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Physical Education Department, Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, University of the Basque Country (UPV/
EHU), Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; and 2Studies, Research and Sport Medicine Center, Government of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

ABSTRACT However, in lower-level players, this depends on the level of

Granados, C, Izquierdo, M, Ibáñez, J, Ruesta, M, and Gorostiaga, performance at maximal strength of the upper extremities.
EM. Are there any differences in physical fitess and throwing KEY WORDS muscle strength, muscle power, endurance,
velocity between national and international elite female handball performance, women
players? J Strength Cond Res 27(3): 723–732, 2013—This
study compared physical characteristics in a 2003 national INTRODUCTION

elite female team (NE; n = 16; fourth in the Spanish Champion-
andball is an intermittent, high-intensity sport
ship) to the same team when it reached international level in
played worldwide (19 million players in .150
2009 (IE; n = 14; winner of the Spanish Championship and the international federations) that places heavy
European Handball Cup). Body height, body mass, body fat, emphasis on running, jumping, and throwing
and fat-free mass, 1-repetition maximum bench press (1RMBP), (19). It requires substantial strength levels to hit, block, push,
vertical jumping height, handball throwing velocity, power-load turn, change pace and hold during games. As a result, it has
relationship of the leg and arm extensor muscles, 5- and 15-m been argued that high levels of strength and muscle power
sprint running time, and running endurance were measured in and aerobic capacity are important for successful participa-
the second competitive mesocycle of a season. Results tion in elite handball leagues (5,6).
revealed that, compared with NE, IE players presented similar Two studies compared anthropometric and physiological
values in body mass, body height, sprint running time, handball characteristics between elite and lower-level female players.
throwing velocity, and jumping, but higher values (p , 0.01–0.05) In 1 study performed in Poland in the 1980s, Jastrzebski (13)
in age (17%), 1RMBP (15%), power-load relationship of the found that absolute peak power and work production during
a nonspecific cycling physiological test (e.g., Wingate test)
arm (16%), and leg (10%) extensors, and endurance running
were approximately 25% higher in senior national elite than
velocities (7%). Significant correlations (r = 0.71–0.72, p ,
in junior regional level female handball players. In a study
0.05) were observed in IE, but not in NE, between individual
performed 8 years ago in our laboratory (6), we found that
values of standing throw and individual values of power at 30% national elite female handball players (NE, ranked fourth in
of 1RMBP, and individual values of power at 60% of body mass the Spanish handball championship in the last season and
during half-squat actions. The present results suggest that qualified for the European Handball Cup [EHF] during the
more experienced, powerful and aerobically conditioned play- on-going season) presented higher values in body height, fat-
ers are at an advantage in international-level female handball. free mass (FFM), absolute maximal strength and muscle
The ball throwing velocity of international elite female handball power output at submaximal loads during bench press, and
players depends on their ability to produce muscle power half-squat actions (20–40%), sprint and endurance running
at submaximal loads with the upper and lower extremities. performance, and throwing velocity than amateur female
handball players. In addition, upper extremity maximal
strength was associated with throwing velocity, suggesting
that handball velocity values in female handball players de-
pend more on maximal strength than on the ability to move
Address correspondence to Cristina Granados, low loads at high velocities during elbow extension actions (6).
27(3)/723–732 Six years after our first study, the same team, which
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research included only 3 players from the original version, reached
Ó 2013 National Strength and Conditioning Association international world-class level because it won the Spanish

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2013 | 723

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Fitness Testing in World-Class Female Handball

