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Volume50,Issue February2023 ScienceDirect
Cite this article as:PETROL.EXPLOR.DEVELOP., 2023. 50(1):183-190 RESEARCHPAPER

A 3D attention U-Net network and its application in

geological model parameterization
LI Xiaobol,2, *, LI Xin* 2, YAN Lin'2, ZHOU Tenghual 2, LI Shunming, WANG Jiqiang", LI Xinhaol, ?
1. AI Research Center, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina, Beijing 100083, China;
2. Artificial Intelligence Technology R & D Center for Exploration and Development, CNPC, Beijing 100083, China;
3. Department
partment of of Oilfield
Oilfield Development,
Development, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, PetroChina, Beijing 10o083,
10oo83, Chin

Abstract: To solve the problems of convolutional neural network-principal component analysis (CNN-PCA) in fine description
and generalization of complex reservoir geological features, a 3D attention U-Net network was proposed not using a trained
C3D video motion analysis model to extract the style of a 3D model, and applied to complement the details of geologic model
lost in the dimension reduction of PCA method in this study. The 3D attention U-Net network was applied to a complex river
channel sandstone reservoir to test its effects. The results show that compared with CNN-PCA method, the 3D attention U-Net
network could better complement the details of geological model lost in the PCA dimension reduction, better reflect the fluid
flow features in the original geologic model, and improve history matching results.
Key words: reservoir history matching; geological model parameterization; deep learning; attention mechanism; 3D U-Net

Introduction and its variants, discrete wavelet transform (DWT), dis-

crete cosine transform (DCT), level set function (Level-
For reservoir history matching, the computational cost
Set), etc. [4-9]. These methods have their different advan-
will be increased significantly with the refinement of
tages and disadvantages. The PCA method, as the most
geological model, the increase of uncertainty factors and common method, achieves linear dimensional reduction
the complexing of research problems [1-21. One of the pro- by sorting the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix, and
posed ways to solve the above problem is to use proxy its disadvantage is that the covariance cannot directly
models [3] to improve the computational efficiency of res- deal with the geological model with multi-point statistical
ervoir history matching. Another way is to use the geo- characteristics. The second type of the parameterization
logical parameterization technology to map the highly techniques convert the parameters of the original geo-
correlated model parameters from the high-dimensional logical model into the internal low-dimensional latent
spaces to the low-dimensional ones, so as to reduce the variables of network model by using the deep learning
computational cost of reservoir history matching signifi- network model, such as autoencoder (AE), variational
cantly. The technical challenge of geological parameteri- autoencoder (VAE), deep belief network (DBN), genera-
zation is to retain detailed geological features while re- tive adversarial networks (GAN), etc. [10-13]. These tech-
ducing the parameter dimension of the original geologi- nologies generally have shortcomings such as strong data
cal model as much as possible. dependence and poor interpretability. The third type of
Three types of geological parameterization techniques the parameterization techniques is to combine traditional
have been developed for reservoir history matching. The mathematical transformation methods, especially PCA
first type of the parameterization techniques is to reduce methods, with deep learning models, such as convolutional
the parameter dimension of the original geological model neural network (CNN)-PCA, PCA-Cycle-GAN, etc. [9, 14-15].
based on traditional mathematical transformation These methods use the PCA method to reduce the di-
methods, including principal component analysis (PCA) mension, and then use the trained deep learning model

* Corresponding
Foundation item: Supported by the China National Oil and Gas Major Project (2016ZX05010-003); PetroChina Science and Technology Major Project
ntups:/ J4(22J0U379-3
Copyright 2023, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development Co Ld. CNPC(RIPED).PublishingServicesprovidedbyElsevierB.V.on
behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
LI Xiaoboetal. PetroieumExpiorationand velopment,2023,50(1):183-190

