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Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 00 No. 00 2018

Clinical Investigation
Incremental Value of Objective Frailty Assessment to Predict
Mortality in Elderly Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure
D13X X
D15X X
D17X X
D19X X D20X X
D21X X

Sagamihara, Japan

Background: The impact of frailty on long-term prognosis in patients with heart failure (HF) remains
unclear, and there is no simple and objective assessment for it. This study was performed to examine the
association between frailty score and clinical outcome in elderly patients hospitalized for HF.
Methods and Results: A retrospective cohort study was performed with 603 elderly patients with HF (mean
age 75 § 6 years, 378 [62.7%] men). Frailty was measured by a composite of 4 markers combined into a frailty
score (possible range 0 12): gait speed, handgrip strength, serum albumin, and activities of daily living status.
The patient population was divided into 2 groups with frailty score <5 (non-frail) or 5 (frail). The end point
was all-cause mortality. Over a mean follow-up period of 1.7 § 0.5 years, 89 patients died. After adjustment for
several preexisting factors associated with prognosis, the frailty score (hazard ratio [HR] 1.11; P = .014) and
frailty (HR 1.75; P = .036) were independently associated with all-cause mortality. The inclusion of frailty score
significantly increased both continuous net reclassification improvement (0.341; P = .002) and integrated dis-
crimination improvement (0.016; P = .039) for all-cause mortality.
Conclusions: A simple and objective frailty score was associated with health outcome in elderly patients
hospitalized for HF. (J Cardiac Fail 2018;00:1 10)
Key Words: Frail, older, acute heart failure, prognosis.

Frailty in geriatric patients is defined as a syndrome of of adverse health events is markedly increased in frail
decreased physiologic reserve and vulnerability to stressors individuals,2 and frailty is a high-priority issue in cardio-
broadly classified as acute or chronic illnesses.1 The risk vascular medicine.3,4 Heart failure (HF) is a leading cause
of hospitalization, and is associated with poor prognosis
and quality of life, as well as increased medical costs.5
From the 1Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of
Medical Sciences, Kitasato University, Sagamihara, Japan; 2Department Frailty, comorbidities, and general health status, as well as
of Rehabilitation, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, HF severity, have significant effects on overall health as
Sagamihara, Japan; 3Department of Rehabilitation, Kitasato University well as the clinical prognosis of elderly patients with HF.6
Hospital, Sagamihara, Japan; and 4Department of Cardiovascular Medi-
cine, Kitasato University School of Medicine, Sagamihara, Japan. Frailty has been reported to increase the risks of both hos-
Manuscript received June 27, 2017; revised manuscript received June pitalization and mortality in elderly patients with chronic
16, 2018; revised manuscript accepted June 28, 2018. HF.7,8 However, hospitalization for HF itself and the phys-
Reprint requests: Kentaro Kamiya, PT, PhD, Department of Rehabilita-
tion, School of Allied Health Sciences, Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kita- iologic stressors associated with the hospital environment
sato, Minami-ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0373, Tel: +81-42-778- may accelerate functional decline and preexisting frailty.
9693; Fax: +81-42-778-9686. E-mail: In elderly patients hospitalized for HF, an appropriate
Funding: Grant for Clinical and Epidemiologic Research of the Joint
Project of Japan Heart Foundation and the Japanese Society of Cardiovas- assessment for frailty is required.
cular Disease Prevention Sponsored by Astra Zeneca, and Grant for Clinical assessment of frailty is commonly performed
Clinical Research (Medical Profession) of the Japanese Circulation
with the use of the Fried score, which consists of 5 compo-
See page XXX for disclosure information. nents: shrinking, weakness, exhaustion, slowness, and
1071-9164/$ - see front matter inactivity.1 However, the prevalence of frailty among hos-
© 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. pitalized patients with HF may be overestimated owing to

