Chapter of Rose Croix Ritual (18º, Supreme Council of Holland (South Africa), 1962)

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Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree in

Holland (South-Africa)
Rose Croix Chapter


Opening of Elu Chapter

M.W.S., lifting up sceptre with left hand: Ven. Bro. J.W., approach the Throne that I may
communicate to you my orders.
S.W. lifts up his sword in his right hand at same time that M.W. raises his sceptre.
J.W. approaches throne, kneels.
M.W.S., *: To order BB. lays head of sceptre on shoulder of J.W.: Ven. J.W., I create you
Senior Councillor to watch over the safety of the Council. Perform the first duty of that
office and satisfy yourself that all the brethren present are Elect Masters.
J.W., rises, bows to M.W.S. and to S.W., returns to seat, rings bell three times, lights and
takes up lantern and poignard, examines the B.B. and, being satisfied, gives loud knock and
stands to order: Most Wise, all here present are Elect Masters.
M.W.S.: Ven. Bro. S.C., is this Council tiled?
J.W.: Most Wise, the Council is safe.
M.W.S.: What time is it?
J.W.: M.W.S. the sun rises above the horizon.
M.W.S., *: N… N….
J.W.: BB., follow me claps hands. N… N….
M.W.S.: This Council of Elect Masters is open. Be seated.
Reception in Elu Degree
M.W.S.: B.B., you all sympathise with the sorrow I feel on account of the detestable murder
of our Architect. You know what fruitless endeavours have hitherto been made to discover
the culprit and to punish him as he deserves. The Most Powerful, King Hiram, my
particular friend, who is seated on my right, has come hither to consult with us about that
event. Let us ascertain what advice his prudence will suggest in this matter.
S.W., at Tableau: Behold Ven. BB., the beloved pledge left behind by our immortal Master.
Its tears call loudly upon us to perform our duty. The sight of this orphan reminds us of his
example and his virtues, and causes our regret for his loss to be the greater. Can we thus
hesitate any longer to avenge the murder which has been committed by the punishment of
the culprit?
J.W., immediately rises to order with his poignard: BB., follow me N… N….
M.W.S.: May the G.A. of the U. enlighten us. May Justice govern us. Be seated.
Announcement of Candidate
M.C. gives signal.
J.W., giving loud knock: M.W., our meeting appears to have been betrayed.
M.W.S.: May the betrayer receive the retribution which his base action merits.
S.W.: M.W., if I believe my heart and hope the person who knocks may be able to give
some Information. Let us however proceed with caution; let him be disarmed and secured
and then conducted into our presence to answer such questions as may be put to him.
M.W.S.: BB., you have heard the prudent counsel of my friend, the most powerful Hiram.
Does the adoption of his suggestion meet with your approval?
BB. approve.
M.W.S.: Ven. Bro. Senior Councillor, ascertain who knocks and what he desires.
J.W. at door: Who knocks here?
M.C.: A Bro. Master Mason.
J.W.: What does he desire?
M.C.: To make an important disclosure. His hands are stained with blood and he is armed.
J.W. on return: M.W., a Bro. M.M. is announced; he wishes to make some important
disclosure; his hands are stained with blood and he is armed
M.W.S.: Let our resolution be carried into effect; secure him and let him enter.
J.W. leads in candidate.
M.C. locks door and places himself to S. of candidate.
J.W.: M.W., behold the Bro. M.M.; he has been disarmed.

Trial of Candidate
M.W.S.: Bro. M.M., what do you desire?
M.C., answering: The reward which is due to me.
M.W.S.: What! and your hands are stained with blood.
Who are you?
M.C.: A faithful M.M,
M.W.S.: Whence then the blood which testifies against you?
M.C.: From my zeal, fidelity and courage.
M.W.S.: How do you prove it?
M.C.: By being able to show the ferocious animals I have slain.
M.W.S.: Where did you encounter them?
M.C.: At the entrance of the cavern within which the murderers of Hiram Abiff concealed
M.W.S.: You are trying to deceive me by strategem.
M.C.: Punish me if I do not speak the truth.
M.W.S.: What then do you desire?
M.C.: I beseech you to grant me the necessary assistance to enable me to deliver the
murderers of Hiram Abiff into your hands either alive or dead.
M.W.S.: And what proof do you give me that you are not deceiving me?
M.C.: I subject myself to all the punishments which are pronounced against high treason.
M.W.S. (to S.W.): Most Powerful, are you satisfied?
S.W.: M.W., I shall be satisfied when crime is punished.
M.W.S.: Ven. Bro. Senior Councillor, release the Bro. M.M., restore his weapon and let him
go forth with eight M.M.'s, so that he may secure the culprits and deliver them into our
J W. unbinds candidate, returns his poignard and request the candidate to follow his
actions. Swinging poignard three times round his head says with each movement: I promise
to be faithful. Candidate is then taken our, blindfolded, brought back for journeys and
taken outside and seated on chair.
J.W.: Fear not, Bro., take courage. When I have given three knocks uncover your eyes. You
are now at the entrance to the cavern in which the murderers are concealed. I leave you
alone that you may discover them. Knocks given.
J.W.: Take courage, Bro. Take this lamp to lighten your way through the cave. You will
find there a fountain; drink out of it and quench your thirst. Armed with poignard, slay all
that obstruct your path, defend yourself therewith against any wild animals and render
yourself worthy to be an Elect Master. Journey starts.
J.W. at fountain: You must be exhausted. Take some water to quench your thirst.
J.W. at beast: Slay this ferocious beast lest he impede your way.
J.W. at figure: See, Bro., how crime brings its own punishment. The murderer has taken his
own life; his bloody dagger still lies near him. Cut off his head and let us carry it to the
Most Wise with the dagger as a sign that the murder of Hiram Abiff has been avenged.
J.W. outside middle chamber: Drink of this water to cool your passion. Return as fast as
you can to the M.W.S., fall on both knees and place the head and poignard before him.
Let nothing hinder you.