to complement the geological feature information lost this framework, i.e., all the inputs have the same impact
during the PCA dimensional reduction, so as to cover the on the intermediate semantic vectors without distinguish-
shortage of the PCA method that it cannot directly deal ing the focus, and the inputs in the earlier stage of con-
with the geological model with multi-point statistical tinuous input tend to lose a lot of detailed information. In
characteristics. view of this, the introduction of an attention mechanism
Liu et al. [9, 14] proposed a technical framework of to improve the performance of 3D U-Net network model
CNN-PCA for parameterization of 3D complex geological has become a focus of attention for many scholars [18-20].
models. Based on PCA dimensional reduction, this tech- After a comparative study, this paper adopts the “gating
nology introduces the residual network (ResNet) model signal” attention mechanism proposed by Oktay et al. [19]
to complement the model details lost during the PCA to improve the prediction accuracy of the 3D U-Net net-
dimensional reduction. In a specific implementation, Liu work model. Specifically, the number of channels at each
et al. [9,141 also used a loss function combining geological level is 64, 128, 256, 512, and 1024. Before feature concat
image content, style, and well point hard data to quanti- is performed on the encoder of each layer and the corre-
tatively evaluate the training effect of network model, sponding decoder, a “gating signal" attention module is
where the geological image style is extracted layer by used to adjust the output of the encoder, so as to improve
layer through a pre-trained C3D network model. In this the prediction accuracy of the network. Experiments
paper, further research on the 3D complex channel sand- show that this “gating signal" attention mechanism has
stone reservoir model shows that there is still a large loss less workload to modify the structure of the 3D U-Net
of channel course and channel sand body edges after the network model, significantly improves the network's at-
details of PCA dimensional reduction model are com- tention to important features, and inhibits the learning of
plemented by using the ResNet model. In addition, in the irrelevant features, thereby improves sensitivity and ac-
network model training, the pre-trained C3D network curacy of the 3D U-Net network model.
model is used to extract image style features layer by The “gating signal" attention mechanism is shown in
layer, which has the problems of poor interpretability and Fig. 1, where g is the gating signal, xi is the input signal,
the risk of later migration and application of geological and Wg, W, y are the convolution kernels. g superimposes
models in complex sedimentary environments. the information with coarse information scale to xi to
In view of the above problems, this paper does not use eliminate the features with weaker correlation in the skip
the pre-trained C3D network model to extract the style connection and highlight the important features, so as to
features of the 3D model, but adopts a new loss function obtain the attention coefficient α by learning, and then
and introduces a 3D U-Net network model with an atten- multiply it with Xi to get the feature vector x, for concat.
tion mechanism to better complement model details lost When training the ResNet model, Liu et al. [9 14] used
during PCA dimensional reduction. Taking a complex the pre-trained C3D network model to extract the style
channel sandstone reservoir model as an example, the features of the 3D geological model images layer by layer,
application effects of CNN-PCA and the technology pro- and also generated some disturbance models to partici-
posed in this paper are compared and analyzed. pate in the training in order to improve the training ef-
1. 3D attention U-Net network model and its
fect. Through the experiment, it is found that the training
corresponding loss function
efficiency and performance of this method need to be
further improved. In addition, there are some problems
The 3D U-Net network model is one of the more suc- such as poor interpretability of C3D network and risk of
cessful 3D image segmentation network models in the later migration and application. Therefore, this paper
field of biomedical image intelligence l6-17. The network replaces the pre-trained C3D network with a loss function
contains a convolutional part and an upsampling part. that combines both Tversky loss and hard data loss to
The convolutional part consists of 3 coding blocks, and perform the 3D U-Net network model training, and the
the network layers of the convolutional part and the up- loss function is formulated as:
sampling part have a one-to-one correlation. Therefore,
the correlated feature layers can be connected for com-
L=yL[mm, f (mea.)] + nL[mm,f(mpea,)] (1)
In this study, the geological concept of the model was
putation by concat, so that the semantic features of the
further considered, and the Tversky loss [201 was calculated
input model lost during downsampling can be passed to
the upsampling layer, fusing the multi-scale features, so vertically according to the geological layer and then
as to calculate the features of each layer effectively and 9W,; 1×1×1
improve the image segmentation capability significantly. ReLU Sigmoid Resampler
Function :1×1×1 Function Function
Essentially, the 3D U-Net network model is still a neural
network model based on the encoder-decoder model frame-
work, which also suffers from the inherent problems of Fig. 1. “Gating signal" attention mechanism.
LI Xiaobo et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2023, 50(1): 183-190

