorite Holiday 1:2) Use ofter reading Unt 5, 36 = Homework and Practice Book Lesson |, pages 220-223. Nome _ a —_— Date___ How Did They Help? American Indians helped early settlers who came. to America. Label each picture to tell how they helped: ¢ iN (3 (CALIFORNn sTanoAROS WSS 15,152: H17) Use after reading Unt 5, Lesson 2, pages 226-231 Homework and Practice Book » 37 Nome —__-_________uu..- Date CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS |) Follow a Flowchart Label the flowchart to show how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. ‘== 38 » Homework and Practice Book Use after reading Unit 5, Skil Lesson, pages 292-233, Nami All About People Finish the chart. In the last box, write one more fact you learned. In the first box, write the big idea of this lesson. Big Idea Fact } Fact Some foods we eat Some games we play were brought to this { were brought to this country by immigrants. country by immigrants. (723 (cALiFona Stmonnos Wes, 15%: er reading Unit 5, Lesson 5 pages 236-241 Homework and Practice Book = 39 Nome Cte MAP AND GLOBE SKILLS Mike’s Route Follow Mike's route to the library. Write north, south, east, or west to tell how to get there. AStest B Street D Street @ Go _________ on Park Road. @Go_____ on DSttreet. @Go__ on Hill Road. @ Go _________ on A Street. £23 (GauFomw stanoanos was 1Z5;08 «) Use after reading Unit 5, 40 = Homework and Practice Book ‘Skil Lesson, pages 242-243 Folktales Write the name of your favorite folktale, and write about a part of the story you like. Then draw a picture from the story. Tell a friend what happens in the folktale. My favorite folktale is & LEIS (3 CAL FoRNIA STANDARDS HSS Use after reading Unit 5, Lesson poges 244~24a, Homework and Practice Book » 41 Date Name __—CDate Let’s Eat! Read the sentences. Write a check mark (7) next fo the customs you share. Then write about your family’s customs for meals. In Japan, people eat their meals at a low table. They sit on pillows and eat with chopsticks. They enjoy talking with family and friends. LEX CES) sit at a table eat with chopsticks sit on pillows talk with family and friends In my family, we (3 (CALORNA STaNOAROS HBS 45,153: 42 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson 5, pages 250-253, Use after reading Unt 5, Read the paragraph. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks. culture ns history folktales We can learn about a group's way of life by studying its ____.. All people have _________, or special ways of doing things that are passed from parents to children. —__________— is the story of what has happened in the past. Many people share their history by telling , or stories passed from person to: person. When ______ come to our country to start a new life, they have stories to tell, too. (23 (CALIFORNIA STANDARDS HSS 1.5 EXREEA Use atter reading Uni §, pages 209-264. Homework and Practice Book = 43 Name Date 8 READING SOCIAL STUDIES Compare and Contrast Fill in the chart to compare and contrast things you have learned. American Indians Came to America looking for @ new home 3 (CHiFORUA STANDS SST 84,152, 18M 444» Homework and Practice Book Use after reading Unt 5, pages 209-264, ~~ Pet Shopping List Date Read the list. Circle in blue the words that name services. Circle in red the words that name goods. Then answer the questions. {C3 (CnLFoRa STANOAROS SS Use ater reading Uni Lesson |, pages 276-279, Homework and Practice Book » 45 Name Date CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS Make a Picture Graph Ask five friends to choose the sport they like best. Draw a sneaker next to a sport each time a friend chooses it. Then answer the questions. We Like Sports F@VOIN 08, Legend: (2277) = one person The sport chosen the most is The sport chosen the least is £3 (CALFORNA STHNONRDS TEST Use ater reading Uni 6 46 » Homework and Practice Book Skil Lesson, poges 280-281 Nome —__. —_______. Date _ — ~~ Work Chat Finish the cartoon. Write an answer each person might give. Use after reading Unit 6 Lesson 2, pages 282-287 Homework and Practice Book = 47 Nome Date Buy, Sell, and Save Choose a sentence from the box to tell about each picture. Sellers save some. of their money. Sellers sell goods to earn money. Sellers buy things they need. (3 (CALA STANDARDS HST. 18.1) Use after ding Unt , 48 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson 3, pages 242-297, Name —____________.. Date _____. . CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS) Make a Choice When Buying Lisa wants to buy a birthday present for her mom. Color the things you think she should buy. Then tell why you made your choices. Thave $20. I want to buy a gift, a card, and wrapping paper. $10 $25 $15 a $5 $3" FL [CALIFORNIA STANDARDS HSS Use after reading Unit 6, ‘Skil Lesson, pages 296-299. Homework and Practice Book » 49 Hla Name —________________mtm__ Date Pencil Factory Number the pictures to show the order of steps in making pencils. Then complete the sentence. To make pencils, people in a factory (C23 (oalironnn stanoanDs iss 7.6, 1.62) Uso oft reoding Unit 6, 50 « Homework and Practice Book Lesson 4, pages 300-306. ee ____. Date _ ‘CHART AND GRAPH SKILLS Make a Bar Graph Ask five friends to choose their favorite food from the pictures on the graph. Color in one space by a food each time someone chooses i. Then use the graph to finish the sentences. _ The food chosen the most is The food chosen the least is —____ (C3 (caliomma Stmioanos 18s 15) Use after reading Unit 6, Skil Lesson, poges 306-307 Homework and Practice Book » 5! Name — Date Study Guide Read the paragraph. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks, services money market factory goods job People make or grow ____to sell. They can sell their goods at a to pay for goods and _____. People work at a to earn money. Some people , where they have jobs at a work together with machines to make goods. (5:3 Gauronwa stanoanos W688. 163,162 52 © Homework and Practice Book Use after reaing Unit 6, pages 265-820. Nome _ READING SOCIAL STUDIES ~ f ® Recall and Retell Fill in the chart to recall.and retell what you have learned. People make and sell goods and sell services (3 (Carona SaNOAROS HS Te, 784, 182 Use ofter reading Unit 6, pages 265-320. Homework and Practice Book « 53

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