M.W.S. as candidate approaches: N… N…. Unfortunate man, what crime hast thou
J.W. showing dagger: This blood, and the dagger which it stains, do not testify against this
M.M. Faithful to his promise he has fulfilled it. His heart, filled with deep indignation at the
murder of the most worthy of Masters, sought, with renewed courage, zeal and fidelity and
caution to avenge it. Persistent in following the murderers, he discerned the leader of them
in a cavern and would have desired nothing better than, in accordance with your command,
to have delivered him into your hands, but he found him lifeless, the criminal had
committed suicide. His head, severed from his body, serves as a sign of his criminality. His
blood avenges the memory of our immortal Master in the eyes of injured humanity and in
the eyes of justice.
S.W.: Vice is punished and Virtue has conquered. M.W., the result far exceeds my
expectations. As a weak and shortsighted human being I looked for the punishment of
crime at the hand of man, but the G.A. of U. has intervened, the voice of an irresistible
conscience has avenged us. The laudable zeal of a faithful M.M. has accomplished all our
destinies. Reward him therefore; he has proved himself worthy to superintend our labours.
M.W.S.: Well let it be so. The contempt of vice, the acknowledgment of Virtue, is the most
noble use we van make of the divine faculties of our mind. To the candidate: Worthy
M.M., we trust you will now, more than ever, seek always to remain the sincere vindicator
and advocate of Virtue, that you will endeavour to imitate the Deity in doing well and in
practising Justice in a manner honourable to humanity. Henceforth you belong to the Elect
in building the Temple, if you are willing to take the Obligation by which Elect Masters are
bound. Are you willing to do so?
Candidate: I am.
M.W.S.: Ven. Bro. Senior Councillor, place him at the altar in a humble position so that he
may take the Obligation.
J.W. places candidate on both knees, right hand on Bible, holding in his left hand a
Compass and Dagger.
M.C. takes Banner and proceeds to S. of Altar.
J.W.: M.W., the Bro. M.M. is ready to receive the Obligation.
M.W.S. calls BB. to order and holding Sceptre against forehead of candidate: I promise as
an honest and faithful man in the presence of this meeting that I will not divulge to anyone
the secrets connected with the Degree of Elect Master, that I will keep unto my death this
my voluntary obligation, and may contempt be my lot if ever I violate this promise.
M.W.S. to candidate: Bro., are you willing to confirm this promise? If so, say "This I
Candidate: This I promise.
M.W.S.: Rise, duly obligated Bro.
M.W.S.: Conduct Bro. M.M. to the W. and instruct him to return from there with the steps
of an Elect Master to the Altar that I may communicate to him the Words, Signs and Grips
and thereafter proclaim him.
M.C. does this, after which secrets are imparted.
M.W.S.: Bro. M.C., conduct the Candidate to the Ven. Bro. S.C. so that he may repeat the
signs, grip and words.
M.C. executes command.
J.W.: M.W.S., the Bro. M.M. has repeated to me the signs, words and grip.
M.W.S.: BB., assist me in creating an Elect Master. J.W. proceeds with Candidate to Altar.
M.C. takes banner and places himself behind Candidate.
M.W.S. proceeds to Altar, lays point of sceptre on Candidate's right shoulder and says: In
the name of the Sublime Chapter , I appoint and create you an Elect Master. Rise, Bro.
Elect Master. I again draw your attention to the motto on your sash: "To conquer or die".
Never forget that it is only destined to assist in the punishment of vice. Thus is virtue
avenged. Be seated.
Bro. S.C.: Conduct Candidate to the West.
J.W. executes command.
M.W.S.: Ven. Bro., you are now an Elect Master and have the superintendence of the work
in the building of the Temple. Never forget that Vice will be punished and that Virtue will
conquer. Let us be determined to vanquish or die. You may now take your seat among the
members of this Council. Imitate their example and be attentive to what will be further
submitted for your instruction. Bro. M.C., conduct the Bro. Cand. to a seat in the North
Bro will you please give the legend of this degree for the benefit of our newly elected
Master and others assembled here.
When Hiram, King of Tyre, was informed of the murder of Hiram Abiff he immediately
waited upon King Solomon for the purpose of inciting him to avenge the deed by a just
punishment. When together in Council, word was brought to King Solomon that a stranger
craved admittance, wishing to make some important disclosures. Upon his admittance it
was seen that his hands were stained with blood. He declared that he was a shepherd living
in the mountainous parts of Palestine, call Ben Achar; that in pursuance of the King's
command that the murderers should be apprehended and brought before him, his suspicions
had fallen upon three strangers who were lurking about in that neighbourhood. He followed
them to their retreat in a dense forest, where he had been attacked by ferocious animals and
severely wounded, Being unable to capture the culprits single-handed he had come to the
King for assistance.
King Solomon thereupon convened a meeting of Master Masons and informed them that he
required nine of their number to assist him in an important undertaking, and not wishing to
give preference to anyone in particular, he left the choice of the nine to be decided by
ballot, stipulating only that the first name drawn should be the leader. The names of all
were placed in an urn and the nine were selected, the first to be drawn being Joabim.
King Solomon gave them strict instruction that they must proceed under the guidance of the
shepherd and capture the three miscreants, bringing them bound before him; and they
departed on the morrow.
Having arrived in the vicinity of the indicated place, they saw two persons fleeing
therefrom as if in fear at their approach. They pursued them with all their might and,
overhauling them, the two in their fear and confusion to escape the punishment which they
knew would await them precipitated themselves from a high rock into the abyss below and
so lost their lives.
Their leader, Joabim, however, observing that the dog of their guide, the shepherd, was
following some almost imperceptible footprints on the ground, went forward by a zig-zag
path through the rocks, ultimately arriving at a cave, in which he found Abiram, the chief of
the murderers, seated at a table upon which was a lighted lamp and a poignard, apparently
awaiting the return of his accompliees. Terrified upon seeing Joabim advancing upon him,
armed, unable to escape, and realising the doom which awaited him, exclaimed in despair
N… N… and with a stab of the poignard ended his miserable life.
