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Strategic Management Journal

Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)

Published online EarlyView in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/smj.2033
Received 12 February 2009 ; Final revision received 6 November 2011


Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A
Columbia Business School, Columbia University, New York, New York, U.S.A

Given legal impediments to consolidation and collusion, firms often resort to product differen-
tiation to attain market power. This paper provides a formal analysis of product differentiation
as a tool for such industry structuring at both the firm and industry level. We examine: how
industry structure differs when firms collaborate on their differentiation decisions, and when the
profitability of such collaboration is greatest; how an individual firm’s differentiation decisions
affect subsequent market outcomes under price competition, such as margin, market share, and
profit; how mere differentiation differs from a ‘differentiation advantage’; and how changing a
firm’s differentiation affects its rivals through both positive externalities (by restraining rivalry)
and negative externalities (by shifting competitive advantage). Our results have implications for
empirical research, strategy theory, and pedagogy. Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

‘When dealing with the forces that drive they go to war, they kill the bystanders, not
industry competition, a company can devise a themselves.’ – Yoffie (1994: 12)
strategy that takes the offensive. This posture
is designed to do more than merely cope
with the forces themselves; it is meant to INTRODUCTION
alter their causes . . . The balance of forces is
partly a result of external factors and partly Product differentiation as a tool for industry
in the company’s control.’ – Porter (1979: structuring
144) For decades, the economics discipline has studied
‘Coke and Pepsi did not just inherit this busi- how an industry’s structure affects outcomes like
ness; they created it. Part of their ongoing the conduct and performance of its firms, the
success will be a function of their abili- utility of its customers, and the public welfare of
ties to structure not only their own busi- the economy (Bain, 1951, 1959), and the strategy
nesses, but the industry as a whole. In field has benefitted from importing this knowledge
other words, industry structure is not always as a tool for analyzing industries (Porter, 1979).
exogenous . . . it can be endogenous. Coke Yet, we know far more about how industry
and Pepsi are . . . ‘smart’ competitors – when structure affects firms than about how firms,
either individually or jointly, affect their industry’s
Keywords: product differentiation; industry structure; structure. Exactly how should firms ‘alter [the]
competitive advantage; rivalry; collusion causes’ of their industry’s structure (Porter, 1979:
*Correspondence to: Richard Makadok, Goizueta Business 144), and be ‘smart competitors’ (Yoffie, 1994: 12)
School, Emory University, 1300 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA who collaborate to shape that structure? Analysis
30322–2710, U.S.A. E-mail:
† The authors contributed equally to the study and are listed in

alphabetical order.

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

510 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

of these issues from a strategic, rather than an economic value than rivals, where ‘economic
economic, perspective is lacking. With the strategy value’ is the gap between customers’ willingness
field’s mandate to study how firms actively boost to pay for a product and the firm’s cost to provide
performance, this strategic perspective should the product (MacDonald and Ryall, 2004; Peteraf
focus more on industry structuring (verb) than on and Barney, 2003); this superior value creation
industry structure (noun). allows the firm to dominate its market and thereby
Overt methods of industry structuring include profit at the expense of competitors. These two
consolidation by acquiring competitors, collu- approaches, labeled here as rivalry restraint and
sion on prices or market shares, and exclusive competitive advantage, respectively, undermine
contracts that ‘assign each buyer to a single each other’s effectiveness, because rivalry restraint
seller’ (Stigler 1964: 46). Each of these overt requires accommodative behavior toward rivals to
methods has occasionally been authorized by law: prevent competition from escalating in intensity,
The 1913 Kingsbury Commitment legitimated whereas maximizing the value of a competitive
telecommunications consolidation by AT&T, advantage requires aggressive behavior toward
the 1938 Civil Aeronautics Act supported price rivals. For this reason, economists have recognized
collusion by airlines, and the 1980 Soft Drink that rivalry is more difficult to restrain in industries
Interbrand Competition Act ratified exclusive where a firm has a competitive advantage (Bain,
bottling contracts. However, such overt methods 1948; Jacquemin and Slade, 1989; Schmalensee,
are usually prohibited by antitrust laws. 1987), and researchers are investigating how
Without these overt methods, the goal of this inconsistency affects strategy (Chatain and
assigning each buyer to a single seller can be Zemsky, 2011; Makadok, 2010, 2011).
approximated via product differentiation, wherein Product differentiation affects both rivalry
each seller commits to sell a different version restraint and competitive advantage. This dual
of the product than its rivals. If buyers’ prefer- nature is reflected in its appearance in two differ-
ences differ from each other, then differentiation ent parts of typical strategy textbooks: (1) chapters
exploits those differences by inducing each on industry analysis, where differentiation drives
buyer to voluntarily self-assign him or herself to several of the ‘five forces,’ and (2) chapters on
whichever seller’s version of the product most competitive advantage, where a ‘differentiation
closely matches his or her preferences. Moreover, advantage’ is distinguished from low cost lead-
whereas colluding directly on prices and market ership. On the one hand, product differentiation
shares ‘is usually an easy form of collusion in industry analysis (Porter, 1979) operates via
to detect’ (Stigler, 1964: 46), cooperating on rivalry restraint: the more that the products of rival
differentiation may be more difficult to detect by firms differ, the more strongly any given consumer
antitrust authorities, who may also be reluctant to will prefer one firm’s product over another’s and
interfere in matters of firm strategy. (Imagine reg- so the less effective price cutting will be at gaining
ulators ordering Ryanair to improve the comfort market share, which in turn restrains price rivalry
of its air travel service to be less differentiated and thereby raises the whole industry’s profits.1 On
from British Airways, or vice versa.) In this paper, the other hand, a firm with a differentiation advan-
we ask: how would industry structure and market tage creates more economic value than its rivals,
outcomes differ if ‘smart competitors’ cooperate enabling it to boost its own profit at their expense.
in this way? Does the answer depend on the type This paper uses formal modeling to analyze
of differentiation? When would such cooperative the inherently strategic implications of product
industry structuring be most profitable? Why? differentiation, as distinct from its economic or
Answering these questions requires understand- marketing implications. This requires taking both
ing precisely how differentiation affects profit. In industry-level and firm-level perspectives. At the
that connection, since Demsetz’s (1973, 1974) cri- industry level, we assume that firms are symmetric
tique of antitrust economics, researchers have rec- ex ante and then examine how they differentiate
ognized that firms can take two distinct approaches
toward competition to increase profit. One 1
Porter (1979) also notes that product differentiation may
approach is to restrain their rivalry with each other dampen customer bargaining power, preventing customers from
to soften price competition. The other approach is playing rivals off against each other, and may foster customer
to exploit a competitive advantage to create more loyalty, which also restrains rivalry from entrants or substitutes.

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 511

in anticipation of subsequent price competition. of a particular product attribute. For instance, some
Unlike other models of differentiation, we com- consumers may prefer a sweeter soda, whereas
pare how the level and nature of differentiation others prefer one less sweet; or some consumers
differ between two cases: where each firm makes may prefer a restaurant on the west side of town,
its positioning choices independently to maximize whereas others prefer one on the east side (or in the
its own profit, and where they cooperate on city center). As in all such models, horizontal dif-
their positioning as ‘smart competitors’ who ferentiation has two effects: first, it moves the firm
maximize their joint profit. Given the symmetric away from its rival, which restrains price rivalry;
starting point, we are especially interested in the second, although it moves the firm closer to
conditions under which asymmetries between customers at one end of the market who may view
firms emerge endogenously within the model. the product as more attractive, it also moves the
Our firm-level analysis takes firms’ prior dif- firm farther from a majority of the market, so most
ferentiation decisions—whether symmetric or customers view its product as less attractive. The
asymmetric—as given, and then considers how combined result is a net competitive disadvantage.
a unilateral change in differentiation by one firm In our vertical model, differentiation means
affects price competition via both rivalry restraint moving to a superior position on a ‘quality’ dimen-
and competitive advantage. sion that all customers value. But a higher qual-
To this end, we adapt, extend, and reanalyze ity firm does not necessarily have a competitive
two canonical economic models, one of horizontal advantage in creating economic value, because
differentiation (D’Aspremont, Gabszewicz, and customers may differ in their willingness to pay
Thisse, 1979; Hotelling, 1929) and one of vertical for quality, and because the production of higher
differentiation (Mussa and Rosen, 1978), which quality products generally requires higher variable
differ as follows: costs like higher quality inputs or higher skilled
labor. As Waterson’s (1989: 2) definition speci-
If we consider a class of goods as being fies, vertical differentiation means improving some
typified by a set of (desirable) characteristics, characteristics without worsening any others, and
then two varieties are vertically differentiated those improvements must be costly, or else no firm
when the first contains more of some or would ever produce a low quality product. So, as
all characteristics than the second, so that in the classic model of Mussa and Rosen (1978),
all rational consumers given a free choice we assume that quality improvement raises both
would opt for the first. They are horizontally customers’ willingness to pay and the firm’s vari-
differentiated when one contains more of able cost.3 The firm that is closest to the optimal
some but fewer of other characteristics, trade-off between quality and cost has a competi-
so that two consumers exhibiting different tive advantage.
tastes offered a free choice would not For example, consider the current competi-
unambiguously plump for the same one. tion between Wal-Mart and Target in U.S. dis-
(Waterson, 1989: 2). count retailing. While there are many differences
between the two firms (e.g., their store locations,
So, vertical differentiation captures a product’s
distribution capabilities, technology infrastructure,
quality while horizontal differentiation captures its
and management systems), one important differ-
qualities. We study both to learn whether there
ence is that Target has positioned itself more
are strategic, as opposed to economic differences
upscale than Wal-Mart in terms of both prod-
between them.2
uct quality and overall shopping experience. This
In our horizontal model, two firms compete in a
market where customers differ in their ideal level
3 Certainly, it is also possible for a quality improvement to

involve fixed costs as well (e.g., in the economics literature on

Another reason to study both models is that the question of research and development races). For simplicity and tractability,
whether there is a significant difference between horizontal we do not consider this possibility in our model of vertical
and vertical differentiation is not yet settled. Some economists differentiation, but we acknowledge that including fixed costs
believe they are fundamentally alike, because they can be of quality improvement might make positioning choices in
modeled in mathematically similar ways (Anglin, 1992; Cremer our vertical model behave somewhat more like those in our
& Thisse, 1991). Yet there are clear differences between them in horizontal model. Also note that, in our horizontal model, we
cases where firms can enter (Shaked & Sutton, 1983) and where do allow for fixed-cost investments in efficiency improvement,
some customers choose not to buy at all (Wauthy, 2010). which has a similar character to quality improvement.

