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속도 잡는 귀신!

PART 5 문법연습용

떴다! 1000제 1
100문제 무료 배포 문제지

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DM으로 물어봐주세요.

저자 정성희 (토익미친뇬)

초판 1쇄 발행 2023년 8월 25일 (100제 전자책_PDF 기준)

출판사 스터디허시

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이 책 내용의 전부 또는 일부를 이용하려면 반드시 저작권자의 서면 동의를 받아야 합니다.
# 토익미친뇬의 '떴다 1000제 1' 사용법
by @studytoeic

♥ 본 교재 학습 전 '핵심노트(자동사/타동사, 접전부)와 문법용 토익부사노트'에 있는 내용을 모두 마스터하셔야합니다. 특히,

이 교재는 어휘문제처럼 보이지만 문법으로 풀어야 하는 문제가 섞여 있기 때문에 내가 문법을 지금껏 어휘처럼 풀고 있었는 지
아닌 지 파악하는 데 너무 좋아요. 보기 2개 남았을 때 해석해야 풀리는 문제는 있지만, 100% 해석문제는 없으니 참고해주세요.

이 책에 들어가 있는 문제 유형

1 어휘문제처럼 보이지만 문법으로 풀 수 있는 문제 - 자/타, 접전부, 문법용부사 집중연습 가능!

소위 '1초문제'라 풀리는 빈칸 앞 뒤만 보면 풀리는 문제

1) 빈출되는 가산, 불가산명사 활용문제
2 2) 인칭대명사 문제
3) 동사문법 문제 (태, 수일치, 시제문제)
4) 품사자리 문제

3 외우기만 하면 되는 관용적 표현들 (동명사 관용표현, 부사절 축약구문 등)

4 쓰임만 정확히 알면 쉽게 풀 수 있는 전치사 문제

5 외우기만 하면 되는 부정대명사 수 일치 문제, 가정법 문제

6 부사절접속사 외 다른 접속사 문제 (형용사절접속사, 명사절접속사, 등위접속사, 상관접속사 등)

PART5 문제 푸는 순서 추가설명

1 보기를 본다. 절대 문제 먼저 보지 말기!

품사가 전부 같고 문법활용해서 풀 만한 어휘가 없으면, 찐 어휘 문제!

2 보기의 품사를 생각한다.
예) assure은 뜻보다 '뒤에 사람!' 이게 먼저 떠오르면 문법으로 풀 수 있다.

3 빈칸 앞 뒤를 본다. 풀리면 1초 문제!

♥ 구조분석 하는 법 ♥
빈칸 앞 뒤만 보고 안풀리면 1) 동사를 먼저 찾는다.
구조분석을 한다. 2) 접속사나 쉼표를 기준으로 끊어준다.
3) 내가 찾은 동사와 접속사의 갯수를 센다. -> 동사 2개면 접속사는 무조건 1개!
어떤 접속사자리인지 파악한다.
5 접속사 자리 문제라면? 명사절접속사, 형용사절접속사, 부사절접속사, 등위접속사, 상관접속사 중 무슨자리?
-> 각 접속사에 대한 개념설명 및 문제풀이법은 강의에서 자세히 설명드려요!
1) 자동사자리인지 타동사자리인지 파악하기 - 즉, 몇 형식자리인지 파악하기
동사 자리 문제라면?
2) 태 (능/수동) - 목적어 있으면 능동, 없으면 수동!
6 ♥ 순서암기법 ♥
3) 수 (단/복수) - 주어가 단수면 단수동사, 복수면 복수동사 왔는지 체크!
형식이와 태수씨로 기억!
4) 시제 - 시제는 꼭 마지막에 파악하셔야 되요! (시제 먼저 봐서 틀리는 경우 엄청 많아요.)
접속사나 동사자리 어떤 문법문제인지 빈칸 앞 뒤나 구조분석하면 나왔을 거예요.
문제가 아니라면? 해설지나 강의에서 자세히 설명드려요!

