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The Effects of Globalization on My Family's Life and Well-Being in the Philippines

Word Count: 2322


Globalization has significantly impacted the life of my family. We now have

access to a greater variety of goods and services, including imported food and apparel

as well as online learning and entertainment. Additionally, technology has allowed

cultural and intellectual interchange, enabling us to interact with individuals from around

the globe and extend our horizons. Globalization has, however, also resulted in

economic and social developments that have had an impact on our way of life and

wellbeing. Among other difficulties, it has caused increasing labor market rivalry and the

decline of traditional cultural customs. In order to successfully navigate the intricacies of

our linked world, it is crucial to comprehend how globalization impacts our family.

Trask (2011) declares that the values, customs, and interpersonal interactions of

people, families, communities, and societies are impacted as a result of globalization's

increased connectivity of the world. Even in remote locations, globalization

disseminates new concepts about gender, citizenship, labor, identity, and the rights of

women and children. But distinct groups react to these concepts in varied ways. While

some people are compelled into unfavorable and damaging circumstances, others feel

empowered and are able to improve their life. Additionally, in some places, globalization

is seen as a forced type of Westernization. This can result in a backlash of nationalism

and fundamentalism, when individuals use violence to defend what they believe to be

their traditional values and beliefs.

Globalization has a broad and all-pervasive influence on how we live. It has

impacted how we interact with one another, how we contribute to the political and

economic life of the Philippines, and how we express and share Filipino culture via a

variety of media, such as music, movies, books, and social media. Families are

becoming more globally minded in their perspectives and behaviors as globalization

progresses. They are embracing new customs and principles, such as gender equality

and individuality, and they are more receptive to varied cultural influences from

throughout the globe. With that in mind, I believe that globalization has assisted my

family in departing from the traditional definitions of what a family is in favor of a

globalized family.

Economic Globalization

Washington International Trade Association (n.d.) declares that economic

globalization is the growing economic interdependence of all national economies, with

trade and finance as its main focuses. It encompasses the exchange of products and

services, the transfer of capital and assets like money and stocks, the sharing of

technology and information, and the mobility of labor across international borders.

Although globalization has occurred at various points in history, some scholars contend

that there have also been periods of deglobalization, or times when it has slowed or

even stopped. Politics, culture, and the environment are just a few of the areas of

society where this phenomenon has had a big influence. When a business operates in

several nations or areas, as in the case of my uncle’s insurance firm, which has a major

office in Canada, and has a branch in Makati, where he works. This situation

exemplifies how economic globalization has produced job opportunities, which is one of
its benefits. It happens when a business expands its operations to another nation,

creating employment opportunities for Filipinos in a well-known worldwide enterprise.

Another benefit of economic globalization is increased competition. My aunt works at a

restaurant that is recognized by many people, and that is due to the restaurant’s unique

dishes inspired by international cuisines. As a result, other restaurants have created

new and innovative dishes to attract other customers, which ultimately ends up

improving the quality of food and dining experiences for consumers.

Although economic globalization has its benefits, it also has its drawbacks. One

of them is Economic inequality. Llorito (2022) declares that despite the Philippines'

recent economic progress and labor market recovery, the COVID-19 pandemic has had

a detrimental effect on the alleviation of poverty and inequality in the nation. The

epidemic slowed economic development in 2020 and increased unemployment rates in

sectors that depend on physical presence. Even with assistance from the government,

the poverty rate rose to 18.1% in 2021. The decrease of poverty and inequality over

several decades has been largely undone by these impacts. Another drawback of

economic globalization is Financial instability. Families in the Philippines may suffer a

great deal as a result of financial instability. It may result in less prospects for education

and social mobility, as well as less access to necessities like food, shelter, and

healthcare. It may also cause more tension and worry. Celero (2017) declares that the

well-being of families may suffer as a result of diminished access to necessary

commodities and services caused by financial instability. After graduating and finding

work, the possible negative effects of the economic volatility might negatively affect

each family member's income, including me. As members of a middle-class family living
in a developing country, there is a chance that my family will fall into the lower middle or

lower income category as a result of rising costs and a greater chance of being out of


Political Globalization

The increasing interdependence of nations and governments through

international organizations and agreements is referred to as political globalization.

Leonova (2022) states that all facets of the global political system are interdependent

due to the complicated and ever-evolving process of political globalization. The

international relations system is changing, new international political players are

emerging, and political interconnection and interdependence are growing. Political

globalization also results in the creation of a worldwide political hierarchy and structure.

One benefit of political globalization to my family is enhanced global security. Since my

aunt and her family are living abroad, this benefits helps as countries are better

equipped to identify and stop terrorist acts before they happen because to increasing

international collaboration and intelligence sharing. By doing this, catastrophic incidents

that can affect Filipino families and communities might be avoided. Another benefit of

political globalization is greater international support. Typhoons, earthquakes, and

volcanic eruptions are a few of the natural calamities that the Philippines is particularly

susceptible to. The capacity of other nations and international organizations to help the

Philippines in times of crisis, such as with search and rescue teams, disaster relief

supplies, and financial aid, has improved with increasing global security. This can

lessen the load on the affected Filipino families and communities and guarantee that

they get the assistance and supplies they need to recover and rebuild.
Like with economic globalization, political globalization also has its drawbacks.

One of its drawbacks is the unequal distribution of benefits. As a member of a family in

a developing nation, the unequal distribution of benefits brought on by political

globalization may have a variety of effects on us. We could not have as much access to

opportunities and resources as more affluent nations, which would result in uneven

economic growth and living standards. This may affect our capacity to obtain the

healthcare, education, and other vital services we require for our wellbeing. Additionally,

as decisions are increasingly being taken at a global level, unequal benefit distribution

may restrict our capacity to influence our own economic and political future. This could

make us feel helpless and unable to bring about change in our own neighborhoods.

