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Letters & Sounds 300 High Frequency Words (HFW) & Tricky Words

Organised by Sound / Spelling Pattern & Week Number

This document aligns with the Letters and Sounds synthetic phonics program sequence of 300 high frequency and tricky words.

Rather than teaching just one of these words in isolation on the specified week, all words have been grouped by sound / spelling
pattern to help beginning readers orthographically map them in the way that research supports how the brain learns to read – by
linking the sounds and pronunciation of words to the letters that represent them. The majority of high frequency words (HFW) are
decodable once students have been taught the sound/s the letter/s represent.
Beginning readers require the exact same approach when learning to read “tricky words”.


Symbol Definition
HFW One of the 300 most commonly used words according to the list used in the Letters and Sounds program. These
words may contain both regular and irregular spellings for sounds. These words should be included / focussed on in
every lesson for that week (both reading + spelling)
Tricky Word A word that contains sounds / spellings not yet taught (i.e. learning ahead of the phonics sequence) OR contain an
irregular spelling for part of the word (considered the “tricky part”).
See explicit teaching script for guidance on how to teach these words
* No other HFW/tricky words with same spelling for the sound so add these on to the list to help beginning readers
learn the spelling pattern
* HFW and only word in English with this spelling that represents the sound
* Requires explicit teaching of a morphological component – e.g. ed / s / ing
An effective way to approach ALL tricky words is as follows, using the word “my” as the example.
(This script can be used to teach ALL tricky words)

Step 1: Explain the principle/s of synthetic phonics in an easy to understand way that is relevant for the tricky word you are about to teach.
For the word “my”, the one highlighted in red is applicable.

 Letters are symbols which are used to represent the sounds in our speech
 Did you know that we have 44 sounds in our English language, but only 26 letters to represent them all?
 Our speech sounds can be represented by one, two, three or four letters together (e.g. dog, chip, were, through)
 The same speech sound can be represented by different letter/s (spellings) (e.g. be, beak, beep)
 The same letter/s (spellings) can represent more than one sound (e.g. book, soon)

Step 2: Today I am going to teach you a word where this letter (point to ‘y’) is representing a different sound.

Step 3: Write the word ‘my’ on the board / whiteboard for student to see (using sound buttons under each letter / lines for sounds represented by more than
one letter together)

Step 4: Ask student what the first sound is - /m/, yes it is /m/

Step 5: Now in this word, the letter ‘y’ is representing the /ie/ sound. I want you to say /ie/ here (point to letter’ y’)

Step 6: Now let’s all say these sounds and read the word together /m//ie/ = my. That’s right, this word says ‘my’. Provide example of word in a sentence e.g. My
name is XX

Step 7: Have students read and spell the word multiple times

Step 8: I’m going to show you some other words where this letter (point to ‘y’) also is representing the /ie/ sound

Step 9: Repeat the process from Steps 3 to 7 for the words by, fly, sky, *why (*note ‘why’ will also need an explanation that the letters ‘wh’ are representing
the /w/ sound)

Step 10:. Have students spell all of the words and read all of the words.

Step 11: Reiterate “now what sound is this letter representing in these words? Yes, that’s right! In these words the letter ‘y’ is representing the /ie/ sound. We
have to remember to say /ie/ when reading these words, and when spelling them use the letter ‘y’.


Phase 2
Week Sounds / HFW List Tricky Word List
Spellings (Focus on reading and spelling these repeatedly
Taught once new sound/s have been taught)
1 s,a,t,p, a, as, at, sat,
2 i, n,m,d is, it, in, its, it’s, am, an, and, dad, did, man,
3 g,o,c,k on, got, not, can, cat, dog, top
4 ck, e,u, r us, up, get, mum, ran, red, run, end, sun to – do, into who
the – he, we, me, be, she
5 h,b, f/ff, ss, l/ll had, his, him, has, hot, hat, bad, bed, big, but, no - go, so, don’t, most
back, duck, of, off, if, let, old, us, fun, eggs, tell, I – I’m, I’ll
fell, miss, *hiss, *kiss

6 Revise all Revise all HFW Revise all tricky words


Note (as per Letters & Sounds Manual):

