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Reasons Why Video Games Are Banned The title suggests the

writing genre sometimes . It would be better to write Ban video

games ! to show your claim and to show the argumentation from
the first glance better than to sound a cause- effect essay.

Nowadays, video games are popular all over the world. You can find
children playing video games almost in every house in all places. I agree
with banning video games in some countries because video games have
more disadvantages than advantages.
Video games negatively affect the mental health of the people,
especially for children. People playing video games can have a game
addiction so they don’t have a lot of contact with the environment.
Playing electronic games loses the competitors interest in doing their
daily activities such as hobbies or sports ; thus, they don’t perform
outdoor activities. For example, when a kid plays video games, he
wants to respond to any problem he faces like his favorite character in
the game, so this promotes his violence. Students can have low grades
in their school due to playing video games which makes them unable to
focus in their studies.
The World Health Organization recently decided to add “ gaming
disorder “ to its official list of mental health conditions, stating that
gaming behavior could qualify as problematic if it interferes
significantly in other areas of people’s lives. Some countries came up
with banning the video games because they suggested there are links
between playing video games and violent behavior.
By the end, here are words from the President Donalt spelling Trump
about video games “ I’m hearing more and more people saying the
level of violence on video games is really shaping young people’s
thoughts “

No counterarguments are raised nor refutations are stated !!

Haneen A. ♡

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