As proof to King Solomon of the death of the murderer, Joabim severed the head from the
On coming out of the cavern his fellow Masters, who had now overtaken him, seeing the
gory head and supposing that, in a state of excitement he had slain Abiram, censured him,
offering him water to cool his passion. Upon his explanation, however, they were satisfied
and returned to the King, at whose feet Joabim laid the head of the murderer.
King Solomon was at first displeased, thinking that in revenge, they had executed Abiram,
but, upon being fully informed, he expressed his satisfaction and, upon the recommendation
of King Hiram, he granted the worthy Master Masons the honourable name of Elect
Masters, granting them the privilege thereafter of carrying a poignard suspended from a
black sash as a token of distinction, and as a further mark of his favour he appointed them
superintendents of the erection of the Temple.
The principle which, as you will have observed it is sought to inculcate in this degree, is the
Justice demands the punishment of Vice. The Elect Master must learn how to satisfy that
demand, not to avenge himself upon the malefactor but to make Virtue triumphant so that
Justice and Truth may ever prevail.
M.W.S. to Candidate: I shall now proceed to put some questions to the Bro. Senior
Councillor for your further instruction.
Ven. Bro. Senior Councillor, are you an Elect Master?
J.W.: Yes, M.W., I am.
M.W.S.: How can I verify that?
J.W.: By sign, grip and word.
M.W.S.: Give me the sign.
J.W. gives sign.
M.W.S.: Give me the grip.
J.W. gives grip to nearest brother.
M.W.S.: Where were you made an Elect Master?
J.W.: In the secret council of King Solomon.
M.W.S.: What led to your promotion thereto?
J.W.: My desire to assist in the apprehension and punishment of the murderers.
M.W.S.: Who was the murderer?
J.W.: Abiram.
M.W.S.: How did you discover him?
J.W.: By dark and unknown ways.
M.W.S.: Who was your guide?
J.W.: An unknown one.
M.W.S.: Where was this man Abiram?
J.W.: In a dark cavern reached through a forest.
M.W.S.: What did you flnd in the cavern?
J.W.: The traitor Abiram who, upon my approach, laid violent hands upon himself. I found
also a fountain, a poignard and a lamp.
M.W.S.: To what purpose did all these serve?
J.W.: The lamp shed light on that dismal scene, the fountain served to quench my thirst
which, through fatigue, had become almost unbearable, while the poignard demonstrated
that Vice is punished and Virtue rewarded.
M.W.S.: Did the miscreant say anything?
J.W.: Yes, he uttered one word which I am afraid to repeat.
M.W.S.: I release you from your scruples; you may freely utter the word.
J.W.: N… N….
M.W.S.: What did you do with the body?
J.W.: As a proof of his criminality I thought it best to sever the head from the body and in
order to show you, M.W., that the murder of Hiram Abiff had been avenged by the will of
M.W.S.: At what hour did you arrive?
J.W.: At the dawn of day.
M.W.S.: How many Elect Masters were together?
J.W.: Nine.
M.W.S.: What remains to be done?
J.W.: To persevere in what my duty dictates, to love Virtue above all things, to punish Vice
and mutually forgive our faults.
M.W.S.: Thank you, Bro. J.W.
M.W.S.: BB. to Order. Ven. Bro. Senior Councillor, what time is it?
J.W.: It is dusk, the hour at which I left the cavern.
M.W.S.: What is the Password?
J.W.: S….
M.W.S.: Ven Bro., let us never forget this meeting. May it tend to confirm our good
intentions and may we always imitate the laudable example of the nine Master Masons.
Knocks followed by S.W. and J.W. Vice has been punished, Virtue is avenged, the Council
is dismissed, the Chapter is closed.
J.W.: BB., follow me. Claps hands and knocks. Vivat! Vivat!
Opening of the Lodge in the M.M. Degree
M.W.S.: BB., assist me to open this Lodge. To order, BB.
M.W.S.: Bro. S.W., are you a Freemason?
S.W.: All my BB. acknowledge me as such.
M.W.S.: What is the first duty of the Wardens of the Lodge?
S.W.: To see that the Lodge is properly titled, M.W .S.
M.W.S.: Ascertain if such is the case.
M.W.S.: What is the second duty of the Wardens?
S.W.: To see that all assembled are M.M.
M.W.S.: Bro. S.W., are you a M.M.?
S.W.: Try me, accept me, or reject me if you can.
M.W.S.: How do you prove yourself?
S.W.: By sign, grip and word.
M.W.S.: Give me the sign.
S.W. gives the sign.
M.W.S.: What does that signify?
S.W.: The horror of the Masters on discovering the corpse of Hiram.
M.W.S.: Give me the Master's word.
S.W.: I have lost it, but the acacia branch is known to me.
M.W.S.: How have you worked as a Master M.?
S.W.: As much as I was able.
M.W.S.: How do the Masters work?
S.W.: Diligently, steadfastly and with the utmost zeal.
M.W.S.: Where have you worked?
S.W.: In the middle chamber.
M.W.S.: At what?
S.W.: At the tracing board.
M.W.S.: What is the name of the Master?
S.W.: Gabaon.
M.W.S.: What is the name of the Master's son?
S.W.: Loefton.
M.W.S.: How old are you?
S.W.: Seven years or more.
M.W.S.: If any of the BB. were missing where would you find them?
S.W.: Between the square and the compasses.
W.M.S.: If a Master Mason were in danger, what would he do?
S.W.: He would raise his hands to his forehead thus and exclaim three times, "Oh help me
ye sons of the widow".
M.W.S.: What does that mean?
S.W.: Hiram Abiff was the son of a widow and thereafter all M.M. consider themselves
sons of the widow
M.W.S.: Bro. S. W., what time is it?
S.W.: The perfect time of a Freemason, full noon, M.W.S.