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
512 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

vertical differentiation is reflected in surveys externality is positive when a repositioning

indicating that Target shoppers have higher aver- restrains rivalry, but negative when a reposi-
age incomes than Wal-Mart shoppers (Mui, 2005; tioning enhances competitive advantage. In the
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, horizontal model, rivalry restraint and competi-
2005). But which firm is closest to the optimal tive advantage both have positive externalities:
trade-off between quality and cost? The answer moving away from a rival restrains rivalry, which
may depend upon market conditions. As the aver- raises the rival’s profit, and moving away from
age income of consumers rises and falls through locations preferred by a majority of the market
the business cycle, the optimal trade-off moves gives the rival a competitive advantage over the
along with it. Econometric analysis indicates that differentiating firm, which also raises the rival’s
Target’s sales performance is pro-cyclical and Wal- profit. An efficiency improvement by one firm has
Mart’s is counter-cyclical (Basker, 2011), suggest- no direct impact on rivalry, but it gives that firm
ing that Target is closer to the optimal trade-off a competitive advantage, thereby creating a nega-
during economic booms and Wal-Mart is closer to tive externality. In the vertical model, improving
it during recessions.4 quality raises customers’ willingness to pay but
In contrast, Waterson’s (1989: 2) definition also raises production costs. When product quality
of horizontal differentiation requires increasing is low, the former effect outweighs the latter,
some potentially costly product characteristics in which case competitive advantage increases,
while decreasing others. Since these increases and creating a ‘differentiation advantage,’ which has
decreases offset each other, there is no reason to a negative externality for rivals. When product
expect variable cost to systematically vary with quality is high, further quality improvement is a
horizontal position, so we maintain the classic competitive disadvantage, which has a positive
assumption that it does not. However, there is a externality for rivals. In either case, any quality
strong reason to expect that horizontal reposition- change (either upward or downward) that moves a
ing can substantially affect fixed costs. In the case firm away from its rival restrains rivalry, creating
of a geographical move, there is a one-time cost a positive externality.
of physically relocating the firm’s operations and Unlike rivals who make their positioning deci-
informing customers about the move. Likewise, sions independently, cooperating ‘smart competi-
repositioning in a product-attribute space may tors’ internalize these externalities in two possible
require that recipes be reformulated, equipment ways. One way is for them to split the market into a
be retooled, operational procedures be changed, profitable duopoly by locating themselves farther
marketing materials be altered, and sourcing tech- apart than they would without cooperation. The
niques or suppliers be switched, all of which other option leads to a diametrically opposite mar-
changes would entail one-time fixed costs. To our ket structure in which one firm monopolizes the
knowledge, our model is the first to recognize market, and the other commits itself to such a large
the possibility that horizontal repositioning may competitive disadvantage that it cannot attract any
be costly. We also extend the horizontal model customers. In the vertical model, cooperating firms
by allowing firms to invest in another universally always use this monopoly option, which they exe-
valuable characteristic, which we model as produc- cute by moving one firm so far away from the
tion efficiency, and examine how this affects their optimal quality/cost trade-off that it cannot com-
positioning choices. pete. In the horizontal model, the monopoly option
is executed by giving one firm an insurmountable
efficiency advantage, but this option is only used if
Industry level: how are industries structured
customer heterogeneity is sufficiently low or if effi-
using differentiation?
ciency improvement is cheap relative to horizontal
A firm’s positioning decisions affect not only differentiation; otherwise, the duopoly option is
its own profit but also that of its rivals. This used. As we discuss later, due to antitrust scrutiny,
the duopoly option may often be more feasible.
4 Their stock betas also reflect a difference in cyclicality. Target’s
Intriguingly, in the horizontal model, if cus-
beta of 0.9 indicates a close connection to overall stock market
tomer heterogeneity is low or efficiency improve-
movements, whereas Wal-Mart’s beta of 0.32 indicates a much ment is cheap relative to horizontal differentia-
weaker connection (Standard & Poor’s, 2011). tion, monopoly is a possible equilibrium even if
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 513

firms make their positioning decisions competi- implications of our results for research, practice,
tively, and there is a broad range of conditions and pedagogy. Technical derivations are largely
in which both monopoly and duopoly are possible relegated to the Appendix.
equilibria; the foresight of managers is critical in
such cases, since these outcomes have very dif-
ferent implications for profitability. Finally, one MODEL 1: HORIZONTAL
might expect customer heterogeneity to reduce the DIFFERENTIATION
value of cooperative industry structuring, since
firms would have strong incentives to differentiate To model horizontal differentiation, we use a
from each other on their own. Yet our horizontal variation on Hotelling’s (1929) classic ‘linear
model shows that greater customer heterogeneity market’ model, as corrected by D’Aspremont
enhances the positive externalities from horizon- and colleagues (1979). Consumers are uniformly
tal differentiation, actually raising the benefits of distributed on a line segment from − σ to σ ,
cooperation. where σ > 0 captures the degree of customer
heterogeneity. This horizontal dimension can be
Firm level: how does differentiation affect geographic, as in a restaurant’s physical location,
profit? or a space of preferences, as in the sweetness of
a soft drink, where some consumers prefer less
We study product differentiation at the firm level sweetness while others prefer more. A consumer
by considering how the unilateral repositioning of prefers that a product be as close as possible to
a focal firm, taking its rival’s position as given, his or her location on the horizontal dimension,
affects each firm’s performance. This analysis is a as we explain below. The uniform distribution
critical building block in our industry-level anal- has a density of (2σ )− 1 , so total market size is
ysis and also offers valuable insights of its own normalized to 1.
about big strategic questions. When does differ- Two firms, designated H for high and L for
entiation restrain rivalry, and when does it confer low, serve this linear market from horizontal
competitive advantage? Does the answer depend positions h H and h L , respectively, where h H ≥ h L .
on the type of differentiation? Does it depend on Each consumer must purchase one and only one
characteristics of the product market? What consti- indivisible unit of the product, regardless of price,
tutes a ‘differentiation advantage’? Using both the but may purchase the unit from either firm.5 H
horizontal and vertical models, we provide a for- and L charge prices p H and p L , respectively, and
mal mathematical decomposition of how differen- cannot price discriminate among consumers. In the
tiation affects profitability via rivalry restraint and final stage of the model, the two firms compete
competitive advantage. Comparing this decompo- on price, choosing prices noncooperatively to
sition between the two models highlights some satisfy the requirements of Nash equilibrium.
significant strategic, as opposed to economic, In addition to paying the price of the product
differences between horizontal and vertical differ- purchased, a consumer at location X on the line
entiation. Lastly, we analyze how product differ- segment who patronizes firm i ∈ {H ,L} pays a
entiation affects margin and market share, leading transportation cost of α(X − h i )2 where α > 0. If
to testable implications. the horizontal dimension is geographic, then the
The next two sections of the paper each present transportation cost can be interpreted literally. If
a different model—one for horizontal differen- the horizontal dimension is a space of consumer
tiation and one for vertical differentiation. For
each model, we first take firms’ positioning as
given in order to determine the resulting competi- 5 An implication of this assumption, which is common to models

tive pricing equilibrium. These results are used to of this kind, is that consumers’ reservation prices for the good
cannot be too low. Prior research indicates that this assumption
determine how differentiation affects a firm’s prof- is relatively innocuous in the context of a model like ours.
itability. We then consider how the firms should Economides (1984) analyzes spatial competition with ‘low’
rationally select (either competitively or cooper- reservation prices. He finds that they generally encourage firms
to move farther apart to achieve a measure of local monopoly
atively) their positioning at a prior stage, before power. This is precisely the same effect that arises from a
competing on price. Testable propositions are convex cost of transportation, as in our model and the corrected
derived throughout. The final section considers the Hotelling model from D’Aspremont et al . (1979).

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
514 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

