PED 4 1st Activity

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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
PED 4 – Facilitating Learner-Centered Teaching

Name: ___________________________________ Rating: ________ Remarks: _________

Program & Year: _________________________________ Date Submitted: _____________________

Activity 1 – Take it from the Experts!

Instruction: Conduct a one-on-one interview with a new and seasoned teacher in your school, or among your
relatives and friends, or those within your neighborhood. List down his or her practices in terms of applying the
learner-centered teaching approach through asking the questions below. Allow them to support and give
instances or examples of their answers. Attach a proof of the conduct of the interview. You may write their
responses in a tabular form just like below:

Teacher A: New Teacher (below 5 years of Teacher B: Seasoned Teacher (more than 10
teaching experience) years of teaching experience)
1. Do you allow your students to set specific 1. Do you allow your students to set specific
learning goals for themselves? learning goals for themselves?

2. Have you experienced giving students the 2. Have you experienced giving students the
freedom to choose a topic for a course/subject freedom to choose a topic for a course/subject
requirement? requirement?

3. Have you experienced asking your students’ 3. Have you experienced asking your students’
input or opinion in deciding what topics to input or opinion in deciding what topics to
learn in a course/subject? learn in a course/subject?

4. Have you experienced giving your students a 4. Have you experienced giving your students a
chance to choose a type of assessment task chance to choose a type of assessment task
they can do to effectively demonstrate what they can do to effectively demonstrate what
you already know? you already know?

5. Do you frequently check first what your 5. Do you frequently check first what your
students already know about a certain lesson? students already know about a certain lesson?

6. Has collaboration among your students 6. Has collaboration among your students
emphasized more than competition in your emphasized more than competition in your
learning experience through your teaching learning experience through your teaching
experience? experience?

7. Have you experienced giving your students 7. Have you experienced giving your students
the opportunity to develop their self- and peer the opportunity to develop their self- and peer
assessment skills? assessment skills?

8. Have you experienced giving a flexible date 8. Have you experienced giving a flexible date
for submitting your students’ project? for submitting your students’ project?

9. Can you give some of the prominent 9. Can you give some of the prominent
approaches and strategies that you use in your approaches and strategies that you use in your
teaching? teaching?

Answer the following questions after the interview with the two teachers:

1. After conducting the interview, what was the most interesting response you received from your
interviewees? Why do you say so?
2. For item 1 – 8, who has the most response that fall on “Yes”? on “No”? How do you feel and what do you
think about the results of their responses?
3. Who do you think is more student-centered? Teacher-centered? Why?
4. Do you think that your length of you teaching experience impacts your teaching performance in general?
5. What do you think of the prominent activities that they use in their teaching?
6. For items which Teacher A and B answered NO, which of these would you have liked to really have or
experience in the past? Why do you say so?
7. What do you consider as the most noticeable practice of a learner- centered teacher?
8. What do you also observe as the most noticeable practice of the teacher-centered teacher?
9. If you had a more learner-centered teacher, how would feel about your learning experience?
10. On the other hand, if you had a more teacher-centered teacher, how would you feel about your learning

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