M.W.S.: As it is full noon and time to commence our labours, I open this M.M. Lodge in
the name of the G.A.U. and in accordance with the ancient usages of Freemasonry with
three loud knocks which will emanate from the E. and re-echo in the W.
M.W.S.: Let us confirm this Chapter opening with the usual sign. Towards me, BB.
Degree of Scotch Master or Knight of St. Andrew
M.W.S.: At a meeting held in 1854 by the Grand Chapter in the degree of R X, it was fully
discussed and decided that the degrees of Elu, Scotch Master and Kt. of the Sword or the
East, should henceforth be considered as merely historical degrees and that in future the
M.M.'s degree be considered the connecting link to the R X. That, however, the Signs and
Secrets of these three historical degrees should be communicated to the candidate according
to the traditions and rituals preserved and followed of yore by the Grand Chapter,
previously to his receiving the sublime degree of R X.
As you have already received the degree of Elu or Elect Master, I shall now proceed to
make you acquainted with that of Scotch Master or Knight of St. Andrew, and with that of
Knight of the Sword or of the East, and, at a later date, proceed to exalt you to the sublime
degree of R X.
M.W.S.: BB. Senior and Junior Wardens, conduct the Bro. to the Altar and prepare him to
take the Obligation in the Degree of Scotch Master or Knight of St. Andrew.
S. & J.Ws. conduct the Bro. to the Altar and let him kneel on both knees. They stand on
each side of him with drawn swords.
M.W.S.: To order, BB.
Do you promise, in the most solemn manner, and mindful of the omnipresence of the Great
Architect of the Universe, and in the midst of this venerable assembly, that you will
faithfully keep and guard the secrets of the sublime Degree of Scotch Master or Knight of
St. Andrew, and never divulge them to any one. Further, that you will support and protect
to the utmost of your ability the Order of Scotch Master; and finally that you will submit
yourself to all those punishments which the violation of this sacred promise deserves?
The Candidate answers: This I promise.
M.W.S.: Rise, duly obligated Scotch Master.
S. & J. Wardens: As candidate rises, they give him blows on the chest and back with
swords crossed.
M.W.S. or other officer delegated invests the Candidate and instruct him as follows:
(1) The apron is coloured red, with red sash over the right shoulder.
(2) Sign of Demand: Lays right hand extended on the left shoulder and drawn diagonally
across the body to the right hip.
(3) Sign of Answer: Bring the right hand from the left hip across body to right hip.
(4) The Grip: Offer right hand which is allowed to drop until under the elbow. The elbow is
grasped and while giving it three shakes the following word are spoken:
(5) The Holy Word, M…b…n.
(6) The Pass Word, G…b…n.
M.W.S. directs M. of C. to place Candidate in the North Column and directs Bro. Orator to
give the Legend.
The Legend
Scotch Master's Degree
At the time of the Crusades to the Holy Land, the Freemasons, who took a great interest in
the Temple of King Solomon, were among those who proceeded to the wars. At that period,
when superstition and ignorance were rife, the Freemasons were obliged to act with great
circumspection, and carefully to conceal their presence. In Scotland alone did they find a
safe refuge.
But far from indulging in inactivity, they sought for whatever could be useful, and
determined to join the armies and visit the Holy Land.
They placed themselves under the Banners of the BB. in Scotland, who thus became their
leaders, and they selected St. Andrew as their patron. Their courage and intrepidity made
them triumph over all their enemies. They conquered Jerusalem and lost no time in
proceeding towards the Temple. They found it in ruins; the roof was destroyed; sun, moon
and stars being visible through it. The steps were broken; the two columns J and B with
their capitols, were lying in four pieces on the ground.
Among these ruins they found a square chest containing three golden coins, on one of
which was traced the letter "J", on the second the letter "B", and on the third the letters
"MB". Inside the lid was a triangle of pure gold, within which was engraved, in Hebrew
characters, the Holy Word. On further exploring the ruins they discovered a tomb in which
was a coffin. After several unsuccessful efforts they succeeded in raising the coffin from its
resting place. They found that the coffin contained the remains of our grand Master Hiram
Abiff, which they removed to a better and more secure resting place.
Their task being accomplished, they returned home and communicated to their BB. the
great secrets and delivered to them the chest with the three golden coins.
As a mark of distinction they were armed and were also decorated with a red collar as
It was determined that the secrets of this Degree should be imparted only to those who, like
them, had proved themselves worthy to be leaders and chiefs among their brethren.
Historical Degree of Knight of the Sword or of the East
M.W.S.: Bro. J.W., conduct the Candidate to the Altar so that he may be obligated as a
Knight of the Sword or of the East. The Candidate kneels on both knees, lays hands on the
Volume of the Sacred Law and the Trowel.
Do you promise, as an honest man, that you will faithfully conform to the laws of the Order
of Free Knights of the Sword or of the East into which you are about to be incorporated.
That you will never divulge any of the secrets of the Order, and that you will conduct
yourself strictly in accordance with the principles of the Order. Do you undertake to unite
yourself to us, and to face all dangers for the purpose of attaining the high object of our
labours to which we have mutually bound ourselves.
And finally do you submit yourself voluntarily in case of transgression to be ejected from
the close union of the Order of the Knights of the Sword or of the East to be infamously
dismissed and to be regarded and treated as a dishonest man?
The Candidate replies: All this I undertake and promise.
M.W.S.: Rise, duly obligated Knight of the Sword or of the East.
The Candidate is invested with the apron and further instructed.
Apron. White and green with gold fringe. Green signifies Hope again to rebuild the true
Sash. Green with a triangle embroidered in gold with the letters L P D — "Libertas datur
The Trowel and the Sword are the tokens of the triumph achieved by the Knights of the
Sword or of the East in rebuilding the Temple.
Sign. Place the right hand, well closed, on the left shoulder, and draw it diagonally across
the body to the right hip.
Grip. The sword is half drawn from the scabbard. The left hand placed inverted before the
forehead, as if to ward off a blow. The Candidate does the same and lays his hand against
that of the instructor, pronouncing the Holy Word, Judea Benjamin, and the
Pass Word, "Libertas datur populo" (give liberty to the people).
