4th Quarter Caregiving - 102214

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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Manambong Norte, Bayambang

4th Quarter Examination in TLE 10

Name:_______________________________________ Year and Section:_____________________

Multiple Choice: Shade the letter of the correct answer using the answer sheet provided. Use black ballpen.
1. During an emergency, a health care provider should.
a. ask for help b. stay calm c. do nothing d. panic for more energy
2. The following are reasons why most elderly are prone to accidents, except
a. living longer may bring frailty or cognitive impairment
b. decreased mobility makes response times slower
c. illness or medications can cause dizziness and unsteadiness
d. strong bones from young age
3. what will you do if you see someone on the floor?
a. ask for help b. begin CPR c. ask if he/she is okay d. do nothing
4. When are you going to start CPR?
a. if you see someone lying on the floor b. if the person is lying on the floor and breathing
c. if the person is unconscious d. if the person is not breathing and no heartbeat

5. When do you call for help?

a. if the person is not breathing b. if the person has no heartbeat
c. if the person has injuries d. all of the above

6. Where will you post your emergency plan?

a. room corner b. in the bathroom c. back door entrance d. the refrigerator.
7. The following are guidelines when making emergency plans, EXCEPT
a. contains name of pet dog. b. should be up to date
c. contains current medications d. emergency contact numbers

8. The following are contents of a service plan, EXCEPT

a. risk factors b. safety precautions c. instructions to client d. favorite food
9. The following are guidelines when asking for help on emergency numbers, except
a. stay calm b. ensure the client is safe c. state the nature of the emergency d. none of the above
10. CPR is a medical procedure which may revive a client who is not breathing and has no heartbeat. What does CPR
stands for?
a. cardio – polycystic resuscitation b. cardio-pulmonary resuscitation
c. cardiac – polymer remission d. cardio-pulmonary rescue

11. It is also known as a severe allergic reaction to food, medicine.

a. hypotension b. burns c. anaphylaxis d. fracture

12. The following are ways to manage bleeding, EXCEPT

a. apply pressure bandage b. direct pressure on wound c. use sterile dressing d. none of the above
13. The following are ways to manage burns, except
a. removing burn from heat source c. immerse in running water
b. apply grease or oil d. apply cold water

14. The following are signs and symptoms of a person having stroke, except
a. body weakness b. drooping on one side c. slurred speech d. impending doom
15.The following are risk factors for falls, except
a. lack of sleep b. weakness of lower body c. poor vision d. medications
16. The following are signs of cardiac arrest, except
a. no pulse b. no circulation c. blurred speech d. bluish gray skin
17. the following are first aid for fracture, except
a. preventing fractured area from moving c. giving massage to fractured area
b. apply support on affected area d. ask for help
18.The following are signs of heat exhaustion, except
a. warm, clammy skin b. nausea c. weakness d. eye redness
19. The following are diseases that puts a client at risk of falls, except
a. arthritis b. diabetes c. Parkinson’s d. Covid-19
20. What is your initial response if a client suddenly falls?
a. call for help b. check for injuries c. let him rest d. assist in getting up
21. if the individual complains of pain, the caregiver should..
a. call for help b. check for injuries c. let him rest d. assist in getting up
22. If you have assessed that the individual is injured after the fall, you should
a. not move the person b. assist him/her in getting up c. ask for help
d. do nothing
23. Where should telephone be placed in a client’s bedroom?
a. near the door b. on bedside table c. far end of room d. outside the room
24. Which of the following guideline may prevent fall?
a. putting walker near the door c. leaving used clothes on the floor
b. exercising to improve strength d. using slip mats on bathrooms
25. The following side effect of medication may cause falls?
a. itchiness b. nausea c. headache d. drowsiness
26. The three elements of fire are…
a. oxygen, carbon dioxide, fuel c. air, paper, heat
b. oxygen, heat, fuel d. fuel, fire, carbon dioxide
27. Which fire extinguisher category will put out burning wood?
a. Class A b. Class B c. Class C d. Class D
28. Class B fire extinguisher will put out the following combustible material.
a. cardboard, plastics c. gasoline, kerosene
b. electrical equipments d. all of the above
29. Class C fire extinguisher will put out the following combustible material.
a. cardboard, plastics c. gasoline, kerosene
b. electrical equipments d. all of the above
30. You cannot extinguish fire in the situation that follows, except
a. the fire is spreading c. the fire is too large
b. the type of extinguisher is wrong d. the fire is small
31. When using a fire extinguisher, where will you aim?
a. at the top of the fire c. at the entire fire
b. at the side of fire d. at the bottom of the fire
32. How many second does a fire extinguisher power have?
a. 10 seconds c. 30 seconds
b. 20 seconds d. 40 seconds
33. How to know if a fire extinguisher is still working?
a. gauge is under pressure c. fire extinguisher is expired
b. pin is already pulled d. pressure is still normal
34. When using the fire extinguisher, the acronym PASS stands for…
a. Pull the pin, Aim the hose, Squeeze, Sweep
b. Pull the pin, align the gauge, squeeze, sweep
c. Pick the extinguisher, Allow time to pass, smoothin the floor, smell for leaks
d. pull the pin, aim the hose, stay away, sweep
35. Means of fire spread via direct contact.
a. radiation b. convection c. conduction d. condition
36. When entering a new building, what should we look out for first?
a. fire exit, fire extinguisher c. cafeteria, water source
b. comfort room, light switch d. all of the above