handball championship and the EHF. It was therefore of absolute maximal strength and power output during bench
interest to examine if the increased competition level press and half-squat actions, sprint and endurance perfor-
observed over the years in this team was (or was not) mance and in throwing velocity than NEs. Second, consid-
associated with a concomitant improvement in anthropo- ering that the anthropometric profile is an important
metric, physiological, or handball throwing characteristics. selective factor for success when passing from amateur to
Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate which national elite level in women’s handball (6), it was hypothesized
fitness, anthropometric, and specific throwing tests could that world-class female handball players should present
differentiate between international and NEs. Second, as higher FFM than do lower-level players. Third, as was
found in handball male and female athletes of different observed in lower-level female handball players (6,10,21),
levels, some muscle power values of the upper and lower significant correlations between maximal isometric or
extremities could be related to handball throwing velocity. It dynamic strength values of the upper extremity extensor
was also of interest, therefore, to see if the relationships muscles and throwing velocity should be observed in IE
between selected upper and lower extremity maximal and NE players.
strength or power production and throwing velocity pre-
viously observed in amateur and national elite female players
One national elite female handball team in 2003 (NE, n = 16;
(6) are also observed in international elite players.
age: 23.5 6 4 years) and the same team when it reached
The recording of the current physical and physiological
the international level in 2009 (IE, n = 14; age: 27.0 6
characteristics of world-class elite female handball players
3 years), participated in this study. Only 3 players of the
has scientific interest and direct practical applications
2003 team remained from the 2009 team. The test battery
because it is very rare due to limited access to such subjects,
was carried out in April 2003 (NE) and 2009 (IE), during
given the finite nature of the population, and because it can
the second competitive mesocycle. The NE was considered
offer a comprehensive picture of the upper limits of the
a national elite handball team because it finished fourth in
adaptations made during long-term training in this particular
the Spanish handball championship in the previous season
sport. This should help to highlight the limiting factors on
and it qualified for the EHF during the on-going season. The
a specific sport such as handball. Furthermore, the direct
IE was considered an international elite world-class level
practical application of the study is that this knowledge
handball team because (a) it was the winner of the Spanish
could assist coaches to make evidence-based practice
handball championship and of EHF during the on-going
decisions because it provides new normative physical data,
season, and (b) European nations had won all the medals
can be used for handball player selection and for profiling
in the last 3 previous World Handball Championships.
players. Finally, these data can be used by national elite and
The players underwent physical examination before
subelite handball coaches and conditioners to highlight the
commencing the study, and each was cleared of any med-
demands of higher-level competitions and for the design of
ical disorders that might limit their full participation in
training sessions, which may assist players in the transition
the study.
to elite competition.
The physical characteristics of the subjects are presented
METHODS in Table 1. Some of the physical fitness and throwing veloc-
ity data of the NE team were published in longitudinal (7)
Experimental Approach to the Problem
and cross-sectional studies (6).
A comparative study was conducted to determine if
The subjects and coaches were informed in detail about
anthropometric and physical fitness parameters are different
the experimental procedures and the possible risks and
in an elite female handball team over 2 different competitive
benefits of the project. Informed consent was obtained from
seasons, in both 2003 as a national elite team (NE), and in
all the players who were familiarized with the study
2009 as an international elite team (IE). These groups of
procedures before actual testing. The project was approved
handball players were tested in the same period of the
by the Institutional Review Committee of the Instituto
season and compared with an analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Navarro de Deporte y Juventud and carried out according
to determine if anthropometric, physical fitness and throw-
to the Declaration of Helsinki.
ing velocity parameters distinguished any of the groups. If
differences existed, this would tend to indicate the relative Procedures
importance of these parameters toward progress to the elite Testing Schedule. The subjects were carefully familiarized with
professional level. The test-retest intraclass correlation the testing protocol, because they had been previously
coefficients for the measurement of variables used in this assessed for training prescription purposes. All the players
study were .0.91, and the coefficients of variation (CVs) were assessed on the same day, at the same time of the day,
ranged from 0.9% to 7.3%. and the tests were performed in the same order. Testing was
Data were collected to test the following hypotheses. conducted over 3 separate sessions separated by at least 2
First, we hypothesized that international elite female days. In the first session, each subject performed a sprint and
handball players (IEs) should present higher values in endurance running tests. In the second session, each subject
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the subjects walked back to the

