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+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 Design your weapon by choosing a form and three

The Champion business-end options (which are added to the base tags),
and a material. For example, if you want a magic sword
Will you triumph against the forces of darkness ? FATE you could choose the following: handle + blade + long +
or will you succumb like those before you? You get to decide what sort of fate is in store for you. Pick magic.
how you found out about your fate on the reverse side of
this sheet. Form (choose 1):
staff (1-harm hand/close)
CUNNING Manipulate Someone MOVES: haft (2-harm hand heavy)
Distract, Mislead or You get all of the basic moves, plus three Champion moves. handle (1-harm hand balanced)
Trick chain (1-harm hand area)
You get these two:
Act Under Pressure
COMPOSURE Help Out Destiny’s Plaything: At the beginning of each
Business-end (choose 3 options):
artifact (add the “magic” tag)
hunt, roll +Soul to see what is revealed about
your immediate future. On a 10+, the MC will spikes (+1 harm, add the “messy” tag)
Investigate a Scene reveal a useful detail about the coming hunt. On blade (+1 harm)
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area a 7-9 you get a vague hint about it. On a miss, something heavy (+1 harm)
Recall a Fact bad is going to happen to you. long (add the “close” tag)
I am Here For A Reason: There’s something you are throwable (add the “close” tag)
destined to do. Work out the details with the MC, chain (add the “area” tag)
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone based on your fate. You cannot die until it comes
to pass. If you die in play, then you must spend a Material (choose 1):
Destiny point. You will then, somehow, recover or be Finally, pick what material the business-end
returned to life. Once your task is done (or you use is made from: add “steel,” “cold iron,”
SOUL ___________
up all your Destiny), all bets are off. “silver,” “wood,” “stone,” “bone,” “teeth,”
“obsidian,” or anything else you want.
Then pick one of these:
DESTINY Advanced?
The Child of Prophecy: When you make a showy GEAR
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from entrance into a dangerous situation, roll At the start of every hunt you get to tick a total of 4
injury. +Composure. On a 10+ everyone stops to watch and listen boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any
until you finish your speech. On a 7-9, you pick one person time:
Fortunate Doomed or monster to stop, watch and listen until you finish talking.
On a miss, you’re marked as the biggest threat by all enemies Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor)
who are present. Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable. Devastating: When you inflict harm, you may Grappling Hook Arcane Implements (charms..etc)
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) inflict +1 harm. Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
Dutiful: When your fate rears its ugly head, and Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
Healthy Dyeing you act in accordance with any of your fate tags Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
(either heroic or doom) then mark experience. If it’s Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
Unstable a heroic tag, take +1 forward. Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
EXPERIENCE Invincible: You always count as having 2-armour. Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move This doesn’t stack with other protection. Healing Potion (heal 2 or stabilize)
tells you to, mark an experience box. Resilience: You heal faster than normal people. Any Antitoxin (3 uses) ……………………………………………...
time your harm gets healed, heal an extra point. …………………………………………………………………………..
Additionally, your wounds count as 1-harm less for
the purpose of the MC’s harm moves.
Made by u/qtrdm4life
You can spend 7 experience points to level up,
How you found out (pick one): When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you
you will level up at the end of the hunt or
Nightmares and visions can do your introductions together. when you use the make camp move. pick an
A strange man/woman told you Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your improvement from the following list:
An ancient cult found you
Champion by name and look, and tell the group what they
Sought out by your nemesis
know about you. IMPROVEMENTS
Attacked by monsters
Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Trained from birth
Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
You found the prophecy HISTORY Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
Then pick two heroic and two doom tags for your fate these for each other hunter: of the above.
from the lists below. This is how your fate will unfold. Take another move from your playbook.
● You are close blood relations. Ask them exactly how
It’s okay to pick contradictory tags: that means your fate Take another move from your playbook.
close. Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
is pulling you both ways.
● They are destined to be your mentor. Tell them how of the above.
Whenever you mark off a point of Destiny, the
MC will throw something from your fate at you. this was revealed. Recover a Destiny point.
● Your dear friend in the world, who you trust totally. Recover a Destiny point.
Gain an ally.
● A rival at first, but you came to a working arrangement.
Heroic (pick two): Doom (pick two): Take a move from another playbook.
● Romantic entanglement, or fated to be romantically Take a move from another playbook.
Sacrifice Death
You are the You can’t save
Champion everyone
● An acquaintance, you studied or worked together. Ask them After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
what. for advanced improvements in addition to these.
Visions Impossible love
They’re below
Secret training Failure ● They could have been the Champion instead of you,
Magical powers A nemesis but they failed some trial. Tell them how they failed. ADVANCED IMPROVEMENTS
Mystical inheritance No normal life Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
A normal life Loss of loved ones OTHER PLAYBOOKS MOVES Take another move from your playbook.
True love Treachery Take another move from another playbook.
You can save Doubt (Requires the above improvement)
the world Sympathy with Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
Hidden allies
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark another two of the basic moves as
the enemy
The end of monsters Damnation ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Advanced.
Divine help ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Retire this hunter to safety.
Hosts of monsters
Change this hunter to a new type.
The end of days …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Delete one of your Doom tags, and (optionally) one
The source of Evil ………………………………………………………………………………………………… of your Heroic tags. You have changed that aspect of
………………………………………………………………………………………………… your destiny.
WEALTH …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keeper will tell you how many boxes you mark. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When you reach the next tier, erase the boxes and …………………………………………………………………………………………………
start again. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
-1 0 1 2 3 Made by u/qtrdm4life
ASSIGN THESE NUMBERS TO YOUR RATINGS Tune In: You can attune your mind to a monster
or minion. Roll +Soul. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9,
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1
The Dreamer hold 1. On a miss, the monster becomes aware of
you. Spend one hold to ask the Keeper one of the following
The knowledge I have can shatter the feeble mind. MOVES: questions, and gain +1 ongoing while acting
Do you still want to know the truth? on the answers:
You get all of the basic moves, plus three Dreamer moves.
• Where is the creature right now?
Telepathy: You can read people’s thoughts and put • What is it planning to do right now?
Manipulate Someone
CUNNING Distract, Mislead or
words in their mind. This can allow you to investigate a • Who is it going to attack next?
• Who does it regard as the biggest threat?
scene or survey the area without needing to actually
Trick talk. You can also manipulate someone without • How can I attract its attention?
speaking. You still roll moves as normal, except people Eldritch Might: You can use your eldritch magic to wade
Act Under Pressure
will not expect the eerie feeling of your mental into battle. Roll +Soul instead of +Battle. The attack has
2-harm close obvious ignore-armour. On a miss,
Hex: When you hex an enemy with eldritch magic, you’ll get a magical backlash.
choose one of the effects below and roll +Soul, on a 10+ Curse: You can peer into the future momentarily and
Investigate a Scene encourage coincidences to occur, the way you want.
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area the effect takes place. On a 7-9 it works but it has
When you curse a target, roll +Soul. On a 10+ hold 2 and
unforeseen effects, you either take 2-harm (ignoring
Recall a Fact on a 7-9 hold 1. On a miss, the Keeper holds 2 over you to be
armor) or someone else is also affected, your choice.
• The target contracts a disease. used in the same way. Spend your hold to:
• Interfere with a hunter, giving them -1 forward.
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone
• The target immediately suffers harm (2-harm
• Help a hunter, giving them +1 forward, by interfering
magic ignore-armour).
• The target breaks something precious or with their enemy.
important. • Interfere with what a monster, minion, or

