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Geomatics Techniques for Structural Surveying

Jon Mills1 and David Barber2

Abstract: Structural engineers may utilize geomatics techniques for precise and accurate measurements of discrete points, detailed
façade recording, and the production of engineering drawings and plans. Techniques commonly used include direct measurement using a
tape or gauge or, more recently, observations made from a reflectorless total station. Photogrammetric methods are also suitable for
structural surveying. Terrestrial laser scanners have recently taken large steps in development and have the potential to become a useful
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survey tool. An overview of current recording techniques along with an introduction to laser scanning is given, followed by details of a
test involving terrestrial survey, photogrammetry, and laser scanning at a site in the United Kingdom. Analysis of the results showed that
measurement to targeted points using the laser scanner was comparable to measurement using traditional stereo photogrammetric meth-
ods, although care needs to be taken to reduce the impact of mixed pixels and multipath occurring within the scanned scene.
DOI: 10.1061/!ASCE"0733-9453!2004"130:2!56"
CE Database subject headings: Photogrammetry; United Kingdom; Surveys; Structures; Measurement.

Introduction data without !as is required in photogrammetry" the need for in-
termediate processing.
Geomatics incorporates many disparate methods and technologies This paper outlines the use of photogrammetric and laser scan-
that offer surveying engineering and architects flexibility in the ning techniques in a real-world application: the survey of a his-
design and implementation of structural surveys and recording toric building façade. It gives both quantitative and qualitative
schemes. The safety of a structure and that of its occupants and assessment of the instrumentation, methodologies, and collected
users can be assessed using data collected by these methodolo- data. An introduction to the techniques will be given in the fol-
gies; they also provide the basis for decisions concerning the lowing sections with particular attention to the relatively new
maintenance and care of the building fabric, which may include technique of laser scanning. Results from the survey will then be
presented and discussed.
repairs, renovation, or redevelopment. Historic structures require
detailed records to be maintained, which allows academic study
to improve the understanding of a structure’s purpose and value.
Additionally, survey data is vital in the event of fire or other Overview of Terrestrial Photogrammetry
destructive event !Dallas et al. 1995".
Three-dimensional measurements using photogrammetry are pos-
Techniques commonly used for structural measurement in-
sible in two principle network configurations, stereo and multista-
clude tape measurements combined with hand recording, and op-
tion !Fig. 1". Stereo photogrammetry has been traditionally ap-
tical methods, such as theodolite intersection !Banister et al.
plied to topographic mapping using imagery from airborne
1998". In Europe especially, image-based methods such as recti-
platforms !Wolf and DeWitt 2000"; however, it may also be used
fied photography and stereo-photogrammetry are well utilized. in terrestrial applications when the viewing of stereopairs as
High precision applications may use converging multistation pho- three-dimensional models may be useful for the interpretation of
togrammetric networks that allow precise point measurement and data in addition to three-dimensional measurement. Commonly, a
rapid three-dimensional modeling on a standard desktop or laptop film-based metric survey camera is used that incorporates a fixed-
PC. More recently active methods, including reflectorless elec- focus low-distortion lens, film flattening, and other features to
tronic distance measurements !EDM" and time-of-flight laser improve the quality of measurement. Nowadays, measurement
scanning systems, have been developed. In particular, laser scan- can be performed using analytical plotting instruments or digital
ning systems have potential to be used for structural recording, photogrammetric workstations, the latter requiring the scanning
because they rapidly produce large amounts of three-dimensional of the film negative, or the capture of imagery directly using a
digital camera. Digital systems allow semiautomated measure-
PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, ment and the production of orthorectified photography, previously
Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. difficult using analytical methods alone !Bryan et al. 1999".
PhD, Post Doctoral Research Associate, School of Civil Engineering Multistation convergent networks !Fig. 1" use more than two
and Geosciences, Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, images !typically many more", allowing the use of superior net-
UK. work design with a larger observation redundancy, thus improv-
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2004. Separate discussions
ing accuracy, precision, and reliability !Fraser 1996". The increase
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing in observation redundancy often permits this method to use non-
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- metric cameras, because self-calibration can be performed within
sible publication on March 25, 2002; approved on August 30, 2002. This the adjustment procedure !Fryer 1992". Commercial software
paper is part of the Journal of Surveying Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 2, such as Photomodeler, 3D Builder, and Kodak Dimension !Mills
May 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9453/2004/2-56 – 64/$18.00. et al. 2000" are just three low cost software packages that may be