2 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 00 No. 00 2018

overlap between the criteria used to identify frailty and HF Frailty Assessment
symptoms, and it is difficult to accurately determine the
Frailty status was assessed at the time of discharge from
impact of frailty on prognosis in such populations. Green
hospital based on the frailty score consisting of 4 compo-
et al have recently modified the Fried score by substituting
nents: slowness, weakness, wasting and malnutrition, and
more objective parameters for shrinking, exhaustion, and
inactivity.9 These markers of frailty were chosen to corre-
inactivity,9 and this modified score was shown to better
spond to those used by Fried et al.1 Slowness was evaluated
predict adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary
by measuring the usual gait speed: patients were asked to
syndrome compared with the original Fried score.10
walk at their usual pace using any necessary assistive devi-
Although useful in hospital settings, it is unclear whether
ces, and were timed over the middle 10 m of a 16-m walk-
frailty score can be used to stratify prognosis in hospital-
way. Weakness was evaluated by measuring handgrip
ized patients with HF. We postulated that frailty score
strength in the sitting position with the use of a digital dyna-
would predict mortality, and examined whether frailty
mometer (TKK 5101 Grip-D; Takei, Tokyo, Japan). Two
score is useful for identifying patients at high risk of death
maximal isometric voluntary contractions of the hands for
among elderly patients hospitalized for HF.
3 s each were collected for both hands, with the elbow joint
at 90˚ flexion. The greatest strength, expressed as an abso-
lute value (kg), was used in the analyses. Wasting and mal-
Methods nutrition were assessed by measuring serum albumin level.
Study Population Inactivity was evaluated by assessing independence in
activities in daily living (ADLs) at hospital discharge. The
We performed a retrospective review of 603 patients patients were assessed by nurses to complete the ADL sta-
65 years old admitted to Kitasato University Hospital for tus assessment according to 5 components: feeding, using
acute HF as defined by volume overload and dyspnea at rest or the toilet, bathing, walking, and dressing. The need for
with minimal activity, who were evaluated for gait speed and assistance with any 1 of the 5 ADLs resulted in the patient
handgrip strength from January 2007 to November 2014. being considered dependent; performing all 5 activities
Patients that were not able to walk were excluded from the independently was required to be considered independent.
study. The study was performed in accordance with the Decla- A frailty score was then obtained by combining these 4
ration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee assessments as described previously.9 Gait speed and serum
of Kitasato University Hospital. albumin were divided into quartiles. Handgrip strength was
divided into quartiles stratified by sex. ADL status was
dichotomized into those with dependence in any ADL ver-
Data Collection sus those with no ADL dependence; more than 85% of
patients were independent in all activities in the present
Patient characteristics were obtained from electronic
study. The frailty score was calculated based on quartiles as
medical records, where the demographic, echocardio-
follows: 1) quartiles of albumin, gait speed, and handgrip
graphic, and biochemical data just before discharge from
strength were assigned values of 0 to 3 in descending order;
the hospital were recorded. The estimated glomerular filtra-
and 2) a score of 0 for ADLs was assigned for ADL inde-
tion rate (eGFR) was defined according to the formula of
pendence and 3 for any ADL dependence. These compo-
the Japanese Society of Nephrology11: men: 194 £ (serum
nents were then summed to derive the frailty score for each
creatinine)1.094 £ (age)0.287; women: 194 £ (serum creati-
patient (0 = least frail to 12 = most frail).
nine)1.094 £ (age)0.287 £ 0.739.
Comorbidity was scored with each of the following condi-
Statistical Analysis
tions assigned a value of 1 point: diabetes, anemia (hemoglo-
bin <13.0 g/dL in men and <12.0 g/dL in women), chronic Normally distributed continuous variables are presented
obstructive pulmonary disease, hyperuricemia (uric acid as mean § SD, and nonnormally distributed variables are
>7.0 mg/dL), and renal dysfunction (eGFR <60 mL presented as median and interquartile range. Categoric vari-
min¡11.73 m¡2). ables are expressed as numbers and percentages. The cohort
The Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic HF (MAGGIC) was divided into 4 groups according to the quartiles of
risk score was determined with the use of 13 variables in each frailty score and into 2 groups according to frailty status, ie,
patient: age, sex, body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pres- frailty score <5 (non-frail group) and frailty score 5 (frail
sure, New York Heart Association functional classification, left group), as described previously.10 We compared the base-
ventricular ejection fraction, HF duration, current smoker, beta- line characteristics between groups by means of 1-way
blocker use, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and/or analysis of variance, Kruskal Wallis test, unpaired Student
angiotensin-receptor blocker use, diabetes, chronic obstructive t test, or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous variables and
pulmonary disease, and creatinine.12 chi-square or Fisher exact test for dichotomous variables, as
All-cause mortality was set as the end point in this study, and appropriate.
the time to the end point was calculated as the number of days Survival was evaluated with the use of the Kaplan-Meier
from the date of frailty assessment to the date of the event. method and compared by means of log-rank test. The
Incremental Value of Objective Frailty Assessment to Predict Mortality in Elderl  TANAKA et al 3