 The indefinite article ‘a’ is normally pronounced as a schwa, but this is close enough to the /a/ sound to be
 The sounds represented by the letter ‘f’ in of, and by the letter ‘s’ in as, is, has and his should also not cause
problems at this stage, especially as children will not learn the letters v and z until several weeks later. Note
that /f/ is articulated in the same way as /v/, and /s/ as /z/, apart from the fact that /f/ and /s/ are
unvoiced and /v/ and /z/ are voiced.
Phase 2
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 4 Week 5 Week 5
HFW HFW HFW HFW Tricky Words HFW Tricky Words
a is on us to had no
as it got up do him go
at in not get who his so
sat am can mum into has most
an cat ran hot don’t
its dog red the hat
it’s top end he bad I
and run we bed I’m
dad sun me big I’ll
did be but
man she of
Phase 3
Week Sounds / Spellings Taught HFW List Tricky Word List
(Focus on reading and spelling these repeatedly once new
sound/spellings have been taught)
1 j, v, w, x /w/ will, well, *wet, *win
/x/ fox, box, *mix, *fix, *six
2 y, z/zz, qu /y/ yes, *yet, *yap, *yum
3 sh, ch, ng, th /sh/ fish, wish, *dish, *ship, *rush she – he, we, me, be, he’s, the (revisit
/ch/ much, *such, *chin, *chip, *chat these again now that /sh/ has been
/ng/ long, king, thing, *ring, *sing taught + he’s*)
/th/ that, this, then, them, with, than,
*going – no, go, so, most, don’t (revisit
these now that /ng/ has been taught and
‘going’ can be added)
4 ai, ee, igh, oa /ee/ see, tree, been, need, keep, feet, three, queen, was, want, what, *swap, *wash
/igh/ right, night, *sight, *light, *tight
/oa/ boat, *goat, *coat, *road, *soap
5 oi, oo, oo, ow /oo/ look, good, took, book, *looking my, by, why, fly,
/oo/ too, food, soon, room,
/ow/ now, how, down, town,
6 ar,or, ur, air /ar/ car, park, dark, hard, garden you, *soup, *youth, *group
/or/ or, for, *fork, *born, morning
air/ air, *fair, *hair, *pair, *chair,
7 er, air, ear, ure /er/ under, never, better, ever, over, different her, *herb, *fern, *kerb, *germ

they, *hey, *grey, *prey

8 Revise all sounds / spellings Revise all HFW all, small, water, *ball, *fall, *wall, *tall,

are *
9-12 Revise all sounds / spellings Revise all HFW Revise all tricky words
Phase 3

Week Week Week Week 3 Week Week 4 Week 5 Week Week Week Week Week
1 2 3 Tricky 4 Tricky HFW 5 6 6 7 8
HFW HFW HFW HFW Tricky HFW Tricky Tricky Tricky
will yes fish she see was look my car you her all
well *yet wish he tree want good by park *soup *herb small
*wet *yum *dish he’s been what took why dark *youth *fern water
*win *yap *ship we need *swap book fly hard *group *kerb *ball
*rush me keep *wash *looking garden *germ *fall
fox be feet air *wall
box much the three or *fair *tall
*mix *such queen too for *hair *call
*fix *chin go food *fork *pair
*six *chip no right soon *born *chair they
*chat so night room morning *hey *are
most *sight *grey
long don’t *light now *prey
king *going *tight how
thing down
*ring boat town
*sing *goat
that *road
this *soap
Phase 4

Week Sounds / HFW List Tricky Word List

Spellings Taught (Focus on reading and
spelling these repeatedly
once new sound/spellings
have been taught)
1 -VCC words went, just, help, must, next, said, again, *against
lots, told, looks, think, cold,
wind, best, things, that’s,
children, didn’t,
2 CCV- words from, gran, stop, sleep, have – I’ve, live, *give,
green, trees, still,
like, inside, white, time

