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TODAY for December 31, 2022, NBC

Welker, Kristen; Alexander, Peter; Fryer, Joe; Hunter, Molly; Holt, Lester; Somara Theodore; Thompson,

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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Dies at 95. Reflecting Barbara Walters and Her Iconic TV Interviews Amid Her Passing.
A Baby Surprise for the Weekend Morning Boost. Buccaneers Backup Quarterback, Blaine Gabbert, Helps in
Helicopter Rescue. Exploring the Best Bubbly and Mocktail Options for New Year's Celebrations. GUESTS: Blaine
Gabbert, Hunter Hupp, Ray Isle

KRISTEN WELKER, TODAY SHOW HOST: Good morning. Breaking news, the passing of a pope. Pope Emeritus
Benedict XVI dies overnight at the Vatican. He was 95-years-old and in failing health. We'll have a live report from
Also breaking overnight, the death of pioneering TV journalist and the first female anchor of the TODAY Show,
Barbara Walters, passes away Friday. We'll celebrate her trailblazing career and some of her most famous
interviews from celebrities to heads of state.
BARBARA WALTERS, FORMER TODAY SHOW HOST: Are you sorry you didn't burn the tapes.
WELKER: Condolences pouring in from the media world and beyond.
And counting down to 2023, we're getting a head start on our New Year's Eve celebrations, trying out some budget-
friendly bubbly. And then our wine expert will recommend some of the best mocktails to have on hand for your
designated driver, TODAY, Saturday, December 31, 2022.
And good morning and welcome back to TODAY on this Saturday morning, New Years Eve, and it is a somber last
day of 2022 with the passing of these two giants we've been talking about all morning.
PETER ALEXANDER, TODAY SHOW HOST: We are going to celebrate those lives. We are also going to look
ahead to the year that's coming and give you the forecast if you're planning something big --
ALEXANDER: -- as you get ready for 2023.
WELKER: We sure are, but we do want to begin with this morning's breaking news out of the Vatican. Pope
Emeritus Benedict XVI has died at the age of 95.
ALEXANDER: The retired pontiff had been ill for sometime and declined in recent days as Pope Francis asked the
faithful for their prayers.
JOE FRYER, NBC TODAY HOST: NBC's Molly Hunter is in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican where the faithful are
reacting to the news of Pope Benedict's passing. Molly, good morning.
MOLLY HUNTER, NBC NEWS FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT: Joe, Peter, Kristen, good morning to all three of
you. So we have now learned and we now have the answers to some of the questions that we have had over the


