Thermodynamics Final Make Up

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Marmara University-Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

ME2063 Thermodynamics I– Final MAKE UP Exam

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1)exam executer
(40 pts)during
in a piston/cylinder setup at 2000 kPa pressure and 290 K temperature
(see below figure). Air reaches 1000 kPa pressure and 400 K after an expansion process
during which transferred heat to the air is 100 kJ/(kg air). Determine a) the per unit mass
entropy change of air (kJ/kg-K) and b) per unit mass work performed by the air. Air is an
ideal gas with variable specific heats. (for air R= 0.287 kJ/kg-K).

at 300 K, 0.5 MPa

2) (40 pts) Exhaust of a turbine is transferred to a closed, initially empty tank of 50 m3,
as seen in the above figure. The gas passes through the turbine is nitrogen. Temperature and
pressure of nitrogen at the turbine inlet are 300 K and 0.5 MPa, respectively. Gas transfer to
the turbine stops when the tank pressure is 0.5 MPa, at which point the temperature of
nitrogen is 250 K. Assuming the turbine and tank are adiabatic, compute a) work production
of the turbine per unit mass of transferred nitrogen to the tank b) exit temperature of nitrogen
from the turbine. Nitrogen is an ideal gas with constant specific heats. (for nitrogen R= 0.2968
kJ/kg-K, cp=1.039 kJ/kg-K, cv=0.743kJ/kg-K).

3) (20 pts) One kilogram of helium in an insulated piston/cylinder at 47°C and 1000
kPa is expanded in a reversible process to 500 kPa, as shown in the above figure. Find a) the
final temperature of helium gas and b) the final volume of helium gas. Helium is an ideal gas
with constant specific heats. (for helium R= 2.0769 kJ/kg-K, cp = 5.1926 kJ/kg-K, cv = 3.1156

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