Affective Visual Dialog: A Large-Scale Benchmark For Emotional Reasoning Based On Visually Grounded Conversations

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Affective Visual Dialog: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Emotional Reasoning

Based on Visually Grounded Conversations

Kilichbek Haydarov1 Xiaoqian Shen1 Avinash Madasu1 Mahmoud Salem1

2 3
Jia Li Gamaleldin Elsayed Mohamed Elhoseiny1
King Abdullah University of Science and Technolgy (KAUST) 1
Stanford University, Health Unity2 Google DeepMind3
arXiv:2308.16349v1 [cs.CL] 30 Aug 2023


Abstract Questioner

We introduce Affective Visual Dialog , an emotion ex-

planation and reasoning task as a testbed for research
on understanding the formation of emotions in visually
grounded conversations. The task involves three skills: Pos: The men seems to be happy
Neg: The man is looking over his
(1) Dialog-based Question Answering (2) Dialog-based and enjoying the time together
shoulder because he sees a threat
here, undisturbed.
Emotion Prediction and (3) Affective emotion explanation
contentment fear
generation based on the dialog. Our key contribution is
the collection of a large-scale dataset, dubbed AffectVis- Q1: How many people do you see in the image?

Dial, consisting of 50K 10-turn visually grounded dialogs A1: I seen two people in the image

as well as concluding emotion attributions and dialog- Q2: What are they doing in the image
informed textual emotion explanations, resulting in a to- A2: They are sitting on the boat, and they
tal of 27,180 working hours. We explain our design de- both are looking some where.

cisions in collecting the dataset and introduce the ques-

Q10: What is the background of the image?
tioner and answerer tasks that are associated with the
participants in the conversation. We train and demon- A10: Trees, clouds are presented by the background of
the image.
strate solid Affective Visual Dialog baselines adapted from
state-of-the-art models. Remarkably, the responses gen- Affective emotion explanations:
erated by our models show promising emotional reason- The two men are thinking about how to go home, I feel
scared because the clouds are coming and it looks like
ing abilities in response to visually grounded conversa- the rain will fall and storms will come into the lake. fear
tions. Our project page is available through https:// No, It is not that I'm thinking it is cool weather and it
seems they doing boating in the lake and enjoying their time contentment
The men are sitting in the boat and seeing somewhere
very interesting I think they are waiting for their
friend to sail in the lake in the beautiful whether alone
1. Introduction contentment with the lake is surrounded by a lot of trees which
looks very excellent so it gives me a good feeling

