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AHTN – is an 8-digit HS code which is common sa ASEAN member state;

10-member state are:

 Brunei
 Philippines
 Cambodia
 Indonesia
 Laos
 Vietnam
 Singapore
 Thailand
 Malaysia
 Myanmar

Sino-sino ang Founding members/Father ng ASEAN:

 Philippines
 Indonesia
 Singapore
 Thailand
 Malaysia

Difference ng HS code sa AHTN – Yung HS – 6-digit product nomentclature, yung AHTN based don sa HS
lahat ng contracting party ay nakabase dun sa HS code. With regards to duty, sa HS walang rate of duty
provided under Article 9 – 3 column (Hdng. No., HS CODE, desciprtion) lang pero sa AHTN – 6 na column
(Hdng. No., AHTN code, Description, Rates of Duty – MFN & ATIGA,

MFN – MOST FAVORED NATION – trade without discrimination

Puwede gamitin tong AHTN gamitin kahit hindi part ng ASEAN, ang MFN ang gagamitin

Kapag may EXCEPT country bawal mag-avail ng ATIGA preferential

6-digit level – level of the HS, 7th and 8th digits AHTN Code are assigned to ASEAN subheadings. Yung 8th
subheandings reflecs sa prodocuts of interest to the 10th AMSs.

New version ng AHTN – nong 2017 (previous version) and ginamit ng PH ay ALHPANUMERIC CODE
means combination ng numbers and alphabet ,(yung a and b ay yung in and out quota) ngayong 2022
-- .100 para sa inqouta tapos .200 sa out quota.. yung reason aypara ma-align sa BOC dahil sa
electronic system (VASP) wala kasing alphabet don, kapag A -- .10 ,, B-- .20

NATIONAL SUBDIVISION (yung A&B OR .100 OR .200 NGAYON) – to reflect the domestic requirements

Anong purpose ng pang 9th or beyond 8th-digit??? – para lang sa PH, para lang sa domestic requirements
ng PH. Yung inqouta and outqouta ay matatagpuan lang sa mga Agricutural, para yan sa mga na-tarrifide
na product.

Pang 7th and 8th – common to sa sampung member (ASEAN STATE)

Yung first 6 digits common sa lahat ng country, lahat ng contracting patties sa HS

Yung tarrification – refers to lifting of quantitative restriction and replacing those restriction with higher
rate if duty.. or yung removing ng mga non tariff barrier (e.g. yung mga import licensing, import quota,
bast yung measures na walang kinalaman sa tariff)

WTO agreement,, tinanggal yung import quota pero tinaasan na lang ng mataas na rate of duty.

Import quota – limitation allowed

Ano difference ng Import quota sa Tariff quota?? – import quota – yan lang yung limitation kung ilan
lang yung quantity na puwedeng i-import, kapag lumagpas na sa limitation, bawal ka na mag-import,,
where as sa tariff quota – kapag yung importation mo ay pasok sa in-qouta – i-aapply mo yung mas
mababang r/d– pero puwede pa ring mag-import kahit tariff quota pero mas mataas lang yung r/d…

Sa ngayon wala nang import quota – yung pinakahuli ay yung Rice… naging tariff qouata na rin siya.

Since wala nang import quota yung rice, ibig sabihin unlimited na yung rice na puwedeng ipasok sa PH.

Sa Safeguard measure ang remedy provided ng Gov. para sa mga ma-iinjured na domestic industry–
nahahati sa dalawa, may general at special,,, kapag Agric – special safeguard, parang siyang penalty yung
Safeguard duty, kasi additional duty siya…

Every year yung renewal kapag naabot na yung import quota---

Tariff barrier and Non tariff barrier – Non tariff barrier ay yung mga non tax measure imposed by the
importing country (e.g. import licensing, import quota) , tariff barrier ay yung mga tax measures (e.g.
custos duty), yan yung nagrerestrict sa trade

ANONG INSTANCES BAKIT INAAMEND YUNG AHTN???? – maybe amended – 1.) kapag may amendment
sa HS CODE 2.) The are amendment to the SEAN subheadings in the AHTN for simplication; 3.) if may
changes technology or new products…

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