last couple of days about what exactly happens when a former pope passes.
So according to The Holy See Press Office, we now know that Pope Emeritus will lie in state starting on Monday, a
chance for the faithful to bid their final goodbyes. His funeral will then take place outside right here in St. Peter's
Square on Thursday, January 5 at 9:30 here in Rome, presided by Pope Francis, which was the expectation, but it is
still the first time this will have happened in more than 600 years.
Now no word yet on the details of the funeral whether it will be a state funeral. We do understand from the press
office that it will be, quote, "in the mode of simplicity as were his wishes," and you guys, we can understand. We can
assume that Benedict had a hand in all of the planning not only surrounding his funeral and these final few days but
also in his burial.
Now this is also a moment, according to Vatican analysts, that the church may take this moment to normalize what
Pope Emeritus did in 2013 by stepping back from the papacy. His legacy, of course, will be his serious intellectual
and scholarly accomplishments. It will also, of course, be that he was pope for eight years, but really defining his
legacy will be the fact that he retired in 2013 and possibly opened the door for future pops to follow in his footsteps.
Guys, I'll send it back to you.
WELKER: Yes, becoming the first pope to retire in more than 600 years. Molly Hunter, thank you so much.
ALEXANDER: And this morning now to the death of a legend, the trailblazing journalist, Barbara Walters, died
overnight. She was 93. Of course, Walters was a towering figure in broadcast journalism. She perfected the art of
the interview, getting newsmakers and celebrities I think to open up in just unforgettable ways.
FRYER: Our Lester Holt is looking back at those interviews where Walters made her name.
LESTER HOLT, NBC NIGHTLY NEWS HOST: Barbara Walters got her start on TODAY, landing big interviews and
asking some memorable questions. It became her trademark.
WALTERS: Mr. President, I have read that you proposed to Mrs. Nixon the very first time that you met and that Mrs.
Nixon turned you down at that time.
HOLT: Even then, Barbara made it personal.
WALTERS: Your life is very insulated here, isn't it?
HOLT: No matter who she was talking to.
WALTERS: It has been said that your wife is one of your closest advisors and influences you a great deal.
HOLT: Asking Henry Kissinger about his reputation as a ladies man.
WALTERS: Actually you're a divorced man, the most eligible bachelor in Washington. You're being called a swinger,
so on.
HOLT: Or Lady Bird Johnson about her husband's same reputation.
WALTERS: And they say, oh, Lyndon Johnson, he really was a ladies man. He was quite a flirt. I wonder how Mrs.
Johnson felt about that. How did Mrs. Johnson feel about that?
HOLT: She found a way to broach the most difficult subjects here with President Kennedy's mother, Rose, on the
fifth anniversary of his assassination.
WALTERS: The question I think most people want to know, and that is what sustains you?
What gives you the courage to keep going?
HOLT: And with Martin Luther King's widow, Coretta, two years after his death.
WALTERS: What did you tell your children about the man who killed their father?
HOLT: She could ask tough questions of politicians.
WALTERS: Could you run with the black and win do you think?
HOLT: But Barbara Walters was just as comfortable talking to celebrities. Lauren Bacall.
WALTERS: Is there anything that you'd like to get off your chest besides this microphone?


HOLT: Part confidant, part shrink with Laurence Olivier.
WALTERS: Tell me about your father and your mother. Lie down on my couch and tell me what you think
HOLT: Truman Capote.
WALTERS: When you were a child and you were different from the other kids, did they make fun of you?
HOLT: And Princess Grace.
WALTERS: Your Highness, I must ask you the question that most Americans want to know about you. Are you
HOLT: Of course, a great question is one that gets a great answer, like the time she asked former First Lady Mamie
Eisenhower about the prospect about a female president.
WALTERS: Female president.
EISENHOWER: I hadn't even thought of such thing. I don't think we're ready for that yet.
ALEXANDER: It's just so fun to look back at Barbara Walters' legendary career, but what strikes me in those
interviews is watching the interviewee, right?
FRYER: Right.
ALEXANDER: It was their eyes as she delivered the dagger in some of those questions. You know, just --
WELKER: She asked -- yes. She asked the question that no one else would.
ALEXANDER: Watch their minds work.
FRYER: She was fearless.
FRYER: And it was the question that was on our minds, too.
WELKER: Yes, just incredible.
ALEXANDER: One of a kind.
WELKER: All right. Well now it is time for the Weekend Morning Boost. Joe, you've got that.
FRYER: Yes. This one falls under the category of I would say cute, all right? We have a cute Morning Boost for you.
You know, it's always fun telling family that you're expecting, especially when they aren't expecting it. That's just
what happened to one family in Indiana as they were gearing up for their annual holiday picture.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maya's (ph) pregnant.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What? (EXPLETIVE) Oh my God, I didn't even know (ph).
FRYER: That is Maya (ph) and her boyfriend giving the family the best Christmas present ever, news of a baby on


