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CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________


Name: ________________________________
Lesson 1-2

Exercise 1-2 Lesson 1 Greeting at the airport

1. Translate the following into Cantonese. (10 x 4% = 40%)

1) student
2) The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
3) student of HKU
4) I am a student of HKU.
5) good
6) Hello
7) to be called ( + name)
8) I’m called Amy. (My name is Amy)
9) Welcome!
10) Call me Amy!

2. Complete the following dialogue. (4 x 2.5% = 10%)

Teacher: ngř¼ hļi¾ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa² fŗ³ cŎng½(course) gŃ³ lřu¼ sŋ¹.

You: ngř¼ hļi¾ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa² fŗ³ cŎng½ gŃ³

Teacher: nŅi¼ hŖu². ngř¼ hļi¾ Zķu¹ lřu¼ sŋ¹.

You: , nŅi¼ hŖu².

ngř¼ hļi¾ _____________________________________ (full name).

Teacher: fşn¹ jŎng½ nŅi¼. nŅi¼ gōu³ ngř¼ “Zķu¹ sŘe½” lķa¹!

You: Zķu¹ sŘe½. gĸm², nŅi¼ gōu³ ngř¼__________________________________ lķa¹!

歡 迎 光 臨
fşn¹ jŎng½ gwŕng¹ lĺm½
(Welcome for coming.)

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 59, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 1-2
Lesson 2 You are here

3. Translate the following into Cantonese. (10x 3% =30%)

1) here

2) there

3) where

4) Where is HKU?

5) Where are you going?

6) Please go to the airport.

7) Here is Hong Kong.

8) There is Mainland China.

9) Kowloon

10) New Territories

4. Matching the Cantonese with the English. (10 x 2% =20%)

1) ngř¼ dņi¾ ( ) a. you

2) nŅi¼ dņi¾ ( c ) b. they

3) kŅoi¼ dņi¾ ( c ) c. we

4) jŎ½ gķa¹ ( c ) d. Hong Kong Island

5) dļai¾ hŚk¾ ( c ) e. now

6) gwŗk³ zĹi³ ( c ) f. to be

7) Hŕeng¹ GŖng² DŖu² ( c ) g. go

8) hŃoi³ ( c ) h. to be at

9) hĸi² ( c ) i. international

10) hļi¾ ( c ) j. university

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 69, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 3-4
Exercise 3-4 Lesson 3 Accommodation & check in

1. Translate the following into Cantonese. (8 x4% =32%)

1) Where do you live?

2) What number is your room?

3) I’d like to have the key to the washroom.

4) Please sign here!

5) I want to have your signature.

6) Please stop here!

7) I’m a newly arrived foreign student.

8) I live in the Hong Kong International Hotel.

Lesson 4 Money exchange

1. Write the following prices in Arabic numerals. (5 x 2% =10%)

e.g. jķt¹ bĹak³ mķn¹ $100 0
1) sļp¾ bĹat³ mķn¹
2) jŐ¾ sļp¾ jŐ¾ mķn¹
3) jŐ¾ bĹak³ cķt¹ sļp¾ bĹat³ mķn¹
4) nŷ hŘu
5) lřeng mķn
Key for tones: Modified version of
1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 77 & 85, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 3-4
2. Use the given words and “jĻu¼ mřu¼” to form a question first and then give a
positive and negative answer to each question. (6 x 3% =18%)
e.g. GŖng² Bļi¾
Q: nŅi¼ jĻu¼ mřu¼ GŖng² Bļi¾ Ĺa³?
A (yes): jĻu¼, ngř¼ jĻu¼ GŖng² Bļi¾.
A (no): mřu¼, ngř¼ mřu¼ GŖng² Bļi¾.
1) cŌn² tÉng½ sŃon³ jŤng¾ kķat¹
A (yes):
A (no):

2) mļn¾ tĺi½
A (yes):
A (no):

3. Translate the following into Cantonese. (8 x 5% =40%)

1) Do you have a boyfriend?

2) I only have one hundred Hong Kong dollars.

3) He would like to have a Hong Kong ID card.

4) How much US dollars would you like to change?

5) Here’re two hundred and fifty dollars.

6) Mr. Chan and Miss Wong are my teachers.