preferences, then the transportation cost represents hL .9 This assumption has the natural, intuitive
the disutility the consumer experiences as a result interpretation that the marginal cost of horizontal
of consuming a product that does not perfectly differentiation increases as the firm moves into
match his or her needs. So, a consumer at location regions of geographic or consumer-preference
X would incur a total cost for the product of space that are more remote and unfamiliar. H
firm i ∈ {H ,L} of p i + α(X − h i )2 . Each consumer and L have efficiency levels of e H ≥ 0 and e L ≥ 0
purchases whichever firm’s product has a lower respectively, which represent reductions in per-
total cost.6 unit production costs relative to a base level
All of the assumptions above are consistent of γ . Each firm i must invest βe ei2 to reduce
with D’Aspremont and colleagues (1979), but we its per-unit costs of production to c i = γ − e i .
have generalized their model by including the This assumption intuitively implies that there are
customer heterogeneity parameter σ , which will diminishing marginal returns to investments in
prove quite important in the analysis to follow. efficiency improvement.
In addition, we deviate from their model in two Our model has two stages. In the first stage
other ways: first, we allow firms to improve the (investment subgame), both firms simultaneously
efficiency of their production and thereby improve choose their investments in horizontal differentia-
their value proposition to all consumers, which tion and efficiency improvement (h i and e i ). In the
allows us to explore how differentiation interacts competitive version of the investment subgame,
with general competitive strength;7 second, we each firm maximizes its own profit noncooper-
provide a novel analysis of the potential costs of atively, whereas in the cooperative version, the
horizontal differentiation, which would include the firms maximize total industry profit, in anticipa-
physical relocation of facilities, reformulation of tion of later competing on price in a second stage.
recipes, and rebranding, as well as the risk that the In that second stage (pricing subgame), each firm
repositioning may fail, which should be regarded simultaneously chooses its price noncooperatively
as a cost at the time of the repositioning decision. to maximize its own profit. For technical reasons,
Specifically, we assume that in the first stage we make the realistic assumption that there is a
of the model, each firm chooses how much strictly positive smallest increment ε > 0 by which
to invest in horizontal differentiation and in prices can differ (e.g., a penny) but that its size
improving production efficiency. On the horizontal is trivially small, so that it may be ignored in our
dimension, we assume that both firms start at the calculations. One can drop this assumption with-
origin (i.e., h H = h L = 0), and that any horizontal out affecting any of our results, but at the cost of
movement by H must be in the positive direction, some technical complications.10
and that any horizontal movement by L must be The model is solved by backward induction:
in the negative direction.8 We further assume that the second stage pricing equilibrium is derived
the cost of horizontal differentiation is quadratic first, taking the firms’ positioning (h i and e i ) as
in the distance moved, so that H would pay given. Then, those second-stage results are used
βh hH2 to move horizontally from the origin to to establish rational expectations for the first-stage
position hH , and that L would pay βh hL2 to positioning decisions.
move horizontally from the origin to position
Pricing subgame: firm-level analysis
6 We preclude a firm from offering multiple products along the There are three mutually exclusive cases for the
horizontal dimension in order to cleanly separate differentiation pricing subgame. The first case occurs if the firms
from diversification, and in order to focus on the most
strategically relevant forms of differentiation, that is, those
that arise from inherent traits of the firm and that competitors 9
Assuming quadratic costs makes the analysis more tractable,
therefore cannot easily imitate by merely introducing more but in principle, any convex, increasing function will produce
products. qualitatively similar results. This is equally true in the case of
7 The efficiency dimension also links our model to the value- investments in efficiency improvements, as described later.
based framework (Adner and Zemsky, 2006; Brandenburger 10
If prices are unconstrained in this way, we must resort to mixed
and Stuart, 1996, 2007; MacDonald and Ryall, 2004), since strategies in the version of the pricing subgame where one firm
improvements in efficiency improve a firm’s value proposition has a sufficiently strong net competitive advantage to capture
to all consumers. the entire market. The profits of each firm in the mixed strategy
8 If H moved negatively and L positively, we just relabel them,
equilibrium are the same as in the equilibrium where prices have
and both moving in the same direction cannot be an equilibrium. a minimum increment.

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 515

are horizontally differentiated and neither firm has product, α, and (3) the distance between the firms,
a sufficiently large efficiency advantage to capture h H − h L . Since each of these factors reinforces
the entire market, in which case there is a single the others, it makes sense that they are combined
interior location X̃ ∈ (−σ , σ ) where the consumer multiplicatively. Moreover, as the Appendix
is indifferent between H and L. The second case shows, this measure of rivalry restraint equals the
occurs if the firms are not horizontally differen- average of the two firms’ margins in equilibrium,
tiated (h H = h L = 0) and have identical efficiency which is intuitive given that the purpose of rivalry
levels (e H = e L ). In this case, both firms price at restraint is to raise industrywide margins.
marginal cost, split the market evenly, and earn Equation (1) can then be rewritten as |a i| < 3r,
zero profits, just as in undifferentiated Bertrand which means that in order for both firms to
competition. The third case occurs if one firm has have strictly positive market shares, neither firm’s
a large enough efficiency advantage to capture the competitive advantage can be too large relative
entire market (e H >> e L or e H << e L ). In that to the market’s degree of rivalry restraint, or else
case, the weaker firm prices at marginal cost and the advantaged firm would monopolize the market.
earns zero profit, while the stronger firm sets the The Appendix derives the firms’ equilibrium
highest price possible consistent with capturing prices, market shares, and gross profits under this
the entire market. boundary condition. For simplicity, we consider
All three cases are relevant for the first-stage changes to H ’s positioning, taking L’s positioning
investment subgame, because the firms take into as given.11
account every possible equilibrium of the pricing
subgame when making their positioning decisions. Main effects
However, for the remainder of this subsection, we
consider how changes in one firm’s positioning Since ∂ r/∂ h H = 2σ α > 0 and ∂ a H /∂ h H = − 2α
affect the margin, market share, and profits of h H ≤ 0, horizontal differentiation increases rivalry
both firms on the assumption that neither firm has restraint for the industry but decreases competi-
a large enough competitive advantage to capture tive advantage for the firm. In the Appendix, we
the entire market. The Appendix shows that this decompose the profitability of horizontal differ-
requires: entiation into its effect on rivalry restraint and
competitive advantage. This decomposition shows
|aH | | aL | formally that horizontal differentiation moves the
σ > σmin = = firm away from its competitor, thereby reducing
6α (hH − hL ) 6α (hH − hL )
(1) the intensity of price rivalry, but also moves the
where H ’s competitive advantage a H (the firm away from the majority of consumers; this
inverse of L’s competitive advantage a L ) is its increases transportation costs to most of the mar-
transportation-cost advantage, averaged across all ket, which disadvantages the firm relative to its
customers, plus its efficiency advantage: rival. The Appendix shows that the impact of this
disadvantage on profit is negligible when horizon-
  tal differentiation is low, but it strengthens as hori-
aH = −aL = (eH − eL ) + α hL2 − hH2 (2)
zontal differentiation increases, and eventually out-
This definition of competitive advantage is just weighs the beneficial effects of restraining rivalry.
the difference between the economic value that Consequently, the overall effect of horizontal dif-
each firm creates, where ‘economic value’ is the ferentiation on profit has a curvilinear, inverted-U
average difference, across all customers, between shape.
the customer’s willingness to pay for the product
and the firm’s cost to provide it (i.e., ‘V – C’ in Proposition 1.1: Horizontal differentiation
value-based terminology). increases rivalry restraint, which raises
Likewise, we define the degree of rivalry profit, and decreases competitive advantage,
restraint in the market as r = 2σ α(h H − h L ), which which reduces profit. The reduction in com-
intuitively combines all three factors that affect petitive disadvantage is nil when firms are
the amount of market share that a firm can attract
from its rival by reducing price: (1) the total width 11 The effect of an increase in h
H is identical to the effect of a
of the market, 2σ , (2) the cost of transporting the decrease in h L .

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
516 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

not horizontally differentiated and increases of the inverted-U-shaped effect of horizontal dif-
as horizontal differentiation increases, even- ferentiation on profit away from the origin.
tually reaching a point where it outweighs
the increase in rivalry-restraint. Overall, Proposition 1.3: As horizontal customer het-
horizontal differentiation has a curvilinear, erogeneity increases, horizontal differentia-
inverted-U shaped effect on profit. tion has a stronger effect on margin and a
weaker effect on market share, and the over-
Another way to break down the profitability of all profitability of horizontal differentiation
horizontal differentiation is to examine margin and increases. So, there is a broader range of
market share. As the Appendix shows, horizontal conditions in which further horizontal differ-
differentiation increases margin, but it has two entiation would be profitable, and a narrower
distinct effects on market share: first, horizontal range of conditions in which further horizon-
differentiation raises transportation costs to most tal differentiation would be unprofitable.
customers and thereby reduces a firm’s market
share; second, by distancing the firm from its rival, If horizontal customer heterogeneity approaches
horizontal differentiation reduces the impact of infinity, horizontal differentiation does not affect
any efficiency difference between the two firms. market share and so monotonically increases profit.
While the first effect is always negative, the second Likewise, the effect of horizontal differentiation is
effect is negative if the firm has an efficiency monotonic as customer heterogeneity approaches
advantage and positive if the firm has an efficiency the lower bound in Equation (1), but can be either
disadvantage. The second effect attenuates with positive or negative. Profit declines monotonically
horizontal differentiation. Therefore, horizontal with horizontal differentiation if H has a net
differentiation reduces market share, except if a positional advantage (i.e., if a H = − a L > 0), but
firm has an efficiency disadvantage and is located increases monotonically if H has a net positional
close to its more efficient rival; then, horizontal disadvantage (i.e., if a H = − a L < 0).
differentiation boosts market share by blunting the
impact of the rival’s efficiency advantage.
Proposition 1.2: Horizontal differentiation A unilateral increase in efficiency by one firm
has a positive effect on margin, a negative decreases the profitability of its rival, a negative
effect on market share for a firm with an effi- externality. This makes sense because efficiency
ciency advantage, and a curvilinear inverted- confers a competitive advantage, and one firm’s
U shaped effect on market share for a firm competitive advantage is its rival’s disadvantage.
with an efficiency disadvantage. But increasing a firm’s horizontal differentiation
increases the profitability of its rival, due to two
positive externalities: first, the rivalry-restraining
Interaction effect with customer heterogeneity benefit of horizontal differentiation boosts the prof-
The magnitudes of the effects in the preceding itability of both firms; second, a firm that disad-
propositions depend upon the degree of customer vantages itself by horizontally differentiating away
heterogeneity. As shown in the Appendix, cus- from the majority of customers is simultaneously
tomer heterogeneity reinforces horizontal differen- advantaging its rival.
tiation’s positive effect on margin, but diminishes
its impact on market share, regardless of whether Proposition 1.4: Horizontal differentiation
that effect is positive or negative. The reason is increases the profit of a rival firm, and
the same in each case: in a market with more dif- efficiency improvement decreases the profit of
fuse customer tastes, firms benefit more by moving a rival firm.
apart from each other to cater to market niches and
benefit less from efficiency advantages in attracting
Investment subgame: industry-level analysis
distant consumers. So, the net impact of customer
heterogeneity on the profitability of horizontal We now allow horizontal differentiation and effi-
differentiation is positive, and it shifts the peak ciency investments to be determined endogenously
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 517