Emotions play a vital role in shaping human experiences,

impacting our perception, attention, memory, and decision-
Figure 1: AffectVisDial captures constructed emotion at-
making [27, 59]. Sensory information is one major factor
tributions and explanations from both the Questioner (with-
that modulates human emotions, with visual art being a sig-
out image access) and Answerer (with image access) after
nificant influencer of human emotions for centuries. As AI
10 turns of questions and answers starting from two oppos-
systems become increasingly ubiquitous, it is becoming es-
ing opinions. The Questioner is then shown the image and
sential to consider the emotional aspects of human nature to
given the opportunity to change their initial emotional re-
develop systems that can flexibly respond in a natural way
sponse, with a corresponding textual explanation.
based on perceived emotions, ultimately increasing the so-
cial acceptance of AI and better supporting humans. Stuart
Russel [47] critiqued the normative AI development model an emotional judgment. Our task enables models to pro-
warning of potential catastrophes due to its frequent dis- duce emotions and explanations to them from two perspec-
regard of compatibility with human values and goals. In tive: (1) Questioner relying only on language in the form
this work, our focus is to take a step towards developing AI of visually grounded conversation, (2) Answerer relying on
systems compatible with our emotional being. To develop vision and language modalities. Our dataset offers an op-
these emotion-aware AI systems, there is an eminent need portunity to investigate the shift in affective experience in
for public affective datasets that capture different sensory response to direct/indirect (e.g. image is not visible) ac-
modalities that give rise to human emotions. cess to visual stimuli. We can explore how emotions are
In recent years, there has been growing attention to un- constructed based the conversation about the hidden image
derstanding the impact of visual information on the affec- and how they may change once the image is revealed. The
tive experience of viewers and explanation in language [5, answers provided by the answerer in the visually grounded
37, 36, 4]. While existing research has predominantly cen- conversations were found to be highly informative, offering
tered on investigating the direct influence of visual stimuli sufficient context about the hidden image. Interestingly, in
on emotions expressed via language, a notable void exists approximately 23% of cases, even after the image was re-
in the comprehensive examination of the impact of visually vealed to the questioner, their initial emotional response re-
grounded language on affective responses. mained unchanged. Furthermore, our dataset enables us to
Our research aims to bridge this gap by investigating the examine the impact of continued exposure to visual stimuli
formation of emotions in visually grounded conversations on the Answerer’s emotional state during the conversation.
and elucidating the way in which such emotions are con- For example, Fig. 1 shows a shift in the questioner’s emo-
veyed and explained through language. We believe that an- tion response from “fear” to “contentment” once they saw
alyzing the interplay between visual cues and spoken lan- the hidden visual stimuli.
guage in conversational settings can provide unique insights We also introduce a benchmark on top of AffectVisDial
into how emotions are expressed, perceived, and under- with standard splits and baseline models for the Affective Vi-
stood during interactive human communication. This type sual Dialog Task: evaluating (1) Question Answering abil-
of data can be valuable for training models using Human ity and (2) Emotion Classification and Explanation for the
Feedback (e.g., Reinforcement Learning with Human Feed- Questioner and Answerer. In addition, we explore the emo-
back), as it provides rich interactions that can guide the tion awareness ability of the foundation model. Although
model’s responses and emotional understanding through it- gpt-4 [2] has demonstrated remarkable proficiency in zero-
erative learning from human interactions. Additionally, in- shot question-answering tasks, experimental results reveal
corporating such data into the training process has the po- its difficulty in comprehending emotional cues through di-
tential to enhance the emotion awareness of current models, alogue at a human level. This underscores the necessity
enabling them to better comprehend based on language con- of our proposed dataset for advancing applications such
versations. as training emotion-aware AI systems and comprehending
conceptual human expressions like art.
Why dialog setup? The question-answer-based dialog
In summary, we make the following contributions:
setup was chosen over providing text descriptions about vi-
sual stimuli because this setup offers unique advantages that • We collected a large-scale dialog dataset
enable a more dynamic and interactive exploration of the (AffectVisDial) that captures the conversation of
visual content. This allows the questioner to obtain specific two participants and their emotional reactions,
information, seek clarification, and delve deeper into partic- containing 50,000 unique dialogs with emotion
ular aspects of the content, leading to a more comprehensive judgments and their explanations.
understanding of the visual stimulus.
We begin this effort by building a large-scale dataset that • We design a novel task of Affective Visual Dialog cov-
captures language and vision modalities and their influence ering three subtasks: 1) Dialog-based question answer-
on human emotions. Specifically, we are interested in lan- ing, 2) Dialog-based emotion classification, (3) and af-
guage in the form of a dialog about a visual signal that fective explanation where the system should be able to
guides human emotion. The dialogues capture live conver- produce emotion and explanation in language.
sations between two people and their constructed emotions • We introduce several baselines and measure their abil-
in response to visual stimuli. Such dataset can help us to ity to predict emotions based on language and/or vi-
develop a better understanding of how language (and vi- sion, and most importantly explain why.
sion) information is associated with emotion and can help
us build better models and evaluate them. To that end, we • Our findings show that emotion can be influenced by
design a novel task to establish a dialogue between two hu- the different responses within the dialogue, demon-
man participants (a Questioner and an Answerer) to reach strating the importance of capturing the conversation
context based on visuals for emotion prediction. We Pos: The trees are being very clearly
reflected in the water
conclude by illustrating in the discussion how the in-
troduced models could potentially guide conversations Neg: Darkness dominates the
image, especially in the reflection in
according to a desired emotion, and edit the visual the water, and provides little hope
or beauty for the viewer
stimuli based on the stipulated emotional reasoning.
What do you see in fact in that artwork?

2. Related Work This picture shows a landscape, i find a river, some trees and a mountain here
Can you clarify the emplacement of these object then?
Vision-Language datasets. Several notable datasets The river is in the foreground of the image, these trees are located in
the middle of the picture while this mountain is at the background
(e.g. [31, 7, 50, 57]) have been curated to explore the link
About those trees, what do you can say about them, color and shape and type?
between visual and linguistic information, facilitating the It is difficult to know their type because this picture is not real but i can
investigation of tasks such as image captioning, visual ques- say these trees have the same height, the color of their leaves are green
Do you see how many of mountain there in fact?
tion answering (VQA), and visual dialog. Prominent among I just find one big mountain at the background of the picture
these datasets is the MSCOCO dataset [31], which con- Speaking about that big mountain, what color do you see in it?
tains a vast collection of images, each paired with human- This big mountain is colored in dark green, it is grassy

generated captions, enabling the training and evaluation of And seeing at its contour, do you see a curve shape or pyramid or zigzag?
When it concerns its contour, i find a mountain of a pyramid shape here
image captioning models. Another significant dataset is
So you see the sky then there or i'm right in saying that?
VQA [7], where questions related to images are accom- Yes, the sky appears on the top at the background of the picture
panied by human-generated answers, fostering research on Don't you notice some object like person in that picture?