Another drawback of political globalization is cultural homogenization. Conversi (2017)

declares that by fusing culture with the state, this alludes to a government strategy that

seeks to standardize culture. Often, the primary goal is to force the ruling elites' culture

on the rest of society. A nationalized culture is being imposed on the populace through

a hierarchical procedure. Cultural homogenization can significantly affect how we live as

a Filipino family member. The loss of our culture's distinctive traditional behaviors,

dialects, and customs might result from homogenization. We are compelled to adhere to

a national culture that may not accurately reflect our different ethnic backgrounds, which

can lead to a cultural identity crisis. Additionally, cultural uniformity may restrict our

capacity for creative expression and unrestricted religious practice. Additionally, it can

result in a lack of cultural diversity, which can make society more homogeneous and

possibly less dynamic. In general, cultural homogeneity has the potential to rob us of
our cultural heritage and restrict our capacity to express our uniqueness and


Cultural Globalization

The expansion and exchange of cultural components like beliefs, values,

practices, traditions, and ideas beyond national boundaries and social groups is referred

to as cultural globalization. Watson (2022) declares that a phenomena of cultural

globalization whereby the exchange of products and ideas causes people's daily

experiences to become uniform across borders. The growing usage of wireless

communication, e-commerce, popular culture, and worldwide travel has accelerated the

trend of globalization. It is seen as a step toward homogeneity that could lead to nearly

universal human experiences in the future. Furthermore, it has been argued that the

predominance of Western cultural goods and ideals in the international market

encourages cultural imperialism and inequality. One benefit of cultural globalization to

my family is greater cultural awareness and appreciation. EasyLlama (2020) states that

accessing foreign culture has never been simpler because to the rise of globalization.

This encompasses not just the accessibility of items like international cuisine,

entertainment, music, and art but also the simplicity of international travel and

communication, allowing for a broader exposure to many cultures and lifestyles. As how

it can affect me and my family is simple. As a Filipino, I can be more proud of our

heritage and be more appreciative of the world's diversity by knowing more about our

own culture and that of others. This can take many forms, such as discovering our

culture's rich history and the accomplishments of our forefathers or embracing the ideals

of camaraderie, generosity, and respect that are so embedded in our society.

Understanding other cultures can also help us lower barriers and promote better

understanding between other civilizations. In our interconnected world, celebrating the

similarities and contrasts between our culture and others' can help to forge

understanding and empathy gaps, fostering better harmony and cooperation. Another

benefit of cultural globalization is access to new cultural product. My family and I now

have more access to a variety of entertainment options, which might benefit us. This is

made possible by globalization. By watching more diverse films, TV shows, and musical

genres, we can discover more about various civilizations, ways of life, and viewpoints.

This can extend our horizons and increase our empathy and understanding of those

who are different from us. By immersing ourselves in various worlds and experiences, it

can also be a means for us to relax and feel new emotions.

However, like the aforementioned political and economic globalization, cultural

globalization also has its drawbacks. One of its drawback is that it can lead to the

potential loss of cultural identity. Bhugra & Becker (2005) states that people who

migrate frequently deal with a variety of stresses that may harm their mental health.

These pressures include having to acclimate to a new society and lose familiarity with

social support networks, religious practices, and cultural standards. As for how can it

affect me and my family, It might cause us to feel cut off from our cultural origins, which

can cause us to lose our sense of pride and identity. The loss of cultural identification

can also affect our capacity to connect with people from various cultural backgrounds,

which can be particularly difficult when we are living in a new setting that is very

different from our own. We could have feelings of loneliness and isolation if we believe

we don't fully fit into any one community. In addition, letting up of our cultural identity
can make it difficult for us to pass on vital cultural customs and practices to next

generations. Because of this, it may be more challenging for us to properly appreciate

our cultural legacy. This might result in the loss of cultural knowledge and history.

Thankfully, My family has been able to preserve our Filipino customs, and we still follow

them in our day-to-day activities. We continue to do the "mano," or blessing from our

elders, and we continue to address them with honorifics like "po" and "opo." Another

drawback of cultural globalization is the application of Western cultural norms and

values on non-Western societies or Westernization for short. Huntington (1996)

declares that as nations grow, they may seemingly embrace some Western cultural

traits, but they may not always absorb the most fundamental ones, including language,

religion, and morals. In actuality, when nations become more advanced, they frequently

seek solace in their ancient traditions and faiths rather than assimilating Western

cultural norms. As for how can it affect me and my family, this can lead to the loss of

connection between us since in Western cultures, it emphasizes individualism and

personal achievement, which conflicts with the Filipino culture of collectivism and

community. My family, however, is dedicated to helping and loving one another despite

the potential effects of cultural globalization and the imposition of Western cultural

norms and values. Family, community, and social support are characteristics that are

highly valued in our society, and we continue to hold them dear.


In conclusion, my family has been significantly impacted by globalization, which

has made a larger range of products and services accessible, allowed for enjoyment

and learning to be done online, and promoted intellectual and cultural interchange.
Globalization has, however, also led to economic and social developments that have

had an impact on our quality of life and long-standing cultural practices. In addition to

increasing competitiveness and opening up new job opportunities, economic

globalization has also led to financial instability and economic inequality. Political

globalization has improved safety worldwide and increased international aid during

natural disasters. It is crucial to comprehend how globalization affects families and

communities in order to successfully manage the intricacies of a connected world.

Despite its drawbacks, globalization has promoted a global perspective and a shift away

from conventional notions of what a family is towards a more multinational family.

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