some – come, coming, something *love,

*none, *done
3 CCVCC words plants, grandad were *

there – where, there’s, *where’s, we’re

little - *kettle, *bottle, *battle, *puddle

one *

4 CCCVC / when – which, *whip, *whack,

CCCVCC words
out – our, about, round, around, found
Phase 4

Week 1 HFW Week 1 Week 2 Week 2 Week 3 Week 3 Week 4 Tricky

Tricky HFW Tricky HFW Tricky
went said from have plants *were when
just again gran I’ve grandad which
must *against stop live there *whip
help sleep *give where *whack
next green there’s
lots trees *where’s out
told still like we’re our
looks liked about
think inside little round
cold white *kettle around
wind time *bottle found
best *battle
things some *puddle
that’s come
children something *one
didn’t coming
mother they
other *hey
*love *prey
*done *grey
Phase 5
Week Sounds / Spellings Taught HFW List Tricky Word List
(Focus on reading and spelling these repeatedly once
new sound/spellings have been taught)
1 ou, ea, ie, ir /ou/ about, our, round, shouted, around, found oh – *soh, *doh
/ea/ eat, sea, each, tea, please – (teach this with other /ea/ HFW –
/ie/ cried, *tried, *pie, *tie, *dried, see column to the left)
/ir/ first, girl, birds, *bird, *dirt, *stir their - *heir

2 oy, ay, ey, aw, ue /ay/ day, away, play, way, may, say people *
/aw/ saw, *paw, *raw, *yawn, *straw Mr -*
/ey/ key, *joey,*donkey, *hockey, *jockey Mrs - *

3 wh, ph, ew, oe, au /ew/ new, *flew, *chew, *drew, /t/ *looked, , *jumped, *stopped, , *liked
/d/ *called, *enjoyed, *amazed
/id/ *shouted, *wanted, *needed
4 a-e, e-e, i-e, o-e, u-e, /zh/ /a_e/ made, came, make, take, gave, *asked – *ask, *task, *mask, *flask,
/e_e/ these, *eve, *theme, *meme, *gene could – would, couldn’t, *should, *shouldn’t,
/o_e/ home, clothes, *bone, *hope, *nose, *rope, *wouldn’t
/u_e/ use, *tube, *rude, *tune, *cube
5 Same spelling / different sound c– thought – *bought, *sought, *ought, *fought
c, g, ch, y g – magic, giant, *gem, *gel, *gent, through *
ch – water – already taught in Phase 3
y- where – already taught Phase 4
who – already taught Phase 2
again – already taught Phase 4
6 Same spelling / different sound a –last, after, can’t, fast, *past work – *word, *worm, *world, *worst
a, e, i, o, u -along, another, animals, *ago,*across mouse – house, *found, *cloud,*loud
e –even, began (+ review with he, she, we, me, be) many - any, very, baby, floppy, really, every,
i – find, *mind, *kind, *wild, *hi, suddenly, everyone
o –only, (+ review with no, go, so, most, don’t, going) *laughed - *aunt, *draught, *laugh
- dragon, because – *vault, *fault, *assault, *Australia
u – put, pull, *pulled, *full, *bull, *push, put - pull, *pulled, *full, *bull, *push

7 Same spelling / different sound ea – head, *deaf, *bread, *read, *tread eyes - *
ea, ie, er, ow, ou, ey - great, *break, *steak, friends - *
ie - once - *
er -
ow – snow, grow, window, *show, *blow
ou -
ey -
Phase 5
Week 1 Week Week 2 Week 2 Week 3 Week 3 Week 4 Week 4 Week 5 Week 5 Week 6 Week 6 Week 7 Week 7
HFW 1 HFW Tricky HFW Tricky HFW Tricky HFW Tricky HFW Tricky HFW Tricky
about oh day *people new looked made *asked magic thought last work head *eyes
our *doh away *flew jumped came *ask giant *bought after *word *deaf
round *soh play *Mr *chew stopped make *task *gem *sought cant *worm *bread *friends
shouted say *drew liked take *mask *gel *ought fast *world *read
around their may *Mrs called gave *flask *gent *fought *past *worst *tread *once
found *heir way shouted
wanted these could *through along mouse
eat saw *eve would another house great
sea *paw *theme *should animals *found *break
each *raw *meme couldn’t *ago *cloud *steak
tea *yawn *gene *wouldn’t *across *loud
please *straw *shouldn’t snow
home even many grow
cried key clothes began any window
*tried *joey *bone he baby *show
*pie *donkey *hope we very *blow
*tie *hockey *nose me floppy
*dried *jockey *rope be really
she every
first use suddenly
girl *tube find everyone
*bird *rude *mind
birds *tune *kind *laugh
*dirt *cube *wild *laughed
*stir *hi *aunt
no because
go *vault
so *fault
most *assault
don’t *Australia