bridging vision and language understanding. No, i cannot find any persons or any animals in this picture
About the brightness of that picture, what weather do you see in it?
Visual Dialog datasets (e.g., VisDial [15] and Guess- The weather is cloudy because there are many clouds
What?! [16]) focus on generating natural language re- in the sky, it is a bit dark i guess it is going to rain
What else do you want to add about that picture?
sponses to questions about images, given an image, dialog I find a reflection of the trees on the lake, so the lake also is colored in dark green
history consisting of a sequence of question-answer pairs, Affective emotion explanations:
and a follow-up question. Compared to other vision and because i like the place like that as it contains many trees and mountain, i think
that the environment in that place is still fresh.
language tasks, this task is more challenging and requires The greenery of this picture is not terrific nor attractive in my eyes as it looks
like a algae.
visual understanding, reasoning, and text comprehension I feel happy when i am looking at this picture because i like this place, the place
from ML systems. For diagnostic purposes, synthetic di- is quiet and the environment is clean

alog datasets [49, 26, 3] were introduced to analyze models

in the visual coreference resolution [46, 25] and multi-round
visual reasoning tasks [26]. GuessWhat?! [16] is a game- Figure 2: An example from AffectVisDial dataset.
like dataset in which one player selects an object in an im-
age and the other player asks questions to guess the object’s dialogues centered around visual stimuli.
identity. Image Chat [51] was introduced for the purpose of
making conversational agents more engaging by assigning 3. AffectVisDial Dataset and Analysis
different personality roles to them. Unlike existing works,
our AffectVisDial dataset focuses on the construction of Dataset Collection. We employed a live communication
emotion and the explanation of the affective state of agents protocol, where two agents engage in a dialogue. The first
based on visually grounded conversations. agent (Questioner), asks questions related to a hidden im-
Emotion Datasets. Numerous efforts have been made to age, which is intentionally kept hidden to mitigate any vi-
collect datasets and analyze human emotions across differ- sual priming biases in which models operate under the as-
ent modalities, encompassing facial expression [38], body sumption that the questioner will inquire about the objects
gestures [32, 23, 45, 21], text [53, 17, 10], music [8, 20, 24, depicted in the image [6, 22]. The objective of the Ques-
14] and visual art [5, 37]. However, most of them were tioner is to explore the hidden image. On the other hand,
limited in size or concerned with single modalities. Al- the second agent (Answerer) observes the image and pro-
though some recent studies have explored the link between vides answers to the questions posed by the Questioner. The
emotion attributes, language, and visual stimuli [5, 4, 36], unique setup in our user interface design is that to initiate
they often lack explanatory language based on linguistic the conversation, we reveal two opposing opinions (a nega-
cues from conversations surrounding hidden visual stimuli. tive and a positive caption) from the combined ArtEmis v1
While there are dialog datasets that address human emo- and v2 datasets [5, 37] associated with the artwork. Our in-
tions [30, 12], they lack grounding in visual signals, which tuition of triggering the dialog with the two opposite opin-
sets our work apart. Our dataset aims to bridge this gap and ions is to counter the biases of the Questioner when start-
is, to the best of our knowledge, the first to focus on captur- ing the task and encourage more open-mindedness towards
ing emotional responses and affective expressions through the emotion triggered by the hidden visual signal (i.e., open
Datasets CLEVR Dialog [26] MNIST Dialog [49] VisDial [15] AffectVisDial (Ours)
possibility that the hidden visuals may be perceived subjec- Type (real-R, synthetic-S) S S R R
tively positively or negatively). After 10 question-answer # Images 85K 50K 123K 50K
# Dialogs 425K 150K 123K 50K
pair exchanges, the Questioner is asked to provide an emo- # Questions 4.25M 1.5M 1.2M 500K
# Unique Q 73K 335 380K 193K
tion class response and explanation for what informed the # Unique A 29 38 340K 324K
Vocab. Size 125 54 7K 21k
Questioner’s decision based on the dialog. Then, the hid- Mean Q Len 10.6 8.9 5.1 10.92
Mean A Len 1 1 2.9 14.85
den image is revealed to the Questioner, and both agents are Mean Q Explanation Len NA NA NA 27.29
required to indicate their emotional responses in the pres- Mean A Explanation Len
Emotion labels
50K ×2
ence of visual cues and conversation. This final question Emotion Explanations NA NA NA 50K ×2

after revealing the image allows explorations regarding the

emotion arising from only dialog vs. those that are also in- Table 1: Comparison with existing visual dialog datasets.
formed by visual stimuli. For the live chat framework, we
Dataset Type Nouns Pronouns Adjectives Adpositions Verbs
use Mephisto tool [54] with our customized front-end inter- VisDial [15] Q 1.4 0.6 0.3 0.3 1.4
faces. Fig. 2 shows an example of collected dialog; more AffectVisDial (Ours) Q 2.6 1.0 0.5 1.4 2.1
VisDial [15] A 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5
examples and interfaces are attached in the supplementary. AffectVisDial (Ours) A 3.6 1.0 1.1 1.9 2.7
Positive Q 2.6 1.1 0.5 1.4 2.0
Visual Stimuli. We use visual artworks from WikiArt [13] Negative Q 2.6 0.9 0.5 1.4 2.0
to ground conversations between two agents. The diver- Positive A
Negative A
AffectVisDial (Ours)
sity of artworks in terms of time periods, art genres (land- Qers’ Exp w/o image
Qers’ Exp w/ image
scape, portrait, still life, etc.), and styles (abstract, baroque, Aers’ Exp 6.3 2.8 2.6 3.4 6.1