SOUL True Sight: You can see the invisible, especially spirits bystander is trying to do.
___________ • Inflict 1-harm on the target due to an accident.
and magical influences. You may communicate with
(maybe even make deals with) the spirits you see, • The target finds something you left for them.
Advanced? and they give you more opportunities to spot clues • The target loses something that you will soon
DESTINY when you investigate. find.
Premonitions: At the start of each hunt, roll
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from +Soul. On a 10+, you get a detailed vision of a terrifying GEAR
injury. incident that is yet to happen. You take +1 forward to At the start of every mystery you get to tick a total of
prevent it coming true, and mark experience if you stop it. 4 boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any
Fortunate Doomed On a 7-9+ you get clouded images of terrifying incident time:
that is yet to happen: mark experience if
you stop it. On a miss, you get a vision a terrifying Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor)
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable. incident that will befall you and the Keeper holds 3, to be Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) spent one-for-one as penalties to rolls you make. Grappling Hook Arcane Implements (charms..etc)
Glimpses: When something bad is happening (or Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
Healthy Dyeing just about to happen) somewhere that you aren’t, Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
roll +Knowledge. On a 10+ you knew where you needed Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
Unstable to go, just in time to get there. On a 7-9, you get Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
there late—in time to intervene, but not prevent it Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
EXPERIENCE altogether. On a miss, you get there just in time to be Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move in trouble yourself. Healing Potion (heal 2 or stabilize)
tells you to, mark an experience box. Antitoxin (3 uses) ……………………………………..
Made by u/qtrdm4life
You can spend 7 experience points to level up,
Your magic comes from the eldritch beings of old and Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of
you will level up at the end of the adventure
your kind is feared as they are known for dark these for each hunter: or when you use the make camp move. pick an
impulses as a result of opening their minds to the • They taught you to control your magic, to the extent improvement from the following list, If you have
horrors beyond for knowledge or power.
that you can control them at all. the “cast a ___ spell move” you get to add
• You are blood-kin. Decide together exactly what. one spell to your list as well:
Pick three tags for your dark side:
• You are married, or romantically involved. Decide
Violence Mood swings between you the exact relationship.
Depression Rage IMPROVEMENTS
• You’re old friends, and trust each other completely.
Secrets Self-destruction Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
• You used your magic on them one time. Decide if Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Lust Greed for power
Dark bargain
it was for selfish reasons or not, and tell them if they Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Poor impulse control
found out about it. Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
Guilt Hallucinations
• You’ve known each other some time, but since your of the above.
Soulless Pain
Take another Dreamer move.
Addiction Paranoia learned your dark magic, you keep them at a distance Take another Dreamer move.
emotionally. Gain a Mystical Library, like the Scholar has,
The Keeper can ask you to do terrible things (in • You hope they can help you control your magic. with two extra options.
accordance with the tags), when your patron needs • They saw you use your magic for selfish or vindictive Change some, or all, your dark side tags
you to. If you do whatever is asked, mark experience. Recover a Destiny point.
reasons. Ask them who the victim was, and then
If you don’t do it, then your magic is unavailable until Gain an ally.
tell them what you did. Take a move from another playbook.
the end of the mystery (or until you cave).
• You were both starting out to open your minds to the Take a move from another playbook.
eldritch horrors for power or knowledge but they didn’t
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
continue yet you did. Decide with them why.
WEALTH for advanced improvements in addition to these.
They’re below
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The OTHER PLAYBOOKS MOVES ADVANCED IMPROVEMENTS
Keeper will tell you how many boxes you mark. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
When you reach the next tier, erase the boxes and ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Take another Dreamer move.
start again. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Take another move from another playbook.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Requires the above improvement)
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
Mark another two of the basic moves as
-1 0 1 2 3 …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Retire this hunter to safety.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Change this hunter to a new type.
INTRODUCTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………………… You discover how to use your powers at a lower price.
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Delete one dark side tag permanently.
do your introductions together. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your
Dreamer by name and look, and tell the group what they
know about you.
Some minds bend under pressure. Others break.
Made by u/qtrdm4life
ASSIGN THESE NUMBERS TO YOUR RATINGS I know my kind: When you meet or interact with
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 another human, decide if they are a half-blood and roll