7) My father would like to have some tea.

8) My friend wants to come to Hong Kong.

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 85-86, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 5-6
Exercise 5-6 Lesson 5 Self-introduction

1) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate numerals and measure words. (9 x 1%=9%)

e.g.: nÖ¼ g£a³ c©¹

1) _____________ s¡am¹ 2) _____________ fȳ 3) _____________ h¤ai½

4) _____________ Æk¹ 5) _____________ 6) _____________ c¤a½

s¡am¹ m¤n½ z¿¾

7) _____________ t¡ai¹ 8) _____________ j¤n½ 9) _____________ g¢u²

2. Make your own speech in Cantonese by answering the following questions. .

(9x 3%=27%)
1) nŅi¼ gōu³ mķt¹ jŅ¼ młng² Ĺa³?

2) nŅi¼ hļi¾ mķt¹ jŅ¼ jĺn½ Ĺa³?

3) nŅi¼ gķm¹ nŎn½ głi² dŕ¹ sŃoi³ Ĺa³?

4) nŅi¼ şk¹ kłi² jĻu¼ głi² dŕ¹ gŗ³ jĺn½ Ĺa³?

5) nŅi¼ jĻu¼ głi² dŕ¹ gŗ³ hŋng¹ dļi¾ zŌ² mŤi¾ Ĺa³?

6) nŅi¼ jŎ½ gķa¹ zŮu¾ hĸi² bŋn¹ dŚu¾ Ĺa³?

7) nŅi¼ hĸi² bŋn¹ dŚu¾ dŤk¾ sũu¹ Ĺa³?

8) nŅi¼ hĸi² dļai¾ hŚk¾ dŤk¾ mķt¹ jŅ¼ fŕ¹ Ĺa³?

9) nŅi¼ gŃ³ hōng³ cŃoi³ hļi¾ mķt¹ jŅ¼ Ĺa³?

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 47 & 96, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 5-6
Lesson 6 Getting to know a new friend

1. Use the given phrases to form a yes-no question first and then give a positive or
negative answer according to your own situation. (10 x 2% =20%)
e.g. nŅi¼/ hļi¾/ dļai¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹
Q: nŅi¼ hļi¾ ƀ½ hļi¾ dļai¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹ Ĺa³?
A (yes): hļi¾, ngř¼ hļi¾ dļai¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹.
A (no): ƀ½ hļi¾, ngř¼ ƀ½ hļi¾ dļai¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹. ngř¼ hļi¾ lřu¼ sŋ¹.

1) nŅi¼/ hļi¾/ gķau¹ wŤn¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹


A (yes):

2) nŅi¼/ sŖeng²/ wŤn¾/ GŖng² Bļi¾


A (no):

3) nŅi¼/ jĻu¼/ hŋng¹ dļi¾ zŌ² mŤi¾


A (yes):

4) Tony/ sŋk¹/ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa²


A (no):

5) Hŕeng¹ GŖng²/ hŖu²


A (yes):

2. Ask the following questions in Cantonese. (8 x 4% = 32%)

1) What’s your surname?

2) Where are you from?

3) How old are you this year?

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 108-109, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 5-6
4) Where do you live now?

5) What is your major in university?

6) How many brothers and sisters do you have?

7) Do you know how to speak Chinese?

8) What are your hobbies?

3. Translate the following into Cantonese. (3 x 4% =12%)

1) He doesn’t want to have coffee.

2) I only know how to speak a little Cantonese.

3) Excuse me. I have to go now.

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 108-109, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 7
Lesson 7 My Chinese friend
Exercise 7

1. Re-arrange the various parts of the following sentences in their right order.
(6 x 10% =60%)
1) pĺng½ jĻu¼ / jĻu5 / ngř¼ / Zşng¹ Gwŗk³ / jķt¹ gŗ³ /. /

2) hļi¾ / GwŖng² Dşng¹ jĺn½ / kŅoi¼ / . /

3) gŖng² / sŋk¹ / PÁu² Tşng¹ Wĸa² / kŅoi¼ / . /

4) gĹau³ / kŅoi¼ / GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa² / Ĺa³ PŎng½ / . /