M.W.S. instructs M. of C. to conduct Candidate to the North Column and another officer to
deliver the Legend.
Knight of the Sword or of the East
Zerubabbel, being in captivity in Babylon, resolved to obtain a hearing of King Cyrus to
ask for mercy for himself and BB. who had been pining in slavery for seventy years, and to
beseech the King to permit them to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the city and the temple.
The King received this request favourably, called his Council together in the palace, and
summoned Zerubbabel to appear before him. He informed him that he had long intended to
loosen the chains of the captives and to restore Zerubbabel and his people to liberty and that
he had been strengthened in his resolve by a dream in which a lion appeared and attacked
him, while a voice from heaven sounded in his ears, saying: "Give Liberty to the People."
Zerubbabel having sworn allegiance to King Cyrus was thereupon raised to the dignity of
Knight of the Sword or of the East, and placed at the head of his BB. and with twelve chiefs
of the Tribes and many other BB. he started the journey to Jerusalem.
When they arrived at the river Starbuzani, they were attacked by a band of foes, who
contested the passage, but their united strength ensured them victory and they gained an
entrance into the Holy City.
They took possession of the site of the Temple and cleared away the ruins, replaced the
vessels and ornaments which Cyrus had restored to them, and resolved to lay the
foundation of the new temple.
Under the ruins they discovered the corner stone of the old temple on which was engraved a
Sun with thirteen rays, emblematic of the twelve tribes of the Jewish Nation, and of one
who would be chosen with common accord as their head to form together a secret council
to direct the nation and to represent it in all places.
Before starting the rebuilding of the temple, Zerubbabel resigned his authority as head and
with the twelve chiefs of the tribes formed a Council in which it was resolved to adopt the
Sun as a symbol as it was engraved upon the corner stone, and as being the Luminary
which shines upon our Planet and rises over all mortals, which sheds a sea of Light, Joy and
Vigour over mountain and dale, and in a more elevated sense may be designated the Eye of
the Universe, and the glorious emblem of Him whose Fatherly Hand causes streams of
happiness to flow upon all creatures. He who is to us all the only source of Light, Life and
Grace, Whom to adore constitutes the greatest happiness of Mortals.
In accordance with this resolution a seat was placed upon each of the rays of the Sun and on
these seats Zerubbabel and the twelve chiefs placed themselves to take council together for
the election of a Chief and further officers to direct the building of the temple.
During the assembly of this Council, which took place in the Sanctuary, repeated alarms of
the enemy were heard, in consequence of which the members were obliged, in addition to
the trowel which they held in one hand, also to have a sword in the other for their
The gratitude which the chiefs felt towards Zerubbabel, the conquests achieved by him, and
his irreproachable conduct during his captivity in the rebuilding of the Temple made them
resolve to elect him as their chief in the rebuilding of the temple. Zerubbabel having
expressed his thanks to the council for this mark of confidence, proposed, as he would have
the super - intendence in the East, to nominate two chiefs to regulate the labours under him
in the West; while to each of the other ten chiefs a separate duty was allotted in the
rebuilding of the Temple.
Close in third degree.
For use when the Degree of Elu is not worked in full
Historic Higher Degrees
I shall now explain to you, very briefly, what takes place in the Historic Degrees in whose
secrets you have been so ably instructed by Bro.?
I. The degree of Elu or Elect Master is the logical sequel to the M.M. Degree in that it
explains the search for and the fate of the assassins of our master H.A.
King Solomon and King Hiram of Tyre were in conference when a shepherd reported that
he had seen three men who appeared to be those sought, in a neighbouring forest. Nine B.B.
under the command of Joabim were sent to capture them. Two of the assassins were found
and pursued. When they found that they could not escape, they threw themselves from a
high precipice and were killed. Meanwhile Joabim had followed a faint trail which led him
to a cave in which was seated the leader of the murderers Abiram. Seeing his escape cut off
Abiram stabbed himself with a dagger. Joabim cut off Abirams’s head which was taken
back to King Solomon who at first was annoyed that the F.C.'s had not been captured, but
when informed of what had taken place, complimented the nine brethren and conferred on
them the title of Elect Master.
II. The degree of Scotch Master or Knight of St. Andrew relates how the B.B. on the
continent, who, through ignorance and superstition, had been persecuted, found refuge
among the B.B. in Scotland. They fought in the Crusades and were present at the capture of
Jerusalem. They found the Temple in ruins. Among the ruins they found a coffin which
contained the remains of our master H.A. This they buried in a secret place to await the
rebuilding of the temple.
III. The degree of Knight of the Sword or the East tells the story of Zerubbabel and the B.B.
who had been captured by King Cyrus of Babylon. Zerubbabel sought an interview with
Cyrus with a view to obtaining the release of himself and the B.B. to enable them to rebuild
the Temple at Jerusalem. The King had had a dream in which he was menaced by a lion
and had heard a voice saying "Give Liberty to the People" granted his request and returned
to him the vessels taken from the temple. On the way back to Jerusalem they had frequent
encounters with foes. When building the Temple the alarms continued so that they worked
at the building with a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other.
Address of the Historic Higher Degrees
To be read to Candidate in the Middle Chamber before commencing with the Ceremony of
Rose Croix
The historic Higher Degrees have each its legend, its teachings, and its moral significance.
They form a connecting link between the Master's Degree and that of the Rose Croix,
because the moral truths presented in the rituals and receptions form a rational
development. expansion and ascent from that which is taught in the Master's Degree to the
highest point, which, according to our system, can be reached in Freemasonry in the Degree
of Knight Rose Croix.
In the Degree of Elu or Elect Master the punishment of the murderer of Hiram is
represented prominently bringing forward the principle that "Justice demands" the
punishment of crime and that the Freemason ought to know how to satisfy that demand, not
in order to avenge himself upon the malefactor, but to make Virtue triumphant and to
promote the sacred cause of Truth and Justice.