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

Fig. 3. Beam divergence !O’Shea et al. 1977"

tector is formed as illustrated in Fig. 2. A known baseline between

the laser source and detector and measurement of the interior
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angles of the triangle allows the XY Z coordinate of the object

Fig. 1. Principle photogrammetric network configurations point to be calculated. Using a mirror, the laser can be deflected
over the object and multiple XY Z coordinates can be obtained.
Scanners of this type afford precise high-resolution measurement;
used to perform this method of measurement. The development of however, as the distance from the scanner to the object increases,
the internet now means that photogrammetric measurement may the angles become smaller and harder to measure and, conse-
even be made online !Drap and Grussenmeyer 2000". Advances quently, the measurement becomes less precise. In addition, as
in high-resolution digital cameras, which eliminate the need for range increases the visibility of the laser source decreases, further
film processing and provide inherent image stability, complement limiting measurement precision. For these reasons, triangulation
the use of multistation convergent networks by allowing an en- systems are generally limited to short ranges, commonly less than
tirely digital measurement workflow. Digital cameras also allow 2 m, and are therefore inefficient for use on the large objects and
greater flexibility in network planning, because there are fewer structures typically found in structural applications such as façade
restrictions on the number of images that can be captured as com- measurement. It is, however, interesting to note that triangulation
pared to their film-based counterparts !metric film cameras have a scanners can provide measurement, in optimum configurations, to
reputation for being difficult to use, while digital cameras tend to better than 10 microns.
be based on simpler, more familiar, 35 mm SLR camera design". Scanners more relevant to large scale applications are time-of-
Such developments have improved the efficiency of photogram- flight systems that measure range to an object point using timed
metric measurement and made photogrammetry accessible to pulse or phase comparison methods. Timed pulse systems utilize
nonspecialists. a pulsed diode laser, enabling them to operate at longer ranges
than triangulation systems. By measuring the time between the
emission of a pulse of laser energy and the detection of the re-
Overview of Laser Scanning flected signal, the sensor to object distance can be calculated. This
technique of range measurement is similar to the method em-
Although laser scanning in a survey environment may be associ- ployed by the Distomat DI-3000 EDM instrument. Timed pulse
ated more with airborne applications such as terrain modeling for scanners can typically measure upwards of 1,000 points per sec-
flood risk assessments !Wehr and Lohr 1999", terrestrial laser ond with an accuracy from 6 to 100 mm, depending on the range
scanners are also available. Terrestrial laser scanners operate on and system in question. There is an increasing number of models
one of three principles: triangulation, time-of-flight, or phase available, with systems developed by Cyra Technogies Inc. !Gor-
comparison. Triangulation scanners record an object’s shape don et al. 2001", Callidus Precsion Systems GmbH !Niebuhr
using trigonometry. They generally use a Class 1 laser !IEC 2001" 2001", and Riegl Laser Measurement Systems GmbH !Ullrich
to emit a point or stripe of laser light, and a charged coupled et al. 2001" operating on this principle.
device !CCD", mounted at an offset to the laser source, to detect Through the use of continuous wave !CW" lasers, scanners
the returning laser energy. In order to perform a measurement, a based on phase comparison allow increased rates of data capture
triangle between the laser source, the point on the object where as compared to pulsed systems. For example, Zoller and Froehli-
the laser strikes the surface !the object point", and the CCD de- ch’s LARA 25200 produces up to 625,000 points per second !Zol-
ler and Fröhlich 2002". The principle uses the phase shift between
the transmitted and received wave to calculate the range to the
object point !Heinz et al. 2001". This concept is analogous to
contemporary EDM equipment that also uses phase comparison
to determine range.
As laser energy is emitted from the laser it diverges, causing
the instantaneous field of view !IFOV" of the laser to grow in size
in proportion to the range traveled. The angle of divergence for a
particular laser allows the size of beam to be calculated !from
edge to edge" for a particular range. The edge of the beam is
normally taken to be the level where the intensity of the beam
drops below 37% !Fig. 3". Divergence is normally quoted in mil-
liradians, allowing a simple estimation of the IFOV, or footprint,
of a particular beam; a beam with a divergence of 1 mrad grows
Fig. 2. Triangulation laser scanning
in diameter by 100 mm for every 100 m traveled.