summed while both precision and recall rate were con- 2. Case analysis
sidered as well. And it showed good performance in the
In this paper, a case of composite channel sandstone
experiment. Specifically, we have:
reservoir was used for comparative study. This case in-
T (2) cluded lithofacies and hard data such as porosity, per-
meability and saturation of 6 production wells (P1, P4, P5,
where T, = mm.u.f.(mpea.), P11, P12, P15), and combined with geological information
Fr., = mm.1 - f. (mpeal.) such as provenance direction and channel distribution
characteristics, a total of 3ooo sandstone-mudstone
Fr., = (1 - mm,j,) (mpea,i.) two-phase composite channel sandstone reservoir models
After several experiments, a set of network hyper- were obtained by stochastic simulation with commercial
parameter combinations with better effect were selected. modeling software. Each model contains 42 560
Specifically, the number of channels in each layer is set to (76x112x5) grids, and vertically layers 1-3 and layers 4-5
64, 128, 512, and 1024, the number of intermediate chan- are two different geological intervals. The reservoir fluid
nels in the attention gate is half of the corresponding contains three phases of oil, gas, and water. One of the
channel, the weight of the loss function is set to =500, specific reservoir models is shown in Fig. 3. The color
Mh=80, and the coefficient in the Tversky loss is set to scale in the figure represents lithofacies, O represents
αt=0.5. The values of the above hyperparameters make mudstone facies, 1 represents sandstone facies, and a
the Tversky loss and the hard data loss close in value at value between 0 and 1 means its information is lost in the
the beginning of training and have a sufficient order of process of dimensional reduction, which needs to be re-
magnitude to reduce the risk of falling into a local opti- stored with a neural network. In addition, the position
mum. In this paper, 1o rounds of model training were run that was 1 originally and became o after dimensional
on this case, and the training process took 4 h in total. reduction also represents information loss.
The change of the loss function is shown in Fig. 2, which After PCA is used to reduce the dimensionality of the
meets the convergence requirements in the later stage of original composite channel sandstone reservoir model,
training. the images shown in Fig. 4 are obtained, and the distri-
bution information of the channel sand bodies becomes
200 blurred. Obviously, PCA dimensional reduction will lead
to the loss of detailed information of the original geo-
logical model, and it is necessary to further use the CNN
120 model to complement the lost information.
The ResNet network proposed by Liu et al. [9, 4l is used
to complement the information of the composite channel
40 sandstone reservoir model after PCA dimensional reduc-
tion, and the results are shown in Fig. 5. Compared with
0 2 4 6 8 10 the original reservoir model, key information such as
Numberofiteration channel width (edge) and channel course still suffers a
Fig.2.The change of the loss function values with the large loss, with a mean square error of 696.30.
numberofiterationnumbers. Fig. 6 shows the results of complementing the PCA
Layer 1 Layer2 Layer3 Layer 4 Layer5
0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20

40 P5 40 P5 40 P5 40 P5 40 P5
P12 P12 P12 P12 P12
60 60 60 60 60
P4 P4 P4 P4 P4
80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15
P1 P1 P1 P10 P1
100 P11 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11
1200 1

120 120 120 120

20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.20 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.20 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.20

Fig. 3. A specific geological model of composite channel sandstone reservoir.

LIXiaoboetal./PetroleumExplorationand evelopment,2023,50(1):183-190

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4 Layer 5

0 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20
40 P5
40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60
P4 P4 P4 P4 P

80 80 80 80 80

100 100 100 100 100

120 1

120 1200 20 1

120 80 120
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 40 60 80 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. x-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:

Fig. 4. Composite channel sandstone reservoir model after PCA dimensional reduction.
Layer1 Layer2 Layer3 Layer 4 Layer5
0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20

40 P5
40 P5
40 P5 40 P5
40 P5
P12 P12 P12 P12 P12
60 60 60 60 P4. 60
P4 P4 P4. P4
80 P15 80 80 P15 80 80
P1 P1 P15 P1 P1 P15 P1 P15
100 P110 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11

