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Portfolio Reflection

1. I think that my four piece project about a man who passed away was my best assignment

this quadmester. It was the first project that we did, but I love the story that i made up a lot. I

also love that I forced myself out of my comfort zone, and just drew for once. Instead of

thinking of a plan, and then being scared to draw out of fear of imperfection. I just drew what

I thought of on the spot. It was nice being able to let go and enjoy making art. I loved using

mixed media and trying new things like pastel, which I haven’t used before.

2. I am interested in themes of death, nostalgia, emotions that you can’t explain, body

positivity, and the feeling of love. I want to dive into the dark side of life like conspiracy

theories and takes on our society. I want my art to be purposeful and bold. I want to make

statements and be experimental, and i want to make people feel emotion and feel related to.

3. Next year I am hopefully going to OCAD for the drawing and painting program. It has been

my dream to go to OCAD for the past year, since I realized that I want to do art as a career.

One of the reasons that I want to go to OCAD is because It is In Toronto. I have a plan to move

there with my two friends and live in an apartment with them. My one friend Emma Is

planning on going into the same program as me too. I have a plan to open an art studio with

him and teach kids how to do art. After that I’m moving to Europe!

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