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

In both timed pulse and CW-based systems, the laser is the sphere can then be used as a targeted point despite no direct
scanned over the subject using either a rotating mirror, mechani- observation to that point. As the same point will be derived from
cal movement of the laser source, or through a combination of the scanning any side of the spherical target, the scanning network is
two. The resolution, or horizontal and vertical spacing between more versatile as a result. In practice, a combination of intensity
data points, is determined by the amount of movement of the and shape targets are often used.
mirrors or the scanner assembly and the range at which the scan- Once registered, the preparation of measurements, drawings,
ner is operating. It is normal to use the same resolution in both the and models from the scan cloud can begin. Such information
horizontal and vertical axis in order to prevent bias in the descrip- extraction may involve algorithms to fit computer-aided design
tion of horizontal or vertical features. For example, if a brick wall !CAD" primitives, such as planes and cylinders, to the point data.
is scanned with a higher resolution in the vertical axis, the hori- It may also involve using a meshed surface to produce contours,
zontal mortar joints are more likely to be recorded than the ver- sections, or rendered models. Such processing is generally carried
tical joints; without knowledge of the differing horizontal and out using a manufacturer’s proprietary software and may then be
vertical resolutions, a user may believe this is a true representa- transferred to a commercial CAD package. Direct use of point
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tion of the wall. However, in practice, especially with subjects data in standard CAD packages or within standard survey soft-
with large depth variations, it is difficult to get a homogeneous ware is generally impractical due to the large amount of data in
resolution over an entire scan scene. This must be noted when question, although some software and CAD plugins do allow the
using and presenting scanner data. manipulation of scan clouds within CAD software.
Cartesian coordinates are calculated using the angle of deflec-
tion !horizontal and vertical" and range to a single point observed
to by the scanner !Wunderlich 2001". These coordinates are based Case Study: Survey of Hastings Tower, Ashby
on an arbitrary reference frame with its origin at the scanner Castle
location. One scan results in many points being measured and a
point or data ‘‘cloud’’ is the outcome. Scanning from different The advantages of laser scanning as compared to existing tech-
positions may be required in order to overcome occlusions within niques stems from the high rate-of-capture and density of three-
a scene; however, as each scan is referenced to an arbitrary coor- dimensional data !Boehler et al. 2001". Structural applications
dinate system, it is necessary to transform scan clouds into a previously unsuited to traditional taped measurements or photo-
common reference frame before use. This process is known as grammetry, such as the recording of large statues and monuments,
registration. may now be possible with laser scanning. Therefore, the compari-
The registration of scan clouds involves determining the pa- son of scanning, especially with image-based survey is of great
rameters of a three-dimensional transformation to rotate and interest to engineers who require structural survey information or
translate the scans to a single reference frame. A common method who perform structural monitoring. Quantitative assessment of
used in the processing of data from triangulation scanners, but accuracy and precision is required to provide confidence in scan-
equally applicable to data from time-of-flight systems, is the ner data, while qualitative judgments are useful for practitioners
matching of shapes using techniques such as the iterative closest wishing to make effective use of this new technique. Previous
point algorithm !Besl and Mckay 1992; Pulli 1999" where two or tests to provide benchmark information performed by Lichti et al.
more sets of scan data with overlapping coverage are mathemati- !2000" used reflective targets on a first-order EDM baseline and at
cally compared to obtain the transformation parameters. How- a high-precision dam-monitoring network. The project described
ever, in order to transform the data to a known reference system, in this paper selected a complex architectural subject and col-
for example, a site coordinate system, a traditional transformation lected photogrammetric and laser scanner data in order to allow a
is required involving the identification of control points and itera- comparison of the two techniques.
tive least squares estimation of the transformation parameters. The south façade of Hastings Tower, a partially ruined 15th
This is the method of registration often used by time-of-flight century structure, part of Ashby Castle located to the northeast of
systems, rather than shape matching, and normally involves the Birmingham, U.K., was selected as a suitable site !Fig. 4". This
use of targets to identify conjugate points. As error in the mea- provided a suitably stable and complex subject with various sur-
surement of a targeted point will affect the accuracy of the trans- face textures !including areas of smooth masonry and areas of
formation parameters, it also affects the absolute accuracy of the deteriorated stonework" and allowed testing of the scanner at
transformed scan cloud; therefore, the accuracy of individual tar- ranges up to 80 m.
geted points are important even when only surface measurement, Operating the scanner over longer distances has obvious ad-
rather than discrete point measurement, is of interest. vantages in terms of time !and therefore cost". The test provided a
The ideal choice of target varies from scanner to scanner, but real-world application of the survey techniques, a fact that was
methods of measurement are based on either intensity or shape. emphasized by the variety of weather conditions encountered at
Where systems allow the intensity of the reflected pulse to be the time of the survey !heavy rain and winds, accompanied by
measured, highly reflective targets may be used. When control periods of bright sunshine". This was not a laboratory-controlled
points are scanned at a sufficiently high resolution, returning sig- experiment, a deliberate decision so as to provide a good descrip-
nals with high intensity can be identified as returns from the tar- tion of the problems encountered in the normal survey environ-
get. However, as reflective targets work poorly at acute angles, ment.
such targets may restrict the geometry of the scanning network. Eighty retroreflective targets !Beyer 1992" were attached to the
Where more flexibility is required, or when using systems that are main façade of the tower. These were distributed mainly on the
unable to record intensity, three-dimensional shape targets may be lower portion of the façade, although some targets were placed at
used. These targets can be reduced to a single common point from higher levels where possible. The targets were designed to be
a scan of the target from any direction. For example, the data compatible with all the methodologies in the test !this included
cloud of a spherically shaped target can be used to recover the theodolite intersection and polar observations using a total sta-
parameters of the sphere !i.e., location and size". The location of tion", allowing the comparative analysis of techniques. The tar-