The Half-Blood 1 2 3 4
On a 10+, you see through their disguise, and they are
Oh I am a good person, or I try to be. Just don’t STRUGGLING LEGACY Impulse understanding or friendly, offering aid in your current
be around when I get serious. You’re half-human, decide your other half. You are in constant hunt. On a 7-9, they are a half-blood but don’t share your
struggle with your inhuman half. morals; they might be antagonistic towards you or have
some involvement in the current hunt. On a 6 or less, they
Demon: You give off an unsettling aura of fear that keeps
CUNNING Manipulate Someone
away monstrous, mindless minions from approaching or
are something far worse.
Unnatural Vitality: Your half-blood heritage grants you
Distract, Mislead or
attacking you unless you attack them first. When you reveal supernatural vitality and resilience. You are immune to
your true nature to someone, they are struck with fear mundane diseases and poisons, and you are never
Act Under Pressure and they either do what you want, fight or flee.
COMPOSURE Help Out Give in: Destroy something precious to someone (precious
considered unstable.
Brooding: When you keep your distance and go off
item, a relationship, their job, their reputation … etc) on your own while others are investigating or
interacting with NPCs, you can give anyone a +1
Investigate a Scene Vampire: You can sense the heartbeats and even watch Forward to investigate a scene or survey the area moves.
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area the bloodstream flow within someone’s body. When you When another hunter faces danger while
Recall a Fact spend time interacting with a human NPC or when investigating, you can appear immediately at their side,
you taste their blood. You can pursue them and know intercepting the danger.
where they are even underwater or beneath the ground. If they Better Control: Add an extra box to your impulse track.
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone are an ally or another hunter, you also know if they are in I have good Friends: When you spend enough time
danger. in meditation or relaxation and have a meaningful
Give in: Feed directly on a human. conversation with another hunter about your struggle,

clear your impulse track and they mark exp.
___________ You start with an empty 3-point impulse track. You may mark But terrible Enemies: When you wade into battle,
impulse and choose a supernatural effect: add your marked impulse it to the harm inflicted. If you
Advanced? destroy your enemy, clear your impulse. If you don’t, you
DESTINY ● Perform a supernatural feat of strength and agility must give in.
● When you inflict harm, add two of the following: Part of me: Choose a supernatural effect . You no longer
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from (Forceful, Messy, Close, Area, +1 harm, Ignore armor) mark impulse to use that effect.
injury. ● Activate a supernatural sense Memento: You have a memento that grants you courage
● Escape from any physical or mental bonds and reminds you of your humanity, which intrigues or
Fortunate Doomed
repels monsters (describe it). When you show your
When you mark your last impulse, you must give in at the memento to monsters, roll +Soul.
closest opportunity. On a 10+ choose 2, on a 7-9 choose 1:
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable.
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) When you give in, clear your impulse. ● The monster hesitates, giving you and your allies a
chance to escape or regroup.
Healthy Dyeing MOVES: ● The monster is momentarily confused, giving you
You get all of the basic moves, plus two Half-Blood moves: or an ally +1 forward against them.
Unstable ● The monster recognizes the significance of the
EXPERIENCE memento and respects you, reducing its hostility.
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move ● The memento reminds the monster of its own
tells you to, mark an experience box. humanity or past, making it less likely to harm
Experience: innocent bystanders.