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 1
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

01. As an accountant, I have to ------- the financial 06. The new sales manager implemented
statements thoroughly before submitting innovative techniques ------- boost sales
them. and attract more customers.
(A) sit (A) or
(B) stay (B) despite
(C) consider (C) in order to
(D) review (D) but

02. Businesses are continuously adapting 07. If a guest ------- to confer with a principal,
their strategies ------- the changing market the assistant should direct the message to
conditions. the appropriate leader.
(A) although (A) wish
(B) in response to (B) will wish
(C) and (C) was wishing
(D) whom (D) wishes

03. Jonah Richardson, the human resources 08. The sales team needs to ------- the target
director, will scrutinize our existing hiring before the end of the quarter.
tactics more -------. (A) rise
(A) closely (B) become
(B) close (C) reach
(C) closest (D) fall
(D) closer

04. Remote working is a trend that is here to 09. Our team ------- misses project deadlines,
-------, considering the advantages it offers ensuring timely delivery to clients.
both employers and employees. (A) barely
(A) attend (B) usually
(B) advise (C) roughly
(C) stay (D) thankfully
(D) hold

05. The company's profits have ------- increased 10. The new intern, though inexperienced,
over the past year due to effective cost-cutting ------- very competent in her assigned tasks.
measures. (A) gives
(A) rarely (B) understands
(B) markedly (C) runs
(C) nearby (D) seems
(D) likely

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 2
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

11. After a thorough review, the board ------- 16. Despite being located in a dimly lit corner
the proposal a good fit for our company's of the building where most experts believed
direction. plants wouldn't flourish, the plants thrived
(A) considered ------- the lack of sunlight.
(B) enjoyed (A) although
(C) postponed (B) in spite of
(D) avoided (C) and
(D) whether

12. The marketing campaign, ------- aimed at 17. Prior to amalgamating with Delta, Grindel
millennials, received positive feedback from Corp ------- a broad spectrum of financial
the target audience. products.
(A) who (A) offer
(B) which (B) to offer
(C) however (C) offering
(D) as if (D) offered

13. The innovative summer footwear collection 18. The manager had to ------- her employees
was showcased in Athletic Pioneer Magazine, that the changes would not affect their job
leading to a ------- rise in inquiries. security.
(A) considerate (A) reassure
(B) considered (B) grow
(C) considering (C) become
(D) considerable (D) occur

14. As the project deadline approached, stress 19. ------- does she take on new projects without
levels among the team members started to thoroughly analyzing their feasibility.
-------. (A) Gradually
(A) increase (B) Gurrently
(B) discuss (C) Rarely
(C) meet (D) Fully
(D) find

15. Employees are encouraged to attend training 20. The marketing team ------- the advertising
sessions ------- to enhance their skills. campaign a success after seeing the increase
(A) scarcely in sales.
(B) frequently (A) called
(C) fairly (B) fell
(D) somewhat (C) went
(D) happened

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 3
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

21. The new work-from-home policy ------- many 26. Our company has seen significant growth
employees a better work-life balance. ------- the past few years.
(A) appeals (A) because
(B) gives (B) although
(C) attracts (C) which
(D) exists (D) over

22. Our company has a strong partnership ------- a 27. The company needs to expand its operations
leading technology firm to develop innovative ------- continue to increase market share.
solutions. (A) but
(A) until (B) and
(B) among (C) because
(C) whereas (D) onto
(D) with

23. The township's verdict on whether to issue a 28. The employee, ------- ideas had greatly
license is ------- on the audit outcomes. benefited the company, received a
(A) reliable promotion.
(B) reactive (A) that
(C) subsequent (B) whose
(D) dependent (C) so
(D) with

24. Our company ------- employees the flexibility 29. The CEO was pleased ------- the positive
to work from home or the office. feedback from the new product users.
(A) provides (A) to
(B) offers (B) into
(C) praises (C) also
(D) becomes (D) with

25. The market research indicated that ------- 30. The board ------- her the best candidate for
30% of consumers prefer our product over the CEO position due to her experience and
competitors. leadership skills.
(A) immediately (A) demonstrates
(B) quickly (B) shows
(C) approximately (C) appears
(D) entirely (D) considers

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 4
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

31. The project ------- by the team before the 36. Client service representatives are anticipated
new guidelines were introduced. to revert within two hours to individuals -------
(A) completed deposit a voicemail.
(B) was completed (A) whose
(C) completes (B) which
(D) is completed (C) who
(D) where

32. This financial report ------- by the finance 37. Tomorrow’s workshop is ------- for members
department before it is presented at the who have been with the club for less than
board meeting. two years.
(A) reviews (A) founded
(B) review (B) intended
(C) reviewed (C) perceived
(D) will be reviewed (D) followed

33. Belvedere's Spanish Tavern has expanded its 38. Thirty percent of Hartley Town inhabitants
terrace portion ------- more patrons to enjoy reside ------- the Parker River.
alfresco dining. (A) alike
(A) allowed (B) among
(B) allowing (C) along
(C) to allow (D) away
(D) will allow