cubism, impressionism, etc.) naturally allows for engag-

ing and distinct conversations. We decided to use visual Table 2: Language richness reported as the average Part-
art as the basis of our dataset for three primary reasons. of-Speech units per individual Questions (Q), Answers (A),
First, artworks are often created with the intention of elicit- and Explanations (Exp) from Questioners (Qers) and An-
ing emotional responses in viewers, making them a natural swers (Aers).
choice for studying the relationship between visual stimuli
and emotions. Second, most existing datasets that feature
individual emotion attributions and explanations are cen- 40,477 were excluded for noncompliance with said guide-
tered around art (e.g. [5, 37, 36]). Thirdly, the subjective lines. To facilitate a more productive dialogue that delves
interpretation of visual stimuli from the Answerer’s percep- deeper into the exploration of the hidden image, we required
tion adds an element of diversity to the emotional reactions Questioners to avoid redundant questions that can be easily
captured in our dataset. However, it is worth noting that our answered by referring to the given opinions. By carefully
data collection protocol can be applied to any type of visual selecting and filtering the data, we aim to ensure the quality
stimuli, which constructs emotion experience. For instance, and usefulness of the AffectVisDial dataset.
dialogs with real images can be found in the supplementary.
3.1. Dataset Analysis
Emotion Set: We adopted the methodology used in prior
works (e.g. [56, 55, 35, 5, 37, 36]) and utilized the same set In this section, we analyze our AffectVisDial dataset
of eight Ekman emotion categories: the four negative emo- and compare it to existing visual dialog datasets. In total,
tions (anger, disgust, fear, sadness) are considered universal our AffectVisDial dataset contains 50,000 dialogs (10 QA
and basic, as initially proposed by Ekman [19], the four pos- pairs) on 50K unique artworks, resulting in 500,000 QA
itive emotions (amusement, awe, contentment, excitement) pairs in total.
are more nuanced variations of happiness [18]. Comparison to similar datasets. Tab. 1 compares our
Data Inclusion and Exclusion are crucial steps in build- dataset to existing visual dialog datasets. CLEVR [26],
ing any dataset of high quality. In our data inclusion pro- MNIST [49] contain more dialogs. However, they are gen-
cess, we only consider the dialogs that meet our criteria of erated synthetically for the purpose of diagnosis of the Vi-
quality and relevance. Specifically, we include only those sual Dialog models and do not capture the real natural con-
dialogs that contain the full 10 turns, where both Ques- versation. Compared to VisDial [15], our dataset contains
tioner and Answerer provide their emotional explanations emotion labels and corresponding explanations for 50k di-
about the hidden image. Out of 107,912 dialogs, 17,435 alogs, while VisDial does not. Additionally, our dataset fea-
dialogues that had less than 10 turns were deemed “incom- tures longer questions and answers, with a vocabulary size
plete” and were excluded from the dataset. We also exclude three times larger than VisDial at 21k. The mean question
those dialogs that contain any inappropriate or irrelevant and answer lengths in AffectVisDial are 10.92 and 14.85,
content that does not follow the given instructions such as respectively, compared to 5.1 and 2.9 in VisDial.
avoiding offensive messages, chitchatting, etc. The remain- Linguistic analysis. Tab. 2 presents the Part-of-Speech
ing 90,477 complete dialogs were manually inspected, and (PoS) analysis for questions and answers in AffectVis-
AffectVisDial Questions 1.0
AffectVisDial Answers
VisDial respectively. The percentage of “yes”/“no” questions with
0.175 AffectVisDial
AffectVisDial Explanation
VisDial Questions
0.8 respect to the total number of answers from the training set

Percentage Coverage
VisDial Answers
0.125 0.6 is 52.7% for VisDial and for 25.5% for AffectVisDial (>
50% reduction).