prognostic abilities of each component of the frailty score Fig. 1 shows the distribution of frailty score and preva-
and frailty score were examined with the use of Cox regres- lence of frailty by age and sex. Both frailty score and the
sion analysis constructing 2 predictive models as follows: prevalence of frailty increased with age (P trend <0.001 for
model 1: MAGGIC risk score; model 2: model 1 + comor- both), and there were no significant differences in the preva-
bidity score + B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). lence of frailty between the sexes in any age group.
Subgroup analyses of frailty status were performed to
examine the potential effect modification on the association Associations of Frailty Score and Frailty Status With All-
of frailty status with mortality for exploratory survey by Cause Mortality
means of Cox regression analyses with adjustment for age
Over a mean follow-up period of 1.7 § 0.5 years, a total of
and sex as potential confounders, and for MAGGIC risk
89 patients died. Both high frailty score and frailty were
score + comorbidity score + BNP (fully adjusted model):
shown to be associated with all-cause mortality on
age (stratified at 75 y), sex, BMI (stratified at <18.5 kg/m2,
Kaplan Meier survival curves plotting frailty score quartiles
18.5 to <23.0 kg/m2, and 23.0 kg/m2), and left ventricular
or frailty status (log-rank P < .001 for both; Fig. 2). Table 2
ejection fraction (stratified at <40%, 40% 49%, and
presents the associations of each component of frailty score
50%). Hazard ratios (HRs) are reported with correspond-
with all-cause mortality in Cox regression analyses. After
ing 95% confidence intervals (CIs).
adjusting for MAGGIC risk score (model 1), although hand-
Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for all-
grip strength and ADL status were not associated with mor-
cause mortality were used to compare the accuracy of add-
tality, gait speed and serum albumin were significantly
ing each component of the frailty score and the frailty score
associated with mortality. After adjusting for MAGGIC risk
itself to MAGGIC risk score + comorbidity score + BNP to
score, comorbidity score, and BNP (model 2), gait speed and
determine whether frailty score complemented the predic-
serum albumin were no longer associated with mortality,
tive abilities of these prognostic factors. The areas under
although those markers tended toward such association
the ROC curves (AUCs) were compared according to the
(P = .057 and P = .054, respectively). Table 3 presents the
method of DeLong et al.13 We calculated the incremental
associations of frailty score with all-cause mortality in Cox
information added by each component of the frailty score
regression analyses. Even after adjusting for MAGGIC risk
and frailty score itself over the prognostic factors with the
score, comorbidity score, and BNP (model 2), the frailty
use of continuous net reclassification improvement (cNRI)
score was a significant and independent predictor of mortal-
and integrated discrimination improvement (IDI), which
ity (HR 1.11, 95% CI 1.02 1.20; P = .014). Frailty was also
were developed as more sensitive statistical methods to
shown to be associated with a 1.75-fold increase in mortality
quantify model improvement with the addition of a new
risk (95% CI 1.03 2.96; P = .036).
variable to an existing clinical model.14
Fig. 3 shows the reclassification of mortality risks on
Statistical analyses were performed with the use of SPSS
addition of frailty status to groups of multiple comorbid-
version 23.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, New York) and R ver-
ities. Patients classified as frail showed an increase in mor-
sion 3.2.1 (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,
tality rate compared with non-frail counterparts in all
Austria). Two-tailed P < .05 was taken to indicate statisti-
comorbidity groups. As shown in Supplemental Fig. 1,
cal significance for all analyses except interaction analysis;
frailty was also consistently associated with mortality
a threshold P < .10 was used to indicate a significant inter-
across various subgroups after adjusting for age and sex,
action taking into account the somewhat exploratory nature
with the exception of patients with BMI <18.5 kg/m2
of the subgroup analyses.
and 23.0 kg/m2, and midrange ejection fraction. In
patients <75 years of age and with BMI 18.5 23.0 kg/m2
and preserved ejection fraction, frailty was significantly
associated with mortality even after adjusting for MAGGIC
Study Population risk score, comorbidity score, and BNP (Fig. 4).
The baseline characteristics of all patients and for groups
Additive Prognostic Predictive Capabilities of Frailty
stratified according to both quartiles of frailty score and
frailty status are presented in Table 1. The study population
had a mean age of 74.9 § 6.2 years, 62.7% were men, and As presented in Table 4, the logistic regression models of
29.9% had reduced ejection fraction. The mean frailty score MAGGIC risk score + comorbidity score + BNP, and of
of the study population was 5.0 § 2.8, and 56% were classi- these variables + each component of the frailty score or the
fied as frail (frailty score 5). A higher frailty score was frailty score itself were subjected to ROC curve analyses.
associated with older age, female sex, shorter height, lower The AUC was greatest with addition of frailty score to the
body weight, BMI, hemoglobin, and eGFR, higher comor- prognostic factors (0.744; 95% CI 0.691 0.797), although
bidity score and prevalence of ADL impairment, and the difference was not statistically significant (P = .111).
greater HF severity (eg, higher BNP and MAGGIC risk The addition of each component of the frailty score to
score). Similar differences were seen between non-frail and MAGGIC risk score + comorbidity score + BNP model did
frail groups. not improve cNRI or IDI for all-cause mortality. In contrast,
4 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 00 No. 00 2018
Table 1. Baseline Characteristics