In the Degree of Scotch Master, the Elect Master, who has learnt the punishment of Vice, is
led on to further perfection. For this purpose he must first of all learn what is wanting in
himself, and what he has lost by deviating from the path of Virtue. The return to that path is
held forth to him and the difficulty of escaping the bondage of sin is pointed out to him.
To attain his object—not only must he seek to discover by self-examination whether
beneath the ruins of the desolated temple of Virtue, traces remain of the genuine principles
—but all must with united effort devote themselves to the rebuilding of that temple.
In the Apprentice Degree the symbol of the building of Solomon's Temple has already been
used. In the Degree of Scotch Knight the restoration of the Temple, after its destruction, is
symbolically represented. That restoration can only be successfully undertaken by united
individual powers. Hence, although all virtues must be equally exercised by the Freemason,
in this Degree, every Knight is recommended the choice of one of the principal virtues to
the exercise of which he will more especially devote himself—without neglecting the
others—in order that by the co-operation of all brethren, the greatest possible degree of
perfection may be attained.
To approach still nearer to this sublime goal, there is taught in the Degree of Knight of the
Sword or the East, how everyone ought manfully to combat Vice, in order to attain true
liberty, and to act according to the dictates of a strict morality.
Man ought by a philosophy founded upon a knowledge of mankind to learn to avert evil
and to establish good. Thus he will, as a morally developed being, raise himself above
temptation and approach his object of Perfection. Such are the sentiments represented in the
symbols employed in the rituals of the several Historic Degrees.
Degree of Sovereign Prince Rose Croix
Part I
The Chapter is opened in the Master Masons Degree with the BB. clothed in Apron and
Collar—Black with Red Cross.
Hymn to be sung while Candidate stands at door—"Pants the Hart".
M.W.S.: Bro. Junior Warden, please inform the Master of Ceremonies that we are prepared
to receive the Candidate, and the Chapter is opened in the Master Mason's Degree.
J.W. proceeds to door of Temple and carries out instructions.
M.C. introduces Candidate, who is placed between the Wardens.
Almighty and Eternal Being, Thou great and glorious Architect of the Universe by whose
creative fiat all things first were made we, the frail creatures of thy Providence, humbly
implore thee to pour down upon this convocation assemblee in thy Holy name the continual
dew of Thy blessing. More especially do we beseech Thee to impart Thy grace to this our
candidate who now seeks to partake with us the Divine mysteries of a Sovereign Prince
Rose Croix. Endow him with such fortitude that in the hour of trial he fail not but passing
under the protection of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ through the valley of the shadow
of death he shall finally arise from the tomb of transgression to attain everlasting life and to
shine with the stars forever and ever. SO MOTE IT BE.
M.W.S.: Who is this?
M. of C.: A brother Master Mason.
M.W.S.: What is his desire?
M. of C.: To find the Word that was lost.
M.W.S.: Is he determined to persevere with laudable zeal and not to rest until he has found
that Word?
M. of C.: He is.
M.W.S. to the Candidate: My Bro. Meekness, Humility and Self-examination are the first
steps which may lead you to the object of which you are in search. As an Apprentice you
were instructed to practice those virtues. Begin then your journey as an Entered Apprentice.
"Seek and thou shalt find".
First Journey
M. of C. places in the hands of the Candidate the Square and Compasses and conducts him
from the West, through the North to the East, from there through the South to the West and
halts before the Junior Warden.
J.W., during journey as the Candidate approaches him: "Come unto me all ye that labour
and are heavily laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your soul. For my yoke is easy
and my burden is light." Thus spake the master.
When arriving at the J. Warden the Candidate is deprived of the tools by M. of C.
J.W.: Give me the Sign, Grip and Word of an Entered Apprentice.
M. of C.: M.W.S., the first journey has been performed, but our Brother has .not found the
M.W.S.: By perseverance and industry alone can we attain our object. As a Fellowcraft you
were made acquainted with the use of those implements which should enable you to
remove all obstructions which might impede your progress towards the object you have in
view. Continue then your journey as a Fellowcraft and use your implements with zeal.
"Knock and it shall be opened unto you."
Second Journey
M. of C.: Candidate with the Level and Square and repeats first journey.
S.W., as Candidate approaches him: "I must work the work of him that sent me while it is
yet day, for the night cometh when no man can work."
When the Candidate reaches the Senior Warden M. of C. takes from him the tools.
S.G.: Give me the sign, grip and word of a Fellowcraft.
M. of C.: M.W.S., the second journey has been accomplished, but it has proved equally
M.W.S. to Candidate: As a Master Mason you have had before you our Master Hiram
Abiff, a sublime example of Fidelity and Perseverance. You were admonished to emulate
him and, like him, not to shrink from danger in the performance of your sacred duties.
Proceed then on your Third Journey as a Master Mason. "Pray and it shall be given unto
Third Journey
M. of C. hands the Candidate the implements of a Master Mason: the Square, Compasses
and Plummet. He journeys with him from the West through the South to the East.
M.W.S. as Candidate approaches: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh
unto the Father but by me." As candidate reaches Altar: "He that shall endure to the end,
the same shall be saved. So spake the Master." To Candidate: Give me the Sign, Grip and
Word of a M.M. When this has been done: Observe my brother that after all your toil and
trouble you have not discovered the Master's lost word, but have satisfied yourself by
giving me the Sign, Grip and Word substituted until the Master's true word would again be
allowed to be spoken, Hitherto you have walked in comparative darkness and the True
Light was bidden from you.
The light shineth in the darkness, but the darkness comprehendeth it not. The time has,
however, arrived when, in reward for your zeal, fidelity and perseverance, you will
(through brotherly instruction and assistance, but more particularly by the aid and
instruction which are from above) receive that Light. Come, my brother, follow me and
may the Bright Star which guided the Wise Men of the East also guide us on our path.
To order, BB. BB. Wardens, assist me.
