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AÑO LECTIVO: 2022 - 2023

Grado/Curso: Quinto Año


Nombre de la asignatura: ENGLISH 5EGB(22-23)


“God is Truth. There is no incompatibility between science and religion. Both are
speaking the same truth. Science shows that God exists.” Derek Barton received the
Nobel Prize in 1969 If you are reading this document, it is because the Science area is
looking forward to starting a year full of challenges and new knowledge as soon as
possible. This is a year where you will be able to see Science in a different way and where
you will be able to know the wonderful world that God created.

The thematic units to be covered in this course are supported, contrasted and confronted
with the principles and truths of God. Some of them are: • God says to us that we can
know the origins just believing in what He says. (Hebrews 11: 3) • God takes care of every
living being. (Genesis 2: 16-18) · When the things were created, the organisms were
adults, mature, complete and perfect. (Genesis 1:11-12) · And God said, “Behold, I have
given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with
seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.” (Gen 1:29) · The highest heavens belong
to the LORD but the earth he has given to mankind. (Psalm 115:16) · In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

English as a Foreign Language is a class that aims to develop student’s English

proficiency levels in five areas: communication and cultural awareness; oral
communication (listening and speaking); reading; writing; and language through the arts.
The English class is also meant to help students gain the necessary language skills to
study other subjects in a foreign language (Science). The curriculum is developed with
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Bible.

a.- LAES



Ask simple basic questions in class about their own

immediate environment in order to increase their
understanding of their own culture. Ref. EFL.3.1.1.
Attempt to identify who is speaking and what the
situation is when listening to short simple texts,
especially when accompanied by pictures or other
To be able to express, orally and written, simple and
visual aids, or sound effects. Ref. EFL.3.2.1. Attempt
short phrases sharing personal information;
1 BACK TO SCHOOL to understand some of the details of the content of a 5
characteristics, likes and reasons, their habits and
short simple text (online or print). Ref. EFL.3.3.1.
EFL.3.4.1. Make a simple learning resource in order
to record and practice new words. (Example: a
picture dictionary, a word list, set of flashcards, etc.)
Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a
specific common text through online or in-class ICT
activities. Ref. EFL.3.5.1.

Name basic personal pReferences with peers in order

to express likes and dislikes. Ref. EFL.3.1.3.
Recognize the main idea of short, clear, simple
messages and attempt to understand sentences. Ref.
EFL.3.2.7. Attempt to recognize the meaning of
specific content-based words and phrases. Ref.
Use language from the unit in a useful manner in
2 GOOD SPORTS EFL.3.3.3. Brainstorm ideas to describe yourself or 5
order to communicate.
other people, animals, places and things, with limited
support. (Example: by answering questions or using
key words) Ref. EFL.3.4.2. Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in pairs in class by
varying scenes, characters or other elements of
simple texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.2.

Describe appropriate classroom behaviors by

participating in small group or whole class
discussions. (Example: being courteous, respecting
the person and property of others, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.7. Attempt to record key items of information
from a heard message or description, either in written Students will be able to talk about diseases and
form or by drawing a picture. Ref. EFL.3.2.3. Show symptoms and give simple solutions to them. Use
3 HEALTH MATTERS some understanding of basic details in short simple language from the unit in a useful manner in order to 5
cross-curricular texts. Ref. EFL.3.3.2. Attempt to write communicate in oral and written form while learning
a short simple text, commonly used in print and the value of respect.
online, with appropriate language and layout. Ref.
EFL.3.4.3. Organize short, creative texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or at school in order
to recreate familiar scenes and themes. Ref.

Identify ways to relate responsibly to ones

surroundings at home and at school by exhibiting
responsible behaviors towards the environment.
(Example: chores at home, recycling, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.2. Attempt to spell out some key vocabulary
To recognize, represent and illustrate in written and
items using the English alphabet. Ref. EFL.3.2.8.
spoken form the key vocabulary words and
Attempt to use reading strategies to make text more
4 AFTER SCHOOL-CLUB grammatical features, and brainstorm ideas related to 5
comprehensible and meaningful. Ref. EFL.3.3.9.
the topic of the unit while recognizing the need that
Apply a questionnaire or survey for friends, family or
we have for Jesus in order to be with God forever.
classmates in order to identify things in common. Ref.
EFL.3.4.5. Work in groups to create a brainstorm
and/or draw a mind map to describe and attempt to
organize ideas or organize information from basic
texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.6.