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

Table 2. Average Standard Deviation !1 Sigma" and Root-Mean-
Square !RMS" Error of Analytical Photogrammetry Measurement
Standard deviation !mm" RMS error !mm"
2.4 11.9 2.7 2.3 9.9 2.2

a combination of the intersection and range observations. All pro-

cessing was performed using the STAR*NET least squares adjust-
ment package.
Network preanalysis using STAR*NET estimated a precision
of !1 mm at the 1 sigma level for intersection observations, and
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!2 mm for polar methods. Table 1 shows the average precision of

the targets for the four methods calculated using the STAR*NET
adjustment package. The average standard deviation of the coor-
dinates achieved using the intersection observations is better than
1 mm in X and equals 1 mm in Z. In Y, however, it is twice the
value estimated by the network preanalysis. As predicted by the
preanalysis, the polar measurements are of lower precision than
Fig. 4. South façade of Hastings Tower, Ashby Castle the intersection measurements, but are mostly below 2 mm. The
combination approach produces the best result, with all axes
achieving a standard deviation of 1 mm or better. Although the
precision of measurement did not quite meet the estimated preci-
gets were attached a day prior to measurement to allow the adhe- sion due to errors in observation, these values indicate that the
sive to become firm, ensuring stability for the duration of the data are suitable for use as control data.
A local site system was established for the test site with the
X-axis running from left to right along the façade, the Y-axis Multistation Convergent Photogrammetry
perpendicular to the main face of the façade, and the Z-axis ver- A Kodak DCS660 camera was used to observe a 10-image mul-
tical. Control observations were made using a total station, and tistation convergent photographic network. The DCS660 is part of
two photogrammetric networks, one stereo and one multistation, the Kodak DCS series of digital cameras !Fraser and Shortis
were observed. These two networks used a film-based metric 1995; Shortis et al. 1998". It is a professional ‘‘off-the-shelf’’
camera and a nonmetric digital camera, respectively. Hastings camera incorporating a 3,040 by 2,008 CCD sensor, producing an
Tower was then scanned from four different scanner positions image containing over 6 million pixels. The retro-reflective tar-
!from three different ranges", with multiple scans made at each gets were illuminated using a flashgun to produce highly signal-
location. ized points in the imagery and thereby permitting automated mea-
surement using centroiding algorithms !Clarke et al. 1993". The
Terrestrial Survey network was processed using a self-calibrating bundle adjustment
with internal constraints. 1,113 observations were used in the ad-
Horizontal and vertical angles were observed from two survey justment with a redundancy of over 800 observations; scale and
stations that were positioned to allow favorable intersecting connection to the local site system was provided using measure-
angles, while simultaneously allowing line of sight to the majority ments from the terrestrial survey. All image measurement and
of the targets. A Leica TCRA1003 total station was used for all adjustment computations were performed using the Vision Me-
observations; this instrument has 3 seconds of arc angular preci- trology System !VMS" !Robson and Shortis 1998". The average
sion with a range measurement precision of !2 mm"2 ppm to standard deviation of the target coordinates estimated from the
reflective tape !Leica 1998". Three rounds of angles were ob- covariance matrix of the least squares adjustment was 0.2, 0.4,
served from each station, and distance observations were also and 0.2 mm in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respectively. In this case, as
made to each point allowing the target coordinates to be calcu- with the terrestrial survey, the network was restricted to camera
lated using four methods, intersection from both stations, polar stations in front of the façade. The precision of the measurement
observation from station 1, polar observation from station 2, and in the Y-axis is therefore of slightly lower precision than the X-
and Z-axes; however, the relatively high precision of this method
!as compared with the terrestrial survey" allows it be used with
confidence as a comparative dataset for the assessment of the
Table 1. Average Standard Deviation !1 Sigma" Taken from
STAR*NET Adjustment of Terrestrial Survey
stereo photogrammetry and laser scanning methodologies.