Made by u/qtrdm4life
When you have filled all seven experience boxes,
At the start of every hunt you get to tick a total of 4 When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your
you will level up during downtime. Hold on to
boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any introductions together.
your level, erase the marks and start filling the
time: Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Monstrous by
new boxes. At the end of the session pick an
name and look, and tell the group what they know about you.
Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor) improvement from the following list:
Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
Grappling Hook Arcane Implements (charms..etc) IMPROVEMENTS
Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable) HISTORY Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet) Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload) for each of the other hunters: Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles ● They accidentally discovered your true nature and helped you hide it. Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?) Ask how they found out and helped. of the above.
Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses) ● They fought you under your supernatural side's control. Ask how they Take another move from your playbook.
Healing Potion (heal 2 or stabilize) broke the control and saved you. Take another move from your playbook.
Antitoxin (3 uses) …………………………………….. ● You share a common enemy related to your heritage. Tell them the Gain a haven, like the Scholar has, with two
………………………………………………………………………….. options.
enemy and how it affects you both.
Recover a Destiny point.
● You saved their life using your supernatural abilities. Ask the situation
Recover a Destiny point.
THE GREATEST MYSTERY: and how it changed their perspective. Take the special weapon move from the Champion
● They helped you resist monstrous impulses during a difficult time. Ask playbook. (How did you get it?)
Your origin and the circumstances of your birth are a
what happened and how they supported you. Take a move from another playbook.
mystery to you and you are determined to solve it. When
● You were allies in a hunt involving a supernatural relative. Tell them the Take a move from another playbook.
you use a destiny point, the MC will give you a clue
relative and the hunt's outcome.
about your origin, choose one from below or come up After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
● They know a secret about your origin you're unaware of. Ask the secret
with your own. for advanced improvements in addition to these.
and how they learned it. They’re below
You find a sibling, half-sibling who is just as lost as
you are.
OTHER PLAYBOOKS MOVES Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
You learn your true name.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Take another move from your playbook.
You find your childhood home. Decrepit and
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Take another move from another playbook.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Requires one of the above improvement)
You learn of your human parent, decide if they are Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
still alive. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark another two of the basic moves as
You learn the identity of your supernatural parent. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Advanced.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Retire this hunter to safety.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Change this hunter to a new type.
You find undeniable evidence of your origin. The MC
WEALTH …………………………………………………………………………………………………
will make the next hunt about your origin.
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keeper will tell you how many boxes you mark. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When you reach the next tier, erase the boxes and …………………………………………………………………………………………………
start again.
-1 0 1 2 3
Made by u/qtrdm4life
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 MONSTROUS BREED
The Monstrous MOVES:
You are no longer human. Decide if you were
always this way or if you you were originally human and
I feel the hunger, the urge to destroy. I am no You get all of the basic moves, plus two Monstrous moves: transformed somehow.
longer human but I have to protect those who Now decide if you were always fighting to be good, or
still are. Immortal: You do not age or sicken, and whenever if you were evil and changed sides.
you suffer harm you suffer 1-harm less. Define your monstrous breed by picking a curse,
CUNNING Manipulate Someone Unnatural Appeal: Roll +Soul instead of +Cunning
when you manipulate someone.
moves, and natural attacks.
Distract, Mislead or Create the monster you want to be: whatever you
Trick Unholy Strength: Roll +Soul instead of +Battle choose defines your breed in the game. Some classic
when you wade into battle. monsters with suggestions for picks are listed on the
Act Under Pressure
Incorporeal: You may move freely through solid
objects (but not people).
back of this sheet. These are only suggestions: feel free to
make a different version!
Preternatural Speed: You go much faster than
normal people. When you chase, flee, or run take
Investigate a Scene
+1 ongoing.
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area
Claws of the Beast: All your natural attacks get +1
Recall a Fact Pick a base and add an extra to it, or two Bases
Mental Dominion: When you gaze into a normal Base: teeth (3-harm intimate)
human’s eyes and exert your will over them, roll Base: claws (2-harm hand)
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone +Cunning. On a 10+, hold 3. On a 7-9, hold 1. You Base: magical force (1-harm magical close)
may spend your hold to give them an order. Regular Base: life-drain (1-harm intimate life-drain)
people will follow your order, whatever it is. Hunters Extra: Add +1 harm to base

SOUL ___________
can choose whether they do it or not. If they do, they
mark experience.
Extra: Add ignore-armor to base
Extra: Add an extra range to base (add intimate,
Unquenchable Vitality: When you have taken harm, hand or close)
Advanced? you can heal yourself. Roll +Composure. On a 10+,
DESTINY heal 2-harm and stabilise your injuries. On a 7-9, heal
1-harm and stabilise your injuries. On a miss, your
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from injuries worsen. GEAR
injury. Dark Negotiator: You can use the manipulate At the start of every scene you get to tick a total of 4
someone move on monsters as well as people, if boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any
Fortunate Doomed time:
they can reason and talk.
HARM Flight: You can fly.
Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor)
Shapeshifter: You may change your form (usually
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable. Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
into an animal). Decide if you have just one alternate
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) Grappling Hook Arcane Implements (charms..etc)
form or several, and detail them. You gain +1
Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
to investigate a scene when using an alternate
Healthy Dyeing Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
form’s superior senses (e.g. smell for a wolf, sight for
Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
an eagle).
Unstable Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
Something Borrowed: Take a move from a hunter
EXPERIENCE Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
playbook that is not currently in play.
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
tells you to, mark an experience box. Healing Potion (heal 2 or stabilize)
Antitoxin (3 uses) ……………………………………..
Experience: …………………………………………………………………………..