starting line. The recording of
TABLE 1. Physical characteristics of an NE and an IE.*
running time was done using
Height photocell gates (Newtest OY,
Age (y) (cm) Body mass (kg) Body fat (%) Fat-free mass (kg) Oulu, Finland) placed 0.4 m
above the ground, with an
NE (n = 16) 23.5 (4) 175.4 (8) 69.3 (8) 19.6 (5) 55.2 (4)
IE (n = 14) 27.0 (3)† 175.7 (6) 70.3 (8) 18.6 (4) 57.0 (6) accuracy of 0.001 seconds. The
subjects commenced the sprint
*NE = national elite female team; IE = an international elite female team. when ready from a standing
†Significant difference (p , 0.05) compared with IE. Results are mean (6 SD).
start 0.5 m behind the line.
Stance for the start was consis-
tent for each subject. The time
was automatically activated as
was tested for anthropometrical measurements, and maximal the subject passed the first gate at the 0-m mark and split times
and explosive strength and muscle power. In the third were recorded at 5 and 15 m. The run with the lowest time was
session, penalty and 3-step running-throwing velocities were selected for further analysis.
measured. The players were instructed to refrain from The endurance running test was performed 5 minutes
strenuous exercise on the day before testing and to avoid after the end of the sprints on an indoor court. Each subject
smoking and drinking alcohol, tea, and coffee on the day of performed a 4-stage submaximal intermittent progressive
testing. They were also asked not to exercise in the 3 hours running test around the handball court (40 3 20 m), with
leading up to the test and consume their normal pretraining a 3-minute rest between each run. The running velocities for
diet, which was standardized for each testing session. Testing the four stages were 8.5, 10, 11.5, and 13 km$h21. Time
was integrated into weekly training schedules. for each stage was 5 minutes. To assure a constant velocity
for each running stage, subjects were instructed to run at an
Anthropometry. Height (meters), weight (kilograms), body fat
even pace. They maintained their pace by listening to an
(percent), and fat-free mass (kilograms) were measured in
audio signal connected to a preprogramed computer (Balise
each subject. Height and weight measurements were made
Temporelle, Bauman, Switzerland). During the test, heart
on a calibrated platform scale (Año Sayol, Barcelona, Spain)
rate was recorded every 15 seconds (Sportester Polar, Kem-
with an accuracy of 0.01 kg and 0.001 m, respectively. Body
pele, Finland) and averaged for the last 60 seconds of each
mass index (BMI) was calculated from body mass (BM) and
stage. Immediately after each exercise stage, capillary blood
body height (kilograms per meter square). Percentage of
samples for the determination of lactate concentrations were
body fat was calculated from measurements of skinfold
obtained from hyperemic earlobe. Samples for whole blood
thickness (12). Fat-free mass (kilograms) was calculated as
lactate determination (100 ml) were deproteinized, stored at
the total BM minus fat mass.
48 C, and analysed (YSI, 1500 Sport L-Lactate Analyzer,
Sprint and Endurance Running Test. After a nonstandardized Yellow Springs, OH, USA). The blood lactate analyzer was
15-minute warm-up period that included low-intensity running, calibrated after every fifth blood sample dose with 3 known
several acceleration runs and stretching exercises, the subjects controls (5, 15, and 30 mmol$L21). Individual data points for
undertook three 15-m sprints on an indoor court separated by the exercise blood lactate values were plotted as a continuous
90-second rest periods. During the 90-second recovery period, function against time. The exercise lactate curve was fitted

TABLE 2. Average BL concentrations and HR during the endurance running test of an NE and an IE.*

8.5 10 11.5 13
km$h21 km$h21 km$h21 km$h21

(mmol$L21) (b$min21) (mmol$L21) (b$min21) (mmol$L21) (b$min21) (mmol$L21) (b$min21)

NE (n = 1.8 (0.5) 147 (12) 2.3 (0.7) 159 (13) 3.9 (1.5) 173 (11) 7.5 (2.3) 182 (11)
IE (n = 9) 1.2 (0.2)† 133 (15)† 1.3 (0.3)† 151 (14) 2.7 (0.8)† 166 (10) 5.4 (1.7)† 175 (8)

*BL = blood lactate; HR =heart rate; NE = national elite female team; IE = international elite female team.
†Significant difference (p , 0.05) compared with IE. Results are means (6SD).

