Biology Mock Paper 3

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F.3 Biology

Final Examination

Mock Paper 1

Exam No: _______

Date: ________ Score: _____ / 120

Section A (MCQ) (40 marks, 2 marks each)

1. In which of the following pairs of carbohydrates can Benedict’s test be used to distinguish
the two carbohydrates from one another?

(1) glucose and maltose

(2) sucrose and maltose
(3) glucose and starch
(4) sucrose and starch

A. (1) and (3) only

B. (1) and (4) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (2) and (4) only

2. Which of the following combinations of compounds are made up of the same elements?

A. ribonucleic acid and amino acid

B. phospholipid and cholesterol
C. cellulose and protease
D. triglyceride and glycogen

3. Which of the following statements about the life processes of living organisms is correct?

A. Growth is the increase in complexity of an organism.

B. Plants do not excrete.
C. Organisms obtain nutrients from food by a process called breathing.
D. Both animals and plants have movement.

4. A student proposed that eating oranges can speed up the recovery from a cold. What
prediction could be made based on this?

A. Orange juice can stop the multiplication of viruses in our body.

B. People who eat an orange every day have a smaller chance of catching a cold than
people who eat carrots.
C. Eating oranges can prevent people from catching respiratory diseases.
D. People who eat an orange every day recover from colds more rapidly than those who
don’t eat oranges.
5. The diagram shows an experiment using an enzyme from the stomach. The tube is placed
in a water bath at 37ºC.
1cm3 enzyme
added and stirred

10 mins

2cm3 cloudy clear mixture

suspension of
egg protein

The suspension might have become clear more quickly if

A. more egg protein suspension had been used

B. the mixture had not been stirred
C. the temperature had been increased to 70ºC
D. hydrochloric acid had been added

6. A student wants to use an ordinary light microscope to observe a pig liver sample. A slide
with the pig liver sample is put on the stage of the microscope.

Below are some steps in using a light microscope:

(1) Focus with 10X objective
(2) Turn the fine adjustment knob until the image becomes clear
(3) Focus with 40X objective
(4) Search the field with 10X objective
(5) Turn the coarse adjustment knob to until the objective is above the slide
(6) Move the slide until the protist is located in the centre of the field

Which of the following is the most reasonable sequence of steps for the above study?

A. (5), (1), (4), (2)

B. (2), (4), (3), (6)
C. (5), (2), (1), (6), (3)
D. (5), (2), (6), (4), (3)

7. Which structures would be clearly observable at magnification of 400X?

A. chloroplasts
B. mitochondria
C. smooth ER
D. ribosomes
8. Which of the following statements about enzymes is incorrect?

A. Enzymes are inactive at extreme temperatures.

B. There could be more than one specific enzyme to catalyse the same reaction
C. When enzymes encounter the same substrates, they produce the same products.
D. Enzymes break down disaccharides to monosaccharides through condensation.

9. Catalase is an enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and releases oxygen. A
student used the following set-ups to investigate whether potatoes contain catalase or not.

hydrogen peroxide solution

raw potato disc boiled potato disc


setup 1 setup 2
The student observed that a gas was collected in setup 1 but not in setup 2. In order to
conclude that potatoes contain catalase, what additional steps should be taken?
(1) Prepare a setup containing hydrogen peroxide solution but without the raw potato
(2) Prepare a setup containing distilled water and raw potato discs.
(3) Test whether the gas collected contains oxygen.

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

10. Which of the following comparisons between DNA and RNA is incorrect?

A. consists of two polynucleotide chains consists of one polynucleotide chain
B. contains thymine contains uracil
C. contains deoxyribose contains ribose
D. does not contain phosphate contains phosphate

11. Which of the following comparisons between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells is

Eukaryotic cells Prokaryotic cells

A. ribosomes attached to the rough ER only ribosomes lie free in the cytoplasm
B. nucleus with membrane nucleus without membrane
C. unicellular or multicellular structure unicellular structure
D. have true nucleus no true nucleus
12. Which of the following is a unicellular organism?

A. ribonucleic acid
B. mesophyll tissue
C. respiratory system
D. blood vessel

13. Which of the following descriptions of water is correct?

A. Water is an organic solvent.

B. Water is can dissolve glycogen.
C. Water provides turgidity in plant cells to support leaves
D. Water has a low specific heat capacity.

Questions 14 and 15 refer to an experiment in which four potato strips were weighed and
immersed separately in four different liquids. The strips were reweighted after one hour. The
results are shown in the following table.

Liquid Initial mass of potato strip (g) Final mass of potato strip (g)
W 10 11.2
X 12 12.6
Y 10 10
Z 11 9.6

14. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the results of the experiment?

A. Liquid W is distilled water.

B. Liquid X has a higher water potential than liquid W.
C. Liquid Y has the same water potential as that of the cell sap of the potato cells.
D. Liquid Z is a concentrated sucrose solution.