0.025 Analyzing Answers. Answers in AffectVisDial are much
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 longer and more informative - average length 14.85 words;
# Words in sentence # Unique Answers (x 100000)
see Tab. 1 and the solid green and dashed green plots in
(a) (b) Fig. 3a. The top-1000 frequent answers in VisDial [15]
cover 63% of all answers, while for AffectVisDial they
Figure 3: a) Distribution of lengths for questions, answers, cover only 38% . Since the number of dialogs in VisDial is
and explanations b) percent coverage of overall answers higher than AffectVisDial , we sampled a subset of dialogs
from the training dataset covered top frequent unique an- of the same size as our whole dataset size and computed the
swers, compared to VisDial. Based on the coverage, Af- percentage coverage of answers on this subset from Vis-
fectVisDial ’s answers are more diverse (i.e., less percent- Dial. Fig. 3b shows the percent coverage of unique answers
age of our AffectVisDial is covered by the same set of overall answers in the training set. Fig. 4 (b) visualize an-
unique answers). swer distribution based on the starting few words. A large
portion of answers are descriptive to convey the existence
Dial and VisDial. Compared to VisDial, AffectVisDial has of objects in the image (e.g., “there are/is” or “there seems
a higher frequency of PoS tags in questions and answers, like”), and many answers start with“there are” or “is” since
suggesting that the answers are more detailed and descrip- questioners are querying whether things are in the image.
tive of the image attributes and activities. Emotional expla-
nations in AffectVisDial have higher PoS tags than ques- Analyzing emotion explanations. We report three types of
tions and answers. This is expected since the agents should analysis for explanations: explanations of the Questioner
be expressive in their explanations in order to convey what (1) before and (2) after the image observation, and An-
constructed their emotion from the dialog. We also break swerer explanations. Tab. 1 shows that on average expla-
down the results for dialogs concluded with a positive emo- nations have lengths 27.29 and 28.95 for Questioner and
tion (i.e., amusement, awe, excitement, contentment) vs Answerer, respectively. Tab. 2 shows that the average num-
negative emotion (i.e., sad, anger, disgust, fear). We found ber of PoS from explanations before observing images is
that there are not many statistical differences between ques- larger than those after observing the image. Answerer ex-
tions from dialogs with positive conclusions and questions planation contains slightly more pronouns, so we speculate
from dialogues with negative conclusions. that they can easily refer to visual cues since they can see
Analyzing Questions. Fig. 3a shows the distribution of the the hidden image.
lengths of questions for AffectVisDial and VisDial (see the
solid red lines). The plot indicates that questions and an- Emotion Distribution. We report emotion distribution be-
swers of AffectVisDial are significantly longer. Fig. 4 (a) fore observing the image in Fig. 4 (d) with the top words as-
shows Sunbursts visualization of the distribution of ques- sociated with each emotion. It is obvious that the most dom-
tions based on the first four words in the dataset. Binary inant emotion is “contentment”. Fig. 5 (top) shows the per-
Questions vs Binary Answers: It is interesting to see that centage of Questioner, who changed their emotion choice
the top 10 answers are binary answers with details, e.g., “No after observing the hidden image. On average, 23.22% of
there are no trees or plants in the image” or “Yes there is the time, annotators changed their minds after looking at
a man in the image.” This is a consequence of the ques- the hidden image. In general, dialog information is infor-
tioner not being able to see the image. Thus, they are ask- mative enough for the Questioner to conclude their final
ing contextually relevant questions like “Do you see any emotional responses. The emotion category that was influ-
trees or plants in the image?” in an attempt to explore enced the most by the emotion change is “something else”,
the scene. Das et al. [15] observed that the VQA dataset where the Questioner may not have to find enough linguis-
contains binary questions that can be answered by sim- tic details associated with images. Fig. 5 (bottom) shows the
ply “yes”/“no”/“maybe”. Regarding answers which con- distribution of emotions before observing the image across
tain “yes”/“no” as binary answers, they reported that only continents. “contentment” is the most dominant emotion
46.96% of all “yes”/“no” responses were binary answers across annotators from all continents. Interestingly, we can
containing “yes” in VisDial. However, in VQA there was observe that there are some similarities in the emotion dis-
a bias towards “yes”, with 61.40% of binary responses be- tribution between North America and Europe: the emotion
ing “yes”. In our dataset, there is a balance between binary labels like “contentment”, “excitement”, and“fear” are al-
questions containing “yes” and “no”, 50.32% and 49.68%, most identical between these groups.
Amusement (4.71%)
Anger (1.99%)
red, wearing, bright
red, nothing, animals
Excitement (7.76%)
Disgust (7.41%)
sky, flowers, river
red, nothing, animals
Awe (9.09%)
Fear (6.31%) weather, beautiful, water
dark, black, scary

Something else (6.23%)

Sadness (11.12%)
sitting, old, alone

Contentment (45.38%)
plants, mountains, human
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 4: Distribution of first n-grams for AffectVisDial (a) questions, (b) answers, (c) explanations. Word ordering starts
towards the center and radiates outwards, and arc length is proportional to the number of sentences containing the word. (d)
Questioner’s emotion distribution pie chart before observing the hidden image, along with the most affective words for each
specific emotion from the dialogue.

