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The venue of the store would be near schools and also places that are crowded, like malls and
markets. Because the product's popularity depends on the people who can see it, the place should be
somewhere where we have our target market engaged so our product will be profitable. The factory
would be somewhere where our product could be distributed to different places. And the factory will be
somewhere where the ingredients of our product meet our expenses.


First off, Allizzah would be the head of our marketing management, so she will be the one who
promotes the product through things like advertisements and retailing. Second, CJ would lead our
operations management team, and he would control the production process by innovating it and making
adjustments and improvements. Third, Andrey will be the one who handles sales and discounts, so our
customers will be intrigued by our offers in the market. Fourth, Maxene will handle the financial
management, or, in other words, she is our accountant, so we can manage our expenses and financial
feasibility. And lastly, Harold will be the head of the advertising department, and he will be the one who
makes adjustments to the product's design so it will appeal to and attract customers. He will create
advertisements and also promote the product through creativity. And those people are the core of our
Sweet Spheres business.

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