Learning Task #1 - Problem Identification

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Karol Mariae Luz Eres BN 3B


1. Assessing the Self-Efficacy of University of Saint La Salle Fourth-Year Nursing

Students in Clinical Settings: A Comparative Study and Implications for Nursing
2. Examining Objectively Assessed Physical Activity Levels and Adherence to Various
Public Health Guidelines in the Hda. Carmen Community: A Quantitative Analysis and
Implications for Health Promotion
3. Evaluating the Level of Expectations Among Second-Year Nursing Students at the
University of Saint La Salle Regarding Exposure to Obstetric Ward and Delivery Room
Clinical Rotations

Chosen Problem
Assessing the Self-Efficacy of University of Saint La Salle Fourth-Year Nursing
Students in Clinical Settings: A Comparative Study and Implications for Nursing

A.2 Chosen Problem

A. The Chosen ONE: Among the three identified problems, choose ONE problem that
your group is inclined to research.
B. The rationale in choosing the problem: (Give a brief justification in not less than 5
C. List down at least 5 pieces of literature reviewed using APA format (7th Ed.)

The rationale for deciding on this research topic is that we want to assess the
institutions' fourth-year nursing students' self-efficacy in a clinical setting to improve
clinical competence, personal and professional development, curriculum design,
effective teaching methods, addressing anxiety and stress, bridging the gap between
education and practice, and providing quality patient care. Self-efficacy ratings assist
instructors in recognizing aspects where students could lack confidence, allowing
educators to plan centered interventions. Clinical Instructors can give targeted
assistance and interventions, such as supervision, apprenticeship, or specific training,
to tackle areas in which students lack confidence. Higher self-efficacy also leads to
improved clinical performance and decision-making, establishing a supportive
atmosphere for personal and professional development. Future research and
continuous enhancement of instructional techniques, apprenticeship schemes, and
practical training approaches are also required. Overall, self-efficacy evaluation is
critical for ensuring the creation of competent and confident nurses, the advancement of
nursing education, the quality of healthcare services, and the institution.

Review of Related Literature

Concept of self-efficacy in nursing students

Self-efficacy is a psychological concept developed by psychologist Albert
Bandura, which refers to an individual's belief in their own ability to achieve specific
goals or perform certain tasks. In Nursing education, student nurses are expected to
excel and self-efficacy is the confidence that an individual has in their potential to
accomplish tasks or attain their goals. As stated in an article, “Usefulness of the concept
is contingent on how it is defined and measured. Self-care self-efficacy is associated
with performance of self-care activities and positive health outcomes in diverse
populations.” (Eller PhD, RN et al., 2018). It pertains to the nursing students’ confidence
in executing clinical duties, delivering patient care, and navigating challenging
situations. Self-efficacy strongly influences nursing students' beliefs about their
capabilities and performance in clinical settings. It was mentioned in the study of
Townsend, L. & Scanlan, J. (2011) that a need for subsequent investigation is essential
to augment academic preparation and student retention, as well as nurse educators'
comprehension and efficacy. Higher levels of self-efficacy foster confidence,
goal-directed behavior, persistence, effective stress management, and a proactive
attitude toward learning and growth, all of which contribute to improved performance as
future nurses.

Self-efficacy and Clinical Competence

According to Gunawan, J., Aungsuroch, Y., & Fisher, M. L. (2019), the
relationship between the clinical learning environment, self‐efficacy, self‐directed
learning readiness, and clinical competence in nursing students. This study focused on
the interplay between the clinical learning environment, self-efficacy, self-directed
learning readiness, and clinical competence. It found that self-efficacy played a crucial
role in predicting clinical competence. A positive clinical learning environment also
influenced self-efficacy and, subsequently, clinical competence.
Academic self-efficacy and clinical efficiency self-efficacy appeared to be moderate in
the students, and there was a positive association between educational achievement
and academic self-efficacy and clinical performance self-efficacy (KARAHAN
OKUROGLU, 2022).

Self-efficacy and Clinical Performance

Karabacak, Ü., & Serbest, Ş. (2017). The relationship between self-efficacy and
academic performance in an undergraduate nursing program. While not specific to
clinical performance, this study explored the connection between self-efficacy and
academic performance in a nursing program. It found that self-efficacy beliefs were
positively correlated with academic success, suggesting that students with higher
self-efficacy were more likely to excel academically, which can extend to clinical

The research study investigates fourth-year nursing students' clinical competence and
self-efficacy at the University of Hail in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to develop
demographic data and variables relevant to the study, the researchers utilized a
quantitative-comparative technique using statistical methods that were descriptive. The
findings revealed high levels of clinical competence and self-efficacy, with no significant
correlations discovered between gender, program type, civil status, age, or self-efficacy.
These findings imply that fourth-year nursing students have the clinical ability to
successfully organize and implement appropriate clinical programs of action (Albagawi
et al., 2019).

In 2016, researchers at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences set out to

investigate the association between clinical competence and clinical self-efficacy among
nursing students. Patient assisting competency, care self-efficacy, legal and moral
performance self-efficacy, students' competence, professional development
self-efficacy, patients' safety, security, and comfort, leadership, and managing
self-efficacy, cooperation with treatment team members competence, and students'
efficiency were found to have a positive and significant relationship. (Safari, 2017)

Albagawi, B., Hussein, F. M., Alotaibi, J. S., Albougami, A. S., Amer, M. F., Alsharari, A.

F., Assiri, Z. A., & Alramadhan, S. E. (2019, July 11). (PDF) Self-efficacy and

clinical competence of fourth-year nursing students: A self-reported study.

ResearchGate. Retrieved August 30, 2023, from



Aungsuroch, Y., Gunawan, J., & Fisher, M. L. (2022, October 2). Redesigning the

nursing and human resource partnership: A model for the new normal era.

Springer Nature. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from





Eller Ph.D., RN, L. S., Lev EdD, RN, E. L., Yuan PhD, RN, FAAN, C., & Watkins MSLS,

D-AHIP, A. V. (2018, January). Describing Self-Care Self-Efficacy: Definition,

Measurement, Outcomes, and Implications. Wiley Online Library. Retrieved

August 22, 2023, from


Eren, H., & Turkmen, A. S. (2020, April). The relation between nursing students' levels

of self-efficacy and caring nurse-patient interaction: a descriptive study. PubMed.

Retrieved August 22, 2023, from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32536295/

KARAHAN OKUROGLU, G. (2022, January). The Relationship Between Nursing

Students' Self-Efficacy Regarding Their Clinical Performance with Their

Academic Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement: Descriptive Study.

Research Gate. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from





Olgun, N. (2017, April). Relationship between student nurses' self-efficacy and

psychomotor skills competence. PubMed. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from


Safari, Y. (2017, January). (PDF) Evaluating the Relationship between Clinical

Competence and Clinical Self-efficacy of Nursing Students in Kermanshah

University of Medical Sciences. ResearchGate. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from




Townsend, L., & Scanlan, J. M. (2022, October 2). Self-Efficacy Related to Student

Nurses in the Clinical Setting: A Concept Analysis. International Journal of

Nursing Education Scholarship Volume 8. Retrieved August 22, 2023, from


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