4.1. Dialog-based Question Answering Subtask

In this subtask, neural systems’ aim is to generate an an-
swer At for a given question Qt and context Ht at round
t, similar to [15]. Two approaches can be used: genera-
tive [41, 11, 40] and discriminative [11, 39, 41]. Genera-
tive models generate an answer, while discriminative mod-
els rank pre-defined candidate answers.
Neural Baselines: We explore several neural models for
this task. Firstly, we utilize the simple Nearest Neigh-
bors approach, as introduced in Das et al. [15]. We ex-
periment with two variants: NN-Q, which finds k simi-
lar questions based on GloVE [43] embeddings and takes
the average similarity scores between candidates and k an-
swers for ranking options; and NN-QI, which extracts K
similar questions and then selects a subset of k questions
based on image similarity features from VGG-16 [52]. Ad-
ditionally, we evaluate two state-of-the-art models: VisDial-
BERT [39], which adopts VilBERT [34] pretrained on Con-
Figure 5: Top: percentage of change of emotion be- ceptual Captions [50] and VQA [7] and is fine-tuned on Vi-
fore/after the Questioner observes the image in the dataset. sual Dialog [15] tasks; and LTMI [41], a SOTA model that
Bottom: emotion distribution across continents. can be used as both a generative and discriminative model.
4.2. Affective Explanation Generation Subtask
4. Task and Neural Baselines In this subtask, we investigate the ability of neural mod-
els to generate emotion explanations given D and, option-
The Affective Visual Dialog task involves two subtasks, ally I. Additionally, we incorporate E and C to provide
dialog-based question answering 4.1 and dialog-based emo- a comprehensive context for the generation process. To
tion classification and affective explanation generation 4.2. simultaneously generate the emotion class and its corre-
Notations: To begin with, we first elaborate on several no- sponding explanation for both the questioner and answerer,
tations. Specifically, I represents an image, and two emo- we experiment with different generative language models.
tion labels (in the form of positive-negative pairs), denoted To make the explanation more faithful to the identified emo-
as E, and associated opinions as C. Moreover, a dialog D tion, we design a prompt “I feel EMOTION because EX-
containing 10 pairs of questions and answers about the im- PLANATION” and train the models with this prompt. Gen-
age can be represented as D = {(Q1 , A1 ), ..., (Q10 , A10 )}. erating emotion and explanation together helps the model
At any given round t, a context Ht is defined as the com- understand the reasoning behind the emotion and produces
bination of the image, emotion labels, captions, and the di- more accurate predictions.
alog history up to that point, which can be represented as Neural Baselines: We consider two generative text mod-
Ht = {I, C, (Q1 , A1 ), ..., (Qt−1 , At−1 )}. els (BART [28], T5-large [44]) and a recently introduced
multi-modal model NLX-GPT [48] for emotion and expla- Model I E C D BLEU(↑) BERT(↑) BART(↓) Emo-F1(↑)
NLX-GPT [48] × ✓ ✓ × 0.09 0.65 -6.67 29.55
nation generation for both Questioner and Answerer. Since NLX-GPT [48] × ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.23 0.86 -5.05 46.17
the Answerer has always access to the image I, we include NLX-GPT [48] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 0.11 0.70 -5.72 35.50
NLX-GPT [48] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.27 0.88 -4.92 43.61
I in the form of text from pretrained BLIP [29] model for
BART-Large [28] × ✓ ✓ × 0.02 0.02 -5.71 2.10
text models T-5 and BART. For the Questioner, we exper- BART-Large [28] × × ✓ ✓ 0.26 0.88 -4.25 47.49
BART-Large [28] × ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.27 0.88 -4.26 51.62
iment with two variants: the model (1) w/o and (2) w/ ac-
BART-Large [28] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 0.04 0.85 -5.38 38.11
cess to the image I. For (2), we also include I in the in- BART-Large [28] ✓ × ✓ ✓ 0.27 0.88 -4.18 45.52
put similar to the Answerer case and predict the emotion BART-Large [28] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.28 0.89 -4.18 50.43
T5-Large [44] × ✓ ✓ × 0.05 0.05 -5.98 15.20
and explanation of the Questioner after observing the im- T5-Large [44] × × ✓ ✓ 0.25 0.88 -4.54 40.48
age. We fine-tune the NLX-GPT model [48] for generat- T5-Large [44] × ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.26 0.87 -4.4 46.34
T5-Large [44] ✓ ✓ ✓ × 0.04 0.85 -5.38 38.11
ing emotional explanations, which can accept both visual T5-Large [44] ✓ × ✓ ✓ 0.28 0.88 -4.35 41.91
and language inputs and produce answers and explanations. T5-Large [44] ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 0.28 0.89 -4.34 42.95
We train the model from the perspectives of both the Ques-
tioner and the Answerer using the same input as the previ- Table 4: Results on emotion and explanation generation
ously mentioned language models. The image I is passed setup for Questioner. I, E, C, D represents the image, 2
through the model’s image encoder before being fed to the opposed emotion labels, associated opinions, and the dia-
decoder for final emotion and explanation generation (see log defined in Sec. 4.
the supplementary for implementation details).
4.3. Dialog-based Emotion Prediction Task
Dialog-based Question Answering. Tab. 3 shows the re-
We propose a dialog-based classification task that aims sults of the dialog-based question-answering subtask, where
to predict the emotion label based on a visually grounded LTMI-D achieves the highest scores among all baselines in
conversation, which can be formulated as a standard docu- terms of retrieval metrics. Naive neighboring approaches
ment classification problem with 9 emotion categories. To perform poorly, possibly due to the large number of unique
address this task, we utilize a pre-trained RoBERTa [33] answers compared to questions. Discriminative methods
model and fine-tune it on our dataset. such as VisDial-BERT and LTMI-D outperform the gener-
ative LTMI-G on average by 0.06, 0.12, and 0.27 in R@1,
5. Experimental Results R@5, and R@10 metrics, respectively. The results suggest
that the task is challenging in its open form, and generative
Evaluation Metrics. For the Dialog-based Question An-
models may not be as effective as discriminative models.
swering task, we use standard retrieval-based metrics in-
troduced in [15]: mean rank (MR), mean reciprocal rank Questioner Explanation Generation. Table 4 presents the
(MRR), and recall R@k (k = 1, 5, 10) based on 100 can- results for the explanation generation subtask. It is evident
didate answers. Candidates include a ground truth answer, that models relying solely on opinions (C) and emotion rep-
50 possible answers, 30 popular answers, and 19 random resentations (E) as input exhibit significantly poorer perfor-
answers. To evaluate explanation generation quality and mance across all metrics compared to other baselines. For
linguistic similarity to human explanations, we use popu- instance, the BART model without dialogue (D) underper-
lar machine-based captioning metrics: BLEU [42], BERT- forms its counterpart with dialogue by 0.24 BLEU scores,
score [60], and BART-score [58]. We evaluate predicted indicating the insufficiency of relying solely on two input
emotion categories using a weighted F1-score due to data opinions. Incorporating textual descriptions of images (I)
imbalance over the 9 emotion classes. for text-based models leads to noteworthy improvements,
Dialog-based Classification. After fine-tuning our as they provide valuable information about the visual input.
RoBERTa-based classifier, we observe that it achieves Notably, the T5 model demonstrates considerable enhance-
62.2% accuracy. Note that since emotions are subjective ments in metrics such as BLEU, BERT, and BART when ex-
in nature, their prediction might be a challenging task. posed to image textual descriptions during training and test-
ing. Intriguingly, when dialogues (D) are introduced as an
additional input for these models, their performance signif-
Model R@1(↑) R@5(↑) R@10(↑) MRR(↓) MR(↓) icantly improves across all metrics. For instance, T5-Large
NN-Q 0.11 0.26 0.38 0.65 32.01 and NLX-GPT which incorporate D outperform those that
NN-QI 0.07 0.16 0.31 0.71 36.32
LTMI-G [41] 0.18 0.25 0.55 0.36 24.47
do not take D as input by 0.24 and 0.18 BLEU scores, re-
LTMI-D [41] 0.25 0.39 0.84 0.58 5.62 spectively, further underscoring the critical role of dialogue
VisDial-BERT [39] 0.23 0.35 0.79 0.47 6.10 in guiding the model’s emotion-related tasks. The results
for Answerer are available in the supplementary.
Table 3: Results on dialog-based question answering task. Human Studies. To validate our model’s effectiveness, we
Pos: the colors all go together so well to
form a full and beautiful bouquet of sadness contentment