Phase 5
Week Sounds / Spellings Taught HFW List Tricky Word List
(Focus on reading and spelling these repeatedly once new
sound/spellings have been taught)
8-30 Alternative Spellings of
Single Consonant Sounds
/k/ -ch school, *chemist, *chord, *echo
/f/ -gh *laughed - *draught, *laugh, *cough, *rough, *enough
/m/ -me some, come, something
/n/ -ne gone, *none, *done, *scone
-kn know, *knit, *knot, *knock, *knelt
/s/ -se horse, mouse, *house, *nurse
-c place, *face, *race, *space
-ss across, *floss, *boss, *kiss, *mess
-ce once, *chance, *fence, *dance, *since
/b/ - bb rabbit, *rubbish, *bubble, *nibble, *gobble
/l/ -le little, *kettle, *bottle, *battle, *puddle, *bubble
/t/ - tw *two, *twin, *twenty, *twelve,
Alternative Spellings of
Consonant Digraph Sounds
Phase 5
Week Sounds / Spellings Taught HFW List Tricky Word List
(Focus on reading and spelling these repeatedly once
new sound/spellings have been taught)
8-30 Alternative Spellings of
Long Vowel Sounds
/oi/ oy - boy, *toy,*joy, *enjoy, *annoy
Alternative Spellings of
Short Vowel Sounds
Alternative Spellings of
R-Controlled Vowel Sounds
/air/ ear - bear, *wear, *tear, *pear, *swear
/ear/ ere - here, *mere, *adhere, *severe, *sincere
/or/ ore - more, before, *chore, *snore, *shore
our – your, *four, *court, *pour, *mourn
oor – door, *floor, *poor, *moor
or - narrator, or, for, fork, , born, morning
Phase 5 – Weeks 8 to 30
Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Spellings Alternative
Spellings of Single Spellings of Single Spellings of Single Spellings of Single Spellings of Single of Single Consonant Spellings of Single
Consonant Sounds Consonant Sounds Consonant Sounds Consonant Sounds Consonant Sounds Sounds Consonant Sounds
/k/ /f/ /m/ /n/ /s/ /b/ /l/
school *laughed some gone horse rabbit little
chemist *draught come *none mouse *rubbish *kettle
chord *laugh something *done *house *bubble *bottle
echo *cough *scone *nurse *nibble *battle
*rough *gobble *puddle
*enough know place *bubble
*knot *face
*knit *race
*knock *space

Phase 5 – Weeks 8 to 30
Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative
Spellings of Spellings of Spellings of Spellings of
Long Vowel R-Controlled R-Controlled R-Controlled
Sounds Vowel Sounds Vowel Sounds Vowel Sounds
/air/ /ear/ /or/
boy bear here more
*toy *wear *mere before
*joy *tear *adhere *chore
*enjoy *pear *severe *snore
*annoy *swear *sincere *shore



Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 2: Week 4) (Phase 2: Week 4) (Phase 2: Week 5) (Phase 2: Week 5)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘o’ words. These words have the letter ‘e’ words. These words have the letter ‘o’ words. These words have the letter ‘i’
representing the sound /oo/ - like in the representing the sound /ee/ - like in the representing the sound /oa/ - like in the representing the sound /ie/ - like in the
word boot. You can support me by word tree. You can support me by reminding word pie. You can support me by reminding
me to say the /ee/ sound when I get to the word boat. You can support me by me to say the /ie/ sound when I get to the
reminding me to say the /oo/ sound when I reminding me to say the /oa/ sound when I
get to the letter ‘o’. Remind me to “say letter ‘e’. Remind me to “say each of the letter ‘i’. Remind me to “say each of the
sounds then blend them together to read get to the letter ‘o’. Remind me to “say sounds then blend them together to read
each of the sounds then blend them each of the sounds then blend them the words”. You can help me understand
together to read the words”. You can help the words”. You can help me understand
these words by using them in a sentence together to read the words”. You can help these words by using them in a sentence
me understand these words by using them in and then getting me to spell them. Note: me understand these words by using them in and then getting me to spell them. Note:
a sentence and then getting me to spell Please remind me that in the word the we a sentence and then getting me to spell Please remind me that in the word I’ll there
them. Note: Please remind me that in the can say it like th-ee or th-uh. I am learning them. is two ‘l’ letters but it represents just one
word who the letters ‘wh’ represent the it like th-ee so I can remember the spelling sound /l/ that I need to say.
/h/ sound. pattern.