34. We are pleased to ------- that Wilson Medical 39. East Harbor Technologies supplies --------
Group's clinic is relocating to a more spacious Cloud storage and security solutions to
location in Kingston Building. startup clients.
(A) avoid (A) neither
(B) announce (B) as long as
(C) assure (C) or else
(D) advise (D) both

35. The project manager ------- updates the team 40. The September delivery has just ------- from
about project status. Barcelona and is now at the unloading area.
(A) recently (A) resulted
(B) quite (B) arrived
(C) almost (C) suffered
(D) regularly (D) declined

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 5
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

41. A significant percentage of the stakeholders 46. The annual budget is ------- reviewed and
------- that the digital interface could be approved by the board of directors.
enhanced for better user engagement. (A) thoroughly
(A) suggestions (B) almost
(B) suggesting (C) very
(C) suggest (D) extremely
(D) has suggested

42. TechWorldCo's software, ------- is implemented 47. ------- the challenges posed by remote
in multiple global branches, is recognized as working conditions, our team has
one of the most effective tools in the market. consistently achieved top performance.
(A) who (A) Despite
(B) what (B) With
(C) which (C) Beneath
(D) that (D) Around

43. The CEO was impressed by the team's 48. The company ------- addressed the issue
presentation and ------- their efforts. when it was raised during the meeting.
(A) disappeared (A) promptly
(B) fluctuated (B) recently
(C) appealed (C) seldom
(D) applauded (D) sometimes

44. The company's new initiative aims to ------- 49. The optimal period for a corporate meeting
employee wellness and productivity. in Paris is during May and June ------- the
(A) decline climate conditions are favorable.
(B) enhance (A) when
(C) reduce (B) where
(D) diminish (C) why
(D) how

45. To stay competitive, companies must ------- up 50. The financial consultant advises
on the latest industry trends. ------- diversifying your portfolio but also
(A) catch monitoring market trends closely.
(B) capture (A) both
(C) seize (B) nor
(D) grip (C) either
(D) not only

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 6
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

51. ------- adopting new technologies can boost 56. All the employees were ------- about the
productivity in today's business environment, changes to the company's health insurance
neglecting the proper training of employees policy.
can swiftly diminish those benefits. (A) informing
(A) Even though (B) inform
(B) given (C) informed
(C) by (D) informative
(D) Until

52. The marketing team is looking forward 57. The engineer spent the entire night -------
------- the results of their latest campaign. a solution to the system crash.
(A) to seeing (A) to find
(B) to see (B) finding
(C) see (C) for finding
(D) seeing (D) find

53. The finance department is responsible 58. ------- we finalize the contract, we cannot
------- monthly financial reports to the proceed with the project.
board of directors. (A) Until
(A) to provide (B) during
(B) for providing (C) Nevertheless
(C) providing (D) Beside
(D) provide

54. The manager emphasized the importance of 59. The sales team will organize an event -------
------- on time to the meeting. they can gather feedback from customers.
(A) to arrive (A) in order
(B) arriving (B) although
(C) arrive (C) where
(D) for arriving (D) however

55. The ------- machine will be replaced by a new 60. Despite numerous reminders, James -------
one next month. his password several times.
(A) malfunctioning (A) forgot
(B) malfunctioned (B) lost
(C) malfunction (C) missed
(D) To malfunction (D) disappeared

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 7
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

61. ------- he is an expert in his field, his advice 66. This software is ------- user-friendly as the
was not taken into consideration during the previous version, but it offers more features.
meeting. (A) so
(A) Due to (B) as
(B) Although (C) the most
(C) Because of (D) more
(D) Next to

62. The organization plans to ------- a new 67. Even with the peak vacation rush, The
initiative for sustainable growth. Baxter Textile Enterprises observes that
(A) happen the summer months are ------- more
(B) commence yielding periods compared to others.
(C) start (A) approximately
(D) launch (B) nearly
(C) still
(D) roughly

63. You should start the presentation ------- 68. Ms. Johnson possesses outstanding
the CEO arrives. credentials, ------- I have no hesitation
(A) as soon as in endorsing her for the role at Perkins
(B) although Architecture.
(C) next to (A) before
(D) however (B) although
(C) so
(D) in spite of

64. She can complete the assignment, ------- 69. ------- had she started her presentation when
if provided with additional resources. the power went out.
(A) even (A) Hardly
(B) fairly (B) Extremely
(C) hardly (C) Too
(D) only (D) Often