Neg: it is sad to think that all the flowers what else is there which is seeking more attention in the picture?
that bloom naturally today are blooming
artificially with difficulty womans eyes and the way is she holding her elbow with other
is the picture realistic or an imagination of the painter ?
there is a mountain in the picture
well it is realistic as it is related to the nature
can you describe me what is it ?
it is about some different flowers assembled into a bouquet
are those flowers inside a vase or something like that ?
yes those flowers are inside of a vase
could you identify if there are different kinds of flower ?
there are maybe ten different type of it if i am not
mistaken and each has its own color
can you give me a few description about the vase ?
personally i can hardly figure out the vase since it is recovered
by the flowers around but i can say its color is brown
is that bouquet of flowers on a table then ? Figure 7: Example of altering answers to evoke opposite
i do not think so because the focus of the artwork but i can say it is on the floor emotions, and make ”edit” in the original image.
could you quote those different colors ?
i see some white color red orange green and pink through it
what else can you see around the bouquet of flowers ?
no the painter just wants to evolve a portrait of bouquet ually altering the answers can shift the original emotion to-
according to you is it an oil or a water painting ?
wards an opposing direction, illustrating the role of linguis-
in my opinion it is a water drawing based on how the artist draws it
does the painting contain a signature or a mark to recognize the artist ?
tic details in driving emotions (e.g., the absence of trees in-
no it does not have any mark nor the signature of the painter on the artwork creases the probability score of ”fear”).
Generated emotion explanations: Towards Emotionally Reasoned Image Editing. While
I am amazed by the creativity of the artist to come up with a concept of a
painting that uses different kinds of flowers in a vase and makes it look the above study has provided valuable insights, it is essen-
realistic and appealing.
tial to acknowledge certain limitations in the methodology.
Firstly, emotions are complex and subjective, and the clas-
Figure 6: Generated Questioner’s Explanation from our T5- sifier’s output may not always align perfectly with true hu-
Large baseline. man emotional experiences. Furthermore, the chosen an-
swers may not necessarily be grounded in the visual input.
An interesting avenue for exploration is editing initial vi-
conducted studies on Amazon Mechanical Turk. We asked sual input such that it is aligned with the candidate’s an-
participants to evaluate the reasonableness of our dialog- swers. This approach could be valuable, for example, for
based QA task and conducted a Turing test for emotion ex- emotion-driven content creation. To illustrate this, we uti-
planation generation. Results indicate that over 90% of pro- lized our roBERTa-based classifier to select an answer for a
duced answers were considered reasonable and 55% of ex- given question to increase the probability score of the target
planations were considered human-like, demonstrating the emotion. Subsequently, we used an image editing model [9]
effectiveness of our approach in capturing emotional rea- to modify the original image accordingly (see Fig. 7). In
soning in visually grounded conversations (Details in sup- this example, the suggested practice reasoned that the con-
plementary). tentment emotion of the visual stimuli can be increased by
Fig. 6 shows the generated emotion and corresponding suggesting to include a mountain in the image. This ap-
explanation from the Questioner. The output closely resem- proach paves the way for the creation of collaborative image
bles human explanations (more examples are in the supple- editing systems capable of offering emotionally informed
mentary). suggestions for edits.
Emotion Guided Answer Generation. In this study, we Emotion Awareness of ChatGPT and GPT-4. We ex-
investigate the influence of dialogue answers on resulting plored the potential of ChatGPT [1], a foundation model
emotions. To achieve this, we manipulate the answers to known for its impressive zero-shot question-answering per-
elicit specific emotional reactions. For each question in a formance, for predicting emotions and generating corre-
dialogue, we select the answer candidate from similar ques- sponding explanations on our newly proposed dataset. To
tions that maximizes the probability of the target emotion, this end, we employed the latest API [2], GPT-4, with ei-
as determined by our pretrained RoBERTa-based emotion ther {E, C} or {E, C, D}, along with our designed instruc-
classifier [33]. The initial two or three turns of the dialogue tions, as inputs to enable ChatGPT to generate emotions and
remain unchanged, while subsequent answers are replaced their explanations. The results showed that the Emotion F1
by the selected candidate answers. Fig. 8 shows how grad- scores were 19.84% and 26.64%, respectively for two in-
initial emotion:
85.58% initial emotion: 92.34%