to he I
do go I’m
into me
don’t I’ll
who most
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 3: Week 2) (Phase 3: Week 3) (Phase 3: Week 3) (Phase 3: Week 4)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘e’ words. These words have the letter ‘e’ words. These words have the letter ‘o’ words. These words have the letter ‘ a’
representing the sound /ee/ - like in the representing the sound /ee/ - like in the representing the sound /oa/ - like in the representing the sound /o/ - like in the word
word tree. You can support me by reminding word tree. You can support me by reminding word boat. You can support me by hot. You can support me by reminding me to
me to say the /ee/ sound when I get to the me to say the /ee/ sound when I get to the reminding me to say the /oa/ sound when I say the /o/ sound when I get to the letter
letter ‘e’. Remind me to “say each of the letter ‘e’. Remind me to “say each of the get to the letter ‘o’. Remind me to “say ‘ a’ . Remind me to “say each of the sounds
sounds then blend them together to read each of the sounds then blend them then blend them together to read the
sounds then blend them together to read words”. You can help me understand these
the words”. You can help me understand the words”. You can help me understand together to read the words”. You can help words by using them in a sentence and then
these words by using them in a sentence these words by using them in a sentence me understand these words by using them in getting me to spell them.
and then getting me to spell them. Note: and then getting me to spell them. Note: a sentence and then getting me to spell
Please remind me that in the word the we Please remind me that in the word the we them.
can say it like th-ee or th-uh. I am learning can say it like th-ee or th-uh. I am learning
it like th-ee so I can remember the spelling
pattern. it like th-ee so I can remember the spelling
she we
be go
be me so
we he most
he’s wash
me going
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 3: Week 5) (Phase 3: Week6) (Phase 3: Week7) (Phase 3: Week7)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘y’ words. These words have the letters ‘ou’ words. These words have the letters ‘er’ words. These words have the letters ‘ey’
representing the sound /ie/ - like in the representing the sound /oo/ - like in the representing the sound /ir/ - like in the representing the sound /ay/ - like in the
word pie. You can support me by word boot. You can support me by word bird. You can support me by word hay. You can support me by
reminding me to say the /ie/ sound when reminding me to say the /oo/ sound when reminding me to say the /er/ sound when reminding me to say the /ay/ sound when
I get to the letter ‘y’. Remind me to I get to the letters ‘ou’. Remind me to I get to the letters ‘er’. Remind me to I get to the letters ‘ey’. Remind me to
“say each of the sounds then blend them “say each of the sounds then blend them “say each of the sounds then blend them “say each of the sounds then blend them
together to read the words”. You can together to read the words”. You can together to read the words”. You can together to read the words”. You can
help me understand these words by using help me understand these words by using help me understand these words by using help me understand these words by using
them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to
spell them. Note: Please remind me that in spell them. spell them. spell them.
the word why the letters ‘wh’ represent
the /w/ sound.

you her
my they
soup grey
group hey
fly kerb
youth prey
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 3: Week8) (Phase 3: Week8) (Phase 4: Week1) (Phase 4: Week2)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letters ‘a’ word. This word has the letters ‘are’ words. These words have the letters ‘ai’ words. These words have the letters ‘ve’
representing the sound /or/ - like in the representing the sound /ar/. This is the representing the sound /e/ - like in the representing the sound /v/ - like in the
word for. You can support me by only word in our English language that is word bed. You can support me by word vet. You can support me by
reminding me to say the /or/ sound when spelt with the letters ‘are’ representing reminding me to say the /e/ sound when I reminding me to say the /v/ sound when I
I get to the letter ‘a’. Remind me to this sound. You can help me understand get to the letters ‘ai’. Remind me to get to the letters ‘ve’. Remind me to
“say each of the sounds then blend them this word by using it in a sentence and “say each of the sounds then blend them “say each of the sounds then blend them
then getting me to spell them.
together to read the words”. You can together to read the words”. You can together to read the words”. You can
help me understand these words by using help me understand these words by using help me understand these words by using
them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to
spell them. spell them. spell them.