at a prior stage, before price competition begins. Conversely, if the cost of improving efficiency,
So, we now adjust the firms’ equilibrium gross β e, rises sufficiently, acquiring a monopoly is not
profits from the second stage (designated with feasible. Third, for some parameter values, both
an asterisk) by deducting the cost of positioning the symmetric and monopoly equilibria exist. So,
investments. The firms’ resulting first-stage objec- even without ‘irrational blunders’ by either firm,
tive functions (subscripted N to denote profits ‘net’ the question of whether a firm will end up as
of these investment costs) are: a moderately profitable competitor in a horizon-
tally differentiated market, as a highly profitable
HN = ∗HG − βh hH2 − βe eH2 and monopolist, or as a ‘wallflower’ shut out of the
market by a rival is not fully determined by the
LN = ∗LG − βh hL2 − βe eL2 (3) environment. It follows that a manager’s strategic
foresight in shaping outcomes, that is, in making
We consider two versions of the first-stage one equilibrium more or less likely, can have a
investment subgame: in the competitive version, dramatic effect on the profitability of his or her
each firm independently maximizes its own net firm.
profit function. In the cooperative version, firms Suppose that customer heterogeneity is large
jointly maximize total industrywide net profit, enough to support the symmetric equilibrium.
TN = HN + LN , in making their investment The Appendix shows that, in this case, greater
decisions, yet still compete on price in the second customer heterogeneity yields greater horizontal
stage. differentiation, which allows firms to set higher
prices and earn higher net profits.
Competitive positioning
There are two types of pure-strategy Nash equi- Cooperative positioning
libria in the competitive version of the investment Just as in the competitive positioning scenario,
subgame12 : in a symmetric equilibrium, the two cooperative positioning can also lead to either a
firms make symmetric investments in the first stage symmetric solution or a monopoly solution. For
and then split the market evenly in the second each solution, the Appendix analyzes the asso-
stage. In a monopoly equilibrium, one firm invests ciated investment levels, prices, and net profits,
to gain an insurmountable efficiency advantage along with the conditions under which each solu-
that ensures that it will monopolize the market, tion generates the highest total industry profits.
and the other firm rationally invests nothing in the Again, the monopoly solution dominates the sym-
first stage, because any such investment would be metric solution when σ is small, β h is large, or
wasted. The Appendix derives these equilibria, and β e is small, and higher levels of customer het-
describes how we use numerical analyses to ver- erogeneity yield greater horizontal differentiation,
ify that these equilibria are valid and that no other which allows firms to set higher prices, which in
equilibria exist. turn generates higher net profits. We accordingly
Figure 1 provides a sample illustration showing strengthen and extend Proposition 1.3 as follows:
the range of parameter values where each type of
equilibrium exist. Three observations can be made
Proposition 1.5: Regardless of whether firms
from this figure: first, the monopoly equilibrium
make positioning decisions competitively or
exists wherever the symmetric equilibrium does
cooperatively, as horizontal customer hetero-
not and vice-versa. Second, the symmetric equilib-
geneity increases, firms invest more in hori-
rium does not exist when σ is small, β h is large,
zontal differentiation, set higher prices, and
or β e is small. So, when it is relatively cheap to
earn higher profits.
develop a competitive advantage by investing in
efficiency or when customers’ preferences are not
heterogeneous enough, monopoly prevails. Then, Competitive versus cooperative positioning
the firms are in a race to capture the market.
Let us restrict our attention to the range of param-
eter values where both firms have positive market
12 We consider pure strategies more realistic and easier to share with both cooperative and competitive posi-
interpret than mixed strategies in this context. tioning. We can then ask which leads to more
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
518 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

horizontal differentiation and overinvest in effi-

ciency improvement relative to the industrywide

Proposition 1.6: Relative to firms that

position themselves competitively, firms that
cooperate in their positioning invest more
in horizontal differentiation and less in
efficiency improvement, and consequently set
higher prices and earn higher profits.

We know from Proposition 1.5 that, with both

competitive and cooperative positioning, higher
customer heterogeneity motivates firms to increase
their horizontal differentiation. The Appendix
shows that this rate of increase is higher when
positioning is cooperative than when it is com-
petitive. The reason is that firms cooperating in
their positioning internalize all, not just part, of the
rivalry-restraining benefit of horizontal differentia-
tion. So, as customer heterogeneity increases, firms
that cooperate in positioning are more motivated
to take advantage of the increased opportunity for
rivalry restraint by differentiating further.

Proposition 1.7: As customer heterogeneity

increases, the horizontal differentiation and
profits of firms that cooperate in their posi-
tioning increase at a faster rate than if they
position themselves competitively.


While customers in Model 1 diverge in their pref-

erences about what constitutes the ideal qualities
of a product, customers in Model 2 diverge in their
willingness to pay for a quality that all consumers
desire. The formal assumptions of Model 2 are
as follows. Each consumer’s willingness to pay
for a unit increase in quality is represented by the
variable Y , which is distributed uniformly across
Figure 1. Parameter values where each type of consumers from a minimum value of µ − δ up to
competitive equilibrium is valid in Model 1
a maximum value of µ + δ, with density of (2δ)− 1
(to normalize the total market size to 1). δ ≥ 0
horizontal differentiation. Proposition 1.4 says that represents the degree of customer heterogeneity.13
the externality effect on a rival’s profit is posi-
tive for horizontal differentiation but negative for 13
Although it is natural to assume µ − δ > 0 so that all customers
efficiency improvement. If firms make positioning place a positive value on quality, all of our propositions hold if
decisions competitively, they do not internalize µ − δ < 0, in which case some customers actually dislike this
these externalities and therefore underinvest in type of quality.

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DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 519

Further assume that in order for firm i to increase unit increase in industrywide quality (i.e., the
its quality v i ≥ 0, the firm must incur higher per- difference between the average willingness to pay,
unit marginal costs of ci = γ + ω vi2 for some across the entire market, for an extra unit of
ω > 0. This quadratic function captures the idea quality, µ, and the marginal cost to both firms
of diminishing returns to quality improvement, that of offering that extra unit of quality), then one
is, as quality improves, the marginal cost of further firm will monopolize the market. Equation (5) can
quality improvements increases at an increasing also be rewritten as |w i | < 3g, which means that
rate. We make the natural and intuitive assump- in order for both firms to have positive market
tion that there is a lowest possible quality level shares, neither firm’s competitive advantage can
(e.g., the quality of a product that costs nothing to be too large relative to the market’s degree of
produce), and we normalize that minimum quality rivalry restraint, or else the advantaged firm would
level to be zero. We continue to denote the two monopolize the market.
firms as H and L, and without loss of generality,
we assume that v H ≥ v L , so H is the high-end firm
Pricing subgame: firm-level analysis
and L is the low-end firm. As with Model 1, we
assume that firms choose these vertical positions in As we did in Model 1, let us for the moment
a first stage, and then compete on price in the sec- maintain the assumption, per Equation (5), that
ond stage. We again solve by backward induction, both firms have positive market shares. The
using profits anticipated for the second stage to Appendix derives the equilibrium prices, market
inform the positioning decisions in the first stage. shares, and profits under this assumption. Unlike
Consistent with Model 1, we follow the value- Model 1, Model 2 is inherently asymmetric,
based strategy definition of competitive advantage because if there were no price difference, all
(Brandenburger and Stuart, 1996) as the difference customers would buy from the high-end firm, so
between the amount of economic value that the we must analyze each firm separately.
two firms create, where ‘economic value’ is the
average difference, across all customers, between
Main effects
the customer’s willingness to pay for the product
and the company’s cost to provide it: In the Appendix, the effect of improving quality on
a firm’s margin is decomposed into a competitive
wH = −wL = (µvH − cH ) − (µvL − cL ) advantage effect and a rivalry restraint effect. The
  competitive advantage effect captures the trade-
= µ (vH − vL ) − ω vH2 − vL2
off between consumers’ higher willingness to pay
= (vH − vL ) [µ − ω (vH + vL )] (4) for a product and the higher cost of producing
it. Because of this trade-off, the competitive
We define the degree of rivalry restraint in advantage effect has a curvilinear inverted-U
the market as g = δ(v H − v L ), that is, half of the shaped influence on margin. When quality is low,
product of the two factors that reduce the amount the benefit of boosting customer willingness to pay
of market share that each firm can attract away outweighs the cost of producing higher quality,
from its rival by reducing its price: the total thereby increasing competitive advantage, which
length of the market, 2δ, and the vertical distance in turn increases margin. However, the marginal
between the firms, v H − v L . As with Model 1, cost of production rises at a faster rate than
the Appendix shows that this measure of rivalry willingness to pay. Eventually, the higher costs of
restraint corresponds exactly to the average of the production reduce margin. By contrast, the rivalry
two firms’ margins in equilibrium. restraint effect is monotonic but differs for each
The Appendix shows that both firms have firm. Quality improvement by H moves its product
positive market shares if and only if: away from L, thereby increasing rivalry restraint,
which in turn raises H ’s margin. Conversely,
|µ − ω (vH + vL )| < 3δ (5) quality improvement by L moves its product closer
to H , thereby decreasing rivalry restraint, which in
Equation (5) means that if there is not enough turn reduces L’s margin.
customer heterogeneity relative to the average Adding the rivalry restraint effect to the compet-
value created, across the entire market, by a itive advantage effect shifts the peak in quality’s
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
520 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