Quartiles of Frailty Score Frailty Status

Overall Quartile 1 (score 0 2) Quartile 2 (score 3 5) Quartile 3 (score 6 8) Quartile 4 (score 9 12) Non-frail (score <5) Frail (score 5)
Characteristic (n = 603) (n = 131; 22%) (n = 213; 35%) (n = 193; 32%) (n = 66; 11%) P Value (n = 264; 44%) (n = 339; 56%) P Value
Age, y 74.9 § 6.2 72.4 § 5.5 73.9 § 5.7 76.5 § 6.2 78.7 § 6.4 <.001 73.0 § 5.5 76.4 § 6.3 <.001
Age 75 y 298 (49.4) 42 (32.1) 85 (39.9) 122 (63.2) 49 (74.2) <.001 94 (35.6) 204 (60.2) <.001
Male 378 (62.7) 91 (69.5) 137 (64.3) 118 (61.1) 32 (48.5) .033 183 (69.3) 195 (57.5) .003
Height, cm 158.1 § 8.6 161.4 § 8.0 158.1 § 8.2 156.9 § 8.3 154.7 § 9.4 <.001 160.2 § 8.0 156.4 § 8.6 <.001
Weight, kg 54.6 § 10.4 58.9 § 9.5 54.8 § 10.5 52.6 § 9.8 51.2 § 10.9 <.001 57.3 § 10.0 52.5 § 10.2 <.001
BMI, kg/m2 21.8 § 3.4 22.6 § 2.8 21.8 § 3.5 21.3 § 3.5 21.3 § 3.7 .009 22.3 § 3.2 21.4 § 3.5 .002
BMI <18.5 95 (15.8) 11 (8.4) 33 (15.5) 37 (19.2) 14 (21.2) .027 31 (11.7) 64 (18.9) .018
LVEF, % 48.2 § 16.2 47.1 § 15.9 48.7 § 16.1 48.0 § 16.0 49.1 § 17.6 .783 47.0 § 16.2 49.1 § 16.1 .115
LVEF group
<40% 180 (29.9) 40 (30.5) 62 (29.1) 58 (30.1) 20 (30.3) .826 84 (31.8) 96 (28.3) .493
40% 49% 126 (20.9) 31 (23.7) 42 (19.7) 43 (22.3) 10 (15.2) 57 (21.6) 69 (20.4)
50% 297 (49.3) 60 (45.8) 109 (51.2) 92 (47.7) 36 (54.5) 123 (46.6) 174 (51.3)
NYHA functional class