the way. So at first some weren't sure if it was real. As you could see there they thought it was just maybe a ploy to
get them to smile, but when the sonogram was revealed folks knew it was real. Congratulations to Maya (ph) and
her whole family. The baby looks to have a wonderful family waiting for his or her arrival. It did kind of feel like a little
trick at first just to get everyone to have a reaction.
WELKER: Yes. Their expressions were priceless.
ALEXANDER: The best thing is that it will always be captured on tape.
WELKER: Yes, exactly.
ALEXANDER: (inaudible) Somara's checking the forecast right now as we count down the hours until 2023.
SOMARA THEODORE, NBC NEWS4 METEOROLOGIST: Yes. Oh my goodness, you guys. We've almost made it.
We're almost there. Take a look. Today we've got showers on the east coast. We're tracking rain and snow on the
west coast. By midnight we should start to see some rain clearing out, so that's good news, but I want to get to the
ball drop forecast because I know a lot of our friends out there are headed to New York City. And if you are, be
prepared for showers especially during the time you're waiting for the ball to drop. Right after is when a lot of that
rain is going to clear.
Temperature is 55 degrees. Now you can't beat that going into January. That's a look at the weather across the
country. Let's see what's going on a little closer to home.
THEODORE: And that's a look at your forecast. Back to you all.
ALEXANDER: Somara, looking very nice ahead of the big New Year's celebration tonight. Somara, thanks.
WELKER: Indeed. We're all getting ready. All right, well still ahead that dramatic rescue of four people when their
helicopter crashed in the ocean near Tampa. The Buccaneers backup quarterback was one of the first people on the
scene and is being called a hero today.
FRYER: We are back right after this.
WELKER: We are back now with the dramatic rescue of four people whose helicopter crashed into the ocean near
Tampa on Thursday.
FRYER: It was all caught on body camera footage, which showed one of the first good samaritan to pull the
passengers to safety. It was Tom Brady's backup quarter in the Buccaneers. NBC's Priscilla Thompson on the
unlikely hero.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A helicopter just crashed into the ocean. It just sunk. It looks like there's like maybe three
or four people floating in the water.
PRISCILLA THOMPSON, NBC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: A dramatic water rescue after a helicopter crashed off
the coast of Florida.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got one passenger on board. We're 51 to the (ph) boat ramp on the southern general
side (ph). The other occupants are on the jet skis.
THOMPSON: Tampa Police pulling the pilot to safety. The other three people on board saved by a good samaritan.
BLAINE GABBERT, BACKUP QB, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS: I'm going to take them right to the beach. I'm on
two Yamaha jet skis.
THOMPSON: That helpful stranger none other than the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Backup Quarterback, Blaine
GABBERT: It was pretty remarkable when we got them. I got two on my jet ski. My brother's got one. The pilot was
still in the water.


THOMPSON: Gabbert says he was jet skiing with his brothers when he heard a noise and went to check it out. What
he found was a downed helicopter submerged near the Davis Islands with four people thrown overboard.
GABBERT: It almost looked like a crew boat in the water that had broken up in about four pieces. The youngest kid
had just came up and said he was pinned in there.
THOMPSON: That passenger was 28-year-old Hunter Hupp.
HUNTER HUPP, HELICOPTER CRASH SURVIVOR: We were trapped under so much stuff, and I had so many
cables and wires and headsets and seatbelts all around me.
THOMPSON: He was under water for nearly a minute, Hupp says, and wasn't sure he'd survive.
HUPP: You know, I'm pretty astounded that I am standing here to talk to you.
THOMPSON: Hupp and his parents were on a sightseeing tour of Tampa Bay Thursday when authorities say their
chopper's engine failed.
HUPP: We heard a large -- a loud pop from the top. I was in the front. I asked the pilot if we'd just hit something. He
goes no, but this isn't really good.
THOMPSON: The pilot made an emergency landing, crashing as onlookers watched in disbelief.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was crazy. It was insane, but just happy they got out.
THOMPSON: All four passengers escaped uninjured thanks in part to Gabbert and his brothers jumping into action.
GABBERT: I was just trying to do the right thing, help them out. Clearly they were in need, and, you know, I'm happy
all made it out alive.
THOMPSON: Priscilla Thompson, NBC News.
FRYER: So here's the deal. When you're the backup quarterback you have to be ready to step in at a moment's
So he was -- he was ready for anything.
ALEXANDER: Yes, no doubt. He'll be ready to take any hit after that. He came to the rescue, indeed.
WELKER: Absolutely. Ready to be the backup. All right, incredible stuff. Well still to come we're celebrating a little
early, and why not? We're trying out some of the best bubbly and mocktails for your New Year's Even bash. We are
back right after this.
WELKER: We are back on a Saturday morning with a festive buzz in the air as we count down the hours until the big
New Year's countdown.
FRYER: So whether you are planning to toast at home or out with friends, you're going to want to make sure you
have the right drink on hand.
ALEXANDER: So here to help us get in the spirit today is our friend, Ray Isle, the Executive Wine Editor of Food
&Wine. Ray, Happy New Year to you (inaudible)
RAY ISLE, FOOD &WINE EXECUTIVE WINE EDITOR: Happy New Year to you. This is -- you know, this is --
WELKER: It is so good to see you.
ISLE: -- it's great to be here.
ISLE: And I brought -- I brought the sparkling wine.
WELKER: Well you did, and of course, everyone thinks about sparkling wine --
ISLE: Yes.