120 120 120 20 40 60 80

120 120
O 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 020 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: 0 0 1.0 0.20 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.20
0 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20

40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60
P4 P49 P P4
80 80 80 80 80
100 100 100 100 100

1200 120 120 1200 1

20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
x-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:
1.00.5 0-0.5-1.0 1.00.500.51.0 1.00.500.5 -1.0 1.00.500.51.0 1.00.500.51.0

The reconstructed reservoir model using the ResNet and its deviation from the original reservoir model.

dimensional reduced composite channel sandstone res- tinuity of the channel and restoring the edge of the
ervoir model using the 3D U-Net network without atten- channel. And the mean square error is 395.58, which is
tion mechanism. It can be found that the channel sand reduced by more than 40% compared with the geological
bodies in the reconstructed reservoir model are discon- model reconstructed by the ResNet.
tinuous, and the mean square error is 428.94. The geological model reconstructed by the 3D U-Net
Fig. 7 shows the results of the reconstruction of the model with attention mechanism still has a certain de-
complex channel sandstone reservoir model after PCA viation from the original model. Considering that the
dimensional reduction using the 3D U-Net network with model is further adjusted in the process of history
attention mechanism. It can be found that, compared matching based on the production performance, the
with the first two, the 3D U-Net with attention mecha- more critical indicator for evaluating the effect of the
nism can achieve better results in maintaining the con- parameterization technology of the reservoir model is
LI Xiaobo et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Develop

Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer3 Layer 4 Layer5

0 0

20 20 20 20 20

40 P5 40 P5 40 P5 40 P5 40 P5

P12 P12 P12 P12 P12

60 60 60 60 60
P40 P4 P40 P4 P4
80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15
P10 P1. P10 P1. P1.
100 P110 100 100 100 P11 100
P11 P11 P11
120 1200 120% 1200
20 40 60 80 1200
1 1 1

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-directiongrid No. X-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:
0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20
40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60
P40 P40 P4 P49
80 80 P15 80 80 80
P1 P10 P

100 P11 100 P11 100 P 100 P 100

0 20 40 60 80
120 J

20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
120 1

20 40 60 80
120 1

0 0 0 0 20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. X-directiongrid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. x-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:
1.00.50-0.5 -1.0 1.00.50-0.5 -1.0 1.00.50-0.5 1.0 1.00.50-0.5 -1.0 1.00.500.5-1.0

Fig. 6. The reconstructed reservoir model using the 3D U-Net network without attention mechanism and its deviation from
theoriginal model.
Layer1 Layer 2 Layer3 Layer 4 Layer5
0 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20

40 P5 40 P5 40 P5 40 P5
40 P5
P12 P12 P12 P12 P12
60 60 60 60 60
P40 P4
P4 P4 P4
80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15 80 P15
P1· P1· P1· P1 P1
100 P11 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11 100 P11
1200 20 40 60 80
1200 1

20 40 60 80
1200 1

20 40 60 80 1200

20 40 60 80
20 40 60 80
X-direction grid No. x-direction grid No. X-directiongrid No. X-direction grid No. x-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:
0 0 0 0 0

20 20 20 20 20
40 40 40 40 40

60 60 60 60 60
P49 P4
80 15 80 15 80 80 P15 80 P15
P P P P1 P1

100 P11 100 P1

100 P17
100 100 P11

120 120 120 120 120

0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
X-directiongrid No. x-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No. X-direction grid No.
Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies: Lithofacies:
1.00.5 0-0.5 1.0 1.00.500.5 -1.0 1.00.50-0.5 -1.0 1.00.500.5 -1.0 1.00.500.5 -1.0