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2013 | 725

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Fitness Testing in World-Class Female Handball

with a second degree polynomic function (Y = AX 2 + BX + 45, and 60% of 1RM BP. The power-load relationship of the
C ), X being: running velocity; Y: blood lactate concentra- leg extensor muscles was tested for the half-squat in the
tion, and A, B, and C: the individual polynomial constants. same Smith machine, using relative loads of 60, 80, 100,
From this equation describing the exercise blood lactate and 125% of BM. In the half-squat the shoulders were in
curve, the velocity associated with a blood lactate concen- contact with a bar and the starting knee angle was 908
tration of 3 mmol$L21 (V3) was interpolated. The submaxi- (11). On command the subject performed a concentric leg
mal velocity associated with a given absolute blood lactate extension ascending from the flexed position to reach the full
concentration has been shown to be an important determi- knee extension of 1808 against the resistance determined by
nant of endurance performance capacity (24). the weight plates added to both ends of the bar. The trunk
was kept as straight as possible. The subjects were allowed to
Jumping Test. The jumping test was conducted on an indoor use a weight training belt. Warm-up consisted of a set of 5
court with a contact platform and consisted of 4 maximal repetitions at loads of 40–60% of BM. In all the power meas-
jumps with arms swinging (Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland). The urements of the arm and leg extensor muscles, the subjects
subjects were asked to jump as high as possible. The test were instructed to move the loads as fast as possible. Two
consisted of performing a maximal vertical jump with a prepa- testing actions were recorded and the best reading (with the
ratory countermovement. The subjects started from an upright highest velocity) was taken for further analysis. The time pe-
standing position on a contact platform and were allowed to riod of rest between each trial and set was always 1.5 minutes.
bend their knees as quickly as possible before starting to push During the upper and lower extremity test actions, bar
upward. To avoid unmeasurable work, horizontal and lateral displacement, average velocity (meters per second) and
displacements were minimized, the subjects were instructed to mean power (watts) were recorded by linking a rotary
land on the contact platform in a position similar to that of encoder to the end of the bar. The rotary encoder recorded
take-off. Arms could be moved freely throughout the test,
the position and direction of the bar with an accuracy of
and knee angular displacement was standardized so that
0.0002 m. Customized software (JLML I+D, Madrid, Spain)
the subjects were required to bend. The jumping height
was used to calculate the power output for each repetition of
was calculated from the flight time (2). Two sets of 2 maximal
the half-squat and bench press performed over the whole
jumps were recorded, interspersed with approximately
range of motion. Power curves were plotted using the aver-
10-second rest between jumps and 90-second rest between
age power attained over the whole range of movement as the
sets. The best reading was used for further analysis.
most representative mechanical parameter associated with
performance in the half-squat (i.e., hip, knee, and ankle joints)
Maximal Strength and Muscle Power Tests. Three tests were
and bench press (i.e., elbow and shoulder joints) exercises.
performed: maximal strength of the upper extremities and
Averaged indexes of muscle power output with all
power-load relationships of the arm and leg extensor
muscles. The tests were performed in a Smith machine in absolute loads examined were calculated separately in NE
which a barbell was attached to both ends, with linear and IE, for the bench press (with loads from 30 to 60% of
bearings on 2 vertical bars allowing only vertical movements. 1RMBP) and half-squat (with loads from 60 to 125% of BM)
Maximal strength of the upper extremity was assessed with actions. For comparison purposes, the ratio between abso-
a 1-repetition concentric maximum bench press action lute average power output index during bench press actions
(1RMBP). Bench press (elbow extension) was chosen and the absolute average power output index during half-
because it seems most specific to the overhand throwing squat actions was calculated in each group as follows:
technique (4). The bar was positioned 1 cm above the sub-
Ratio ¼ ðbench press average power output index
ject’s chest and supported by the bottom stops of the mea-
surement device. The subject was instructed to perform 3100=half -squat average power output indexÞ:
a purely concentric action from the starting position, main-
taining the shoulders in a 908 abducted position to ensure Maximal strength and power output values were expressed
consistency of the shoulder and elbow joints throughout the in absolute values, relative to BM and relative to BM raised to
testing movement (11,17). No bouncing or arching of the the power of 0:67ðm0:67b Þ. This dimensional scaling was used
back was allowed. Warm-up consisted of a set of 5 repeti- because it has been suggested that whole body muscular
tions at loads of 40–60% of the perceived maximum. There- strength measures will vary in proportion to ðmb0:67 Þ (25). In
after, 4–5 separate single attempts were performed until the all neuromuscular performance tests, strong verbal encour-
subject was unable to reach the full elbow extension. The last agement was given to each subject to motivate them to per-
acceptable extension with the highest possible load was form each test action as maximally and as rapidly as possible.
determined as 1RM. The rest period between attempts The reproducibility of the measurements of maximal strength
was always 2 minutes. and muscle power output have showed intraclass correlation
The power-load relationship of the arm extensor muscles coefficients ranging from 0.65 to 0.95, CVs between 4.7 and
was tested for the bench press, using the relative loads of 30, 7.9% and (r) from 0.57 to 0.98, respectively (11).
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mark); in the 3-step running

