Bmi Nutri CRS2

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Direction: Compute the following problem:

Name Age Height Actual Weight Work/Physical
in (kilograms) Activity (PA)

1. May (F) 67 years old 5’8” 64 Doctor

2. Manny (M) 64 years old 5’5” 56 Carpenter
3. Cora (F) 56 years old 5’1” 63 Medical Technologist
4. Shangrila (F) 45 years old 5’8” 68 Housewife w/ maid
5. Gerry (M) 33 years old 5’11” 87 Wrestler
6. Melody (F) 18 years old 5’5” 65 Secretary
7. Frey (M) 12 years old 5’0” 43 Student
8. Lanie (F) 7 years old 4’0” 30 Student
9. Nerissa (F) 8 months 29 in 12 Infant
10.MJ (M) 2 months 26 in BW = 4,200g Infant


Using the formula given, compute for the body mass index and interpret the classification of
the following people listed above.

1. Not applicable

2. Solution: convert 5’5” into m.

kg/m2 Interpretation: Healthy
1.65 x 1.65 = 2.72 m

3. Solution: convert 5’1” into m.

kg/m2 Interpretation: Overweight
1.55 x 1.55 = 2.40 m

4. Solution: convert 5’8” into m.

kg/m2 Interpretation: Healthy
1.73 x 1.73 = 2.99 m

5. Solution: convert 5’11” into m.

kg/m2 Interpretation: Overweight
1.80 x 1.80 = 3.24 m

6. Solution: convert 5’5” into m.

kg/m2 Interpretation: Healthy
1.65 x 1.65 = 2.72 m

7. Not applicable
8. Not applicable
9. Not applicable
10. Not applicable
Using the formula given, compute for the desirable body weight of the following people listed

11. Solution: convert 5’8” into cm

173 – 100 = 73 – (10% of 73 = 7.3)
. 73 – 7.3 = 65.7 kg or 66 kg.

12. Solution: convert 5’5” into cm

165 – 100 = 65 – (10% 0f 65 = 6.5)
65 – 6.5 = 58.5 kg. or 59 kg.

13. Solution: convert 5’1” into cm.

155 – 100 = 55 – (10% of 55 = 5.5)
55 – 5.5 = 49.5 kg. or 50 kg.

14. Solution: convert 5’8” into cm.

173 – 100 = 73 – (10% of 73 = 7.3)
73 – 7.3 = 65.7 kg or 66 kg

15. Solution: convert 5’11” into cm.

180 – 100 = 80 – (10% of 80 = 8)
80 – 8 = 72 kg

16. Solution: convert 5’5” into cm.

165 – 100 = 65 – (10% of 65 = 6.5)
65 – 6.5 = 58.5 kg. or 59 kg.

17. Solution:
12 x 2 = 24 + 8 = 32 kg

18. Solution:
7 x 2 = 14 + 8 = 22 kg

19. Solution:
3 000 + (8 x 500) = 3 000 + 4 000 = 7 000 g or 7 kg

20. Solution:
4,200 + (2 x 600) = 4 200 + 1 200 = 5 400 g or 5.4 kg or 5 kg


Using the formula given, compute for the total calorie requirement or TER of the following
people listed above.

21. Solution:
66 kg x PA Value: 35 = 2 310 kcal

22. Solution:
59 kg x PA Value: 45 = 2 655 kcal

23. Solution:
50 kg x PA Value: 35 = 1 750 kcal
24. Solution:
66 kg x PA Value: 35 = 2 310 kcal

25. Solution:
72 kg x PA Value: 45 = 3 240 kcal

26. Solution:
59 kg x 45 cals = 2 655 kcal

27. Solution:
1000 + (100 x 12) = 2 200 kcal

28. Solution:
1000 + (100 x 7) = 1 700 kcal

29. Solution:
7 kg x 110 cals = 770 kcal

30. Solution:
5 kg x 120 cals = 600 kcal


Using the formula given, compute for the basal metabolic rate of the following people listed

31. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 64 x 24 = 1 382 kcal

32. Solution:
1 kcal x 56 x 24 = 1 344 kcal

33. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 63 x 24 = 1 361 kcal

34. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 68 x 24 = 1 469 kcal

35. Solution:
1 kcal x 87 x 24 = 2 088 kcal

36. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 65 x 24 = 1 404 kcal

37. Solution:
1 kcal x 43 x 24 = 1 032 kcal

38. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 30 x 24 = 648 kcal

39. Solution:
0.9 kcal x 12 x 24 = 259 kcal

40. Solution:
1 kcal x 4.2 x 24 = 101 kcal
Using TER compute for CPF distribution in grams:
41. Solution: Method 1
2310 kcal x .60 = 1386 / 4 = 347 g C
2310 kcal x .15 = 346.5 / 4 = 87 g P
2310 kcal x .25 = 577.5 / 9 = 64 g F

42. Solution: Method 2

2655 kcal x .70 = 1858.5 / 4 = 465 g C
2655 kcal x .10 = 265.5 / 4 = 66 g P
2655 kcal x .20 = 531 / 9 = 59 g F

43. Solution: Method 3

1750 kcal x .65 = 1137.5 / 4 = 284 g C
1750 kcal x .15 = 262.5 / 4 = 66 g P
1750 kcal x .20 = 350 / 9 = 39 g F

44. Solution: Method 4

2310 kcal x .60 = 1386 / 4 = 347 g C
2310 kcal x .10 = 231 / 4 = 58 g P
2310 kcal x .30 = 693 / 9 = 77 g F

45. Solution: C-55%, P-15%, F-30%

3240 kcal x .55 = 1782 / 4 = 446 g C
3240 kcal x .15 = 486 / 4 = 122 g P
3240 kcal x .30 = 972 / 9 = 108 g F

46. Solution: C-50%, P-20%, F-30%

2655 kcal x .50 = 1327.5 / 4 = 332 g C
2655 kcal x .20 = 531 / 4 = 133 g P
2655 kcal x .30 = 796.5 / 9 = 89 g F

47. Solution: Method 4

2200 kcal x .60 = 1320 / 4 = 330 g C
2200 kcal x .10 = 220 / 4 = 55 g P
2200 kcal x .30 = 660 / 9 = 73 g F

48. Solution: Method 3

1700 kcal x .65 = 1105 / 4 = 276 g C
1700 kcal x .15 = 255 / 4 = 64 g P
1700 kcal x .20 = 340 / 9 = 38 g F

49. Solution: Method 2

770 kcal x .70 = 539 / 4 = 135 g C
770 kcal x .10 = 77 / 4 = 19 g P
770 kcal x .20 = 154 / 9 = 17 g F

50. Solution: Method 1

600 kcal x .60 = 360 / 4 = 90 g C
600 kcal x .15 = 90 / 4 = 23 g P
600 kcal x .25 = 150 / 9 = 17 g F
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