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Task 1 How much do i know

Course: English A1
Code: 112001

Presented by:
Camilo Andres Contreras Chiquillo

Carlos Fernando Vasques Mejia

National Open and Distance University UNAD

Schools of Basic Science, Technology and Engineering-ECBTI
Program: Industrial Engineering
UDR-Cupcake Plate
Screenshot of updated profile
Screenshot of my schedule
Screenshot of course environments and content

Aquí tenemos los entornos del curso que serian estos tres, primero
En el entorno inicial hay podemos encontrar informacion sobre agendas del
curso, presentaciones y normas del curso como tambien el foro de noticias del
En el entorno de aprendisaje se encuentra lo que seria las diferentes guias y
foros del curso.

En el entorno de evaluacion es donde podemos entregar las diferentes

actividades que vallamos realizando
Written description of the objectives of each module of the E-book
The main objective of module 1 is to learn and memorize the different words
and basic pronunciations of English to improve our pronunciation and
improve the speech of the language, these basic exercises are very important
to improve because if we do not know the basics we will not learn the most
Screenshot of Teams group
Answers to reading comprehension questions. (stage 2)
Written at least 40 words where you introduce yourself. (stage 2)

My name is Camilo Andrés Contreras Chiquillo I am 17 years old and I

currently live in San Angel Magdalena, I am studying Industrial Engineering
and I hope to graduate with good grades thanks.

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