F. H. C. Transparencies
During the procession the members and visitors stand to order as Master Masons. The M.
of C. proceeds with the lamp from the Altar, the Orator with the Bible, open at the Gospel
of Si. John. On it are placed a Square and Compasses. The M W .S. follows with the
Candidate and the Senior and Junior Wardens.
Journey three times round the C from East through North by South to East. On arrival at
the Altar the Candidate kneels on both knees.
Draw Sword
M.W.S. to Candidate: You will repeat the following solemn Obligation after me'.—I
promise, while invoking the sacred name of our Eternal and True Master, that I will remain
faithful to the Obligation into which I entered as a Master Mason. That I will unceasingly
strive to follow the precepts, and obey the commandments of Him who has delivered us
from the power of sin and death, so that I may partake of the Salvation which His
appearance on earth has brought unto mankind. So mote it be, and so help me, God.
M.W.S. laying his sword on the right shoulder of the Candidate says: By virtue of the
power granted to me, I exalt you, Bro …, by these presents to the Sublime Degree of
Knight of the Rose Croix. M.W.S. then raises the new Knight with the Grip of Rose Croix,
and gives him the pass word, E…t, and puts on the collar.
Be seated, BB.
M. of C. remains at the right hand side of Candidate. All the other BB. take their seats,
except the newly raised Knight and the M. of C., who stands opposite the M.WS. and near
the C
M.W.S. to Candidate: Whose C… is that which you see in our midst?
M. of C.: It is that of Hiram Abiff.
M.W.S.: Of Hiram sayest thou! Our slain Master whose symbolic resurrection imparted to
us the lesson of immortality?
No, my brother, by another name than that which tradition has symbolically made known to
you do we acknowledge the True Master whom we revere as the light of the World, Him
through whom the Word of Resurrection and the forgiveness of sins has come to us. Raise
thine eyes my brother and behold the true name of our Divine Master.
Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum.
Jesus, the Nazarene, the King of the Jews,
While ye have Light believe in the Light that ye may be children of the Light. And this is
life eternal that they may know thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has
sent. What do the three columns in the Temple represent?
M. of C.: Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.
M.W.S.: Again you err, my brother. The true wisdom of man is his faith in God and in his
Revelation. Our Strength is the hope of eternal life. Our beauty is Charity according to the
command of our Divine Master. "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye
love one another. For this is my commandment that ye love one another even as I have
loved you."
What Temple do the Freemasons build?
M. of C.: The Temple of Solomon.
M.W.S.: This also, as you are aware, is symbolical. It is that moral temple within you at
which you are told to labour so that the Spirit of God may dwell therein. It is that building,
founded upon the Apostles and Prophets of which Jesus Christ is the Corner Stone; the
building for the erection of which we must unite all our powers so that properly united it
may rise up as a Holy Temple of God.
Hearken, my B. to a reading from the Holy Scripture. (Ist. Corinthians 3—v 16) (Ist.
Ephesians 2—v 19-22)
M.W.S.: Bro. M. of C. conduct the Candidate to a seat in the North Column.
Part II
Opening of the Chapter in Rose Croix (Chapter still to be in darkness).
M.W.S.: Illustrious and Reverend Bro. Senior Warden, assist me to open this Chapter in
Faith, Hope and Charity.
to order, BB.
M.W.S. knocks.
S.W. and J.W. repeat knocks.
M.W.S.: Ill. Bro. S.W. How old are you?
S.W.: 33 years. M.W.
M.W.S.: Ill. Bro. Senior Warden, what hour is it?
S.W.: It is the saddest, most fearful and most horrid hour of the day. It is three in the
M.W.S.: Whence come you.
S.W.: From Judea.
M.W.S.: From which place?
S.W.: From Nazareth.
M.W.S.: Who was your guide?
S.W.: Raphael.
M.W.S.: Where are you going?
S.W.: To Jerusalem,
M.W.S.: For what purpose?
S.W.: To seek the Word that was lost.
M.W.S.: How do you hope to find it?
S.W.: By Faith, Hope and Charity.
M.W.S.: Come, Illustrious Knights, let us acknowledge that Godly Word in Him who
remained faithful unto death, and sealed his mission with His Blood.
M.W.S. conducts Candidate to the West and places him there with his back to the Tableau
Cross and Rose.
The Tableau is uncovered and the lights restored during the singing of the first verse of the
Intermediate Hymn, at the start of which the Candidate is turned so as to face the Tableau.
The Knights point with the index finger towards the Tableau.
M.W.S.: This Cross and this Rose are the emblems of the reconciliation between God and
fallen and guilty mankind, the mystery of our redemption from Sin and Death. He who
suffered and died on the Cross is above all creatures, the exalted Mediator who brought to
this world the glad message of Peace and Mercy.
He is therefore our Pass Word E…l which gives access to the Holy Temple of God. He is
the Good Sheperd who gave his life for his flock. This sign reminds us of the manner in
which the Good Shepherd reclaims his lost sheep. Makes sign. The BB. in the Columns
approach each other and exchange the sign. By this sign we recognise each other in our
meetings as His disciples. Thus we give each other our hands as BB. and pronounce the
letters I.N.R.I. But then only can we be called his disciples and shall we deserve the name
of true brethren when we follow his example and, like Him, continue faithful unto the end.
Therefore as often as a brother comes to you with the word of approach, "Golgotha" or the
words of supplication, "Eloi Eloi lama Sabachthani", on his lips, and that cry of agony
reminds you of the sufferings of Him who was crucified on the Mount, which witnessed
His humiliation and His trumph, let your heart and hand be ready to aid him out of love for
Him who loved us even unto death on the Cross.
Be seated BB.
Hearken my B. to a further reading from the Holy Scriptures. St. John 19. v 13-32.
In order, B.B.