Standard deviation !mm"

Stereo Photogrammetry
Method X Y Z
Stereo photography was captured using a Wild P32 metric cam-
Intersection 0.5 2.0 1.0
era, with a camera to object distance of approximately 22 m,
Polar from station 1 1.1 3.0 1.1
providing an average photo scale of 1:350. Sixty-six targets were
Polar from station 2 1.1 2.0 2.0
visible in the stereopair, of which seven were used to orientate the
Combination 0.2 1.0 1.0
stereomodel using the coordinate values obtained from the bundle


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

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Fig. 6. Scan of Hastings Tower, shaded by intensity

Laser Scanning
Fig. 5. Riegl LMS Z210 scanner on site at Ashby Castle
Laser scanning of Hastings Tower was performed using a Riegl
LMS Z210 scanner manufactured by Riegl Laser Measurement
Systems GmbH, Austria !Riegl 2001". The system uses a timed
adjustment. A trained photogrammetric operator then used a Zeiss pulse method of range measurement, rotates mechanically in the
P3 first-order analytical plotter to measure the coordinates of the horizontal plane, and uses a rotating polygonal mirror to deflect
remaining 59 targets. Measurement was repeated 10 times for the beam in the vertical !giving a system field of view of 333° by
each point; Table 2 shows the average standard deviation of the 80°". The quoted precision of angular measurement is !0.018°
measurements and the root-mean-square !RMS" error as com- for the rotating mirror and !0.036° for the mechanical move-
pared with the coordinate values from the bundle adjustment !not ment. Range precision is quoted as !25 mm"20 ppm. With a
including the seven control points". mean divergence of 3 mrad, the footprint of the laser energy is
As with both the total station and bundle adjustment coordi- 150 mm at 50 m. A standard 12-volt car battery is used to power
nates, the Y-axis has the lowest precision. The parallax Eq. !1" can the system and a laptop computer acts as a control and data stor-
be used to evaluate the precision of measurement theoretically age unit with the scanner itself normally mounted on a survey
possible in the Y-axis; tripod !Fig. 5".
Laser scanning was performed at 30 m !Positions 1 and 4", 50
dh#dp !"d
sf (1) m !Position 2", and 80 m !Position 3" from the main face of the
facade. !The two scans at 30 m were used to investigate how a
where dh#standard deviation of height measurement; slight change in the aspect of the scanner affects the results." At
dp#precision of parallax measurement; d/b#base to distance each position, multiple scans were collected to allow an assess-
ratio; and s f #scale factor of the photography. Rearranging Eq. ment of precision. The resolution of the scan varied depending on
!1" results in range, with a resolution of approximately 50 mm at 30 m, 100
dh mm at 50 m, and 150 mm at 80 m. Although the targets were only
dp# (2) 50 mm in diameter, the divergence of the laser beam meant that
sf returns from the targets were received at all three ranges. Targets
were extracted from the scan data using the manufactures soft-
In this case, using the standard deviation of the depth !Y-axis" ware, LPM-Scan, which uses a centroiding technique, similar to
measurement, the parallax value can be calculated as 8 #m. The target measurement in VMS, to extract features of high intensity
P3 should be capable of eliminating parallax up to 1 #m !Zeiss !Pfeifer and Rottensteiner 2001". Fig. 6 shows an image formed
1987", which would result in a theoretical precision of 1.4 mm for from the intensity of returns received from the tower at Position 1
measurements in the Y-axis. Use of Eq. !2", therefore, indicates
that optimum precision has not been achieved. Although measure-
ment precision, in part, relies on the stereoscopic acuity of the
operator, it also depends upon target visibility and size. Targets
that are too large make it difficult to return to the same point each
time. Although the target design was considered a good compro-
mise for this test, the targets were required to be used with three
different methodologies and therefore the targets may have been
too large for optimal stereoscopic measurement. The RMS error
of all three axes is within the standard deviation of measurement
and shows that no systematic error was present in the measure-
Fig. 7. Standard deviation of range for targets extracted at Position 1
ments. The mean error in all these axes was less than 1 mm.