throw, the players were allowed
to do a preparatory run, limited
to 3 regular steps before re-
leasing the ball, behind the line
9 m from the goal. The re-
cording of throwing time was
done with an accuracy of 0.001
seconds by using 2 tripods con-
taining 5 (first tripod, range
1.49–2.10 m above the ground)
and 4 (second tripod, range
1.37–1.89 m above the ground)
vertically distributed photocells
(Newtest OY, Oulu, Finland),
placed across the flight path of
the ball, in front of the left post
of the goal. The tripods were
located 3.4 and 6.4 m from the
penalty mark. In each tripod,
Figure 1. Mean (6SD) muscle power output of the upper extremity muscles in the concentric bench press action the photocells were separated
at different loads corresponding to the 30, 45, and 60% of individual maximal 1 repetition maximum bench press by a distance that allowed 2
(RMBP), in absolute values (*p , 0.05; ***p , 0.001) for the international elite female (IE) and national elite female
(NE). photocells to be triggered si-
multaneously by the ball. To
simulate a real handball game
action, the players were told to
Handball Throwing Test. Specific explosive strength production throw to the upper right corner of the goal with maximal
was evaluated on an indoor handball court, in 2 situations: velocity and were allowed to put resin on their hands to
a standing throw (penalty throw) and a 3-step running throw. throw the ball. The time was automatically activated as
After a 10-minute warm-up, the subjects were instructed to the handball passed the photocells of the first array and
throw a handball (mass 370 g, circumference 52 cm) as fast as was stopped when the handball passed the photocells of
possible through an official goal, using one hand and their the second array. Average throwing velocity was calcu-
own technique. In the standing throw, the foot was in contact lated from the time and the distance (3 m) covered by
with the floor behind the line 7 m from the goal (penalty the ball.

Figure 2. Mean (6SD) muscle power output of the lower extremity muscles in the concentric half-squat action at different loads corresponding to the 60, 80,
100, and 125% of individual body mass, in absolute values (A), and normalized for fat-free mass (B) (*p , 0.05) for the international elite female (IE) and national
elite female (NE).

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2013 | 727

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Fitness Testing in World-Class Female Handball

Figure 3. The relationship between the individual values of concentric power production at the load of 30% of 1 repetition maximum bench press (RMBP) (A),
and with the individual values of concentric power production at the load of 60% during the half-squat action (B) and the individual values of standing throw
velocity for the international elite female team (IE).