WELKER: -- when they think about New Year's, so what are some good ways to find some good deals on sparkling
ISLE: Well some good deals, so you can't touch champagne for under about $30, $40 a bottle, actual champagne
from Champagne in France, so what I go for is either prosecco or cava.
ALEXANDER: Let's do it.
ISLE: This one, the Mionetto Trentino Brut is a beautiful sparkling wine. It's got that fruitiness that prosecco has. It's
under 15 bucks a bottle.
FRYER: Tastes expensive.
ALEXANDER: There you go.
ISLE: It's -- that's -- there you go.
That's what you want actually. What you're looking for is a wine that tastes like it cost four times as much as it did.
WELKER: It sure does.
ISLE: And then everybody is impressed and they're thrilled. Cava from Spain is the other go to for me. Segura
Viudas means Segura Views. It was a 14th century watchtower, and again, you know, made the same way as
champagne just with Spanish grapes instead of French ones. And beautiful bottle and, again, under $15.
ALEXANDER: A lot of people aren't thinking about regions, but they are looking for a good deal out there. What
should you be looking for when you're buying bubbly?
ISLE: Well one thing you want to look for for sure is when you go in a store if it's stored like in bright light, in the
window, in heat or anything like that.
ALEXANDER: I just keep going.
ISLE: (inaudible) keep on going (ph). So you don't want -- you don't want heat or a lot of bright light with the bubbly.
You also this time of year honestly buy by the case. You know, it's, you know, especially if you're having parties the
thing about wine is that unlike a steak or something like that, you know --
ALEXANDER: Yes, it'll last.
ISLE: -- you can keep it. You got six bottles left.
WELKER: More is more. Yes.
ISLE: Have another party, you know?
WELKER: Yes, yes.
ISLE: And then -- and then also, you know, chill it down. Chill it down really well. That's a crucial serving tip because
if it's warm it will blow up and foam over. And when it's really --
FRYER: That's not fun.
ISLE: -- when it's really cold, that's when you don't get the explosive version of it (ph).
ALEXANDER: Ray, we set up a nice table for you.
ISLE: Yes. Absolutely.
WELKER: I'm going to bring this cava with us.
FRYER: We recognize that. I mean, it's almost -- you know, a lot of people are sober in January.
ISLE: Yes.
FRYER: Maybe they're driving and they don't want a drink, so what are some mocktail options?
ISLE: Yes. So some mocktail options, this one I really love. So this stuff, Ghia, is not distilled. It's actually a blend of
Riesling grape juice that hasn't been fermented, yuzu fruit, a little bit of fig, and then a whole bunch of herbs,
rosemary and gentian root and elderflower.