Made by u/qtrdm4life
When you have filled all seven experience boxes,
When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you can do your
• Vampire: Curse: feed (blood or life-force). Natural you will level up during downtime. Hold on to
introductions together.
attacks: Base: life-drain or Base: teeth; add +1 harm your level, erase the marks and start filling the
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Monstrous by
to base attack. Moves: immortal or unquenchable new boxes. At the end of the session pick an
name and look, and tell the group what they know about you.
vitality; mental domination. improvement from the following list:
• Werewolf: Curse: vulnerability (silver). Natural
attacks: Base: claws; Base: teeth. Moves: shapeshifter IMPROVEMENTS
(wolf and/or wolfman); claws of the beast or unholy
HISTORY Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
for each of the other hunters: Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
• Demon: Curse: pure drive (cruelty). Natural attacks:
• You lost control one time, and almost killed them. Ask them how they Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
Base: claws; +1 harm to claws. Moves: dark negotiator;
stopped you. of the above.
unquenchable vitality.
• They tried to slay you, but you proved you’re on the side of good. Ask Take another move from your playbook.
• Ghost: Curse: vulnerability (salt). Natural attacks:
them what convinced them. Take another move from your playbook.
Base: life-drain; +1 harm to base. Moves: incorporeal; Gain a haven, like the Scholar has, with two
• You are romantically obsessed with them. Ask them if they know, and if
flight. options.
they reciprocate.
Recover a Destiny point.
CURSES, PICK ONE: • Close relations, or a distant descendant. Tell them which.
Recover a Destiny point.
Feed: You must subsist on living humans—it might take • You saved them from another of your kind, and prevented reprisals Take a natural attacks pick.
the form of blood, brains, or spiritual essence but it must against that individual creature (maybe it’s another good one, or maybe Take a move from another playbook.
be from people. You need to act under pressure to resist it has a hold over you). Take a move from another playbook.
feeding whenever a perfect opportunity presents itself. • They are tied to your curse or origin. Tell them how.
Vulnerability: Pick a substance. You suffer +1 harm when • You fought together against the odds, and prevailed. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
you suffer harm from it. If you are bound or surrounded by • They saved you from another hunter who was prepared to kill you. Ask for advanced improvements in addition to these.
it, you must act under pressure to use your powers. them what happened. They’re below
Pure Drive: One emotion rules you. Pick from: hunger, ADVANCED IMPROVEMENTS
hate, anger, fear, jealousy, greed, joy, pride, envy, lust, or
cruelty. Whenever you have a chance to indulge that RELATIONS Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
Take another move from your playbook.
emotion, you must do so immediately, or act under …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Take another move from another playbook.
pressure to resist. ………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Requires the above improvement)
Dark Master: You have an evil lord who doesn’t know you ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
changed sides. They still give you orders, and they do not
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Mark another two of the basic moves as
tolerate refusal. Or failure.
………………………………………………………………………………………………… Advanced.
Retire this hunter to safety.
Change this hunter to a new type.
WEALTH ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Free yourself from the curse of your kind. Your curse
………………………………………………………………………………………………… no longer applies, but you lose 1 Soul.
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keeper will tell you how many boxes you mark. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When you reach the next tier, erase the boxes and …………………………………………………………………………………………………
start again.
-1 0 1 2 3 ………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Made by u/qtrdm4life
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 Slippery Bastard: When you suffer harm, you
The Scoundrel may take up to -3 forward to your next move to reduce the harm
by the same amount. You are dazed,
The priceless artifact was delivered to be auctioned BACKGROUND shocked or otherwise in a bad position. You may not use
to the highest bidder, but what was revealed was You worked a less-than-legal job before you became a this move until you have regained your senses/footing.
nothing more than a smiling stuffed doll. monster hunter. What did you do? Deal with the Devil: You sold your soul to the Devil.
Pick one or two things you got out of the deal: Wealth (+3),
CUNNING Manipulate Someone Thug. You can roll +Battle instead of +Cunning to fame, youth, sensual gratification, skill (add +1 to
Distract, Mislead or manipulate someone with threats of violence. two ratings). Payment is due either when you die, in
Trick Burglar. When you break into a secure location, six months (if you picked two things) or otherwise
roll +Knowledge. On a 10+ pick three, on a 7-9 pick in a year.
COMPOSURE Act Under Pressure
Help Out
two: you get in undetected, you get out undetected, you Friends in the Order: Once per hunt, when you are faced
don’t leave a mess, you find what you were after. with trouble and was confronted by a constable or an agent of
Swindler. When you distract, mislead or trick the church, you may declare that you know them and that they
Investigate a Scene someone, treat your roll as a 10+ but you cannot choose owe you a favour. The MC will ensure that they will look the
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area to “avoid further entanglement or putting someone in
danger” someone will pay, but it won’t be you.
other way or even help you with your current situation.
Recall a Fact Leave it!: Whenever you roll a 7-9 to act under pressure to
Assassin. When you take your first shot at an do a daring action such as running, leaping, balancing or
unsuspecting target, deal +2 harm. dodging you may choose to tick 1 gear item to lose instead of the
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone
Charlatan. When you want to fool people to think
you are using magic or performing miracles, roll
consequences given to you by the Keeper. You cannot use this
move if you are out of gear.
+Cunning. On a 10+ choose 2 on a 7-9 choose 1: Out of Sight Out of Mind: People hide from danger, but you
● You have their full and undivided attention. vanish. When you go out of sight from your enemies, you
SOUL ___________ ● You draw a large and interested crowd. truly disappear from their minds, They will not give chase and
● You instill fear, admiration, or both in those that They’ll forget your name and looks but not the incident.
watch. I have it, but not here: When you attempt to afford
Advanced? ● They listen to your council no matter how ludicrous something you can’t afford, you may treat your Wealth
or preposterous it may sound. score as +3 and make the roll. Regardless of the outcome, the
On a miss you attract the attention of the wrong people. other party will find out that you double-crossed them sooner
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from
Invisible Hand. When you leave an area or a scene, or later.
declare something small and pocketable that no one was Notorious: You have a reputation from your criminal
Fortunate Doomed holding in their hands. You took it. past. When you reveal who you are, your terrifying reputation
causes normal people and those with weak will to do what you
HARM MOVES ask. You also gain +1 to manipulate someone against others
You get all the basic moves, and two Scoundrel moves: with stronger will. Revealing your identity to someone can
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable.
create other problems later, of course.
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) Artifact: You ‘found’ a magical artifact with handy
powers, and kept it. Pick one: Protective amulet
Healthy Dyeing (1-armour magic recharge), Lucky charm (may be
used as a Destiny point, once only), Skeleton
Unstable key (opens any magically sealed lock), Imp stone
EXPERIENCE (A weak demon is bound to serve the holder. The imp
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move Can be summoned once per hunt).
tells you to, mark an experience box.