5) hļi¾ / jķt¹ / zşng¹ jŋ¹ / Ĺa³ PŎng½ / wĸi² / . /

6) Jŋng¹ Mĸn² / sŌu² sŌu² / sŋk¹ / kŅoi¼ / dŕu¹ / gŖng² /. /

2. Add the words in the brackets to the following sentences by placing “↓” at
the appropriate positions. (8 x 5% =40%)

e.g. ngř¼ hļi¾ Hŕeng¹ GŖng² Dļai¾ hŚk¾ hŚk¾ sķang¹. ( gŃ³ )

1) Ĺa³ PŎng½ lŐn¾ zļap¾ Jŋng¹ Mĸn². (tŢng½ Tony)

2) Ĺa³ PŎng½ sŋk¹ gŖng² PŖu² Tşng¹ Wĸa², kŅoi¼ sŋk¹ gŖng² Jŋng¹ Mĸn². (dŕu¹)

3) Tony sŋk¹PŖu² Tşng¹ Wĸa². (sŌu² sŌu²)

4) Ĺa³ PŎng½ hļi¾ jķt¹ zşng¹ jŋ¹. (wĸi²)

5) kŅoi¼hŚk¾ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa². (hĸi² dļai¾ hŚk¾)

6) kŅoi¼zşng¹ jō³ jŌng² sŖeng². (hŖu²)

7) Tony lŐn¾ zļap¾ jĺu½ słoi². (sŎ½ sŎ½)

8) Cĺn½ lřu¼ sŋ¹ gĹau³ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa². (ngř¼ dņi¾)

Key for tones: Modified version of
1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 119, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________ (______)

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 8-9
Exercise 8-9 Lesson 8 Chatting with a friend

1. Translate the following questions and answer them in Cantonese. (14 x2%=28%)

1) When did you come to Hong Kong?



2) What day of the week do you learn Cantonese?



3) Where do you learn Cantonese?



4) What kind of company does Tony work for?



5) What do you like to do in your free time?



6) What are you doing right now?



7) Do you have free time on weekend?



2. Re-arrange the various parts of the following sentences in their right order.
E.g. Tony / zŚu¾ sŐ¾/ hĸi²/ lņot¾ sŋ¹ lĺu½/./
Tony hĸi² lņot¾ sŋ¹ lĺu½ zŚu¾ sŐ¾.

Key for tones: Modified version of

sŋ1 sŌ2 sō3 sŎ4 sŏ5 sŐ6 p. 129-130, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 8-9
1) kŅoi¼ gŃ³/ hŖu²/ GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa²/ wŗ³ / lŁk¹/./

2) ƀ½ sĸi²/ kŅoi¼/ fķan¹ hŚk¾/ sŋng¹ kńi½ lŤk¾/./

3) gķm¹ nŎn½/ ngř¼/ sļp¾ hŚu¾/ lńi½ Hŕeng¹ GŖng² gŃ³/ jķt¹ jŮut¾/./

4) kŅoi¼/ dŕu¹/ sŋng¹ kńi½ jķt¹/ sŋng¹ kńi½ lŤk¾/ jĺu½/ zō³/ jōu³ fķan¹ gşng¹/./

5) Tony / zşng¹ jō³/ tŢng½/ dķk¹ hĺan½/ jŌng² sŖeng²/ tŁng¹ jķm¹ ngŚk¾/./

3. Add the structural particle “gĸn²” to the following common activities to indicate
the action in progress. (10 x1%=10%)

1) kŋng¹ gĸi² > kŋng¹ gĸn² gĸi² 2) dĸa² bŕ¹

3) sřeng¼ mřng¼ 4) mĻai¼ jŅ¼
5) jŌng² sŖeng² 6) cşng¹ lŘeng½
7) l¿n¾ z¦ap¾GwŖng² Dşng¹ Wĸa² 8) jĸm² cĺa½
9) tŁng¹ jķm¹ ngŚk¾ 10) fĹn³ gĹau³
11) tĸi² hŃi³

Lesson 9 Looking for a place

1. Translate the following into Cantonese. (8 x 4%=32%)

1) I live on the thirteen floor of the hostel for foreign students.

2) I want to go to a restaurant for my breakfast.

3) Where can I find a student canteen?

4) There is a Hong Kong style cafer nearby.