The coaches supervised the entire throwing test to ensure informed of their performance. The throw with the highest
that the subjects were using the right handball technique. For average ball velocity was selected for further analysis.
every type of throw, each subject performed trials until 3
correct throws were recorded, up to a maximum of 3 sets of Statistical Analyses
3 consecutive throws. A 1-2 minute rest elapsed between sets Standard statistical methods were used for the calculation of
of throws and 10–15 seconds elapsed between 2 throws of means SDs. Differences between the international elite (IE)
the same set. For motivation, athletes were immediately and national elite (NE) players for the variables measured
were evaluated using 1-way
ANOVA, with Newman-Keuls
post hoc comparisons. Pearson
product-moment correlation
coefficients (r) were used to de-
termine correlations between
throwing velocity and maximal
strength and power values. Sta-
tistical power for this study
ranged from 0.69 to 0.95 in this
study. The p # 0.05 criterion
was used for establishing statis-
tical significance.

Physical Characteristics
The physical characteristics of
the handball players are pre-
sented in Table 1. The IE team
had a higher age (17%, p ,
0.05) and training experience
(16 6 7 vs. 12.7 6 7 years) than
the NE team. There were no
differences in body height,
Figure 4. The relationship between the individual values of 1-repetition maximum bench press (1RMBP) and the
individual values of standing throw velocity for amateur (AF), national elite (NE) and international elite (IE) female BM, percent body fat, FFM,
handball players. and BMI (kilograms per meter
square) between the teams.
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Sprint and Endurance Running Test respectively), to BM raised to the power of 0.67 (1.73 6 0.31
No significant differences were exhibited between IE and NE and 1.66 6 0.19 W$kg20.67 for IE and NE, respectively) and
players in maximal sprint running time for 5 m (1.06 6 0.05 to FFM (8.9 6 1.0 and 8.5 6 0.9 W$kg21 for IE and NE,
and 1.08 6 0.05 m$s21 for IE and NE, respectively) and 15 m respectively), the differences between the international and
(2.57 6 0.1 and 2.61 6 0.1 m$s21 for IE and NE, respectively). national elite team disappeared.
The results of endurance running test are presented in Table 2.
During the endurance running test, average blood lactate con- Handball Throwing Velocity
centrations were lower (p , 0.05–0.01) in IE than in NE at all The average handball velocity during the standing throw in
running velocities tested, whereas heart rate was lower at 8.5 IE (20.6 6 1.8 m$s21) was similar to that of NE (20.6 6
km$h21. Mean running velocity, which elicited a blood lactate 1.3 m$s21). The average velocity of handball throwing with
concentration of 3 mmol$L21 (V3), was 7% higher (p , 0.05) 3-step running was not different for IE (23.4 6 2.8 m$s21)
in IE (11.9 km$h21) than in NE (11.1 km$h21). than for NE (21.9 6 1.4 m$s21), although it approached
statistical significance (p = 0.085). In both teams, the average
Jumping Test
handball velocity with a 3-step running throw was higher
No difference was observed in jumping height between IE
(13 and 6%; p , 0.001 for IE and NE, respectively) than in
and NE (35.1 6 3 and 37.6 6 4 cm for IE and NE,
the standing throw.
Maximal Strength and Muscle Power Output Relationships Between Strength and Throwing Velocity
The maximal 1RMBP values of 59.6 6 7.4 kg in IE were 15% In the IE, the individual standing throw velocity values
greater (p , 0.01) than those of 51.6 6 6.7 kg recorded for correlated significantly with the individual values of concen-
NE. This difference was maintained (p , 0.01) when 1RMBP tric power production at 30% of 1RMBP load (r = 0.72, p ,