15. The diagram below shows a cell taken from the potato strip immersed in liquid Z.

1 2

Which numbered structure allows the solute to pass through freely?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Questions 16 and 17 refer to the diagram below, which shows the nutrition label of a food

Nutrition information Per serving

Energy 62 Kcal
Protein 3.1g
Total fat 3.5g
- Saturated fat 2.4g
- Trans fat 0g
Total carbohydrate 4.6g
- Dietary fibre 0g
- Sugars 4.6g
Sodium 44mg
Calcium 110mg

16. Which of the following food substances provides most of the energy content in this food

A. saturated fat
B. carbohydrate
C. protein
D. sodium

17. The food product bearing this nutrition label is most likely to be

A. potato chips
B. chocolate cookies
C. barbeque sausages
D. pop tart

18. Which of the following statements about experiments in correct?

A. Experiments are repeatable

B. Experiments are performed by scientists only
C. Experiments must not include controls, or it would be difficult to interpret the result.
D. Experiments are done at the very beginning of a scientific investigation.

19. Mitochondria release energy in the form of

A. glycogen
B. adenosine triphosphate
C. omega-3 fatty acids
D. sugar phosphates

20. The body mass index is measured as

A. lbs / m2
B. lbs / cm2
C. kg/ m2
D. kg/ cm2
Section B (T/F) (30 marks, 2 marks each)

1. Excretion only exists in the form of sweat and urine.

( True / False )
2. Anatomy is the study of cells which are the basic units of life.
( True / False )
3. The nitrogenous base of deoxyribonucleic acids includes adenine, thymine, guanine and
( True / False )
4. There are 20 types of amino acids, in which nine are non-essential acids.
( True / False )
5. Magnesium is a minor component of bones and teeth.
( True / False )
6. Proteins are a source of energy when the body uses up the reserve from lipids.
( True / False )
7. At low temperatures, the kinetic energy of both the substrate and enzyme molecules is low,
therefore enzymes are inactive.
( True / False )
8. Amylases may be used making baby food to pre-digest some of the protein in the food.
( True / False )
9. A severe deficiency of protein in the diet during starvation causes kwashiorkor.
( True / False )
10. Human enzymes work best at pH7.
( True / False )
11. Excess amino acids are broken down in the liver by a process called deamination.
( True / False )
12. The presence of sucrose can be tested by heating with Benedict’s solution.
( True / False )
13. Deficiency of vitamin D may cause osteoporosis in young children.
( True / False )
14. Dietary fibre stimulates peristalsis and causes constipation.
( True / False )
15. Phospholipids are the main component of cell membranes.
( True / False )
Section C (LQ)

1. The following electro micrographs A and B show two organelles.


these TWO


(b) (i) Name the important biological activities that are carried out by these TWO organelles

(ii) What is the importance of the biological process that is carried out by EACH of them?

(Q1: 5 marks)
2. The following is the structural formula of a compound made up of two identical units.

(a) (i) Name this compound.

(ii) Name the main category of biomolecules to which this compound belongs to.
(iii) Name two other compounds that are in the same category.
(b) (i) Name the unit that forms this compound.
(ii) Name the reaction that breaks down this compound into the two simpler units.
(iii) Name the enzyme in the human body that can break down this compound.
(Q2: 7 marks)
3. The following diagram represents the model of a macromolecule present in the nucleus

C R2 F
R1 B


(a) (i) Name the full name of the molecule represented by this model.
(ii)What name is used to describe the structural shape of this model?
(iii) What is the importance of this model?
(b) (i) Name the molecules labelled A – E.
A: __________________________________________________________________
B: __________________________________________________________________
C: __________________________________________________________________
D: __________________________________________________________________
E: __________________________________________________________________
(ii) Name the bonds labelled R1 and R2.
R1: _________________________________________________________________
R2: _________________________________________________________________
(c) What is the significance of the sequence of C and D to the cell?
(d) What is the specific relationship between C and F between D and G?
(Q3: 14 marks)
4. The following diagram shows the activity of enzymes which are under different conditions.
Curve A represents the enzyme under optimum conditions. Curve B represents the conditions
with the addition of chemical X. Curve C represents the conditions with the addition of
chemical Y.

Curve A (enzyme alone)

Curve B (enzyme + chemical X)

Enzyme activity (arbitrary

Curve C (enzyme + chemical Y)

Substrate concentration (arbitrary unit)

(a) Describe and explain the changes in the rate of enzymatic reaction shown by curve A.
(b) Describe and explain the effect of chemical X on the rate of enzymatic reaction.
(c) Describe and explain the effect of chemical Y on the rate of enzymatic reaction.
(Q4: 12 marks)
5. A nutritionist recommends that people of different ages should eat different amounts of the
main food groups. This is so they have enough energy and can stay healthy. The table below
shows the nutritionist’s recommendations. The values in the table are mean values for the
different groups of people.
Children under Women under Women over 50 Men
11 years old 50 years years
Energy in kJ 4000-9250 8500 8000 or fewer 11500

Fat in grams 35 65 65 88

Protein in 40 50 50 63
Carbohydrate 150 304 304 410
in grams
Sodium in mg 1500 2000 1500 2000

Fibre in 26 30 30 30
Calcium in 1300 1000 1200 1000
Vitamin C in 25 40 40 40
Iron in mg 15 18 8 8

(a) (i) The table above shows that men need more energy each day than women. Suggest
two reasons why.

(ii) Which nutrient in the table above supplies most of each day’s energy?
(b) A woman under 50 years of age and a woman over 50 need different amounts of iron
each day. Explain why.

(c) Women over 50 and children under 11 need more calcium each day than women
under 50. Explain why.

(d) The nutritionist recommends that a child under 11 years old needs 40 grams of protein
each day. This might not be the correct amount of protein for each child under 11
years. Suggest two reasons why.
(Q5: 12 marks)

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