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 130 & 140, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 8-9
5) There isn’t any ATM inside the bank.

6) Is there any airport in Hong Kong Island?

7) What is he going to the airport for?

8) I don’t know.

4. Fill in the blanks. (5 x 3=15%)


Right Left

You are here!


1) nŅi (gŃ) _________________________________________ hļi hŃi jŪun.

2) sũu dōm hĸi nŅi (gŃ) _________________________________________.

3) nŅi (gŃ) ______________________________ jĻu tŎng cŁ cŘeng.

4) nŅi (gŃ) jļu mŐn hļi ________________________________________.

5) hŃi jŪun (gŃ) pŘng bŋn jĻu jķt gŗ _____________________________.

Key for tones: Modified version of

sŋ1 sŌ2 sō3 sŎ4 sŏ5 sŐ6 p. 140-141, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 10-11
Exercise 10-11 Lesson 10 What is this?

1. Answer the following questions. (5 x 6%=30%)

1) nŋ dŋ hļi mķt jŅ lĺi gĹa? 

2) gŖ g³ hļi mķt jŅ lĺi gĹa? 

3) nŅi sŖeng sŐk mķt jŅ zŖu cķan Ĺa?

4) nŅi gŗk dķk hĸi Hŕeng GŖng mķt jŅ hŖu sŐk Ĺa?

5) nŅi hĸi cĺa cķan tŁng sŖeng sō hĻa mķt jŅ Ĺa?

2. Translate the following into Cantonese. (6 x 4%=24%)

1) You’re an exchange student, aren’t you?

2) What would you like to eat?

3) I would like to try a Hong Kong style milk tea.

4) What is this?

5) This is called pineapple bun.

6) I think that lean pork congee is delicious.

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 149, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 10-11

Lesson 11 Ordering food

1. Re-arrange the various parts of the following sentences in their right order.
(4 x 4%=16%)

1) jōu/ ngř/ bşi/ lřeng/ gĹa fŁ/ jŐt/ ./

2) głi dŕ cŌn / gĹa fŁ/ tŢng/ sķam mĺn zŐ/ jķt gŗ/ jķt bşi/ jķt gŤng/ Ĺa/ ?/

3) sŖeng/ hĸi dŚu/ nŅi/ dŐng hļi/ Ĺa/ sŐk/ nŋng zĸu/ ?/

4) tŢng/ dļan tķat/ dŕu/ hŖu hŖu sŐk/ bŕ lŘ bķau/ ./

2. What should you say in the following situations? (in Cantonese) (5 x 6%=30%)
1) You want to know what someone would like to drink.

You say:

2) You want to explain that “yuanyang” is actually adding milk tea and coffee together.

You say:

3) You want to ask for someone politely to wait for a moment.

You say:

4) You want to order one sandwich and two cups of hot coffee.

You say:

5) You want to ask which one is tasty, egg custard tart or pineapple bun.

You say:

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 158, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 12-13

Exercise 12-13 Lesson 12 Having a dim-sum lunch

1. Use words or phrases underlined to construct three separate sentences using the
patterns from the box. (6 x 1.5%=9%)
(?) Subject + Verb + zŖ ( + Object ) + mņi Ĺa ?
(+) ( Subject +) Verb + zŖ ( + Object ) + lĹa.
(–) ( Subject + ) mņi + Verb ( + Object ) (+ Ĺa) .

e.g. ngř bĺa bķa cķt dŌm zşng fķan gşng (to go to work).
1) Answer: (?) nŅi¼ bĺa½ bķa¹ fķan¹ zŖ² gşng¹ mņi¾ Ĺa³? (0.5%)
(8:00) (ngř¼ bĺa½ bķa¹) fķan¹ zŖ² (gşng¹) lĹa³. (0.5%)
(6:00) (ngř¼ bĺa½ bķa¹) mņi¾ fķan¹ (gşng¹) (Ĺa³). (0.5%)

2) kŅoi¼ bĹat dŌm zşng hłi sķn (to get up).




3) mĺa mķa sļp jķt dŌm fĹn gĹau (to go to bed).




2. What should you say in the following situations? (in Cantonese) (6 x 5%=30%)

1) You want to invite your friend to have a drink in a Hong Kong style cafer together.