Fig. 7. The reconstructed reservoir model using the 3D U-Net network with attention mechanism and its deviation from the
original model.
LI Xiaobo et al./PetroleumExploration andDevelopment, 2023,50(1):183-190

whether the models after dimensional reduction can fully ance, and the mean square error of the single-well fitting
reflect the flow characteristics of the original reservoir results was reduced by 80% (Fig. 9).
model. Specifically, for the 30o0 original reservoir models 3.Conclusions
in this case, after the ResNet and the 3D U-Net network
with attention mechanism are used for complement after The 3D U-Net network with attention mechanism can
feature extraction and dimensional reduction by using better complement the lost information of reservoir
PCA, only 300 models can reflect the flow characteristics models after PCA dimensional reduction, and the mean
of the original 3000 stochastic reservoir models (Fig. 8), square error of the complementary result of this case is
thus greatly reducing the calculation cost of reservoir reduced by 40%. It can also improve the performance of
history matching greatly. The history matching of the 300 reservoir history matching. In this case, 300 models are
reservoir models in this paper takes about 12 h. Com- used instead of 3000 models to do the fitting, and the mean
paring two different deep learning network models, it can square error of single-well fitting results is reduced by 80%.
be seen from the fitting degree of PRo, Pso and Poo curves in When the new loss function is used to replace the
Fig. 9 that the geological model reconstructed by the 3D pre-trained C3D network model to extract the style fea-
U-Net model with attention mechanism shows better tures of 3D model, it can evaluate the complementary
performance in reflecting flow characteristics of the effect of deep learning network model on the features of
original geological model. 3D geological model, and has better potential application
Based on the previous research, the ensemble smoother value when CNN-PCA model is introduced into the geo-
with multiple data assimilation (ES-MDA) algorithm [21] logical model under different sedimentary environments.
was used to perform history matching on the production In the following step it is recommended to explore the
performance of the reservoir for 18 years. With the same specific application effect of geological model under dif-
fitting control parameters, the 3D U-Net network with ferent environments based on the proposed geological
attention mechanism achieved a better fitting perform- parameterization technology.

0.20 110
Original model, P1o Original model, Pro
Reconstructed model, P1o Reconstructed model, Pr
0.16 Original model, Pso, 90
Original model, Pso,
Reconstructed model, Pso -Reconstructed model, Pso
0.12 Original model, Po Original model, Po,
- Reconstructed model, Poo 70
Reconstructed model, Peo

0 30
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992
Year Year
(a) Water production rate of Well P15 calculated by the (b) Gas-oil ratio of WellP15 calculated by the
model reconstructed with ResNet model reconstructedwithResNet

0.20 110
Original model, P1o Original model, P1o
0.16 Reconstructed model, Pro Reconstructed model, Pro
Original model, Pso, 90 Original model, Pso
Reconstructed model, Pso Reconstructed model, Pso
0.12 Original model, Po Original model, Po
- Reconstructed model, Po 70 -Reconstructed model, Po

0 30
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992
Year Year
(c) Water production rate of Well P15 calculated using the model (d) Gas-oil ratio of Well P15 calculated using the model
reconstructed by 3D U-Net model with attention mechanism reconstructed by 3D U-Net model with attention mechanism
Fig. 8. Flow characteristics statistics of reservoir model reconstructed by ResNet and 3D U-Net network with attention

LI Xiaobo et al. / Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2023, 50(1): 183-190

100 70
Prior PfoPo Prior P1oPoo
80 Posterior P1o Posterior P1o
Posterior Pso 60 Posterior Pso
--Posterior Po --Posterior Poo
60 Truevalue Truevalue

20 History History
matching result:
0 30
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992
Year Year
(a) Water cut of Well P12 calculated using the (b) Gas-oil ratio of Well P12 calculated using the
model reconstructedbyResNet model reconstructedbyResNet
100 70
Prior ProPo Prior P1oPo
80 Posterior P1o Posterior P1o
Posterior Pso 60 Posterior Pso
-- Posterior Poo
--Posterior Po
60 True value
20 History History
;matchingresult matchingresult:
0 30
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992
Year Year
(c) Water cut of Well P12 calculated using the model reconstructed (d) Gas-oil ratio of Well P12 calculated using the model reconstructed
by 3D U-Net model with attention mechanism by 3D U-Net model with attention mechanism
Fig. 9. History matching results of reservoir models reconstructed by ResNet and 3D U-Net network with attention mechanism.
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