II 393 (65.2) 121 (92.4) 160 (75.1) 103 (53.4) 9 (13.6) <.001 232 (87.9) 161 (47.5) <.001
III 206 (34.2) 10 (7.6) 53 (24.9) 88 (45.6) 55 (83.3) 32 (12.1) 174 (51.3)
IV 4 (0.7) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 2 (1.0) 2 (3.0) 0 (0.0) 4 (1.2)
SBP, mm Hg 122 § 27 120 § 24 126 § 29 121 § 29 118 § 21 .068 122 § 26 122 § 28 .809
DBP, mm Hg 67 § 17 68 § 15 68 § 17 67 § 19 66 § 14 .525 68 § 16 67 § 18 .655
Heart rate, beats/min 77 § 19 76 § 19 76 § 19 78 § 19 81 § 21 .121 76 § 19 78 § 19 .350
Ischemic etiology 294 (48.9) 59 (45.0) 102 (47.9) 105 (55.0) 28 (42.4) .187 123 (46.6) 171 (50.7) .325
Hypertension 430 (71.3) 102 (77.9) 145 (68.1) 136 (70.5) 47 (71.2) .272 200 (75.8) 230 (67.8) .037
Previous myocardial 147 (24.4) 36 (27.5) 46 (21.6) 53 (27.5) 12 (18.2) .267 66 (25.0) 81 (23.9) .775
HF duration >18 mo 168 (27.9) 36 (27.5) 61 (28.6) 54 (28.0) 17 (25.8) .980 75 (28.4) 93 (27.4) .855
Current smoker 65 (10.8) 17 (13.0) 24 (11.3) 22 (11.4) 2 (3.0) .179 39 (14.8) 26 (7.7) .008
ACE inhibitor or ARB 523 (86.7) 118 (90.1) 183 (85.9) 168 (87.0) 54 (81.8) .424 234 (88.6) 289 (85.3) .230
Beta-blocker 467 (77.4) 103 (78.6) 164 (77.0) 147 (76.2) 53 (80.3) .892 208 (78.8) 259 (76.4) .494
Diuretic agents 486 (80.6) 107 (81.7) 171 (80.3) 155 (80.3) 53 (80.3) .989 212 (80.3) 274 (80.8) .917
Aldosterone blockers 282 (46.8) 68 (51.9) 100 (46.9) 87 (45.1) 27 (40.9) .471 128 (48.5) 154 (45.4) .460
Diabetes 256 (42.5) 46 (35.1) 89 (41.8) 91 (47.2) 30 (45.5) .178 103 (39.0) 153 (45.1) .136
Anemia 395 (65.5) 53 (40.5) 131 (61.5) 151 (78.2) 60 (90.9) <.001 135 (51.1) 260 (76.7) <.001
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.8 § 2.0 13.2 § 1.9 12.0 § 1.8 11.1 § 1.8 10.2 § 1.6 <.001 12.6 § 1.9 11.2 § 1.9 <.001
COPD 33 (5.5) 4 (3.1) 17 (8.0) 8 (4.1) 4 (6.1) .189 16 (6.1) 17 (5.0) .593
Hyperuricemia 253 (42.0) 53 (40.5) 83 (39.0) 80 (41.5) 37 (56.1) .097 99 (37.5) 154 (45.4) .056
Uric acid, mg/dL 6.3 § 2.0 6.3 § 1.6 6.4 § 1.9 6.3 § 2.2 6.3 § 2.4 .972 6.4 § 1.7 6.3 § 2.2 .755
Renal dysfunction 449 (74.5) 100 (76.3) 155 (72.8) 142 (73.6) 52 (78.8) .731 197 (74.6) 252 (74.3) 1.000
Creatinine, mg/dL 1.57 § 1.42 1.21 § 0.51 1.47 § 1.34 1.80 § 1.73 1.90 § 1.69 <.001 1.29 § 0.8 1.79 § 1.73 <.001
(continued on next page)
Incremental Value of Objective Frailty Assessment to Predict Mortality in Elderl  TANAKA et al 5

ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ADL, activity in daily living; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker; BMI, body mass index; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
DBP, diastolic blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; HF, heart failure; MAGGIC, Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart Failure; NYHA, New


inclusion of frailty score in the MAGGIC risk

score + comorbidity score + BNP model was associated

with significant increases in both cNRI (0.341, 95% CI:
379 (182 798)
0.122 0.560; P = .002) and IDI (0.016, 95% CI:
43.1 § 23.6

30.5 § 6.3

18.0 § 6.2
148 (43.7)
176 (51.9)
2.5 § 1.1

7.0 § 1.9

0.8 § 0.2
3.4 § 0.4
72 (21.2)
69 (20.4)
15 (4.4)

0.001 0.031; P = .039) for all-cause mortality.

The results of this study indicated an independent associ-
251 (119 498)
47.8 § 17.7

ation between frailty score and mortality in elderly patients

26.6 § 5.4

27.4 § 7.2
153 (58.0)
2.1 § 1.1

2.4 § 1.3

1.2 § 0.2
3.8 § 0.4
95 (36.0)
16 (6.1)

20 (7.6)
0 (0.0)

hospitalized for HF. The frailty score showed prognostic

predictive capability complementary to the preexisting
prognostic factors in elderly patients with HF. Frailty as
determined based on the frailty score was also an indepen-
dent predictive factor for mortality. In addition, frail



patients consistently showed poorer prognosis across vari-

ous subgroups after adjusting for age and sex, and frailty in
patients <75 years of age and with BMI 18.5 23.0 kg/m2
and preserved ejection fraction was significantly associated
523 (261 861)
38.4 § 24.3

0.60 § 0.18
33.8 § 5.2
10.1 § 1.2
14.6 § 5.0
2.8 § 1.1

3.3 § 0.5
21 (31.8)
43 (65.2)

48 (72.7)
20 (30.3)

with mortality even in the fully adjusted model. The results

2 (3.0)

reported here suggest that frailty score, which can be

applied in hospitalized patients, is useful for mortality risk
stratification in elderly patients hospitalized for HF.
Limited data exist regarding the frailty in elderly patients
hospitalized for HF, although a number of assessments for
411 (202 810)

frailty are available. Vidan et al15 reported that 76.0% of

43.3 § 23.8

0.86 § 0.22
30.6 § 6.2

18.3 § 5.9
2.5 § 1.1

6.8 § 0.8

3.3 § 0.4
90 (46.6)
96 (49.7)

