Actividad Entregable 1 INGLES 2021

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There are two activities of 20 points each. The grade will be the average of both activities. 
A. Write sentences introducing and describing all the members of your family.  
        (60 words approximately). (20 points) 
My name is Diego I have my parents named Nestor and Basilia are 40 years
old. They are from the sierra they are people with good intentions their
characteristics are people with good character and happy. I have four brothes one
older than twenty one years old. His name is Miguel he is tall the black hair and
he is tall the second I am Diego waxy black and the tritheenth medium hair his
called Juan de dios black hair and is growing and finally my young brother of
two years is playful and funny.

B. Make a short video‐presentation using the description of your family members and upload it to 
Blackboard, name it using this format: Entregable1_last_names_names. Mp4 ‐ (1 or 2 minutes 
approximately)  (20 points) 

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