You say:

2) You want to suggest to your friend to try “yuanyang” or HK style milk tea.

You say:

3) You want to ask your friend if it is okay to order some dessert.

You say:

4) You want to ask what tea your friend would like to drink.

You say:

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 170-171, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 12-13
5) You want to get the bill after you finish the food in a dim-sum restaurant.

You say:

6) You want to treat your friends to dim-sum.

You say:

3. Translate the following into English. (5 x 3%=15%)

1) jķt cĺi hŃoi lķa.

2) hĺang lĹa.

3) hŖu ƀ hŖu Ĺa?

4) jķt wŢ gwĸn słoi.

5) zķn hļi hŖu sŐk Ĺa.

Lesson 13 Buying and Bargaining

1. Translate the following into Cantonese. (6 x 5% = 30%)

1) I would like to buy an Octopus card.

2) This camera is only $1,000. It’s worth it.

3) Are there any better ones?

4) Can you give me a better price, please?

5) I want to have a try. Is that okay?

6) Tony is too busy. He has no free time.

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 171 & 181, Cantonese for Everyone
Lesson 12-13

2. Add the words in the brackets to the following sentences by placing “↓” at
appropriate positions. (8 x 2% = 16%)

e.g. ngř hļi Gwŗk ZĹi Dļai hŚk hŚk sķang. ( gŃ )

1) cłng sŐk dŌm sķm lķa. (cńoi bŌn)

2) ngř jĻu jķt zŕeng sŃon jŤng kķat. (sŖeng)

3) jŎ gķa jĻu dļai gĸam gĹa, hŖu dĸi gĹa. (mĻai)

4) nŋ gŐn sķam dļai. (tĹai)

5) nŋ gŗ sŖeng gŁi pńng gĹa. (głi)

6) ngř hŖu zşng jō nŋ gŗ sŖeng gŁi, bķt gwŗ gwĹi. (dŋ)

7) ngř sŖeng mĻai jķt gŗ sĸu bŋu. (hŢng sŋk gŃ)

8) lřu sŋ błi zŖ hÁu² dÀ¹ gşng fŗ. (ngř dņi)

Key for tones: Modified version of

1 2 3 4 5 6
sŋ sŌ sō sŎ sŏ sŐ p. 181, Cantonese for Everyone
CHIN9511 Cantonese as a foreign language I Class: ____________ (______)

Name: ________________________________
Lesson 14
Exercise 14 Lesson 14 Taking public transportation

1. Write the answers to the following questions in Cantonese. (7 x 10%=70%)

1) nŅi mţi jļt dĹap mķt jŅ cŁ fķan hŚk gĹa?

2) jĺu Hŕeng GŖng D¦ai¾ HÅk¾ hŃoi Zşng Wĺan, dĹap mķt jŅ cŁ Ĺa?

3) Hŕeng GŖng DŖu jķt hŚu bķa sŌ gŃ zŠng zļam hĸi bŋn dŚu Ĺa? (Ans: Kennedy Town)

4) nŅi zŋ ƀ zŋ głi dŕ hŚu sŌu bķa hŃoi sķan dłng Ĺa? (Ans: Green Minibus no.1)

5) hŃoi sķan dłng gŃ lļam cŁ zļam hĸi bŋn dŚu Ĺa? (Ans: Central)

6) ngř sŖeng hŃoi Tŋn Sŋng MĻa Tĺu, hĸi bŋn gŗ dņi tōt zļam lŚk cŁ Ĺa?
(Ans: Hong Kong station)

7) hĸi Hŕeng GŖng dĹap sŌu bķa, lŚk cŁ jōu gŖng mķt jŅ Ĺa?

2. Translate the following into Cantonese. (6 x 5% = 30%)

1) What transportation do you take to go to work?

2) Do you know where your teacher lives?

3) My friend and I walk to the Central MTR station every day.

4) I want to go to the City Hall. What transportation should I take?

5) May I ask if this minibus passes by the Landmark?

6) Driver, I want to get off at the HSBC headquarters.

Key for tones: Modified version of

sŋ1 sŌ2 sō3 sŎ4 sŏ5 sŐ6 p. 193, Cantonese for Everyone

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