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

Fig. 8. Standard deviation of range for accepted targets extracted at
Position 1
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!note the targets of high intensity on the lower area of the tower." Fig. 10. Standard deviation of range for different areas of scan from
Fig. 7 shows the standard deviation of range measurement for all Position 1
targets at Position 1.
After data collection, outlier detection using the t-test was per-
formed in order to assess the quality of the data. However, despite Having rejected the outliers, the average precision of range
this process, it is clear from Fig. 7 that some targets show a low measurement was 7.2, 10.0, 10.5, and 8.7 mm for Positions 1– 4,
precision of range measurement !for example, target 174 has a respectively. At each position, the target coordinates used to ori-
range standard deviation of over 0.5 m". In order to make an entate the stereo-photogrammetry were used to transform the re-
effective assessment of the scanner, all targets with a standard maining targets onto the local site coordinate system. The stan-
deviation outside the 99% probable error limit !based on the dard deviation and RMS error !as compared to the
manufacturer’s standard deviation" were considered to be in error photogrammetric bundle adjustment" for each target is given in
and rejected. Five targets were removed from Position 1, with Table 3.
three, four, and two targets removed from Positions 2, 3, and 4, At Position 1, the standard deviation of the X-axis is 9.4 mm,
respectively. This procedure was applied to all four positions; Fig. and at Position 3 it is 14.4 mm. At Position 2, however, it is
8 shows the standard deviation of range measurement for the approximately 60% larger than Position 3, despite the lower range
accepted targets at Position 1. from 80 to 50 m. The Z-axis also has a higher standard deviation
For all four positions, targets close to ground level and near at Position 2 than at Position 3. The Y-axis is the axis of lowest
stonework edges with large relief changes were most likely to be precision for all four locations and becomes less precise as range
gross errors. It is noticeable that Position 4, the second at a range increases. Both Positions 1 and 4, both at 30 m, show a similar
of 30 m, had fewer gross errors than Position 1, also at 30 m. Fig. precision of approximately 6.0, 16.0, and 7.5 mm in X, Y, and Z,
9 details the location of targets in error at Positions 1 and 4. respectively. The RMS error of Positions 1 and 4 in the X and Y
Fig. 10 is an image formed from the repeated scans performed axes is within the precision of the measurements; however, at
at Position 1. The standard deviation of range measurement across both positions the RMS error value for the Z-axis exceeds the
the scanned area is shown by the intensity of the pixel at that standard deviation. The RMS error exceeds the precision of mea-
location. Predictably, the trees located to the sides of the image surement in the Z-axis at all four positions. All RMS error values
have a high standard deviation !as the wind would move the trees for the Y-axis are within the standard deviation of measurement.
during scanning and they are at long range and relatively thin";
however, other areas of low precision occur at the edges of the
tower. The high standard deviation only occurs at edges where Discussion
large depth displacements occur, for example, between the tower
and the sky. Terrestrial Survey
Traditionally, discrete point measurement has involved the tech-
nique of intersection, particularly for provision of photogrammet-
ric control and monitoring applications. Polar positioning to one
reflective target has been possible for a number of years, and
recently reflectorless total stations have allowed measurement to
nonsignalized points. The results of the terrestrial measurements
demonstrate the precision of both intersection and polar measure-

