Energy Form 5

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Energy: is the capacity to perform work. Its unit is the Joule (J).

There are many forms of

energy, for instance, Gravitational, elastic, chemical, electrical, magnetic, electro-
magnetic, thermal, nuclear, kinetic, sound.


LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY: Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it just
changes from one form to another.
It is important to note that for any energy transformations, thermal energy or heat
energy is always a by-product.

E.g. 1 a radio playing music: electrical-kinetic-heat and sound

2 vehicles coming to a rest: chemical-kinetic-heat
3 cooking food in a microwave oven: electrical-heat and sound

Work (W): The work done by a force (F) is the product of the force and the displacement
(x) in the direction of the force. W = F. x the unit is the Joule (J) and this is equal to Nm.
Energy and work are scalar quantities.

Alternate Sources of Energy

The use of energy from alternative sources are important to the Caribbean. There are
many alternative sources of energy such as Hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal, waves, solar,
wind, nuclear etc. Some of these are more efficient and economical to be used in the
Caribbean other than using natural gas.
For instance, the Caribbean has hot climate so it may be useful to harness solar energy
since sunlight is renewable energy that is free. However, solar panels are very expensive.
On the other hand, nuclear energy is much more efficient because large amounts are
produced. However, it is very expensive.
Mechanical energy: is the sum of the Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy.

Potential energy: Ep: the energy a body possesses by means of its position or state (that is
this is stored energy) (J).
Ep = mgh (where m-mass kg, g gravitational field strength, h- height)
There are many types of potential energy, for instance
1. Elastic Potential Energy: Anything that can act like a spring or a rubber band can
have elastic potential energy. Let's take the rubber band for example. To stretch
the rubber band, you have to use energy. That energy has now been turned into
elastic potential energy. To get that energy back, just let go of the rubber band and
its potential energy is converted primarily into kinetic energy.
2. Gravitational Potential Energy: There is a constant attractive force between the
Earth and everything surrounding it, due to gravity. To lift something off the ground
it takes energy, so just by lifting an object, that object now has higher gravitational
potential energy.

Gravitational energy can be derived from the work formula. ∆E= mg ∆h

Kinetic energy, EK: is the energy a body possesses by means of its motion. Its unit is the
Joule. EK = 2 mv2, m-mass, v- speed.
A pendulum bob of mass 0.01 kg is
oscillating. Calculate the velocity, KE,
PE at
1. At max displacement h = 0.5 m
2. At equilibrium position
3. At max displacement/2 or h/2.
(g = 10 NKg-1)
1. At h = 0.5 m, v = 0, so KE = 0 J
PE = mgh = 0.01 x 10 x 0.5 = 0.05 J
2. h = 0, so PE = 0 J, ME = 0.05, so
KE = ME – PE, = 0.05 J
From the formula EK = 2 mv2 v= √2KE/m
= √10= 3.16 ms-1
3. h = 0.5/2 = 0.25 m so PE = 0.05/2 = 0.025 J and KE = ME – PE = 0.05-0.025= 0.025 J, v=
√2KE/m=√5=2.24 ms-1

Power: is the rate of doing work or rate of conversion of energy. The unit is the Watt (W).
P= t
power output energy output
Efficiency = power input x 100, or energy input x 100, Remember that no energy
transforming device is 100% efficient: Most of the time friction the force that opposes
motion can cause systems to not be efficient. This can be reduced by using lubricants.

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