And you can make a really killer, wonderful, non-alcoholic cocktail with it with a little blood orange juice, a little
simple syrup, a little lemon juice, and then -- and it makes -- you know, it's such a bummer if you're not drinking just
standing around a party just holding a glass of water.
WELKER: It looks festive, too.
ISLE: It looks festive. It tastes great I think.
ISLE: And it -- and it feels like --
WELKER: That's excellent.
FRYER: Oh, that does taste like a drink. Yes.
ISLE: It feels like you're participating in being part of the fun.
WELKER: It's got a kick at the end.
ISLE: It's got a kick, but there's no -- zero alcohol, not one tiny bit.
ALEXANDER: And what are you shaking up in here?
ISLE: And then this. OK. Here is what would normally be called a French 75, but in this case it is a Spanish 75 --
ISLE: -- because we're using cava instead because putting a 40 buck bottle of wine into a cocktail --
ALEXANDER: Oh, I like that.
ISLE: -- is a little intense. Well we haven't added (ph) -- actually I have to put the sparkling in it.
FRYER: You're going to love the sparkling with it (ph).
ALEXNADER: I was wondering. That was a little crisp.
ISLE: That's a little crisp. That's a little powerful is what it is without the sparkling wine.
ISLE: It will foam up and over. Let me give you this. Sorry.
WELKER: Great. Thank you. Here, let me give that to you, Joe.
ALEXANDER: Ray, this is a great way to get started on the New Year.
ISLE: Here you go.
WELKER: Yes. Great. Beautiful.
ISLE: And grab this one.
WELKER: It's a way to spice up your sparkling.
ISLE: Absolutely.
ISLE: So a Spanish 75.
ALEXANDER: Here we go.
WELKER: Cheers.
FRYER: Cheers to that.
ALEXANDER: Cheers to you. Thanks for being with.
ISLE: Thank you. Happy New Year, everyone.
WELKER: Happy New Year. Fantastic, Ray. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year. We'll be right back.
ALEXANDER: Well that's going to do it for us. Our friends, Hoda and Jenna, by the way, they are also breaking out


a little bit of the bubbly for New Year's Eve. Their special, A Toast to 2022 with Hoda &Jenna, will air tonight at 8
o'clock eastern.
WELKER: And then after that you're going to want to stick around for Miley's New Year's Eve Party hosted by Miley
Cyrus and Dolly Parton, he godmother, live from Miami at 10:30 Eastern on NBC and Peacock.
FRYER: Yes, and we want to toast all of you right now and my friends here and wishing everyone a Happy New
WELKER: Happy New Year.
ALEXANDER: Hoping you have wonderful resolutions.
WELKER: Yes, indeed.
Exercise and cooking.
What about you guys?
ALEXANDER: Time with the family, that's always a safe one to say. I can't wait to spend some time with my family.
We've been away from them. We get to see them today.
WELKER: I love that. Yes.
THEODORE: I am going to go to bed without dishes in the sink this year.
WELKER: I love it.
ALEXANDER: Oh, that is a good one.
FRYER: It's generic, but gym and health. We're going to go for it this year.
WELKER: Gym and health.
FRYER: This year's going to stick, right?
WELKER: You can't beat it, at least for the first month.
ALEXANDER: All right. We wish you good health and a safe night ahead and a very --
ALEXANDER: -- Happy New Year. Cheers, everybody.
WELKER: Happy New Year, everyone.
WELKER: Cheers, guys. That's so funny, everybody going cheers (ph).


Materia: Journalism; Presidents; Celebrities; Assassinations &assassination attempts; Funerals

Personas: Walters, Barbara; Francis (Pope); Benedict XVI (Pope)

Identificador / palabra clave: Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI; Pope; Vatican; Death; Barbara Walters

Título: TODAY for December 31, 2022, NBC


Autor: Welker, Kristen; Alexander, Peter; Fryer, Joe; Hunter, Molly; Holt, Lester; Somara
Theodore; Thompson, Priscilla

Título de publicación: Today; New York

Año de publicación: 2023

Fecha de publicación: Dec 31, 2023

Sección: News

Editorial: CQ Roll Call

Lugar de publicación: New York

País de publicación: United States, New York

Materia de publicación: General Interest Periodicals--United States

Tipo de fuente: Otra fuente

Idioma de la publicación: English

Tipo de documento: Transcript

ID del documento de 2760022716


URL del documento:


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Última actualización: 2023-01-03

Base de datos: U.S. Newsstream

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