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of records of nondestructive
on the vessel or vessel parts, This

the film if radio-

UW-S2, that the required is pro-
and that any has been attached
to the proper vessel;
the Certificate of on the
Manufacturer's Data Report when the vessel, to the best
name- of his and belief, is in compliance with all the
provisions of this Division. When the Inspector has certi-
er vessel fied by signing the Manufacturer's Data Report, this indi-
(18) preparing required Manufacturer's Data Report cates acceptance by the Inspector. This acceptance does
and having it certified by the Inspector (UG-120); not imply assumption by the Inspector of any of the re-
(19) providing for retention of radiographs (UW-S1), sponsibilities of the Manufacturer.
ultrasonic test reports (12-4), Manufacturer's Data Re- (2) When mass production of pressure vessels makes
ports (UG-120), and other documents as required by this it impracticable for the Inspector to personally perform
Division (10-13). each of his required duties,4 the Manufacturer, in colla-
(c) See below: boration with the Inspector, shall prepare an inspection
(1) The Inspector shall make all inspections specifi- and quality control procedure setting forth, in complete
cally required of him plus such other inspections as he be- detail, the method by which the requirements 4 of this Di-
lieves are necessary to enable him to certify that all vessels vision will be maintained. This procedure shall be devel-
which he authorizes to be stamped with the Certification oped, accepted, and implemented in accordance with
Mark have been designed and constructed in accordance Mandatory Appendix 3S.
with the requirements of this Division. Some, but not all,
of the required inspections and verifications, which are UG-91 THE INSPECTOR
defined in the applicable rules, are summarized as follows: (a) All references to Inspectors throughout this Division
(-a) verifying that the Manufacturer has a valid mean the Authorized Inspector as defined in this para-
Certificate of Authorization [UG-117 (a)] and is working graph. All inspections required by this Division of Section
to a Quality Control System [UG-117( e)]; VIII shall be:
(-b) verifying that the applicable design calcula- (1) by an Inspector regularly employed by an ASME
tions are available [U-2(b), U-2(c), lO-S, and 10-lS(d)]; accredited Authorized Inspection Agency,35 i.e., the in-
(-c) verifying that materials used in the construc- spection organization of a state or municipality of the Uni-
tion of the vessel comply with the requirements of UG-4 ted States, a Canadian province, or an insurance company
through UG-14 (UG-93); authorized to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance,
(-d) verifying that all welding and brazing proce- except that
dures have been qualified (UW-2S, UW-47, and UB-42); (2) inspections may be by the regularly employed
(-e) verifying that all welders, welding operators, user's Inspector in the case of a User-Manufacturer which
brazers, and brazing operators have been qualified manufactures pressure vessels exclusively for its own use
(UW-29, UW-48, and UB-43); and not for resale [see UG-116(a)(1)].
(-fJ verifying that the heat treatments, including Except as permitted in (2) above, the Inspector shall
PWHT, have been performed (UG-SS, UW-10, UW-40, not be in the employ of the Manufacturer. All Inspectors
UW-49, and UF-S2); shall have been qualified by a written examination under
(-g) verifying that material imperfections repaired the rules of any state of the United States or province of
by welding were acceptably repaired [UG-7S, Canada which has adopted the Code.
UW-S2(d)(2)(-c), UF-37, and UF-47(c)]; (b) In addition to the duties specified, the Inspector has
(-h) verifying that weld defects were acceptably re- the duty to monitor the Manufacturer's Quality Control
paired (UW-SiCa) and System as required in 10.
(-i) verifying that required nondestructive exami-
nations, impact tests, and other tests have been performed UG-92 ACCESS FOR INSPECTOR
and that the results are UG-93, UW-SO, The Manufacturer of the vessel shall arrange for the In-
UW-Sl, UW-S2, and spector to have free access to such parts of all plants as are
a visual of vessel to confirm concerned with the supply or manufacture of materials for
that the material identification numbers have been prop- the vessel, when so The Inspector shall be per-
erly transferred and mitted free access, at all times while work on the vessel is
(-k) making a visual inspection of the vessel to con- being performed, to all parts of the Manufacturer's shop
firm that there are no material or dimensional defects that concern the construction of the vessel and to the site
UG-96, and of field erected vessels during the period of assembly and



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