65. All company policies are ------- subject to 70. Several neighborhood ------- in Kingston are
change based on market conditions. backed by the Municipal Cultural Committee.
(A) recently (A) actively
(B) soon (B) activities
(C) never (C) activity
(D) always (D) active

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 8
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

71. For a start-up, securing initial funding is ------- 76. The report, ------- completed on time,
as crucial as having a clear business plan. was riddled with errors due to haste.
(A) so (A) hardly
(B) too (B) often
(C) much (C) increasingly
(D) just (D) too

72. The organization aims to ------- its carbon 77. The new product ------- by thousands of users
footprint by 25% over the next decade. since its launch.
(A) reduce (A) has tried
(B) reduction (B) trying
(C) reducing (C) was tried
(D) reduced (D) has been tried

73. ------- launching our new mobile application, 78. The director agreed ------- the proposal
we have seen a 50% increase in user without further amendments.
engagement. (A) to accept
(A) Since (B) accepting
(B) Despite (C) accept
(C) Although (D) accepted
(D) Unless

74. The e-commerce website experienced 79. The company is considering ------- into
a ------- increase in sales during the holiday the Asian market next year.
season. (A) to expand
(A) orderly (B) expand
(B) significant (C) expanding
(C) rare (D) expanded
(D) efficient

75. The management team made a decision 80. If she ------- more time, she would have
------- the feedback they received from finished the project earlier.
the employees. (A) had had
(A) according to (B) has
(B) opposite (C) have
(C) against (D) having
(D) contrary

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 9
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

81. By the time the manager arrived at the 86. With the rise of telecommuting, companies
conference, the keynote speaker ------- are investing in platforms that facilitate
his presentation. ------- collaboration among team members.
(A) starts (A) seamless
(B) started (B) seamlessly
(C) had started (C) seamlessness
(D) starting (D) seamed

82. The team insisted that the client ------- 87. If the shipment ------- on time, the client
informed of any changes immediately. wouldn't have been so upset.
(A) be (A) arrives
(B) is (B) arrived
(C) was (C) had arrived
(D) being (D) arriving

83. The new policy will be implemented ------- 88. It falls on ------- departs from the library last
the beginning of next month. to secure the entrance.
(A) in (A) who
(B) at (B) whoever
(C) on (C) somebody
(D) from (D) all

84. The brand's engagement rate on social media 89. Even though the shelf was mildly impaired
platforms has ------- since collaborating with during installation, it is still -------.
influencers. (A) functionally
(A) rise (B) functional
(B) risen (C) function
(C) rising (D) functioned
(D) to rise

85. E-commerce platforms are keen to integrate 90. Participants should keep in mind that Mr.
AI-driven chatbots to improve ------- with Becker imparts valuable ------- throughout
customers. his management workshop.
(A) communication (A) advices
(B) commitment (B) advises
(C) command (C) advice
(D) commodity (D) advised

# PART 5 문법연습용 실전문제 10
♥ 한 페이지당 1분 30초가 넘어가면 안됩니다. by @studytoeic

91. Remote work has been an increasingly 96. The objective of the internal bulletin is to
popular trend, with many employees maintain employees across various company
enjoying the flexibility it -------. divisions connected with -------.
(A) presents (A) one another
(B) begins (B) the other
(C) warns (C) another
(D) stops (D) other

92. The rise in blockchain technology has led to 97. Automation tools have transformed industries,
a surge ------- demand for cryptocurrency particularly ------- data analysis and customer
experts. support.
(A) on (A) on
(B) in (B) though
(C) with (C) heavily
(D) from (D) because

93. Subscription-based services, once limited 98. It is essential that every employee -------
to magazines, have now ------- into various the safety protocols before operating
industries including food and personal care. the machinery.
(A) expanded (A) know
(B) expand (B) knows
(C) expanding (C) knew
(D) to expand (D) knowing

94. The financial report will have finalized by the 99. Mortgage rates on 20-year mortgages have
time the board ------- for the annual meeting. ------- lately, so this might be an ideal time
(A) meet to think about purchasing a new home.
(B) meets (A) debated
(C) met (B) executed
(D) meeting (C) developed
(D) fallen

95. The manager suggested that the marketing 100. If you need further details about our services,
team ------- more on digital advertisements please do not ------- to reach out to the support
to reach a wider audience. team.
(A) focus (A) procure
(B) focuses (B) determine
(C) focused (C) hesitate
(D) focusing (D) invent


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