Let us now show ourselves worthy of the name of Knights of the Rose Croix. Let us fight
the good fight in full armour, our loins girded with Truth, having on the breastplate of
Righteousness and shod with readiness to receive the glad tidings of Peace. Above all, let
us, with the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, the Sword of the Spirit, and by
continually watching and praying endeavour to obtain the Crown of Victory with is
reserved for the faithful combatant. Follow me, BB., and rejoice in the triumph of our
Glorified Master.
The Aprons are now reversed. During the singing of an Easter Hymn the BB. led by the
M.W.S. repair to the Hall of the Chapter, where they seat themselves.
M.W.S.: Bro. M. of C., conduct the Candidate to the Altar. To Candidate: To comply with
the requirements of the Laws of the Order it is necessary that you take a further Obligation.
You will kneel on both knees.
Read Article 1 of Laws: "Do you promise that to the utmost of your power you will co-
operate in the promotion of the aims of the Higher Degrees as prescribed in Article I of the
Laws of the Sovereign Grand Chapter of the Netherlands?"
Candidate replies: This I promise.
M.W.S. invests Candidate with Rose Croix Apron. He calls the BB. to order and requests
them to face round the Tableau (Phoenix and Star).
M.W.S.: Behold, my brother, the Symbol of our Divine Master Who triumphed over death
and the grave. His cry of victory on the Cross "Consummatum Est" is to us, most Holy.
These words we pronounce in our Chapter only as the evidence of his Victory. He has
preceded us to prepare for us a place in His abode of Glory.
Be seated BB.
When Knights of the Rose Croix desire to recognise each other they use this sign of
recognition. The one Knight crosses his arms on his breast, hands on his shoulders, lets
them descend slowly, casting his eyes on High, where the Master awaits him.
The other Knight points upwards with the index finger of his right hand and both
pronounce the word "Rabboni", which Mary Magdalene used when, in joyful surprise, she
recognised her Master after his resurrection. When the Master parted from his friends he
spoke unto them thus:
"Thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third
day and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His Name among all
nations. And ye are witnesses of these things. And they worshipped Him and returned to
Jerusalem with great joy and were continually in the Temple praising and blessing God."
Let us rejoice in the Great Blessing vouchsafed to us. Let us unite in Greater Charity and
Brotherly Love.
M. W S. proceeds to the Table with the Candidate at his right hand. The Wardens and BB.
fortn two equal columns on each side of the Table. After a short pause: My BB., the first
Christians broke bread together and partook thereof with gladness and singleness of heart.
Let us also as Children of the same Father and as Brethren of one family with gratitude
towards Him to whom we owe this great great privilege, partake of this humble meal for
the romotion
of Unity and Brotherly Love.
The Bread
(1) The Wardens proceed to the table, bow to the M.W.S. and uncover the bread.
(2) Each takes a plate and, approaching the M.W.S., bows deeply and S.W. presents his
plate to the M.W.S. who partakes the contents and J.W. to Candidate.
(3) Each Warden then serves the BB. standing at the head of his column.
(4) Each brother partakes at the same time as his vis-a-vis.
(5) After each brother and his vis-a-vis have partaken the Wardens pass the plate across
the table and each serves the brother in his column next to the brother just served.
(6) This is continued till all are served.
(7) The Wardens then face each other at the end of the table and serve each other.
(8) They return the plates to the centre of the table, cover them, bow to the M.W.S., and
each returns to the end of his column.

The Wine
(1) The Wardens proceed to the table, bow to the M.W.S. and uncover the Wine, each takes
a table napkin in his left hand and the cup in his right hand.
(2) They approach the M.W.S.
(3) The Senior Warden, bowing deeply, hands the cup to the M.W.S.
(4) The J.W. bowing gravely, hands his cup to the Candidate.
(5) The M.W.S. raises cup slightly and, bowing gravely to the Candidate on his right, says
"Pax Vobiscum" and then partakes of the wine and returns the cup to the Senior Warden.
(6) The Candidate raises the cup slightly and, bowing gravely to the M.W. says: "Pax Tibi"
then partakes of wine and returns the cup to the J.W.
(7) The Wardens wipe the rims of the cups with the table napkin.
(8) Each Warden then serves the BB. standing at the head of his column.
(9) The B. in the South Column raises his cup slightly, each looking toward his vis-a-vis,
bows, and says: "Pax Vobiscum".
(10) The B. thus addressed acts in the same manner hut says, "Pax Tibi". Each partakes of
the Wine at the same time—both hands on cup.
(11) The Wardens take the cups from the BB. in their respective columns, wipe the rims and
then exchange the cups by passing them to each other across the table.
(12) This is continued until all are served.
(13) The Wardens then face each other at the end of the table and serve each other.
(14) They return the cups to the centre of the table, cover them and bow to the M.W.S. and
each retires to the end of his column.
A short silence follows.
M.W.S.: May Union, Harmony and Brotherly Love always prevail and remain with us. So
mote it be.
B.B.: resume your seats. The Candidate and M. of C. take their seats at the top of the
M.W.S. thanks visitors
Collection with closing hymn.
Closing of Chapter
M.W.S.: BB. assist me to close this Chapter. To order.
M.W.S.: Ill. Bro. S.W., what day is this.
S.W.: It is the first day of the week.
M.W.S.: What is the hour?
S.W.: It is the fairest, brightest, the most glorious hour of the day. It is the dawn of our
M.W.S.: When come you?
S.W.: From Jerusalem, where I found the Word that was lost.
M.W.S.: What have you seen?
S.W.: I have seen the Divine Phoenix, which, after having been buried under the ashes for
three days has again arisen as a Sun of Righteousness, to enlighten believers and to open
the eyes of unbelievers.
M.W.S.: Whither are you going?
S.W.: Around the entire world.
M.W.S.: Go then, my B., and may the Divine Sun always be a light to you. Proclaim the
glad tidings to the four corners of the Earth.
S.W. and J.W. repeat knocks.
The V.S.L. is reverently closed and the. light on the Altar extinguished, the Bro. officiating
bowing low at the Altar, and saying the words "Consummatum est."
M.W.S.: This Chapter is closed. The BB. may now disrobe and depart.

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