was expressed relative to BM (0.86 6 0.11 and 0.75 6 0.05, n = 9) (Figure 3A), and with the individual values of
0.09 kg$kg21, respectively) or to BM raised to the power of concentric power production at the load of 60 and 80% of
0.67 (3.47 6 0.39 and 3.03 6 0.33 kg$kg20.67, respectively). BM (from 0.59 to 0.71, p , 0.05, n = 12) during the half-
The shape of the average absolute bench press power-load squat action (Figure 3B).
curves differed between the groups (Figure 1). At relative
loads of 30 and 45% of 1RMBP, average power output at DISCUSSION
the upper extremities was higher (29 and 15%, respectively) To our knowledge, this is the first study that measured
in IE (p , 0.05–0.001) than in NE. Average power output anthropometric, jumping, running speed, throwing velocity,
index at loads from 30 to 60% of 1RMBP in IE (249 6 39 W) and endurance characteristics of a national-class female team
was 16% higher (p , 0.05) than in NE (214 6 34 W). This that compared to the same team when it was successful at
difference (p , 0.05) was maintained when average power international level 6 years after. The results indicate that,
output index was expressed relative to BM (3.63 6 0.48 and compared to NE, IE players showed 15–29% higher values
3.09 6 0.46 W$kg21, respectively) or to BM raised to the of absolute maximal strength and power of the upper and
power of 0.67 (0.88 6 0.11 and 0.75 6 0.09 W$kg20.67, lower extremities during bench press and half-squat actions
respectively). The shape of the average absolute concentric and 7% higher values in running endurance. No differences
half-squat power-load curves also differed between groups were observed in anthropometric, jumping, running speed,
(Figure 2A). At absolute loads of 60 and 100% of BM, average or throwing velocity between the 2 groups. These differences
power output of the lower extremities was higher (9% and were much less pronounced than those previously observed
12%, respectively) in IE (p , 0.05–0.01) than in NE. Average between national elite and amateur female handball players
power output index at loads from 60 to 125% of BM for IE (e.g., 40% in 1RMBP and 14% in running endurance) (6).
(510 6 66 W) was 10% higher (p , 0.05) than in NE (465 6 One hypothesis of this study was that IEs should present
60 W). The ratio between absolute average power output higher values of absolute maximal strength than national-
index during bench press actions and absolute average power level players (NE). The major finding that emerged from this
output index during half-squat actions (bench press average study confirmed this hypothesis because absolute maximal
power output index 3 100/half-squat average power output strength and power of the upper and lower extremity
index) was not different between groups (49 6 7 and 44 6 muscles during bench press and half-squat actions were
7%, for IE and NE, respectively). 15–29% higher in IE than in NE. Similar or even higher
When muscle power output of the concentric half-squat strength and power differences have been observed between
actions was expressed relative to BM (watts per kilogram), to international elite and amateur male handball players (5) or
BM raised to the power of 0.67 (W$kg20.67) and to FFM between national elite and amateur female handball players
(W$kg21) the differences between IE and NE disappeared (6). The differences observed in this study between NE and
(Figure 2B). Likewise, when average power output index at IE indicate that high absolute values of maximal strength
all loads examined of half-squat actions was expressed rela- and muscle power are also required for successful perfor-
tive to BM (7.3 6 0.8 and 6.8 6 0.7 W$kg21 for IE and NE, mance when passing from national to international level in