curvilinear inverted-U shaped effect on margin. customer heterogeneity is sufficiently low, but
The peak shifts upward to a higher quality level negative otherwise.
for H and downward to a lower quality level for
L. The size of the shift is proportional to customer Proposition 2.3: Quality improvement affects
heterogeneity. For sufficiently high customer het- a firm’s profit via competitive advantage
erogeneity, the level of quality at which L’s margin and via rivalry restraint. The competitive
peaks may be negative, which is not feasible, so advantage effect of quality improvement has
the total effect of quality on L’s margin would be a curvilinear influence on profit. The rivalry
strictly negative in that case. restraint effect of quality on profit is positive
if the repositioning moves the firm closer
Proposition 2.1: Quality improvement affects to its rival and negative if the repositioning
a firm’s margin via competitive advantage moves the firm farther from its rival. The total
and via rivalry restraint. The competitive effect of quality on profit is curvilinear for
advantage effect of quality improvement has a high-end firm. The total effect of quality
a curvilinear influence on margin. The rivalry on profit for a low-end firm is curvilinear if
restraint effect of quality on margin is positive customer heterogeneity is low, and negative
if the repositioning moves the firm closer if customer heterogeneity is high.
to its rival and negative if the repositioning
moves the firm farther from its rival. The total
effect of quality on margin is curvilinear for Interaction with customer heterogeneity
a high-end firm. The total effect of quality on The effects in the three preceding propositions are
margin for a low-end firm is curvilinear if affected by customer heterogeneity in willingness
customer heterogeneity is low, and negative to pay for quality. The Appendix shows that cus-
if customer heterogeneity is high. tomer heterogeneity improves the effect of raising
quality on H ’s margin and market share and wors-
The Appendix shows that if L increases its ens the effect on L’s margin and market share.
quality, it will have a larger market share, but if H This makes sense because increased heterogene-
increases its quality, it will have a smaller market ity leaves fewer customers to compete for in the
share. In other words, either firm gains market middle, so firms gain more monopoly power by
share as it moves toward the competing firm’s spreading apart.
quality level, that is, as L increases quality, or as H
decreases quality. This is analogous to the result Proposition 2.4: As customers become more
from Model 1, Proposition 1.2, that horizontal heterogeneous in willingness to pay for qual-
differentiation reduces a firm’s market share unless ity, the effects of quality improvement on mar-
the firm is at a severe efficiency disadvantage. gin and market share become more negative
for a low-end firm and more positive for a
Proposition 2.2: Repositioning toward the high-end firm.
quality level of a rival increases a firm’s
market share. The Appendix shows that as customer het-
erogeneity increases, the competitive advantage
The Appendix provides a similar decomposition effect of quality improvement on profits is ini-
for quality improvement’s effect on profitability. tially ambiguous but eventually approaches zero.
As with margin, the competitive advantage effect By contrast, greater customer heterogeneity makes
has an inverted-U shaped curvilinear influence on the rivalry restraint effect of quality improvement
profit, whereas the rivalry-restraint effect has a more positive for H and more negative for L, again
positive influence on profit for H and a negative because the firms gain more monopoly power by
influence on profit for L. The Appendix shows that diverging. It follows that if customer heterogeneity
the total effect of quality on profit is qualitatively is sufficiently large, any further increase in hetero-
similar to the total effect of quality on margin, geneity makes the total effect of quality improve-
and for the same reason. For H , the total effect ment on profitability more positive for H and more
is always curvilinear; for L, it is curvilinear if negative for L.
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 521

Proposition 2.5: Customer heterogeneity increases in customer heterogeneity would roughly

makes the rivalry restraint effect of quality be cut in half. In order to mitigate that loss of
improvement more positive for a high-end rivalry restraint, H partially compensates for L’s
firm and more negative for a low-end firm. immobility by accelerating its upward movement.
If customers are sufficiently heterogeneous But why is it only partially compensated? As H
in their willingness to pay for quality, any moves ever higher upscale, its distance from the
further increase in heterogeneity makes optimal quality/cost trade-off increases while L’s
the total effect of quality improvement on distance from this optimum remains constant. This
profitability more positive for a high-end asymmetry imposes a competitive disadvantage on
firm and more negative for a low-end firm. H . So, H chooses a rate of upward movement that
balances its gain from rivalry restraint against its
loss of competitive advantage. Even so, H suffers
an increasing competitive disadvantage and loses
As shown in the Appendix, quality improvement market share to L.
by H restrains rivalry by moving it away from
L, which increases L’s profit. Conversely, quality Proposition 2.7: If rival firms make position-
improvement by L increases rivalry by moving it ing investments competitively, then increas-
toward H , which decreases H ’s profit. The intu- ing customer heterogeneity in willingness to
ition is the same as in Model 1’s Proposition 1.4. pay for quality motivates high-end and low-
end firms to diverge from each other in their
Proposition 2.6: Repositioning a firm’s qual- quality levels, and thereby earn both higher
ity away from a rival (upward for a high-end margins and profits. When customers’ will-
firm retreating from a low-end rival, or down- ingness to pay for quality is so heterogeneous
ward for a low-end firm retreating from a that the low-end firm chooses the minimum
high-end rival) raises the rival’s profit. possible level of quality, any further increase
in heterogeneity causes a low-end firm to gain
market share and a high-end firm to lose mar-
Investment subgame: industry-level analysis
ket share.
Competitive positioning
We now allow quality positioning to be determined Cooperative positioning
endogenously at a prior stage, before price compe-
If positioning choices are made cooperatively,
tition begins. As shown in the Appendix, if these
then the firms will position L to monopolize the
first-stage positioning choices are made competi-
market. As shown in the Appendix, this goal
tively, then both firms always have strictly positive
is accomplished by having L choose a positive
market shares in the second stage, and greater
finite quality level, and by having H choose an
customer heterogeneity in willingness to pay for
arbitrarily high quality level. As a result, H ’s
quality causes the firms to diverge more in their
market share disappears, and L’s profit, and thus
quality levels, with H increasing its quality and L
the firms’ joint profits, can grow arbitrarily large.
decreasing its quality. The reason is that greater
customer heterogeneity means fewer customers in
the middle to compete for, which increases the gain Competitive versus cooperative positioning
in monopoly power when the firms move apart.
For the same reason, both firms’ margins rise as Obviously, because the firms’ joint profits and
customer heterogeneity increases. Once customer the difference between their quality levels are
heterogeneity is so large that L chooses the min- arbitrarily large in the cooperative case, these
imum quality of zero, v L = 0, further increases in will always be greater than with competitive
customer heterogeneity cause H to move upscale positioning.
faster than it otherwise would. Why? If H contin-
ued moving upscale at the same rate even though Proposition 2.8: Relative to firms that
L was no longer able to move downward, then position themselves competitively, firms that
the amount of rivalry-restraint generated by further cooperate in vertical positioning choose a
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
522 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

greater disparity in quality and earn higher negative externalities from creating a ‘differenti-
profits. ation advantage.’ So, firms adopt more distinc-
tive positions and earn higher profits when they
As with Model 1, this difference is due to cooperate like this than when they do not. Our
the internalization of externalities. The divergence results also indicate that customer heterogeneity
of the firms into two separate quality-based raises the incentive to be ‘smart competitors’ in
vertical niches benefits both firms by reducing this way. We show that cooperation can be accom-
the intensity of their price rivalry, but each firm plished either by setting up a profitable duopoly
must bear a private loss in order to achieve with firms occupying distinct niches or by setting
this shared benefit. For H , this private loss up one firm to monopolize the market. Monopoly
comes in the form of a higher marginal cost of may be harder to implement legally, because it
production, while for L, it comes in the form would in principle require the monopolizing firm
of decreased customer willingness to pay. When to make side transfers to the excluded firm. One
firms position themselves competitively rather way of doing this may be through merger, for
than cooperatively, each firm is only willing example, when Sirius and XM merged to create
to bear enough private loss to maximize its a monopoly in the U.S. satellite radio market in
own individual profit, which is insufficient to 2007. Yet, as noted, such mergers would frequently
maximize industry profits. Moreover, these private fall afoul of antitrust authorities. If so, our verti-
losses are not symmetric. H ’s production costs cal model suggests that firms might still cooperate
increase at an increasing rate while L’s customer profitably in positioning. One alternative would be
willingness to pay decreases linearly. Eventually, to choose a less extreme level of rivalry restraint
H winds up bearing the lion’s share of these than monopoly, whereby both the high-end and
losses, especially after L’s quality level reaches the low-end firm retained positive market share.
its minimum possible value of v L = 0. Without Indeed, this duopoly alternative may be the most
cooperative positioning, H is naturally unwilling economical outcome if, as assumed in our horizon-
to make sacrifices for which its rival is the primary tal model, there are fixed costs of differentiation.14
beneficiary. However, our horizontal model shows that if side
payments are impossible, there may be limits to
industry structuring through differentiation. The
DISCUSSION reason is that monopoly is more profitable than
duopoly precisely when monopoly is also the equi-
In this paper, we take the idea of industry librium from making positioning decisions com-
structuring seriously. Although much is known petitively. Firms would accordingly find it more
about industry structure (noun), much less is profitable to race to become the monopolist by
known about industry structuring (verb). In other investing in efficiency than to set up a duopoly,
words, we know more about how industry structure which would generate lower profit for both firms
affects economic outcomes than about how rival than a monopoly would for one firm. Exploring
firms can, either individually or collectively, shape the impact of such constraints is an exciting topic
their industry’s structure for their benefit. This for future research.
paper explores how firms can structure their Another goal of this paper is to provide the ana-
industry using product differentiation, which may lytical precision needed to dissect the causal mech-
allow firms to approach Stigler’s (1964: 46) anisms that motivate product differentiation. Prod-
ideal of assigning each buyer to a single seller uct differentiation may affect profit by increasing
without violating antitrust law. We examine both the competitiveness of a firm and by decreasing
the horizontal and vertical versions of a two- the competitiveness of its industry, and these two
stage model in which rival firms make product mechanisms are not independent of each other.
differentiation decisions either competitively or
cooperatively in anticipation of subsequent price
14 By
competition. contrast, in our model of vertical differentiation, the
Our models indicate that if firms cooperate in absence of such costs made it possible to position the high-end
firm infinitely far away for free because that distant positioning
their positioning, they internalize positive exter- would leave it with zero market share, and therefore zero
nalities from rivalry-restraining differentiation and variable cost.