Made by u/qtrdm4life
UNDERWORLD When you have filled all seven experience boxes,
At the start of every mystery you get to tick a total of
you will level up during downtime. Hold on to
4 boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any Pick how you discovered about the real underworld.
your level, erase the marks and start filling the
time: Keep this in mind when you select your moves in the next
section, so that everything fits together. new boxes. At the end of the session pick an
Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor) improvement from the following list:
The target of a job was a dangerous creature. Pick
Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
Grappling Hook Arcane Implements
one: vampire, werewolf, troll, cyclops. IMPROVEMENTS
You worked with someone who was more than they Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
seemed. Pick one: sorcerer, demon, geist, necro-alchemist. Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
You were hired by a strange power. Pick one: Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
immortal, god, outsider, witch. Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) (requires one
Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
Things went south on a job—including, but not of the above)
Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
limited to, running into (choose one): a horde of Take another move from your playbook.
Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
demons, a hunger of ghouls, a dream-eater, a salamander. Take another move from your playbook.
Healing Potion (heal 2) Antitoxin (3 uses)
Gain the artifact move or a second artifact if you
……………………………….. ………………………………….
already have it.
INTRODUCTIONS Recover a Destiny point.
Recover a Destiny point.
ENEMIES When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you Gain an ally.
can do your introductions together. Take a move from another playbook.
You didn’t get here without making enemies. Pick at least
two of these and name the people involved:
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your Take a move from another playbook.
An investigator, has made it a personal goal to put you Crooked by name and look, and tell the group what they
After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
away. know about you.
for advanced improvements in addition to these.
You have a rival from your background who never
HISTORY They’re below
misses a chance to make things difficult for you.
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one
You angered a well-connected criminal, and they’ll do ADVANCED IMPROVEMENTS
whatever they can to destroy you. for each of the other hunters: Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
Someone with special powers, a person or monster, • This hunter knows about your criminal past. Tell Take another move from your playbook.
who you took advantage of. Take another move from another playbook.
them what crimes they saw you commit.
An old partner you betrayed in the middle of a job. (requires one of the above)
• This hunter was there when you decided to give
Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
up the life and hunt monsters instead. Work out Mark another two of the basic moves as
together what happened. Advanced.
WEALTH • This hunter is your younger sibling or child (possibly Retire this hunter to safety.
adopted). You look out for them. Change this hunter to a new type.
Recover a stash of treasure from your old days.
• This hunter is a cousin or more distant relative.
Increase your Wealth score by +2 (Max +3).
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The MC • This hunter saved your life when a monster had the
will tell you how many boxes you mark. When you drop on you. Now you owe them one.
reach the next tier, erase the boxes and start again. • This hunter worked with you on a semi-legal or
illegal job. Work out what it was.
• This hunter is your moral compass. When you talk
-1 0 1 2 3 over things with them, their advice keeps you on the
straight and narrow.

Made by u/qtrdm4life
ASSIGN THESE NUMBERS TO YOUR RATINGS Lay On Hands: Your touch can heal injury and
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 disease. When you lay your hands on someone

The Sun-speaker hurt, roll +Composure. On a 10+, heal 2 harm or an

illness, plus they’re stabilized. On a 7-9, you can heal the
I speak for the sun my son. For those who harm or illness as on a 10+, but you take it into yourself.
You get all of the basic moves, plus three Sunspeaker moves.
On a miss, your aura causes them extra harm.
bring harm to my children shall be torn
Cast Out Evil: You may banish an unnatural
creature from your presence. Roll +Battle. On a 10+
Those Above: At the beginning of each
CUNNING Manipulate Someone hunt, roll +Soul. On a 10+, your Superiors ask
it is banished or returns to whatever tethers it. On a 7-9 it
takes a little while for the banishing to take effect—the
Distract, Mislead or you to do something simple. On a 7-9, they ask you
creature has time to make one or two actions. Either way,
Trick to do something complicated or difficult. In either
the banished creature is unharmed, and you have no
case, you get to ask them one of the questions from
control over where it goes. This move may be used on
COMPOSURE Act Under Pressure
Help Out
the investigate a scene move right now. On a
unnatural hunters (e.g. the Monstrous). On a miss,
miss, you are required to do something terrible. If
something is keeping it here.
you do not accomplish what they’ve ordered, you
Investigate a Scene cannot use this move again until you have made up
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area for your failure.
Recall a Fact Angel Wings: You can go instantly to anywhere Pick one divine weapon in addition to your gear:
you’ve visited before, or to a person you know well. Flaming sword (3-harm hand fire holy)
When you carry one or two people with you, roll Thunder hammer (3-harm hand stun holy)
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone
+Soul. On a 10+ you all go where you wanted. On
Razor whip (3-harm hand area messy holy)
a 7-9, you don’t quite manage it. Either you are all
Pair of magic swords (3-harm hand quick holy)
separated, or you all appear in the wrong place.
Silver Trident (3-harm hand/close silver holy)
What I Need, When I Need It: You may store any
SOUL ___________ small object you own, putting it into a magical space You also get divine armour (1-armour holy). It has a look
nobody can get to. You may retrieve anything you suited to your divine origin. (Does not stack with worn
stored at any time; it appears in your hand. armor).
Advanced? Smite: Your body and divine weapon always count
as a weakness against the monsters you fight. Your GEAR
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from unarmed attacks are 2-harm intimate hand messy. At the start of every hunt you get to tick a total of 4
injury. I am the Law: When you speak loudly and reveal your boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any
true nature as a Sunspeaker, roll +Cunning. On a 10+ time:
Fortunate Doomed your order affects warriors. On a 7-9 it affects minions. Pick
one of the options below, the MC cannot choose that option:
HARM • Attack you. Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor)
• Back away cautiously, then flee. Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable.
• Do what you say Grappling Hook Arcane Implements (charms..etc)
(Unstable injuries worsen with time)
On a 10+ you also take +1 forward against them. Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
Healthy Dyeing Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
Unstable Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
EXPERIENCE Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
“Monsters will not find protections under The Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move
Mists” -Micaila protector of pale palace Healing Potion (heal 2 or stabilize)
tells you to, mark an experience box.
Antitoxin (3 uses) ……………………………………..
Experience: She parts the clouds so sunlight can reach even …………………………………………………………………………..
the darkest lairs and duskiest tombs.