target emotion: target emotion:

fear 11.76% 1.23%

do you see humans in the image? how many people are there in this image?
yes there are two humans sketch in the image there is only one woman in the image


what type of dress style they were wore in the image? what is she doing?
it is hard to depict because it is sand sketch in the image she is looking down in the image
do you see any living things in the image? how the woman is looking in this image?
yes there are animals no any other living things are her hair seems
20.37% she is half old and half young 76.67%
in the image there in the image like comical in
and is looking upset in the image
the image

do you see any trees or plants in the image? what type of attire is she wearing
yes there are plants in no there are no trees and
77.28% only the face is show in she is wearing
the image plants in the image 83.71%
the image and she wore a suit-type attire

scarf around her face in an image

what is the most eye-catching thing in the image?

the humans and animals what are the other things present in this image?
cloudy climate with green
and plants are in a circle is
trees are the most eye- 86.63%
the most eye-catching thing there are no other a person and a bird is 84.94%
catching thing in the image things in the image there in the picture
in the image

what is the background of the image? does the image is looking clear or blurred?
the background seems the background has black brown the image is not clear
sand in the image and mixed green and yellow 92.70% and not blurred it seems a clear image 85.54%

Figure 8: Examples of altering answers to evoke opposite emotions. The left side of each example shows the original dialog
and the right side shows the replaced answer with the corresponding probability of the target emotion

put combinations. While additional dialog input improved We also demonstrated that the models trained on AffectVis-
the emotion prediction, ChatGPT still struggled to capture Dial can facilitate both emotion-guided answer generation
emotional information through conversation and understand and pave the way toward building and advancing emotion-
artwork descriptions at a human level. In contrast, our base- ally reasoned collaborative image editing systems. We hope
lines trained on our dataset showed superior results, yield- that our dataset and models will help ease future research in
ing more than 40% in F1 score. These limitations highlight affective vision and language.
the significance of our dataset in advancing emotion-aware
AI systems for future applications. Further details regard-
ing the instructions and generated examples are provided in
Acknowledgement. This project is funded by KAUST
the supplementary material.
BAS/1/1685-01-01, SDAIA-KAUST Center of Excellence
in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. The authors ex-
6. Conclusion press their appreciation to Jack Urbanek, Sirojiddin Kari-
mov, and Umid Nejmatullayev for their valuable assistance
Emotions are an integral part of human nature. A
in data collection setup. Lastly, the authors extend their
deeper comprehension of how emotions arise from natural
gratitude to the diligent efforts of the Amazon Mechanical
conversation can aid in the development of more human-
Turkers, DeepenAI, and SmartOne teams, as their contribu-
compatible machines. In pursuit of this goal, we introduce
tions were indispensable for the successful completion of
a novel dataset, called AffectVisDial , which records the di-
this work.
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