all are
ball said
are have
wall are again live
tall are against give
small I’ve
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 4: Week2) (Phase 4: Week2) (Phase 4: Week3) (Phase 4: Week3)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letters ‘i-e’ words. These words have the letter ‘o’ word. This word has the letters ‘ere’ word. These words have the letters ‘ere’
representing the sound /ie/ - like in the representing the sound /u/ - like in the representing the sound /er/ - like in the representing the sound /air/ - like in the
word pie. You can support me by reminding word cut. You can support me by word her. This is the only word in our word chair. You can support me by
me to say the /ie/ sound when I get to the reminding me to say the /u/ sound when I English language that is spelt with the reminding me to say the /air/ sound when
letter ‘i’. I need to point to both the get to the letter ‘o’. Remind me to “say letters ‘ere’ representing the /er/ sound. I get to the letters ‘ere’. You can help
letters ‘i’ and ‘e’ together and say ‘ie’. each of the sounds then blend them You can help me understand this word by me understand these words by using
Remind me to “say each of the sounds then together to read the words”. You can using it in a sentence and then getting me them in a sentence and then getting me to
blend them together to read the words”. help me understand these words by using to spell them. spell them.
You can help me understand these words them in a sentence and then getting me to
by using them in a sentence and then spell them.
getting me to spell them.
some were
like come
coming were
time something
white done there’s
love were
inside none where’s
other were
mother we’re
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 4: Week3) (Phase 4: Week3) (Phase 4: Week4) (Phase 4: Week4)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letters ‘le’ word. This word has the letter ‘o’ words. These words have the letters words. These words have the letters ‘ou’
representing the sound /l/ - like in the representing two sounds /w+uh/ and the ‘wh’ representing the sound /w/ - like in representing the sound /ow/ - like in the
word let. You can support me by letters ‘ne’ representing the sound /n/. the word wig. You can support me by word cow. You can support me by
reminding me to say the /l/ sound when I You can support me by reminding me to reminding me to say the /w/ sound when reminding me to say the /ow/ sound when
get to the letters ‘le’. You can help me say /w-uh/ when I get to the letter ‘o’ I get to the letters ‘wh’. You can help I get to the letters ‘ou’. You can help
understand these words by using them in me understand these words by using me understand these words by using
a sentence and then getting me to spell and /n/ when I get to the letters ‘ne’. them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to
them. You can help me understand this word by spell them. spell them.
using it in a sentence and then getting me
to spell them.

little when out

one our
kettle which
one whip around
battle one whack found
pudd le
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 5: Week1) (Phase 5: Week1) (Phase 5: Week1) (Phase 5: Week2)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letters ‘oh’ words. These words have the letters ‘ea’ words. These words have the letters word. This word has the letters ‘eo’
representing the sound /oa/ - like in the representing the sound /ee/ - like in the ‘eir’ representing the sound /air/ - like in representing the sound /ee/ - like in the
word boat. You can support me by word tea. You can support me by the word fair. You can support me by word feet You can support me by
reminding me to say the /oa/ sound when reminding me to say the /ee/ sound when reminding me to say the /air/ sound when reminding me to say the /ee/ sound when
I get to the letters ‘oh’. You can help I get to the letters ‘ea’. You can help I get to the letters ‘eir’. You can help I get to the letters ‘eo’. You can help
me understand these words by using me understand these words by using me understand these words by using me understand this word by using it in a
them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to them in a sentence and then getting me to sentence and then getting me to spell
spell them. spell them. spell them. them.

