Ed508-5e-Lesson Irwin

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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name or Stephanie Irwin

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught September 6, 2023

Subject English Language Arts

Grade level Kindergarten

Materials Scavenger hunt sheet, clipboard, and pencils, book poster boards, chart paper
and crayons. Technology needed are portable digital devices-tablets, Ipads with
cameras, printer and YouTube video.

Standards * R.L.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key
(State and details in text.
* R.L.K.6 With prompting and support name the author and illustrator of a story
Standards for
and define the role of each in telling the story.
* R.L.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
* S.L.K.1 Participate in collabortative conversttions with diverse partners about
topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups.
* ELA. 21.K.1 Actively listen and speak using agreed upon rules for discussion
with guidance and support.
* ELA.21.K.R.3 Expand background knowledge and build vocabulary through
discussion, reading and writing.
* ELA. 21.K.8b With prompting and suppoet, explain the role of the author and
illustrator of the text.
* W.37 Activity participates in shared and independent writing experiences, for
varied purposes and aduiences, across different genres.
ISTE Standard(s)
6. Creative Communicator. Students communicate clearly and express
themselves creatively for a variety of purposes, using the platforms, tools,
styles, formats and digital media appropriate to their goals.
6.b Create orgianal works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources
into new creations.

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6.d Publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for
their intended audiences.

Objectives Students will gain an understanding of the roles of people within a school
setting. Will describe ways people are interdependent by using appropriate
listening and speaking skills. Students will be able to name the parts of a book
and describe what the author and illustrator does. Duing the use of digital
devices, students will demonstrate proper care of equipment and students will
produce a developmentally appropriate multimedia project. Students will gain
cooperative learing skills through their work in small groups and gain a better
understanding on how we are all dependent on one another in a small

Differentiation For visual and auditory learners I will read a book to introduce community
Strategies helps and what their jobs through book reading and Youtube video. For the
kinesthic learners we will walking around the school taking pictures of the
community helpers in the school building. For the special needs learners they
will have a reduced list of school members and will work in smaller groups, with
extra support from adults Students will be taught how to use the digital devices
before they are used and parent volunteers or upper-grade students will
accompany a small group on the “hunt” phase of this project.

The 5 Es

E Description

1.Sing “Good Morning” song and a connection activity.

2.What is a community helper? Can you name some jobs?

3.What is a member? “Member of our class” or “Member of our school family”
4.Who are our community helpers at school? Can you name some jobs?
5.Show book “Who’s Hands Are These?” Read author and illustrator and ask
what each one does and parts of the book. The author writes the words and
illustrator draws the pictures. The parts of the book: cover, back, spine and title
6.We are going to read a book about community helpers, read the story.

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E Description

Engagement Evaluate: Particaptes in the moring song and activity. Explain what the author
Assessment and illustrator does and names parts of the book. See if you can find the hands
in the book that is like a family members job or a job you would like to do.

Exploration 1.Children will brainstorm about some of the members of our school and I will
make a list on chart paper.
2.Tell children they are going on a scavenger hunt. They will take pictures using
an Ipad’s camera of the helpers in our school.
3.Divide children into groups of 2-3, giving each group an Ipad, the scavenger
hunt list, clipboard and pencil.
4.Tell children they are to walk around the school and find the helpers on the list,
take a picture, write down name and what they do for the school. Tell children
they are to ask if they can take a picture before they take it.
5.Allow children time to complete the task but with a time limit.
6.Collect Ipads and scavenger hunt sheets, when children return to the

Exploration Talk out loud about who they found, took a picture of and what they do. View the
Assessment pictures and list of the children to see if they took pictures, wrote down names
and jobs.

Explanation Vocabulary words.

1.Member – a person belonging to a particular group.

2.Community Helper – people who preform jobs that assist the community.
3.Job – paid position of employment.
4.Role-part of a person in a certain job.
5. Occupations Song ♫ Community Helpers Kids Song ♫ Best Kids Songs ♫
Career Song ♫The Learning Station - YouTube
6.Play community helper quiz game as a whole group.
5.Create a chart with different jobs, allowing children to name the job and then
write next to the job what they do. Look at each job and talk about how each one
are different and helpful.

Explanation Turn and talk about what a school community helper is and who do think is a
Assessment community helper ar our school. Use the word wall to write down what jobs that

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E Description

there are in our school.

Elaboration 1,Children will create a “People Poster” using the pictures they took and the
sheet that were filled out about the school community helpers.
2. I will print the pictures for the children.
3.Children will write who, job, and what they do for the school. Children may
need assistants with the writing prompt.
4.Posters will be displayed outside the classroom.

Evaluation Collect scavenger hunt sheets to see if students found the people that math their
roles. Check to see if questions were answered on the sheet. Assess the
students using of the Ipad camera and observing final products.

Bybee, R.W. et al. (1989). Science and technology education for the elementary years:
Frameworks for curriculum and instruction. Washington, D.C.: The National
Center for Improving Instruction.

Bybee, R. W. (1997). Achieving Scientific Literacy: From Purposes to Practices.

Oxford: Heinemann.

National Research Council. (1999). Inquiry and the national science education
standards: A guide for teaching and learning. Washington, D.C.: National
Academy Press.

Polman, J.L. (2000). Designing project-based silence: Connecting learners through

guided inquiry. New York: Teachers College Press.

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“Getting to Know You” A Scavenger Hunt to learn about the people who are part of our school
community. Can you find the following people in our school? After you find them, take a
picture of them and write down their names. Then, ask the question, “What is your job
here?” Write their answer on the paper.

1. Principal’s name__________________________________
What is your job?_________________________________

2. Custodian’s name_________________________________
What is your job?_________________________________

3. Librarian’s name__________________________________
What is your job?_________________________________

4. Lunchroom worker’s name__________________________

What is your job?_________________________________

5. Secretary’s name_________________________________

What is your job?_________________________________


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“Getting to Know You” A Scavenger Hunt to learn about the people who are part of our
school community. Can you find the following people in our school? After you find them,
take a picture of them and write down their names. Then, ask the question, “What is your
job here?” Write their answer on the paper.

1.P.E. teacher’s name_______________________________

What is your job?_________________________________


2. Volunteer’s name_________________________________
What is your job?_________________________________

3. Student’s name___________________________________
What is your job?_________________________________

4. Registrar’s worker’s name___________________________

What is your job?_________________________________

5. Assistant Principal’s name__________________________

What is your job?_________________________________

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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed
under CC BY-NC

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