Holomodor Notes

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causes and effects of the Ukrainian famine.

discuss what the international community knew about
the famine, and what this community did to aid the
starving people.
● Holodomor - Ukrainian SSR famine of 1931 and 1932.
● The famine considered a genocide because a genocide is, “deliberately inflicting on the
group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in
● The Hunger Plan by the Nazis was inspired by the Ukrainian FAmine of 1931- 1932.

Cause Effect.

● The Ukrainian farmers were ● So many people died that Russian

stripped off their grains people had to be resettled there
● After the peasantry decided to which changed the environment
reject the communist rule and and the demographics of Ukraine
protest against it, it led the ● On one side, millions of starving
government to use their last option peasants, their bodies often
of leaving them to starve to death. swollen from lack of food
Thus, the starvation did not
● they had reduced some of the
happen due to natural causes but
was deliberately cause due to most fertile land in the world to a
political reasons (William Henry) melancholy desert."
● Food was taken out of Ukraine in ● " I saw ravages of the famine of
1921 to 1922 to feed Russian 1932-1933 in Ukraine - hordes of
cities. families in rags begging at the
● There were uprisings against the railway stations, the women lifting
Communist Party led by Stalin by
up to the compartment windows
kulaks, who were arrested or
exiled or executed. There were their starving brats, which, with
many other uprisings mainly in the drumstick limbs, big cadaverous
Ukraine part, it is under Soviet heads and puffed bellies, looked
control now. To oppress them like embryos out of alcohol
Stalin starved them. bottles." —Arthur Koestler, The
● 1932 Stalin prepares for the God That Failed
Famine-Genocide setting ● Farmers live off their 6 depleted
unrealistic grain procurements for reserves and small plots and farm
Ukraine. Famine in Ukraine. 40% animals. Ukrainian farmers flee to
of the harvest in Ukraine will be cities, to Russia and Belarus in
handed over to the government. search of food. August 7, 1932
Little is left for the farmers. “kolhosp property decree”—
● Stalin took control of farms, then [kolhosp: Ukrainian acronym for
grains. collective farm]: death penalty for
● January 22, 1933, Secret directive stealing grain in the field.
sent to Kharkiv to close the Unproductive villages in Ukraine
borders of Ukraine and Kuban are deprived of manufactured
from the rest of the USSR, to goods and food stuffs—
prevent starving farmers from blacklisted. Villages are cordoned
searching for food. off and left to starve.
● Stalin used force for ● Widespread starvation in Ukraine,
collectivization - The All-Union the Kuban, and the Caucasus.
People’s Commissariat of Dec. 14, 1932 Secret decree
Agriculture in Moscow initially blames Ukrainization, national
mobilized some of its most reliable tendencies, for grain problems.
“25-thousanders” Party The Ukrainian language is
members―the majority of them forbidden in the Russian republic.
Russians―and sent them to In Ukraine, the Ukrainian
Ukraine to organize collective leadership is purged, gradually
farms. replaced by non-Ukrainians and
● The Ukaranians were stopped Russification is brought in. In 6
military from going into Russia, weeks, 220,000 arrested, many
Pole, Rome etc. shot, sent to the gulag, 85% were
● Took the farmer’s grain exported sent home to starve. Red Cross,
it. Cardinal Innitzer demands
● The Kremlin will do anything to get permission to send famine relief;
the nation together- even if that Moscow denies famine and rejects
takes destroying a nation or a relief.
whole culture ● The laws and decrees were made
● Starvation is a tactic to control the to torture people who tried to gain
small portion of intellectuals and any food.
● •At the height of the Famine,
religious officials in Ukraine in an
Ukrainian villagers were dying at
attempt to oppress and Russinize the rate of 25,000 per day or 1,000
it. per hour or 17 per minute.
● Communism came in, people ● •Among the children, one in three
protests and were arrested or perished as a consequence of
killed. collectivization and the famine.
● Throughout the entire region, ● •80% of Ukrainian intellectuals
were liquidated because they
clergy and laity were killed by
refused to collaborate in the
hundreds, while the number sent extermination of their countrymen.
to forced labor camps ran into the Of about 240 Ukrainian authors
thousands. were liquidated or disappeared 62
● The third prong of the Soviet plan out of 84 liquid said I perished.
was aimed at the farmers, the ● These attacks on the Soul have
large mass of independent also had and will continue to have
a serious effect on the Brain of
peasants who are the repository of
Ukraine, for it is the families of the
the tradition, folklore and music, clergy that have traditionally
the national language and supplied a large number of the
literature, the national spirit of intellectuals, while the priests
Ukraine. themselves have been the leaders
of the villages, and their wives the
● s necessary for the Soviet and so
heads of the charitable
they got one to order, by plan, organizations. The religious orders
through an unusually high grain ran schools, and took care of
allotment to the state as taxes. much of the organized charities.
● To add to this, thousands of acres ● In the face of famine on the farms,
of wheat were never harvested thousands abandoned the rural
and left to rot in the fields. The rest areas and moved into the towns to
beg food. Caught there and sent
was sent to government granaries
back to the country, they
to be stored there until the abandoned their children in the
authorities had decided how to hope that they at least might
allocate it. Much of this crop, so survive. In this way, 18,000
vital to the lives of the Ukrainian children were abandoned in
people, ended up as exports for Kharkiv alone
the creation of credits abroad. ● Cannibalism became
● much higher mortality rate among
the individual peasants proved a
most potent argument in favor of
joining collective farms.
● population of Ukraine changed
from 80% Ukrainian to only 63%.
In the face of famine and
deportation, the Ukrainian
population had declined absolutely
from 23.2 million to 19.6 million,
while the nonUkrainian population
had increased by 5.6 million.
When we consider that Ukraine
once had the highest rate of
population increase in Europe,
around 800,000 per year, it is easy
to see that the Russian policy has
been accomplished.
● Mothers were forced to abandon
their kids in markets like Blahabaz,
in the hope that authorities will
take them to shelters.
● People who were made to wait for
commercial bread were made to
wait as such that they would end
up fighting and the weak ones
would be killed.
International Policies:
● Red Cross
● 1934 The USSR is invited to join the League of Nations.
● All the Western powers knew but did not do anything, refer section 8 and 9.
● Help from outside organizations were discouraged or blocked.
● Finally, in 1988 accepted that Stali did genocide.

Things of not causes:

● There were no natural calamities that caused the famine.

Soviet genocide, its longest and broadest experiment in Russification — the

destruction of the Ukrainian nation
As a Soviet politician Kosior declared in Izvestiia on 2 December 1933, “Ukrainian
nationalism is our chief danger,” and it was to eliminate that nationalism, to establish the
horrifying uniformity of the Soviet state that the Ukrainian peasantry was sacrificed

The Hunger Plan was inspired by the famine in Ukraine. It killed many.

Movie Notes:
● No one believed at first that Hitler would ever get into the global power that he
● Stalin is paying by selling grain. Rubles’ value is very low.
● Americans had boycott Russia, so they were trying to lure them by making them
see that they can make money in Russia. Russians want foreign investment for
complete Revolution. British Duranty helping the Russians.
● Journalists weren’t allowed to Ukraine. So the ones who wanted to help were
killed some way or the other.
● The journalists are kept a tab on.
● They would carry dead bodies on horse-driven carriages.

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