oh eat their people

soh sea heir people
doh tea their people
oh each heir people
please their people
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase and Sounds
5: Week2) Letters
(Phase and Sounds
5: Week3) Letters
(Phase and Sounds
5: Week4) Letters
(Phase and Sounds
5: Week4)
(Phase Week5) Tricky5:Words
(Phase Week5) Tricky5:Words
(Phase Week6) Tricky5:Words
(Phase Week6)
words. Tricky
These wordsWords
I am learning to read the following tricky
are shorter ways words. Tricky
These words Words
I am learning to read the following tricky
are action words
I am learning to readWords
the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘a’
I am learning to read Words
the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘oul’
(abbreviations) of saying Mister and that
I am have already
learning to readhappened (e.g. intricky
the following the I am learning the
representing to read
following tricky
- like in the representing
I am learningthe soundthe/oo/
to read - like intricky
following the
I am learning
Youto read
can the followingmetricky
words. These
support by past) so they have ‘ed’ at the end
word. This word has the letters ‘ough’ of the word
words. car.
These You
havesupport me ‘or’
the letters by word
These You
wordscanhavesupport me ‘ou’by
reminding me towords have
say Mr the when
or Mrs lettersI the letters
read representing
words. the
You sound
can /or/
help- like
me word. There the
representing aresound
3 sounds like in‘ed’
/oo/ - that the reminding
representing me the
to say the/er/
sound /ar/-sound
like inwhen
the reminding
representingme the
to say the /ow/
sound /oo/ sound
- like inwhen
in the word these
understand fork. words
You canbysupport me by
using them in represents
word boot. /id/,You
/t/ or
can/d/.support me by Iword
get toherb.
the letters ‘a’. support
You can You can help
me me by Iword
get tocow.
the letters
You can ‘oul’. You can
support mehelpby
areminding me to(maybe
sentence say theeven
/or/ sound
using when
my reminding me to say the /oo/ sound when reminding methese
understand to say the by
words /er/using
sound when
them in me understand
reminding these
me to say the words by using
/ow/ sound when
teachers name)
I get to the and‘ough’.
letters then getting
You can mehelp
to These
I get towords have‘ough’.
the letters You can‘ed’
the letters help aI get
to theand then ‘or’.
letters gettingYoume can
to spell
help them
I get intoa the lettersand‘ou’.
sentence then getting
You canmehelp to
spell them.
me understand these words by using representing
me understandthethis/t/wordsound.
by usingYouit can
in a them .
me understand these words by using spell them.
me understand these words by using
them in a sentence. support by reminding me to say the them in a sentence. them in a sentence.
/t/ sound when I get to the letters ‘ed’.

Mr looked ask could

thought through
jumped work mouse
Mr stopped would
bought through
liked asked
word house
These words have the letters ‘ed’ should
Mr representing the sounds /i+ d/. You can
support me by reminding me to say /id/
when I get to the letters ‘ed’. task
sought through
wanted worm found
Mrs shouted
ought needed
through mask
world wouldn’t
Mrs These words have the letters ‘ed’
representing the sound /d/. You can
support me by reminding me to say /d/

when I get to the letters ‘ed’.
through flask
worst shouldn’t
Mrs called
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 5: Week6) (Phase 5: Week6) (Phase 5: Week6) (Phase 5: Week6)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
words. These words have the letter ‘y’ words. These words have the letters words. These words have the letters words. These words have the letter ‘u’
representing the sound /ee/ - like in the ‘au’ representing the sound /ar/ - like in ‘au’ representing the sound /o/ - like in representing the sound /oo/ - like in the
word bee. You can support me by the word car. Some of these words also the word not. You can support me by word book. You can support me by
reminding me to say the /ee/ sound when have the letters ‘gh’ representing the reminding me to say the /o/ sound when I reminding me to say the /oo/ sound when
I get to the letter ‘y’. You can help me sound /f/ - like in the word fish. You can get to the letters ‘au’. You can help me I get to the letter ‘u’. You can help me
understand these words by using them in support me by reminding me to say the understand these words by using them in understand these words by using them in
a sentence and then getting me to spell /ar/ and /f/ sound when I get to the a sentence and then getting me to spell a sentence and then getting me to spell
them. letters ‘au’ and ‘gh’. You can help me them. them.
understand these words by using them in
many a sentence and then getting me to spell
becau se
any lau gh pull
very lau gh ed vault
baby aunt fault bull
floppy drau ght
assault full
every Australia
Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds Letters and Sounds
(Phase 5: Week7) (Phase 5: Week7) (Phase 5: Week7)
Tricky Words Tricky Words Tricky Words
I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky I am learning to read the following tricky
word. This word has the letters ‘eye’ word. This word has the letters ‘ie’ word. This word has the letter ‘o’
representing the sound /ie/ - like in the representing the sound /e/ - like in the representing two sounds /w+uh/ and the
word pie. This is the only word in our word bed. This is the only word in our letters ‘ce’ representing the sound /s/.
English language that is spelt with the English language that is spelt with the You can support me by reminding me to
letters ‘eye’ representing the /ie/ sound. letters ‘ie’ representing the /e/ sound. say /w-uh/ when I get to the letter ‘o’
You can help me understand this word by You can help me understand this word by
using it in a sentence and then getting me and /s/ when I get to the letters ‘ce’.
using it in a sentence and then getting me
to spell it. to spell it. You can help me understand this word by
using it in a sentence and then getting me
to spell them.

eyes friends
eyes friends
eyes friends
eyes friends
eyes friends
eyes friends

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