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DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 523

Our decomposition reveals the following: (1) hor- lack the skills and conceptual frameworks to dif-
izontally and vertically differentiating away from ferentiate their businesses in truly innovative ways.
a rival restrains rivalry; (2) if firms have sim- There is likely some truth in each of these claims.
ilar efficiency, horizontal differentiation reduces We add another possibility to this list: to be ‘smart
competitive advantage by making a firm’s prod- competitors’ à la Yoffie requires that managers
uct less appealing to the majority of the market, agree to internalize the effects of their positioning
whereas vertical differentiation increases compet- on each other. By contrast, an industry composed
itive advantage (to create a differentiation advan- of fully rational but less cooperative managers will
tage) if and only if the firm moves closer to the resemble the less differentiated competitive equi-
optimal trade-off between quality and marginal libria of our models.
cost; and (3) horizontal differentiation normally Some caveats about our results are warranted.
reduces market share but may increase market First, they were derived from formal modeling,
share if a firm has an efficiency disadvantage by which has the virtue of transparency, internal
establishing some breathing room from a stronger consistency, and a replicable ‘audit trail’ but lacks
rival. the ‘complexity of a real-life encounter’ (Adner
In that connection, the strategy literature pays et al ., 2009: 205). Any attempt at either practical
little heed to the fact that product differentia- or empirical application of our results should be
tion can lead to a competitive disadvantage by made with caution and appropriate adjustments to
reducing the firm’s value creation across the mar- the specific situation.
ket as a whole. Research, pedagogy, and prac- We highlight a few of the more obvious limita-
tice should recognize that horizontal differentiation tions of our analysis here, which, if relaxed, could
usually reduces competitive advantage, and that represent promising avenues for future research.
vertical differentiation may do so as well if taken First, to focus on differentiation apart from diver-
too far—beyond the optimal quality/cost trade- sification, we assumed that each firm has only
off. Theory and pedagogy should also recognize one competitive position. If firms had the option
that differentiation simultaneously affects rivalry of diversifying in our spaces of consumer prefer-
restraint and competitive advantage, which may ences, then competitive positioning would likely
have counteracting effects on profit. lead them to ‘overdiversify’ relative to the cooper-
Our models offer a new interpretation of the oft- ative optimum, since they would only internalize
repeated critique in the practitioner literature that the cannibalization of their own sales, not sales
firms do not differentiate enough. To wit, Kim and of rivals. We also assumed that firms have sym-
Mauborgne (2005) claim that managers neglect metric positioning opportunities and costs. Preex-
opportunities to create ‘new market space’ by dif- isting asymmetries in capabilities and positioning
ferentiating into ‘blue oceans.’ Hamel and Praha- may lead to asymmetries in outcomes, although
lad (1994) see firms as neglecting various ‘industry our model showed that such preexisting asymme-
transformation’ possibilities, including introducing tries are not necessary for an asymmetric outcome.
novel product characteristics that would differenti- We also assumed a production technology with-
ate the firms in fundamentally new ways. Such out scale economies. With scale economies, market
insufficient differentiation could result from the share would be more valuable, so competition to
personal failings of managers or the organizational gain share via competitive advantage would be
weaknesses of firms. Hamel and Prahalad (1994) more intense. Another interesting possibility that
claim that firms are too focused on making their we do not consider are markets where scarcity
products more competitive on existing standards or is part of what makes the product desirable (e.g.,
metrics rather than on inventing new standards or Swatches). Our model also restricted entry. With-
metrics, and Porter (1980: 42) blames a combina- out this assumption, incumbents would take into
tion of bureaucratic inertia and indecisive or incon- account how their positioning decisions affected
sistent managers. Treacy and Wiersema (1995: 44) entry. Finally, we made simplifying assumptions
see firms as mistaking mere improvement for real about the distribution of consumer tastes (uni-
competitive superiority and as being reluctant to form) and reservation prices (infinite), and chang-
make ‘hard choices’ like abandoning customers ing these assumptions (e.g., a bimodal distribution
who will not pay more for differentiation, while of customers) may change the optimal competitive
Kim and Mauborgne (2005) suggest that managers positioning.
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
524 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

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DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 525

advantage to capture the entire market, there

must be a single marginal consumer located r aH 2  2
at an interior point X̃ ∈ (−σ , σ ) who is indif- ∗HG = 1+ = 2r qH∗ and
2 3r
ferent between firms H and L. This occurs r aL 2  2
where: ∗LG = 1+ = 2r qL∗ (13)
2 3r
 2  2
pH + α X̃ − hH = pL + α X̃ − hL (6) This equilibrium is only valid if both firms have
positive market shares. Algebraic manipulation
Solving this equation for X̃ yields: of Equation (12) shows that this is true if and
only if the boundary condition in Equation (1)
hH + hL pH − pL is satisfied. If not, one firm has a strong enough
X̃ = + (7) advantage to monopolize the market. Without loss
2 2α (hH − hL )
of generality, let this firm be H , since the case
This implies demand functions and gross (i.e., where L monopolizes the market is analogous.
before deducting investment costs) profit functions In the Nash equilibrium for this case, q L = 0
of: and q H = 1, and neither firm has an incentive to
unilaterally change its price, which occurs only at:
1 hH + hL pH − pL
qH = − − and pH∗ = γ + aH − r − ε pL∗ = γ (14)
2 4σ 4σ α (hH − hL ) and
qL = 1 − qH (8)
where ε > 0 is the smallest possible increment
HG = qH (pH − γ + eH ) and by which prices can be adjusted. Since ε was
assumed to be trivially small, we ignore it for the
LG = qL (pL − γ + eL ) (9)
remainder of the analysis. If L lowers its price,
then it would suffer negative margin. If L raises
Differentiating each iG with respect to
its price, then its profits remain zero. If H lowers
its corresponding p i , setting both deriva-
its price, then it will reduce its margin without
tives equal to zero, and solving the resulting
any compensating increase in market share. To
equation system yields the second-stage price
show that H has no incentive to raise its price,

pH∗ = (γ − eH ) + (1/3) [α (hH − hL ) (6 − (hH + hL )) + (eH − eL )] = (γ − eH ) + 4σ α (hH − hL ) qH∗

pL∗ = (γ − eL ) + (1/3) [α (hH − hL ) (6 + (hH + hL )) − (eH − eL )] = (γ − eL ) + 4σ α (hH − hL ) qL∗

we substitute the prices from Equation (14) into the

Define the level of rivalry restraint, r, as the derivative of H ’s profit function from Equation (9)
average margin of the two firms in equilibrium: to yield the condition a H ≥ 3r, which violates the
    condition in Equation (1). We then have that L has
r = ( 1/2) pH∗ − (γ − eH ) + pL∗ − (γ − eL ) a gross profit of zero and that H has a gross profit
= 2σ α (hH − hL ) (11) of ∗HG = aH − r. Alternatively, if the firms are
not horizontally differentiated and neither firm has
Substituting the prices from (10) into Equations an efficiency advantage, standard Bertrand logic
(8) and (9) yields market shares and gross profits implies that both price at marginal cost, split the
of: market (as buyers are indifferent between them),
and earn no profit.
1 aH  1 aL  Returning now to the duopoly equilibrium in
qH∗ = 1+ and qL∗ = 1+ Equations (10) through (13), if this equilibrium is
2 3r 2 3r
(12) valid (i.e., if Equation (1) is true), then efficiency
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
526 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

has positive main effects on market share, margin, differentiation would require price discounts in
and profit: order to compensate consumers for incurring
extraordinarily high transportation costs. Since
∂qH∗ the motivation for horizontal differentiation is to
= (6r)−1 > 0 and
∂eH increase margins, we limit our attention to the
  range of parameters where such margin increase
∂mH∗ ∂ pH∗ − (γ − eH ) 1 is possible, which implies h H ∈ [0, 3σ ). In fact,
= = > 0 and
∂eH ∂eH 3 neither firm would ever position itself past ± 3σ /2
∂∗HG 2q ∗ when positions are chosen competitively.
= H >0 (15) Differentiating market share establishes the
∂eH 3
second part of Proposition 1.2:
The effect of horizontal differentiation on prof-
∂qH∗ −1 (eH − eL )
itability can then be decomposed as follows: = − (19)
∂hH 12σ 12σ α (hH − hL )2

∂∗HG 3r + aH ∂aH
= The first term is always negative, reflecting
∂hH 9r ∂hH the firm’s growing distance from the majority

(3r + aH ) (3r − aH ) ∂r of customers. The second term shows how the

+ effect of any efficiency difference on market share
18r 2 ∂hH
attenuates as the firms move apart. This second
(16) term may be positive or negative, depending upon
whether the firm has an advantage or disadvantage
The first term in this derivative relates to com- in efficiency. The net effect is negative unless the
petitive advantage, while the second term relates firm has a disadvantage in efficiency (i.e., e H < e L )
to rivalry restraint. By Equation (1), we know that and is positioned near its rival’s horizontal location
− 3r < a H < 3r, so the fractions in both terms are (i.e., h H − h L is small).
positive. Since ∂ a H /∂ h H < 0 and ∂ r/∂ h H > 0, Differentiating Equations (18) and (19) with
the first term is negative, and the second term respect to σ yields:
is positive. The net effect depends upon which  
term is larger in magnitude. Equation (17) confirms ∂mH∗ ∂ pH∗ − γ + eH
that horizontal differentiation has a curvilinear, = = 2α > 0 and
∂σ ∂hH ∂σ ∂hH
inverted-U shaped effect on profit, that is, positive
when h H is low and negative when h H is high: ∂qH∗ 1 (eH − eL )
= +
 ∂σ ∂hH 12σ 2 12σ 2 α (hH − hL )2
∂∗HG hH
= 4σ αqH∗ ∗
qL − ≥0 ∂qH∗
∂hH 3σ = −σ −1 (20)
iff hH ≤ 3σ qL∗ (17)
Customer heterogeneity reinforces horizontal
Equations (16) and (17) are the basis for differentiation’s positive effect on margin but
Proposition 1.1. diminishes its effect on market share by reducing
Differentiating margin establishes the first part the relevance of both the firm’s distance to the
of Proposition 1.2: majority of customers and its relative efficiency.
The net impact of customer heterogeneity on the
  profitability of horizontal differentiation is the
∂mH∗ ∂ pH∗ − γ + eH 2α
= = (3σ − hH ) > 0 derivative of Equation (17) with respect to σ :
∂hH ∂hH 3
iff hH < 3σ (18) ∂ 2 ∗HG
∂σ ∂hH
This derivative is positive unless the firm has
4α  ∗ 2   2 
moved farther from its nearest consumer than = hH qH + (3σ −hH ) 1/2 −qH∗ + qH∗
that consumer is from the opposite endpoint 3σ
(i.e., unless h H ≥ 3σ ), at which point any further (21)
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 527

