Grant - Early Bird Acceptance Grant 5 Per Cent Terms & Conditions

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Mailing address

La Trobe University
Victoria 3086 Australia


F + 61 3 9479 3660

Collins Street CBD
Early Bird Acceptance Grant – 5% Franklin Street CBD

Congratulations on being nominated to receive an Early Bird Acceptance Grant – 5%

Terms and Conditions

La Trobe considers you an international student if you are:

• a citizen of a country other than Australia, or New Zealand.
• are not a humanitarian or other permanent visa holder.
• a temporary visa holder.
1. This grant will be applied to your second semester of study at La Trobe University and will be applied against your tuition fees owing
at that time.
2. This grant is for both full-time and part-time study (where the part-time study is approved and compliant with visa conditions).
3. This grant is only offered to full fee-paying and non-sponsored international students.
4. This grant will only cover 5% of your first-year tuition fees stated on the Offer Letter and will not apply to any extension of studies due
to underloading of enrolment, a leave of absence or unsatisfactory academic progress.
5. This grant may not be valid if you defer the commencement of your course to a study period later than the period of
commencement detailed in your letter of offer.
6. This grant is non-transferable.
7. This grant will not apply to tuition fees of any subject you withdraw from after the census date. If you choose to withdraw from a
subject after the census date, you will be liable to pay the full tuition fees for that subject.
8. You will not be required to repay the University the value of all scholarship discounts if you withdraw from your course in opting for
an 'Alternative exit' (refers to exiting your course at an earlier stage by completing a different award to the one you were originally
enrolled in), provided such award and exit has been approved by the University in accordance with its policies.
9. Once you have exited your current program as per conditions 8 above, you will no longer be able to retain any unused grant
components for any future commencements.
10. If you do not commence your course, discontinue your enrolment, or your enrolment is withdrawn by the University, or you do not
continue to be eligible for the scholarship offered, the scholarship will be withdrawn or stopped by the University.
11. The above terms and conditions may be updated during the period of your study. In such a situation, you will be notified via your
La Trobe email with any changes.
12. By accepting this grant, you agree to be involved in marketing and recruitment activities during your time as a student at La
Trobe University.

Accepting and Securing a Grant

1. There are limited grants available, and therefore grants are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.
2. Meet all conditions (if applicable) outlined in your course Letter of Offer.
3. Accept your offer by paying the full acceptance deposit listed on your Letter of Offer and return your completed Offer
Acceptance Form for International Students to La Trobe International, ensuring you also complete the Scholarship Details
4. You must commence your course at La Trobe University by the date listed on your Letter of Offer to secure your grant.
5. Return this completed form with your acceptance by uploading it to your application portal or returning by email to

ABN 64 804 735 113

CRICOS Provider 00115M

To be completed by student:

I have read, understand and agree to the above terms and conditions above, and would like to accept an Early Bird Acceptance Grant (please
tick the appropriate box below):
 Yes
 No, I do not wish to accept this bursary.

Student Name (please print): ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________________________ LTU Student ID: ______________________________

LTU Course: Intake (Sem/Year): ____________________________

_________________________________________________________ (Please
return the completed form to


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