Table 3. Average Standard Deviation !1 Sigma" and Root-Mean-

Square !RMS" Error of Laser Scanning
Standard deviation !mm" RMS error !mm"
Position !m" X Y Z X Y Z
1 30 9.4 15.6 6.9 6.1 11.7 7.4
2 50 22.6 28.3 19.4 16.9 13.2 21.9
3 80 14.4 36.0 17.5 30.8 23.0 21.7
Fig. 9. Location of removed points at Positions 1 and 4 4 30 8.4 15.6 8.3 5.5 7.7 14.5


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

Fig. 11. Multipath effect in laser scanning

Fig. 12. Mixed-pixels effect in laser scanning

ments; the best result was achieved by a combined approach
using angles and distances from both survey stations. Although
the choice of intersection or polar measurement depends on the where the apparent range to the target has been increased due to
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required measurement precision, the results achieved in this test reflections on the surrounding stonework !Fig. 11". A second ef-
argue for the use of polar measurement with its obvious advan- fect is that of mixed pixels, where the reflected energy from a
tage of speed and comparable precision to intersection methods. single pulse is received from two surfaces separated by a large
However, it should be stressed that the lack of observation redun- distance !Fig. 12". Mixed pixels !Hancock et al. 1998" are more
dancy in this method requires care in the planning and execution likely to occur in scanners with a large IFOV !lasers with a large
of measurement to avoid data integrity problems, such as having angle of divergence" and with points located close to edges with
insufficient observations to position a particular point. large depth separations. The points removed from the assessment
could be attributed to either multipath or mixed pixels; additional
work would be required to investigate this further. It is interesting
to note that the second 30 m position, which was located 4 m to
The bundle adjustment results obtained in this test demonstrate the left of the first 30 m position, had only two targets removed.
the ability of photogrammetry to determine high-precision object This suggests that errors in target measurement can be reduced
coordinates of discrete points. The high precision of the solution via proper positioning of both the targets and scanner. Fig. 10
has allowed this method to be adopted as a standard with which shows the standard, for the whole scanned scene, at Position 1,
the laser scanning and stereo-photogrammetry could be com- and highlights the repeatability of range measurements to nontar-
pared. The more conventional method of stereoscopic measure- geted points. Edges with a large depth displacement show the
ment highlighted the lower precision of stereo-photogrammetry in highest standard deviations; possibly indicating that the mixed-
the depth axis; this must be properly considered when planning a pixel effect is the cause.
photogrammetric survey that is to meet project tolerances.
Methodology for Recording
Laser Scanning: Target Precision
Although measurement accuracy is an important part in the selec-
By applying the special law of the propagation of variances !Wolf tion and adoption of a particular survey method, its ability to
and Gillihani 1997" to the laser scanning instrument variances supply an appropriate result quickly and efficiently must also be
quoted by the manufacturer, a value of 18 mm in each axis of considered.
measurement can be calculated for scans performed at Position 1. Image capture for photogrammetry can be difficult for the in-
The observed results for the X-axis show a standard deviation of experienced, as use of metric cameras requires careful planning of
half that value, approximately 9 mm in each axis. The Y-axis also camera stations and targeting networks. Although high resolution
has a precision of less than 18 mm. This may be attributed to the digital sensors are currently available, they are expensive and
method used to reduce the scan data to a single targeted point; a generally nonmetric in design; therefore, the majority of photo-
weighted average used to extract the high intensity targets from grammetric survey in architectural recording is performed using
the scan data may have improved the measurement precision of film. Suitable lighting conditions are required for good quality
an individual point. More surprisingly, given the angular resolu- photography, and not all locations will easily allow stereo-
tion of the vertical mirror as compared to the horizontal, the stan- coverage to be achieved; for example, its use in small restricted
dard deviation for the Z-axis is much better than expected. Con- areas may not be suitable. In addition to a development process,
sultation with the manufacturer suggested this effect is due to the scanning of the film may be required to allow the use of digital
variation of energy over the IFOV of the laser; in general, the photogrammetric workstations. These stages must be completed
variation of energy in a beam of laser energy is not an even before measurement can begin and further expand the photogram-
distribution !Hecht 1998; Riegl, personal communication, 2001". metric work flow. Furthermore, the use of stereo models from
In the case of the Riegl LMS Z210, the variation of energy is less which to plot detail is a specialist skill requiring training and
significant in the vertical axis than the horizontal; this has resulted experience to ensure high quality products are delivered.
in a higher precision in the Z-axis despite the instrument having a Despite limitations, the use of photogrammetry for the produc-
lower angular resolution in this direction. tion of vector drawings is an established technique, particularly in
Europe, and is capable of producing three-dimensional line draw-
ings with a very high level of detail. Good quality metric photog-
Laser Scanning: Target Errors
raphy alone is a valuable product for the assessment of building
Two effects may explain the cause and location of the targets condition, or as the basis for historical research and analysis.
removed from the assessment due to their low range precision. Photogrammetry also allows products in addition to traditional
The first is a multipath effect !Runne et al. 2001", more com- line drawings. The collection of the surface models, collected
monly associated with global positioning system applications, through automated or semiautomated photogrammetric methods,