which is positive if 0 < qH∗ < 1 and h H < 3σ , following solution:

as we have assumed. So, by the monotone 3ασ
comparative-statics theorem (Topkis, 1998), the h̃H = −h̃L = and
2 (α + 3βh )
peak of the inverted-U-shaped effect of horizontal
differentiation on profit shifts outward as σ 1
ẽH = ẽL = (23)
increases. Equations (20) and (21) are the basis 6βe
for Proposition 1.3.
Equations (12) and (19) show that, as σ where the tilde indicates competitive equilibrium.
approaches infinity, the effect of horizontal The firms’ prices and net profits are then
differentiation on market share disappears, so its 6α 2 σ 2
effect on profit becomes monotonically positive. p̃H∗s = p̃L∗s = γ +
If a H = − a L > 0, then qL∗ approaches 0 as σ α + 3βh
approaches σ min , so the level of horizontal and ˜ ∗s ˜ ∗s
differentiation at which profit starts to decline, 
ĥH = 3σ qL∗ , must also approach 0. In that case, 1 27α 2 σ 2 (4α + 9βh ) 1
= − (24)
profit would decline monotonically over the full 36 (α + 3βh )2 βe
range h H ∈ [0, 3σ ). If a H = − a L < 0, then qL∗
approaches 1 as σ approaches σ min , so the level where the superscripted s refers to ‘symmetric.’
of horizontal differentiation at which profit starts Now, assume that one firm anticipates monop-
to decline, ĥH = 3σ qL∗ , must approach 3σ . In that olizing the market in the second stage, while
case, profit would increase monotonically over the other firm anticipates being shut out of the
the full range h H ∈ [0, 3σ ). If a H = a L = 0, then market. Without loss of generality, assume that
qL∗ = qH∗ = 1/2 and σ min = 0, so the full range H is the monopolizing firm, and that L gets
h H ∈ [0, 3σ ) would collapse down to the origin as shut out. L clearly will not invest in either
σ approaches σ min . type of positioning. H will not invest in hor-
To establish Proposition 1.4, note that hori- izontal differentiation either but will invest in
zontal differentiation by H affects L’s profit as efficiency improvement up to the point where
follows: the marginal benefit of an increase in efficiency,
which equals 1, exactly matches the cost. That
implies the investment levels eH∗H = (2βe )−1
∂∗LG −2qL∗
= <0 and eL∗H = hH∗H = hL∗H = 0, where the H in
∂eH 3 the superscript indicates that H monopolizes.

∂∗LG 3r + aL ∂aL The case where L monopolizes is analogous:
and = eL∗L = (2βe )−1 and eH∗L = hH∗L = hL∗L = 0. In each
∂hH 9r ∂hH
 case, the monopolizing firm earns a net profit of
(3r + aL ) (3r − aL ) ∂r (4β e )− 1 , and the other firms earns zero net profit.
+ >0
18r 2 ∂hH Since the objective function is not uniformly
(22) concave over the range of possible (e i ,h i ), we
used numerical methods to confirm that the
symmetric and monopoly solutions are both Nash
Model 1: Investment subgame equilibria (i.e., that neither firm would benefit from
unilaterally deviating). In each iteration of our
We first consider competitive positioning. Assume numerical approach, we chose particular values for
that both firms anticipate positive market share. α, σ , β e , β h , derived each firm’s positioning for
Differentiating each firm’s net profit function the symmetric and monopoly equilibria at these
in Equation (3) with respect to each of its parameter values, and examined whether one of
positioning variables (e i ,h i ) and setting these the firms would have an incentive to unilaterally
derivatives equal to zero yields a system of four deviate from the candidate equilibrium to 1 million
equations in four variables, but its solution is other possible combinations of horizontal differ-
intractable, so we conjecture and then verify that entiation and efficiency improvement. If neither
one solution to the system is symmetric across firm could so profitably deviate, we considered
firms. Imposing symmetry across firms yields the that solution to be a Nash equilibrium. We then
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
528 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

repeated this process 94 = 6,561 times by allow- dominates if and only if 8α 2 σ 2 β e /β h > 1. Just
ing each of the four parameters (α, σ , β e , β h ) to as in the competitive case, then, the symmetric
assume every possible combination of nine values. solution dominates if and only if σ or β e are
To rule out the possibility of other asymmetric large, or β h is small.
equilibria, we reduced the four-equation system Differentiating Equations (23) to (25) with
to two equations in terms of hH and hL . Then, respect to σ establishes Proposition 1.5:
for each of 94 = 6,561 different combinations
of the parameters α, σ , β e , β h , we searched for ∂ h̃H −∂ h̃L 3α
= = > 0,
other solutions among four million different ∂σ ∂σ 2 (α + 3βh )
combinations of hH and hL using a grid pattern.
If a particular asymmetric combination of hH and ∂ p̃H∗s ∂ p̃ ∗s 12α 2 σ
= L = > 0, and
hL ‘solved’ the system (within a large numerical ∂σ ∂σ α + 3βh
tolerance15 ), our numerical routine investigated ˜ ∗s ˜ ∗s
∂ ∂ 3α 2 σ (4α + 9βh )
whether either firm had a profitable unilateral HN
= LN
= > 0 (26)
deviation from that candidate ‘solution’ to, for ∂σ ∂σ 2 (α + 3βh )2
example, the investment levels of a monopolizing ∂h H −∂h L α
firm. In every such instance, one or both firms = = > 0,
had a profitable unilateral deviation. ∂σ ∂σ βh
Because the investment-cost functions are con- ∂p ∗s ∂p ∗s 8α 2 σ
vex and symmetric across firms, any cooperative
= L = > 0, and
∂σ ∂σ βh
solution where both firms make at least one
∗s ∗s
type of positive investment must have both firms ∂HN ∂LN 2α 2 σ
making symmetric investments. We therefore = = >0 (27)
∂σ ∂σ βh
calculate the sum of the two firms’ profit func-
tions from Equation (3), and then differentiate Subtracting parts of Equations (23) and (24)
this sum with respect to both firms’ positioning from the corresponding parts of Equation (25)
variables (e i , h i ). We use the resulting system of yields:
four equations in four variables to generate the
following symmetric cooperative solution: 1
e H − ẽH = − < 0,
h H = −h L = , e H = e L = 0, ασ (2α + 3βh )
βh h H − h̃H = > 0, and
2βh (α + 3βh )
4α 2 σ 2
p ∗s ∗s
H = pL = γ + , and 2α 2 σ 2 (2α + 3βh )
βh p ∗s ∗s
H − p̃H = > 0 (28)
βh (α + 3βh )
∗s ∗s α2σ 2 
HN = LN = (25) 1 α 2 σ 2 (2α + 3βh )2
βh ∗s
HN −  ˜ HN =
+ >0
βe 4βh (α + 3βh )2
The bar symbols above the solution variables (29)
indicate cooperation, and the s superscript means Equations (28) and (29) are the basis for Propo-
‘symmetric.’ The other way firms might cooperate sition 1.6. Differentiating Equation (29) and part
would be for one firm to spend nothing on of Equation (28) with respect to σ yields the fol-
positioning and the other firm to position itself to lowing derivatives as the basis for Proposition 1.7:
monopolize the market in the second stage. Total
industrywide net profits in the symmetric cooper-  
∂ h H − h̃H α (2α + 3βh )
ative solution are 2α 2 σ 2 /β h and in the monopoly
= > 0 and
solution are (4β e )− 1 . So, the symmetric solution ∂σ 2βh (α + 3βh )
∂ HN −  ˜ ∗s
15 HN α 2 σ (2α + 3βh )2
Because we were looking for solutions using a grid search
= >0
pattern, solving these equations exactly would only happen by ∂σ 2βh (α + 3βh )2
coincidence. We used a large error margin to ensure we did not
miss any candidate solutions. (30)
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DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 529

Model 2: Pricing Subgame 1 wL  wL 
∗L = qL∗ mL∗= + g+
If both firms have positive market shares, there 2 6g 3
must be a single marginal consumer located  2
1 wL  2
at an interior point Ỹ ∈ (µ − δ, µ + δ) who is = 2g + = 2g qL∗ ,
indifferent between firms H and L. This occurs 2 6g

where: 1 wH  wH 
∗H = qH∗ mH∗ = + g+
vH Ỹ − pH = vL Ỹ − pL (31) 2 6g 3
1 wH  2
Solving for Ỹ yields: = 2g + = 2g qH∗ (38)
2 6g
pH − pL
Ỹ = (32) This equilibrium is only valid if qL∗ > 0 and
vH − vL
qH∗ > 0, which is equivalent to Equation (5) or
This implies that the equilibrium market shares |w i | < 3g. Assuming this boundary condition is
of each firm are satisfied, the main effects of quality on margin and
market share are:
1 µ pH − pL
qH = + − and qL = 1 − qH ∂mL∗ µ − 2ωvL
2 2δ 2g = − δ,
∂vL 3
∂mH∗ µ − 2ωvH
= + δ, and
The second-stage gross profit functions are ∂vH 3
  ∂qL∗ −∂qH∗ ω
HG = qH (pH − cH ) = qH pH − γ − ωvH2 and = = >0 (39)
∂vL ∂vH 6δ
LG = qL (pL − cL ) = qL pL − γ − ωvL2 (34)
These derivatives are the basis for Propositions
Differentiating each i with respect to its 2.1 and 2.2. In the two margin derivatives, the first
corresponding pi , setting both derivatives equal to term reflects changes in competitive advantage,
zero, and solving the resulting equation system while the second term reflects changes in rivalry
yields equilibrium prices and margins: restraint. For simplicity, start with the special
case where there is no customer heterogeneity,
  δ = 0, so the rivalry restraint term disappears. In
(3δ − µ) (vH − vL ) + ω vH2 + 2vL2
pL∗=γ + , that case, the competitive advantage term shows
3 the trade-off between the benefit of increased
∗ (3δ + µ) (vH − vL ) + ω 2vH2 + vL2 customer willingness to pay for the product and
pH = γ + its associated higher cost, with margin peaking
where this cost and benefit exactly balance each
(35) other out, v̂i = µ/2ω > 0; this is also the level
mL∗ = pL∗ − cL∗ = g +
L that maximizes competitive advantage w i . Below
3 this point, quality improvement increases margin,
  wH because the higher willingness to pay of customers
mH∗ = pH∗ − cH∗ = g + (36)
3 outweighs the higher variable costs of production;
above this point, quality improvement reduces
Equation (36) implies that the rivalry restraint margin, because the higher variable costs outweigh
measure g equals the industry average margin. the higher willingness to pay. If there is some
Substituting these prices into Equations (33) and customer heterogeneity, δ > 0, the level of quality
(34) yields market shares and gross profits of at which margin peaks shifts upward to v̂ˆ H =
(µ + 3δ) /2ω for H and downward to v̂ˆ L =
mL∗ 1 wL m∗ 1 wH (µ − 3δ) /2ω for L. For H , the level of quality
qL∗ = = + , qH∗ = H = +
2g 2 6g 2g 2 6g at which margin peaks must be positive, so
(37) the impact of quality on H ’s margin is always
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
530 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