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 3 | MARCH 2013 | 729

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Fitness Testing in World-Class Female Handball

women’s handball. The ability to exert higher maximal mus- velocity (7,10). These traditional resistance programs could
cle force and power compared with NE will give IE a clear be combined with specific overload throwing exercises using
advantage, as many of the handball skills such as hitting, variable weighted handballs (20,23), or core stability training
blocking, pushing, holding and competing for position programs (18) that improve handball throwing velocity.
require superior absolute strength and muscle power. These Previous studies performed with non world-class female
significant differences observed in maximal strength and handball players have shown throwing velocity is correlated to
power characteristics between international- and national- maximal isometric (21) and dynamic (6) strength values of the
level players provide new normative strength and power upper extremity extensor muscles. Based on these studies, we
data for this population, demonstrate the need to consider hypothesized that significant correlations between maximal
these physical attributes when identifying potentially dynamic strength values of the upper extremity extensor
talented players and can be used by handball coaches to muscles and throwing velocity should also be observed in IE
design training methods aimed at achieving the required players. However, an unexpected finding in this study was that
levels of maximal strength and power in women’s handball. no relationships were observed between maximal bench press
When muscle power output during half-squat at sub- strength (1RMBP) and throwing velocity in IE and NE. The
maximal loads was expressed relative to BM, to BM raised to results of this study, and of a recently published study (6) per-
the power of 0.67, or to FFM, the differences observed formed in our laboratory with amateur female handball players,
between IE and NE in their ability to move different relative can explain this apparent discrepancy. This is illustrated in
loads disappeared. Similar findings were observed between Figure 4, where the individual values of standing throw velocity
international elite and amateur male handball players in the in those groups of female handball players are correlated to
70s and 80s (1,16) and in the last decade (5), and between their 1RMBP values. In this figure, AF corresponds to a group
national elite and amateur female handball players (6). This of amateur female handball players playing in the Spanish
also concurs with results observed in jumping and sprint National Second Division League. Thus, although the whole
running, indicating that the mechanical power expressed group of player’s 1RMBP values correlated with standing throw
relative to BM developed by IEs during jumping and sprint velocity values (r = 0.77, p , 0.01), the relationship was only
running is similar to that observed in national elite female significant among the amateurs (r = 0.69, p , 0.05). This seems
players. This suggests that neural activation patterns and to indicate that, for 1RMBP values ranging from 30 to approx-
twitch tension per muscle mass under submaximal concen- imately 50 kg, throwing velocity is linearly related to the
tric half-squat actions are rather similar in international and increase in 1RMBP. This is in agreement with findings observed
national elite female players. Further, this strengthens the in female handball players with average 1RMBP values lower
notion that differences in muscle power in female handball than 50 kg where an increase in 1RMBP after a high-intensity
players are mainly based on difference in muscle bulk (21). resistance training program was associated with an increase in
Correlations between power-load curves and handball handball throwing velocity (6,10). This suggests that maximal
throwing velocity were also examined in this study. Results elbow extensors strength is an important factor in attaining
of correlation analysis showed significant correlations for IE, high ball velocities during overarm throws in female handball
but not for NE, between velocity values during standing players whose 1RMBP values are ,approximately 50 kg. How-
throws and power values at 30% of 1RMBP and power values ever, Figure 4 also shows that when 1RMBP values exceeded
at 60% of BM during half-squat actions. This indicates ball approximately 50 kg, as happens in all IE players, the level of
velocities for an international-level female handball team in maximal strength performance may not be necessarily related
a standing throw depend more on the capability of the upper to the ability to throw the ball at high velocities. The finding of
and lower extremity to produce maximal power outputs different relationships between throwing velocity and maximal
with submaximal loads than for national-class female hand- strength and power of the upper and lower extremity muscles
ball players. The relationship between the capacity to move in IE, compared with NE or lower-level players, raises the
low loads at maximal velocities or power production with question of the appropriate strength training stimulus required
upper (4,5,15) and lower (5) body segments has been pre- to elicit improvements in throwing velocity in female handball
viously observed in international elite male handball players sports of different levels (8).
(5) but not in lower-level male (5) or female handball players It has been shown that the running velocity associated
(6,7). Lower technique or capacity to coordinate the pro- with a given submaximal blood lactate concentration is an
gression of limb segmental motion from proximal to distal accurate predictor of aerobic capacity (3). One of the find-
during throwing (5,9,15,22,23) could explain the absence of ings of this study is that the average running velocity asso-
relationships observed in lower-level players between muscle ciated with a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol$L21
power output at lower loads and ball throwing velocity. The (V3) was 7% higher in IE than in NE. This agrees with pre-
present correlations suggest traditional resistance programs vious studies performed with Norwegian (10,14) and Span-
that induce improvements in muscle velocity and power ish female handball players (6), which showed that average
during submaximal-load bench press and parallel squat maximal aerobic power (V̇ O2max) was 10% higher at inter-
actions should be reflected in enhanced handball throwing national elite than at second division level (10,14), whereas
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(V3) was 14% higher in national elite than in amateur players otherwise. The results of this study do not constitute
(6). The differences of this study between international and endorsement of the product by the authors or the National
national elite female players suggest that, besides having Strength and Conditioning Association. No known conflicts
high absolute maximal strength and muscle power values, of interest associated with this publication, and there has
high aerobic capacities are also required for the successful been no significant financial support for this work that could
transition from national to international-level women’s have influenced its outcome.
handball. These observations strongly suggest that improve-
ments in the level of play in women’s handball include
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