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Thursday, 12 January 2023 09:47

The bar chart represents the outcome of a survey conducted by the personnel department from a
corporation. The survey result shows factors that has affected the worker's work performance,

Practice writing in one hour

Word limit = 150-200 words

Before writing --> ask :

1) What is the subject of the table?
2) How is the subject divided (for example, male/female; year by
3) What are the most interesting points about the table? (the highest point, lowest point)
4) Can you give a general comment about the most interesting/important points?
5) Have you included figures to support your description?
6) Is the information you included accurate?

When doing the writing :

- Understand the question and highlight the data needed to be included (example --> highest =
india, etc) do not include datas that are not crucial.


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