curvilinear. For L, if δ is sufficiently large, the terms in Equations (40) and (41) separately with
level of quality at which margin peaks may be respect to δ. For L, the derivative of the sec-
lower than zero, in which case the impact of ond term
 Equation  (40) with respect to δ
L’s quality on its margin is strictly negative. The is − 1/2 + wL2 /18g 2 , which is always nega-
market share derivatives in Equation (39) show tive, while the derivative of the first term is
that quality improvement raises market share for [−w L (µ − 2ωv L )]/9δg, which has an ambiguous
L but lowers it for H . sign but tends toward zero as δ gets large. Com-
The main effects of quality improvement on bining these two derivatives shows that the effect
profit in Proposition 2.3 are as follows: of customer heterogeneity on the total profitabil-
 ity of quality improvement for L is ambiguous for
∂∗L 3g + wL ∂wL small values of δ but becomes unambiguously neg-
= ative at sufficiently large values of δ. For H , the
∂vL 9g ∂vL
 derivative of the second
 term in Equation (41) with
(3g + wL ) (3g − wL ) ∂g respect to δ is 1/2 + wH2 /18g 2 , which is always
+ (40)
18g 2 ∂vL positive, while the derivative of the first term is
[−w H (µ − 2ωv H )]/9δg, which has an ambiguous

∂∗H 3g + wH ∂wH sign but tends toward zero as δ gets large. Combin-
= ing these two derivatives shows that the effect of
∂vH 9g ∂vH
 customer heterogeneity on the total profitability of
(3g + wH ) (3g − wH ) ∂g quality improvement for H is ambiguous for small
+ (41)
18g 2 ∂vH values of δ but becomes unambiguously positive
at sufficiently large values of δ. These results are
In each of these equations, the first term the basis for Proposition 2.5.
shows how quality improvement affects profit The externalities of quality improvement in
via competitive advantage, and the second term Proposition 2.6 are derived as follows:
shows how quality improvement affects profit via 
rivalry-restraint. Because |w i| < 3g, the fractions ∂∗L 3g + wL ∂wL
in both terms are positive, so the net effect ∂vH 9g ∂vH
depends on how quality improvement affects 
rivalry restraint, g, and competitive advantage, w i . (3g + wL ) (3g − wL ) ∂g
+ (43)
The first term is positive if vi < v̂i but negative 18g 2 ∂vH
if vi > v̂i , because quality improvement raises 
competitive advantage at low quality levels and ∂∗H 3g + wH ∂wH
reduces competitive advantage at high quality =
∂vL 9g ∂vL
levels. Quality improvement by H moves it farther 
from L and thereby increases rivalry restraint, (3g + wH ) (3g − wH ) ∂g
+ (44)
whereas quality improvement by L moves it closer 18g 2 ∂vL
to H and thereby decreases rivalry restraint. So,
the second term is negative in Equation (40) but Setting Equation (43) equal to zero reveals that
positive in Equation (41). the local minimum exceeds the local maximum
Differentiating Equation (39) with respect to δ and that any value of v H that satisfies the boundary
is the basis for Proposition 2.4: condition in Equation (5) must be greater than
or equal to the local minimum. Therefore, ∗L
∂ 2 mH∗ ∂ 2 mL∗ increases monotonically over the possible values
=− = 1 and of v H . A similar argument shows that ∗H
∂δ∂vH ∂δ∂vL
decreases monotonically over the possible values
∂ 2 qH∗ ∂ 2 qL∗ ω of v L .
=− = 2 >0 (42)
∂δ ∂vH ∂δ ∂vL 6δ
Model 2: Investment subgame
In order to determine how the profitabil-
ity of quality improvement is affected by cus- We first consider competitive positioning. Differ-
tomer heterogeneity, we differentiate each of the entiating Equation (38) and setting the resulting
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
A Strategic Perspective on Product Differentiation 531

derivatives equal to zero yields a system of two

equations in two variables. If δ < 2µ/3, the solution 
∂ q̃L 0 if δ < 2µ/3
to this system is the Nash equilibrium. If δ ≥ 2µ/3, = and
the solution to this system would imply a negative ∂δ µ/9δ 2
if δ ≥ 2µ/3
quality level for L, which has been ruled out by 
assumption. In that case, the Nash equilibrium has ∂ q̃H 0 if δ < 2µ/3
= (50)
L set v L = 0, and H choose its own quality level ∂δ −µ/9δ 2 if δ ≥ 2µ/3
as the best response to v L = 0. In either case, the
second-order conditions are satisfied. Combining
both cases, we have: 
 ∂ m̃L 3δ/ω if δ < 2µ/3
= 2(12δ+µ) and
(2µ − 3δ) /4ω if δ < 2µ/3 ∂δ if δ ≥ 2µ/3
ṽL = and 9ω
0 if δ ≥ 2µ/3 
 ∂ m̃H 3δ/ω if δ < 2µ/3
= 4(3δ+µ) (51)
(2µ + 3δ) /4ω if δ < 2µ/3 ∂δ if δ ≥ 2µ/3
ṽH = (45) 9ω
(µ + 3δ) /3ω if δ ≥ 2µ/3

Substituting this into Equations (37) and (38) 

∂˜∗ 3δ/2ω if δ < 2µ/3
yields equilibrium market shares, margins, and L
= 432δ3 −2µ3 and
profits: ∂δ
243 δ 2 ω
if δ ≥ 2µ/3
∂˜∗ 3δ/2ω if δ < 2µ/3
1/2 if δ < 2µ/3 H
= 2(6δ−µ)(3δ+µ)2 (52)
q̃L = and ∂δ if δ ≥ 2µ/3
(6δ − µ) /9δ if δ ≥ 2µ/3 243 δ 2 ω

1/2 if δ < 2µ/3 If the firms cooperate in competitive positioning,
q̃H = (46) they will never choose quality levels that result
(3δ + µ) /9δ if δ ≥ 2µ/3
in both firms having positive market shares. To
prove this, we add together the two firms’ second-
 stage equilibrium profit functions from Equation
3δ 2 /2ω if δ < 2µ/3 (38) to get the industrywide total profit if both
m̃L = 2(6δ−µ)(3δ+µ) and
27ω if δ ≥ 2µ/3 firms have positive market shares. This equation
 has no maximum where 0 ≤ v L < ∞, 0 ≤ v H < ∞.
3δ 2 /2ω if δ < 2µ/3 If H chooses a quality level of + ∞ and L chooses
m̃H = 2(3δ+µ)2 (47)
27ω if δ ≥ 2µ/3 any nonnegative quality level, then Equation (5)
would be violated, which would mean that both
firms would not have strictly positive market

3δ 2 /4ω if δ < 2µ/3 shares. Suppose, instead, that H monopolizes the
˜ ∗L =
 and market in the second stage. The lowest price that
243 δω if δ ≥ 2µ/3 L can charge is its marginal cost of γ + ω vL2 ,
 so H can charge a price of no more than γ +
3δ 2 /4ω if δ < 2µ/3
˜ ∗H
 = (48) ω vL2 + (µ − δ) (vH − vL ) in order to make the
243 δω if δ ≥ 2µ/3 least quality-sensitive customer (i.e., the customer
at Y = µ − δ) indifferent between the two firms.
Proposition 2.7 is based on the following effects L will then have market share and profit of
of δ on the equilibrium outcomes shown above: zero, while H has a market share of one and
 profit of:
∂ ṽL∗ −3/4ω if δ < 2µ/3
= and ∗H    
∂δ 0 if δ ≥ 2µ/3 H = vH (µ − δ) − ω vH2 − vL (µ − δ) − ω vL2
∂ ṽH∗ 3/4ω if δ < 2µ/3 This equation is clearly bounded for any non-
= (49)
∂δ 1/ω if δ ≥ 2µ/3 negative value of v L .
Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj
532 R. Makadok and D.G. Ross

Now, suppose L monopolizes in the second ∗L    

L = vL (µ + δ) − ω vL2 − vH (µ + δ) − ω vH2
stage. The lowest price that H can charge is its (54)
marginal cost of γ + ω vH2 , so L can charge a price This profit can be made arbitrarily large by set-
of no more than γ + ω vH2 − (µ + δ) (vH − vL ) ting v L = (µ + δ)/2ω to maximize the first brack-
in order to make the most quality-sensitive cus- eted term for any finite level of v H , and by letting
tomer (i.e., the customer at Y = µ + δ) indifferent v H grow arbitrarily large. This result is the basis
between the two firms. H will then have a mar- for Proposition 2.8.
ket share and profit of zero, while L has a market
share of one and profit of:

Copyright  2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strat. Mgmt. J., 34: 509–532 (2013)
DOI: 10.1002/smj

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