Attempt to demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and

oral communication features in classroom activities.
Ref. EFL.3.1.8. Respond to some simple questions To be able to talk about food which includes naming
and initiate basic interaction when there are food, drink and meals and taking how often they eat
opportunities to speak. Speech is produced a little different food. To recognize, represent and illustrate
5 less slowly and hesitantly. Ref. EFL.3.2.13. Create in written and spoken form the key content related to 5
personal stories attempting to use appropriate the unit, and brainstorm ideas related to the topic of
vocabulary and elements of the basic literature the unit while acknowledging the fact that God has
learners have read or heard. Ref. EFL.3.5.4. Read commanded us to obey our authorities.
invitations, suggestions, apologies and requests. Ref.
Attempt to demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and
oral communication features in classroom activities.
Ref. EFL.3.1.8. Recognize and appreciate some
commonalities and distinctions across cultures and
groups, by asking simple WH- questions and simple,
aware statements. Ref. EFL.3.1.10. Provide a simple
description of a common object. Ref. EFL.3.2.15. To recognize, represent and illustrate in spoken form
Read and listen to information from a specific source the key content related to the unit, and use their
6 TECHNOLOGY in order to attempt to organize and discuss creativity to write short sentences while 5
relationships between academic content areas. Ref. acknowledging that everything we see has been
EFL.3.3.7. Attempt to write a simple narrative with created by God.
linking words on familiar subjects in order to express
everyday activities. (Example: free time, descriptions,
what happened last weekend, etc.) Ref. EFL.3.4.6.
Attempt to evaluate common texts (both written and
oral, online, in video or in print) according to pre-
established criteria. Ref. EFL.3.5.5.

Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for

social communication and attempting to describe
oneself. Ref. EFL.3.1.4. Attempt to understand some
changes in the topic of discussion if people speak Students learn to talk about building; this includes:
slowly. Ref. EFL.3.2.5. Attempt to recognize the naming parts of a building, talking about where they
meaning of specific content-based words and and others were at different times, making a phone
phrases. Ref. EFL.3.3.3. Apply learning strategies to call. To recognize, represent and illustrate in spoken
examine and attempt to interpret a specific written form the key content related to the unit, and write
material using prior knowledge. Ref. EFL.3.3.6. short sentences while acknowledging that God has
Describe feelings/opinions in order to attempt to given each of us talents and creativity which we
influence an audience. Ref. EFL.3.4.4. Engage in should use to praise Him.
collaborative activities through a variety of student
groupings to attempt to understand literature and
other literary texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.9.

Describe appropriate classroom behaviors by

participating in small group or whole class
discussions. (Example: being courteous, respecting
the person and property of others, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.7. Compare and contrast oral traditions,
myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and
international regions/cultures. Ref. EFL.3.1.9. Attempt
to react appropriately to what others say using
verbal/non-verbal back-channeling, or by asking basic
To recognize, represent and illustrate in written and
questions to extend the interaction. Ref. EFL.3.2.9.
spoken form the key content related to the unit, and
8 LETS PARTY Attempt to use everyday Reference material in order 5
write short sentences while acknowledging Gods
to select information. Ref. EFL.3.3.5. Understand
power in creation and His love for us.
short instructions illustrated through step-by-step
visuals in simple experiments. Ref. EFL.3.3.10. Read
stories, poems, songs, dances and plays including
those that Reflect traditional and popular Ecuadorian
culture, and attempting to observe the conventions of
the genre. Ref. EFL.3.5.8. Attempt to use the process
of prewriting, drafting, revising, peer editing and
proofreading (i.e., the writing process) to produce
daily texts. Ref. EFL.3.4.7.

Ask simple basic questions in class about their own

immediate environment in order to increase their
understanding of their own culture. Ref. EFL.3.1.1.
Attempt to identify who is speaking and what the
situation is when listening to short simple texts,
especially when accompanied by pictures or other
visual aids, or sound effects. Ref. EFL.3.2.1. Attempt To enable students to express must/ mustnt for
to understand some of the details of the content of a obligation and prohibition getting them to use direct
11 In the museum 5
short simple text (online or print). Ref. EFL.3.3.1. and indirect verbs in the context of events through
EFL.3.4.1. Make a simple learning resource in order history.
to record and practice new words. (Example: a
picture dictionary, a word list, set of flashcards, etc.)
Use audio, video and pictures to respond to a
specific common text through online or in-class ICT
activities. Ref. EFL.3.5.1. Be comfortable taking
meaning from spoken texts. Ref. EFL.3.2.2.

Name basic personal preferences with peers in order

to express likes and dislikes. Ref. EFL.3.1.3.
Recognize the main idea of short, clear, simple
messages and attempt to understand sentences. Ref.
EFL.3.2.7. Attempt to recognize the meaning of
To get students to connect ideas using connectors in
specific content-based words and phrases. Ref.
the context of countryside where they consolidate
12 The world around us EFL.3.3.3. Brainstorm ideas to describe yourself or 5
new vocabulary, action verbs in the past simple and
other people, animals, places and things, with limited
the use of could and couldnt to talk about past ability.
support. (Example: by answering questions or using
key words) Ref. EFL.3.4.2. Create picture books
and/or other graphic expressions in pairs in class by
varying scenes, characters or other elements of
simple texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.2.
Describe appropriate classroom behaviors by
participating in small group or whole class
discussions. (Example: being courteous, respecting
the person and property of others, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.7. Attempt to record key items of information
from a heard message or description, either in written
form or by drawing a picture. Ref. EFL.3.2.3. Show To enable students to talk about emergencies and
13 Danger some understanding of basic details in short simple background actions in the past using past 5
cross-curricular texts. Ref. EFL.3.3.2. Attempt to write continuous.
a short simple text, commonly used in print and
online, with appropriate language and layout. Ref.
EFL.3.4.3. Organize short, creative texts using ICT
and/or other resources at home or at school in order
to recreate familiar scenes and themes. Ref.