Made by u/qtrdm4life
You have been put on this mortal plane for a purpose. When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all seven experience boxes,
Pick one or come with one on your own: you will level up during downtime. Hold on to
can do your introductions together.
your level, erase the marks and start filling the
You are here to fight the schemes of an Adversary. Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your new boxes. At the end of the session pick an
The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide Sunspeaker by name and look, and tell the group what they improvement from the following list:
these hunters and prevent it from coming to pass. know about you.
The End of Days approaches. Your role is to guide
these hunters and ensure it comes to pass. Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
You have been exiled. You must work for the cause of HISTORY Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Good without drawing attention from your brothers
Go around the group again. When it’s your turn, pick one Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
and sisters, as they are bound to execute you for your of the above.
for each of the other hunters:
crimes. Take another move from your playbook.
One of the other hunters has a crucial role to play
• If you are protecting another hunter as your mission,
Take another move from your playbook.
in events to come. You must prepare them for their tell them this: You have a crucial role in what is to Get +1 t0 any rating (max 2) requires one
role, and protect them at any cost. come. I am here to guide and defend you. of the above.
…………………………………………………………………………… • They should not be involved in this situation: the Recover a Destiny point.
…………………………………………………………………………… prophecies didn’t mention them at all. This gets your Recover a Destiny point.
…………………………………………………………………………… Gain a lesser divine being as an ally, sent from above
attention but you don’t know what it means yet.
………………………………………………………………………….. to help with your mission.
• They are, at heart, a good and righteous person. You Take a move from another playbook.
must help them stay that way. Take a move from another playbook.
OTHER PLAYBOOKS MOVES • They are an abomination, and should be destroyed. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
………………………………………………………………………… Except you can’t–work out with them why not. for advanced improvements in addition to these.
• Their prayer (perhaps an informal or even unconscious They’re below
………………………………………………………………………… prayer) summoned you.
………………………………………………………………………… • They saved your life, and you understand (intellectually Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
………………………………………………………………………… at least) that you owe them for it. Take another move from your playbook.
• They’re the person you go to for advice on mortal Take another move from another playbook.
affairs (e.g, food, manners, entertainment, etc). (Requires the above improvement)
………………………………………………………………………… Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
………………………………………………………………………… Mark another two of the basic moves as
………………………………………………………………………… LESSER DIVINE BEING advanced.
………………………………………………………………………… Retire this hunter to safety.
………………………………………………………………………………………… Change this hunter to a new type.
………………………………………………………………………………………… Change your mission. Select a different mission
………………………………………………………………………………………… from the normal options, or (with the MC’s
WEALTH ………………………………………………………………………………………… agreement) a new mission of your creation.
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The MC …………………………………………………………………………………………
will tell you how many boxes you mark. When you …………………………………………………………………………………………
reach the next tier, erase the boxes and start again. …………………………………………………………………………………………

-1 0 1 2 3
Made by u/qtrdm4life
ASSIGN THESE NUMBERS TO YOUR RATINGS Tools of Vengeance: With your signature
+2, +1, +1, +0, -1 weapon (see gear below), you get +1 to wade into
The Tormented battle.
Monsters took everything from me but they
You get all of the basic moves, plus three Tormented moves.
made one blunder … they left me alive. SPECIAL GEAR
You get this one:
Pick one signature weapon. You have a set of protective
I Know my Prey: You get +1 ongoing when knowingly armor, suited to your look, worth 1-armour. (Both don’t

CUNNING Manipulate Someone investigating, pursuing or fighting the breed of count against your gear).
If you want, you may have a horse or a draft horse and
Distract, Mislead or monster that caused your loss.
Trick a carriage.
Then pick two of these: You may only have one signature weapon. Switching