22 (11.4)
36 (18.7)
7 (3.6)

elderly patients hospitalized for HF were frail, based on the

Fried score, which is the most commonly used criterion for
assessing frailty. They reported exhaustion and inactivity in
97.8% and 89.7% of the frail patients, respectively. How-
ever, the prevalence of frailty in hospitalized patients with
HF may be overestimated, because the symptoms of HF
283 (137 565)
47.1 § 20.3

1.04 § 0.22

overlap with the criteria associated with frailty and the hospi-
27.5 § 5.8

23.2 § 6.9
109 (51.2)
2.2 § 1.1

4.1 § 0.8

3.6 § 0.4
93 (43.7)

27 (12.7)
11 (5.2)

2 (0.9)

tal environment itself leads to inactivity. In addition, HF is

closely associated with cognitive impairment, which is very
common in elderly patients with HF and can vary during
Values are presented as mean § SD, n (%), or median (interquartile range).

acute hospitalization.16,17 In such cases, it may be difficult to

accurately assess frailty status based on questionnaire sur-
222 (111 406)

veys, and therefore objective parameters are useful for

48.3 § 16.1

1.22 § 0.16
25.7 § 5.2

29.8 § 7.3
2.0 § 1.1

1.3 § 0.8

4.0 § 0.3
81 (61.8)
39 (29.8)
11 (8.4)

assessment of frailty status in a hospital setting. We used a

0 (0.0)
6 (4.6)

frailty score modified from the Fried score1 to assess frailty

status; shrinking, exhaustion, and inactivity were substituted
for more objective parameters, such as serum albumin level
York Heart Association; SBP, systolic blood pressure.

and independence in ADLs, rather than questionnaire sur-

318 (152 641)

veys. To our knowledge, this is the first report regarding the

45.2 § 21.4

0.97 § 0.28
28.8 § 6.3

22.1 § 8.1
301 (49.9)
271 (44.9)
2.3 § 1.1

5.0 § 2.8

3.6 § 0.5
72 (11.9)
89 (14.8)
31 (5.1)

frailty score, which can be applied even in hospital settings,

in elderly patients hospitalized for HF.
Several recent studies indicated that frailty score can pro-
vide independent prognostic information in elderly patients
eGFR, mLmin¡11.73 m¡2

with acute coronary syndrome and transcatheter aortic

Total no. of comorbidities

valve replacement, which was consistent with our results in

Any ADL impairment
Handgrip strength, kg

hospitalized patients with HF.9,10,18 Because different

MAGGIC risk score

All-cause mortality
Comorbidity score

approaches may identify different subsets of patients with

Gait speed, m/s
Albumin, g/dL

only limited overlap, it is crucial to select the most appro-

BNP, pg/mL

Frailty score

priate analytic assessment. The MAGGIC risk score, multi-

1 2

ple comorbidities, and BNP level are established risk


factors in HF.12,19 21 The various components of frailty

6 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 00 No. 00 2018

Fig. 3. Reclassification of mortality risk with addition of frailty

status to groups of multiple comorbidities. Groups were defined
by 0 comorbidities, 1 2 comorbidities, and 3 comorbidities.

patients, including those hospitalized for HF.9,15 In contrast,

the frailty score was a significant and independent predictor
of mortality even in the fully adjusted model. When the
frailty score was added to the prognostic factors, the AUC
for mortality was highest, although the P value did not
reach statistical significance and the range of AUC values
was not large. In the cNRI and IDI analyses, the frailty
Fig. 1. (A) Frailty score and (B) prevalence of frailty by age score, but not each component of the frailty score, provided
groups. Values are presented as (A) mean § SD and (B) percent- additional prognostic information beyond the prognostic
age. Frailty score 5 was taken to indicate frailty. factors. These results suggested that a multi-item composite
would outperform single-item assessments in this popula-
score are powerful predictors of mortality in patients with tion. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the addi-
HF.22 25 In the present study, each component of frailty tional prognostic value of frailty score, which consists of
score was not related to mortality risk in multivariate analy- multiple objectively measured items, in elderly patients
ses, which was consistent with previous studies in elderly hospitalized for HF.

Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier curves for all-cause mortality according to (A) frailty score quartiles and (B) frailty status. The frailty score quartiles
were 0 2, 3 5, 6 8, and 9 12 for Q1 to Q4. Frailty score 5 was taken to indicate frailty.
Incremental Value of Objective Frailty Assessment to Predict Mortality in Elderl  TANAKA et al 7

P Value
Frailty is associated with poor prognosis not only in








elderly subjects but also in patients with chronic diseases,
including HF.3,26,27 The risks of 30-day and
Model 2

0.99 1.62



0.68 3.05
0.75 3.28
0.99 3.98

0.94 1.33
1-year mortality in acute HF have been reported to be
95% CI

increased by frailty.15,28 Those studies assessed frailty

P values represent pairwise relationships relative to reference group. Model 1: adjusted for MAGGIC risk score. Model 2: model 1 plus comorbidity score and BNP. Abbreviations as in Table 1.

mostly with the use of the Fried score. In addition, poor
physical function, assessed by means of the Short Physical






Performance Battery, has been shown to be associated with

higher mortality rates in elderly patients hospitalized for
P Value

HF.29,30 In the present study also, frailty score was associ-





ated with all-cause mortality over a mean follow-up period



of 1.7 years. Frailty is a phenotype, but the ultimate patho-
Model 1

physiology of frailty in patients with HF is not yet clear.

1.01 1.64



0.74 3.28
0.83 3.57
1.17 4.48

0.94 1.32
95% CI

This phenotype may involve chronic inflammation and met-



abolic changes,31 and frailty may also be a consequence of

disease, particularly in cases of chronic disease. However,




the present study indicated an association between frailty

and increased mortality even after adjustment for severity

Table 2. Association of Markers of Frailty With All-Cause Mortality

of HF and comorbidities. These results suggest that frailty

P Value





itself contributes to increased mortality risk in patients with

Adjusted for Age and Sex





HF. Consistently with previous reports,3,26 the proportion

of frail patients increased with age in this study. Elderly
1.34 2.22



0.79 3.49
0.91 3.91
1.29 4.98

1.24 3.50

patients with HF typically show higher prevalence rates of

95% CI

multiple comorbidities and preserved ejection fraction.6



The results presented here indicated that frail patients had

higher rates of comorbidities compared with non-frail coun-





terparts, and both conditions were associated with higher

rates of mortality. Frail patients consistently showed poorer
prognosis not only in the entire cohort but also across vari-
P Value






ous subgroups even after adjusting for age and sex. In the




fully adjusted model, although frailty was associated with


increased mortality in the young old, normal BMI, and pre-

1.42 2.19



0.79 3.47
0.87 3.75
1.35 5.18

1.39 3.75
95% CI

served ejection fraction groups, the other groups showed no

significant association between frailty and mortality. The


small sample size and the limited number of clinical events

in each subgroup may have reduced the statistical power to








detect such an association, and further studies are therefore

required in larger cohorts.
Mortality, n (%)

The results of this study did not indicate predictive

89 (14.8)

23 (15.3)
39 (26.0)
89 (14.8)

18 (12.2)
31 (19.9)
30 (19.9)
89 (14.8)

19 (13.6)
21 (14.4)
38 (20.4)

20 (27.8)
69 (13.0)
12 (8.1)
15 (9.7)

10 (6.8)

11 (8.4)

value of frailty in patients with low (<18.5 kg/m 2) or

high (23.0 kg/m2 ) BMI. Despite the increased risk of
HF, patients with high BMI showed better prognosis
after the establishment of HF, which is known as the
Total No.

“obesity paradox.”32,33 In contrast, cachexia is a gener-







alized wasting process affecting all body compartments

and occurs at a rate of 5% 15% in patients with HF,
especially in those with more advanced disease status. 34
Male 25.1 30.4, female 16.1 19.4
Male 20.7 25.0, female 13.1 16.0

Cachexia is closely linked to skeletal muscle wasting

Handgrip strength, per SD decrease
Quartiles of handgrip strength (kg)

Quartiles of serum albumin (g/dL)

Serum albumin, per SD decrease

associated with impaired mobility (termed sarcopenia

Male <20.7, Female <13.1
Male >30.4, female >19.4

or myopenia) and frailty, and it has multifactorial

Quartiles of gait speed (m/s)
Gait speed, per SD decrease

causes characterized by catabolic/anabolic imbalance. 35

This complication is associated with greater severity of
symptoms and reduced functional capacity, higher fre-
Any dependence