Identify ways to relate responsibly to ones

surroundings at home and at school by exhibiting
responsible behaviors towards the environment.
(Example: chores at home, recycling, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.2. Attempt to spell out some key vocabulary
items using the English alphabet. Ref. EFL.3.2.8. To get students to use prepositions of time at,in,on,
Attempt to use reading strategies to make text more consolidating the understanding of the use of past
14 Two return tickets 5
comprehensible and meaningful. Ref. EFL.3.3.9. simple and past continuous in the context of
Apply a questionnaire or survey for friends, family or travelling.
classmates in order to identify things in common. Ref.
EFL.3.4.5. Work in groups to create a brainstorm
and/or draw a mind map to describe and attempt to
organize ideas or organize information from basic
texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.6.

Attempt to demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and

oral communication features in classroom activities.
Ref. EFL.3.1.8. Respond to some simple questions
and initiate basic interaction when there are
opportunities to speak. Speech is produced a little
To enable students to consolidate used to when
less slowly and hesitantly. Ref. EFL.3.2.13. Read
talking about actions in the past which are not true
15 Police invitations, suggestions, apologies and requests. Ref. 5
now and obligations in the past using had to, within
EFL.3.2.14. Create personal stories attempting to use
the context of people descriptions.
appropriate vocabulary and elements of the basic
literature learners have read or heard. Ref. EFL.3.5.4.
Attempt to make use of a range of digital tools to
write, edit, written work in a way that supports
collaboration among peers. Rref. EFL.3.4.9.

Attempt to demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and

oral communication features in classroom activities.
Ref. EFL.3.1.8. Recognize and appreciate some
commonalities and distinctions across cultures and
groups, by asking simple WH- questions and simple,
aware statements. Ref. EFL.3.1.10. Provide a simple
description of a common object. Ref. EFL.3.2.15.
Read and listen to information from a specific source To enable students to compare animals using
16 Mythical Beasts in order to attempt to organize and discuss comparative and superlative adjectives in the context 5
relationships between academic content areas. Ref. of animals and science.
EFL.3.3.7. Attempt to write a simple narrative with
linking words on familiar subjects in order to express
everyday activities. (Example: free time, descriptions,
what happened last weekend, etc.) Ref. EFL.3.4.6.
Attempt to evaluate common texts (both written and
oral, online, in video or in print) according to pre-
established criteria. Ref. EFL.3.5.5.

Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for

social communication and attempting to describe
oneself. Ref. EFL.3.1.4. Attempt to understand some
changes in the topic of discussion if people speak
slowly. Ref. EFL.3.2.5. Attempt to recognize the
meaning of specific content-based words and To get students to talk about possession using
phrases. Ref. EFL.3.3.3. Apply learning strategies to possessive pronouns and give information about
17 Orchestra Practice 5
examine and attempt to interpret a specific written people, places and objects using the relative
material using prior knowledge. Ref. EFL.3.3.6. pronouns who, which, where in the context of music.
Describe feelings/opinions in order to attempt to
influence an audience. Ref. EFL.3.4.4. Engage in
collaborative activities through a variety of student
groupings to attempt to understand literature and
other literary texts. Ref. EFL.3.5.9.
Describe appropriate classroom behaviors by
participating in small group or whole class
discussions. (Example: being courteous, respecting
the person and property of others, etc.) Ref.
EFL.3.1.7. Compare and contrast oral traditions,
myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and
international regions/cultures. Ref. EFL.3.1.9. Attempt
to react appropriately to what others say using
verbal/non-verbal back-channeling, or by asking basic
To enable students to make predictions and
questions to extend the interaction. Ref. EFL.3.2.9.
In the planetarium/ At the questions about science (space) using will and verbs
18 Attempt to use everyday reference material in order to 5
campsite o manner. Also, to talk about expressions of quantity
select information. Ref. EFL.3.3.5. Understand short
in the context of holiday activities.
instructions illustrated through step-by-step visuals in
simple experiments. Ref. EFL.3.3.10. Attempt to use
the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, peer
editing and proofreading (i.e., the writing process) to
produce daily texts. Ref. EFL.3.4.7. Read stories,
poems, songs, dances and plays including those that
reflect traditional and popular Ecuadorian culture, and
attempting to observe the conventions of the genre.
Ref. EFL.3.5.8.



EVALUACIÓN LAES ¿A dónde quiero llegar, al finalizar el año? En este año deseo llegar a cumplir los LAES y una forma de verificar serán los siguientes





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