COMPOSURE Act Under Pressure

Help Out Berserk: No matter how much harm you take, you
your signature weapon should be significantly challenging,
the Keeper will tell you what sort of requirements are
can always keep going until the current fight is over. needed before you make the change
During a fight, the Keeper may not use harm moves
Investigate a Scene on you and you cannot die. When the fight ends, all Signature Weapon pick one:
KNOWLEDGE Survey the Area harm takes effect as normal. Tw0-handed Sword, Greataxe (3 harm hand messy
Recall a Fact NOT ON MY WATCH: In combat, you may choose to
protect someone without rolling, as if you had
Curved Dagger (2-harm hand quiet)
rolled a 10+, but you may not choose to “suffer little
BATTLE Wade into Battle
Protect Someone
Heavy Crossbow (3-harm close heavy reload)
Specialist weapons for destroying your foes (e.g.
Vengeful: If you have suffered harm
wooden stakes and mallet for vampires, silver dagger
in a fight, you gain +1 ongoing until the fight is over.
for werewolves, etc.). 4-harm against the specific
Fervor: When you manipulate someone, roll
SOUL ___________ +Battle instead of +Cunning.
creatures it targets, 1-harm otherwise, and other
Armor Improvements: You have learned simple yet tags by agreement with the Keeper.
effective methods to improve any worn protection, giving Enchanted Sword (2-harm hand magic)
DESTINY you +1 armor (maximum 2-armor).
Survival Techniques: You’ve learned to apply effective
Mark destiny to change a roll to 12 or avoid all harm from and quick yet potentially dangerous treatment techniques
At the start of every mystery you get to tick a total of
injury. When you attend to someone’s wounds in a hurry
4 boxes+Wealth (minimum 3). You may do so at any
(including yourself), roll +Composure. On a 10+ it
Fortunate Doomed time:
counts as normal injury treatment, plus stabilize the injury
and heal 1 harm. On a 7-9 it counts as normal injury
HARM Leather armor, Gambeson … etc (1 armor)
treatment, plus one of these, your choice:
Burglary tools Torch (3 uses) Rope
When you reach 6 or more, mark unstable. • Stabilise the injury but the patient takes -1 Grappling Hook Arcane Implements
(Unstable injuries worsen with time) forward. Rations (5 uses) Blade (1 harm, hand, concealable)
• Heal 1-harm and stabilise for now, but it will Throwing Knives (1 harm, close, quiet)
Healthy Dyeing
return as 2-harm and become unstable again Crossbow (2 harm, close, reload)
later. Sword, Axe (2 harm, hand, messy) Manacles
Unstable Ink, Quill and parchments Coin Purse (Bribe?)
• Heal 1-harm and stabilise but the patient takes
-1 ongoing until it’s fixed properly. Bandages (heal 1, slow, 3 uses)
Whenever you roll and get a total of 6 or less, or when a move Healing Potion (heal 2) Antitoxin (3 uses)
tells you to, mark an experience box. ……………………………….. ………………………………….
As monsters attacks increase, brutal weapons not seen
Experience: since the age of myth have been dusted off and put to ……………………………………………………………………….

Made by u/qtrdm4life
Who did you lose? Pick one or more: When you get here, wait for everyone to catch up so you When you have filled all seven experience boxes,
you will level up during downtime. Hold on to
Your parents(s): …………………………………………. can do your introductions together.
your level, erase the marks and start filling the
Your sibling(s): …………………………………………..
Go around the group. On your turn, introduce your new boxes. At the end of the session pick an
Tormented by name and look, and tell the group what they improvement from the following list:
Your spouse/lover: …………………………………………..
know about you.
Your child(ren): ………………………………………….. IMPROVEMENTS
Your dear friend: ………………………………………….. Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
Go around the group again. On your turn, pick one of Get +1 to any rating (max 2).
WHAT DID IT? these for each other hunter: Get +1 t0 any rating (max 3) requires one
With the Keeper’s agreement, pick the monster breed. • They helped you at a critical point in your quest for of the above.
Take another move from your playbook.
Prey: ………………………………………………………………… revenge. Tell them what you needed help with.
Take another move from your playbook.
• They stood between you and what you needed to Gain a haven, like the Scholar has, with two options
Why couldn’t you save them? You were (pick one or
find out. Ask them why. Recover a Destiny point.
• They also lost a friend or relative to these monsters. Recover a Destiny point.
Ask them who it was. Add one more option to your haven.
At fault Slow Take a move from another playbook.
Selfish Scared • Relations, close or distant. Tell them exactly what.
Take a move from another playbook.
Injured In denial • You saved their life, back when they were a fledgeling hunter.
Weak Complicit Ask them what you saved them from. After you have leveled up five times, you qualify
for advanced improvements in addition to these.
• You respect their hard-earned knowledge, and often
They’re below
come to them for advice.
• They showed you the ropes when you were learning
…………………………………………………………………………… Get +1 to any rating (max 3).
how to fight.
…………………………………………………………………………… Take another move from your playbook.
• They saw you explode into a monstrous rage and go berserk. Take another move from another playbook.
Tell them what the situation was, and ask them how much (Requires the above improvement)
collateral damage you caused. Mark two of the basic moves as advanced.
…………………………………………………………………………… Mark another two of the basic moves as
…………………………………………………………………………… OTHER PLAYBOOKS MOVES Advanced.
…………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Retire this hunter to safety.
…………………………………………………………………………… Change this hunter to a new type.
You track down the specific monster(s) responsible
…………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… for your loss. The Keeper must make the next
………………………………………………………………………………………………… mystery about them.

WEALTH ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Change the target of your vengeful rage. Pick a new
monster breed: I know my prey now applies to them
When you receive payment or sell valuables, The …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Keeper will tell you how many boxes you mark. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
When you reach the next tier, erase the boxes and
start again.
-1 0 1 2 3
Made by u/qtrdm4life

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