J. Surv. Eng. 2004.130:56-64.

Downloaded from by Qatar University Library on 12/24/14. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 14. Meshed model of Hastings Tower !produced using Cyra

Fig. 13. Orthophoto of wall end section, Hastings Tower, Ashby Technologies Cyclone 3.0 software"
Castle !produced with LH Systems SOCET SET"

paper plans and drawings, is difficult, as the scan data loses much
allows the investigation of important details in the topography of of its value when not viewed in three dimensions. The production
an object such as tool marks or areas of weathering. The collec- of suitable deliverables is set to become an important part of laser
tion of a surface model allows the production of orthophotogra- scanning for structural survey.
phy. Orthophotographs are images that have been transformed
from the perspective projection of a photograph to an ortho-
graphic projection used on a map or plan. The surface model is Conclusion
used to remove distortions due to changes in relief. Fig. 13 shows
an orthophotograph of part of the wall end section at Hastings The methodologies used to perform structural survey are of great
Tower, produced using LH systems SOCET SET photogrammet- interest to engineering surveyors where the efficient use of tech-
ric workstation. This scaled image could be used as the basis for niques and instrumentation is a main priority, especially in the
additional survey work with observations on key points of con- specification and planning stages. The tests described here have
struction, or with important details of deterioration added by an compared the established methods of terrestrial survey and pho-
appropriate specialist. togrammetry with the relatively new technique of laser scanning.
For simple point measurement, for example, in the monitoring The analytical photogrammetric measurement achieved a pre-
of stonework, the multistation convergent network could be used. cision of 2.4, 11.9, and 2.7 mm in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respec-
It would also be possible to produce simple vector detail to tively, for the measurement of targeted points, while a multista-
supplement reports and presentations. Although this method of tion convergent solution achieved a precision of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.2
photogrammetry requires network planning, it is less restrictive as mm in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respectively, demonstrating the
compared to stereo photogrammetry. However, as multistation advantage of this technique in applications where high precision
convergent networks are generally used with nonmetric or semi- is required. The laser scan data collected at 30 m by the Riegl
metric cameras, the image quality can be lower than that pro- LMS Z210 scanner has shown that a precision of 9.4, 15.6, and
duced by a metric camera. The quality of an image for archive 6.9 mm in the X-, Y-, and Z-axes, respectively, is achievable for
purposes may be an important issue for some projects. the measurement of targeted points, and the values are compa-
The products that could be produced from scan data in this rable with the analytical photogrammetric measurement. How-
application rely upon modeling the scan cloud as a meshed ever, gross errors in the measurement of some targets as com-
model. Fig. 14 shows a meshed model of the scan data, collected pared with the other techniques and analysis on the repeatability
at 30 m, produced using Cyra’s Cyclone software. Large gaps are of scans has highlighted the effect of mixed pixels on scanner
visible in areas occluded from the scanning location, and further data with errors occurring at edges with large depth displace-
scans would obviously be required to fully record this subject. ments. Although in this test targets in error could be identified by
!This may be difficult in some areas due to restrictions of access, their low range precision, it is possible other situations would not
for example at high levels, although this would also be difficult allow this, and the target’s coordinate would be recorded with a
for other techniques such as photogrammetry". From this model, suitable precision but also contain a large systematic error. Care-
sections may be taken to show the building profile at different ful planning of target and scanner positions can reduce this prob-
levels. The relatively small amount of effort required to produce lem; however, it would be wise not to overlook other established
this model is in stark comparison to the large amount of work techniques. It is recommended that further work should concen-
required in obtaining this type of data by any other means. How- trate upon improving the ability of scan data to precisely record
ever, the use of this data in a traditional sense, for example, in edges, possibly by augmenting laser scanning with other survey


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