37. The following are guidelines to prevent fire at home, except

a. unplug all electrical equipment when not in use
b. maintain proper housekeeping
c. familiarize and keep emergency exits marked
d. leave phone charging on so it is full when you come back
38. The following are guidelines to prevent fire at work place, except
a. familiarize location of fire alarm
b. enforce “Smoking area” policy
c. avoid overloading of electrical circuits
d. regularly conduct emergency drills
39. in case of fire, you should…
a. stay calm, think and act d. all of the above
b. notify other persons on your way out
c. never go back to the burning building
40. The following are basic fire safety features of a building, except
a. CCTV b. sprinkler system c. fire hose cabinet d. emergency exits
41. When maintaining supplies, you should do the following except.
a. maintain list of items in short supply c. have a shopping list posted on the refrigerator
b. adapt to the client’s household d. leave the work on supplies to the family members
42. Defrosting of freezer should be done.
a. monthly b. weekly c. daily d. yearly
43. The following are guidelines when cleaning the refrigerator, except
a. clean inside and outside c. check for spoiled food
b. use soft wet cloth and mild soap d. clean the interior electronic of the refrigerator
44. When hand wash dishwashing, the order of cleaning should be.
a. plates, pots and pans, glasses c. glasses, plates, pots and pans
b. glasses, pots and pans, plates d. pans, plates and glasses
45. Why should we only run the dishwasher when full load?
a. to save water c. to save dishwashing soap
b. to save electricity d. all of the above
46. When cleaning the bathroom.
a. clean from dirtiest to cleanest c. wear gloves
B. clean the ceiling last d. use bleach solution (10:1)
47. when cleaning floors, you should
a. change mop frequently c. not flush dirty water down the toilet
b. use strong cleaning chemicals d. use water only
48. when do you empty trash?
a. daily b. every 2 days c. every 4 days d. once a week
49. When doing laundry..
a. check labels for special washing instructions
b. turn dark clothes inside out
c. sort clothes by colors
d. all of the above
50. The following are guidelines when handling soiled linens, except
a. Put soiled linens on the floor
b. put on gloves before handling soiled linens
c. use bleach
d. put linens in plastic bags.

Prepared by:

Teacher III Checked by:

Head Teacher Approved:


Principal I
Answer key:

1 b 26 b
2 d 27 a
3 c 28 c
4 d 29 b
5 d 30 d
6 d 31 d
7 a 32 a
8 d 33 d
9 d 34 a
10 b 35 c
11 c 36 a
12 d 37 d
13 b 38 b
14 d 39 d
15 a 40 a
16 c 41 d
17 c 42 d
18 d 43 d
19 d 44 c
20 b 45 d
21 b 46 c
22 a 47 a
23 b 48 a
24 b 49 d
25 a 50 a

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