quency of hospitalization, and reduced survival rate. 36

1.00 1.14
0.82 0.99

3.61 3.90
3.30 3.60

The association between frailty and mortality may be





attenuated in patients with HF and with low or high


8 Journal of Cardiac Failure Vol. 00 No. 00 2018

Table 3. Association of Frailty Score With All-Cause Mortality

Unadjusted Adjusted for Age and Sex Model 1 Model 2

Variable HR 95% CI P Value HR 95% CI P Value HR 95% CI P Value HR 95% CI P Value
Frailty score (continuous) 1.22 1.14 1.31 <.001 1.20 1.11 1.29 <.001 1.12 1.04 1.22 0.004 1.11 1.02 1.20 0.014
Quartiles of frailty score
0 2 1.00 [Reference] 1.00 [Reference] 1.00 [Reference] 1.00 [Reference]
3 5 2.90 1.20 7.01 .018 2.78 1.14 6.74 .024 2.40 0.99 5.83 .053 2.34 0.96 5.69 .060
6 8 4.42 1.86 10.48 .001 3.80 1.58 9.13 .003 2.65 1.09 6.43 .031 2.54 1.05 6.17 .039
9 12 7.52 3.02 18.74 <.001 6.28 2.45 16.11 <.001 3.58 1.38 9.26 .009 3.03 1.15 7.97 .025
Frail (vs non-frail) 2.85 1.73 4.68 <.001 2.49 1.49 4.16 <.001 1.86 1.11 3.14 .019 1.75 1.03 2.96 .036

P values represent pairwise relationships relative to reference group. Model 1: adjusted for MAGGIC risk score. Model 2: model 1 plus comorbidity score
and BNP. Abbreviations as in Table 1.

The findings of the present study have implications the population of interest. This will lead to an under-
for both clinical practice and future clinical studies in standing of how the disease process in question could
elderly patients hospitalized for HF. Risk stratification affect frailty measurements, to isolate the syndrome of
after acute HF is important in planning of medical care frailty from just more advanced disease. Individual com-
and to improve the prognosis of vulnerable populations. ponents of the frail phenotype may not be equivalent,
It is important to accurately assess frailty status, because and a more targeted approach to modify specific aspects
it can be targeted for treatment with various interven- may be required. A standardized definition of frailty val-
tions, including cardiac rehabilitation, resistance and idated for all patients with HF, in or out of hospital, is
aerobic exercise, nutritional recommendations, reduction needed. Frailty assessment in routine clinical practice is
of polypharmacy (if possible), and HF self-care.37,38 The meaningful for determination of subsequent treatment
prevalence of frailty and level of physical performance strategies to achieve improvement. Therefore, frailty
of the patients differ between cohorts.15,28 30,39 42 This score, which can be applied even in hospitalized
seemed to be due to a combination of factors, including patients, represents a simple and objective assessment
age, comorbidities, pathologic condition, and the disease suitable for clinical use in assessment of frailty, and it
process, all of which affect physical performance, under- may help to clarify prognosis and develop preventive
scoring the need to customize frailty cutoff points for strategies.

Fig. 4. Forest plots of hazard ratios (HRs) for all-cause mortality for frail patients (frailty score 5) compared with non-frail counterparts
(frailty score <5). Adjusted for Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic HF risk score, comorbidity score, and B-type natriuretic peptide.
BMI, body mass index; CI, confidence interval; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
Incremental Value of Objective Frailty Assessment to Predict Mortality in Elderl  TANAKA et al 9

Table 4. Predictive Value Analyses for All-Cause Mortality

Model AUC 95% CI P Value cNRI 95% CI P Value IDI 95%CI P Value
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.724 0.666 to 0.783 [Reference] [Reference] [Reference]
score + BNP
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.739 0.685 to 0.793 .144 0.259 0.037 to 0.480 .022 0.008 ¡0.004 to 0.021 .200
score + BNP
+ gait speed
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.735 0.679 to 0.791 .210 0.063 ¡0.16 to 0.287 .580 0.005 ¡0.004 to 0.013 .260
score + BNP
+ handgrip strength
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.726 0.669 to 0.782 .804 0.278 0.057 to 0.500 .014 0.004 ¡0.003 to 0.012 .258
score + BNP
+ serum albumin
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.729 0.669 to 0.788 .504 0.133 ¡0.077 to 0.342 .214 0.009 ¡0.001 to 0.019 .085
score + BNP
+ ADL status
MAGGIC + comorbidity 0.744 0.691 to 0.797 .111 0.341 0.122 to 0.560 .002 0.016 0.001 to 0.031 .039
score + BNP
+ frailty score

P values represent pairwise relationships relative to reference group.

AUC, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; cNRI, continuous net reclassification improvement; IDI, integrated discrimination improve-
ment; other abbreviations as in Table 1.

Study Limitations Disclosures

The present study had several limitations. First, the None.
study population was small and from a single center, and
the study was retrospective. Second, multivariate analysis
may mitigate bias after adjustment of confounding factors, Supplementary Data
but unmeasured factors, such as cognitive impairment, Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
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ment may guide investigations and interventions for
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