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NZQA unit standard 15925 version 3 Page 1 of 3 Title Maintain quality records for roadmarking operations Level 3 Credits 4 Purpose This unit standard is designed for plant operators on roadmarking sites. People credited with this unit standard are able to maintain: materials records; process control records; and records of non- compliance Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to. roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate to the context for assessment against this unit standard Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at, 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate to the context for assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at, New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), www.nzta,; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C1, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 22, NZTA P 30, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T17, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from htm Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an ‘example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15925 version 3 Page 2 of 3 Zealand at items/acop-moshh. 3. The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard NZS 3910:2013: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction; NZS 3915:2005: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction (where no person is appointed to act as engineer to the contract); NZS 5433:2012: Transport of dangerous goods on land; available from 4 Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices. 5 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Contract specifications include plans, diagrams, and special technical conditions. They do not include special administrative conditions. Material supplier instructions may include specifications, storage, installation, handling, instructions for use, and Safety Data Sheets. Preventative plant and equipment maintenance refers to the programmed and routine calibration, cleaning, lubrication, inspection and part replacement as recommended by the plant or equipment supplier or defined in company requirements. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Maintain materials records. Performance criteria 14 Materials records are maintained in accordance with contract specifications. 12 Materials records are maintained in accordance with company requirements Outcome 2 Maintain process control records. Performance criteria 24 Process control records are maintained in accordance with contract specifications Tarastructure ITO © New Zealand Qualifications Aulhority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18925 version 3 Page 3 of 3 22 Process control records are maintained in accordance with material supplier instructions. 23 Preventative plant and equipment maintenance is recorded in accordance with company requirements. Outcome 3 Maintain records of non-compliance. Performance criteria 34 Non-complying materials are recorded in accordance with company requirements. 32 Non-complying process controls are recorded in accordance with company requirements, 33 Variations to site conditions are recorded in accordance with company requirements. Planned review date 31 December 2022 information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 20 January 1999 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 N/A Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http://www Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15934 version 5 Page 1 of 3 Title Manage safety and environmental care on roadmarking sites Level 3 Credits 4 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of safety and environmental requirements specific to roadmarking sites; implement and maintain safety on roadmarking sites; and maintain health and safety, and environmental records on roadmarking sites Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Entry information Prerequisites Hold a current New Zealand Transport Agency Basic Traffic Controller or Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS) certification Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Hazardous substances and New Organisms Act 1996; and associated regulations. Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999 Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (CoPTTM),! Infrastructure ITO ‘@ New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813, NZQA unit standard 15934 version 5 Page 2 of 3 NZTA C1, NZTA MO7, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA M24, NZTA P14, NZTA P30, NZTA P22, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T17, NZTA 18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from www.nzta. govt,nz/resources/index.htmi; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities, an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at items/acop-moshh The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard AS 4343:2014 Pressure equipment — Hazard levels, available at https://infostore.saiglobal,com/store/Details.aspx?ProductID=1773920; NZS 5433:2012: Transport of dangerous goods on land, available at http:/ Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices. Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a document describing the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management, Range Assessment against performance criteria must be for three roadmarking sites. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of safety and environmental requirements specific to roadmarking sites. Performance criteria 44 ‘Company health and safety plan is described in terms of site requirements 12 Company environmental plan is described in terms of site requirements 13 TMP is described in terms of site requirements. 14 Roles and responsibilities for site safety are described in terms of company requirements and Worksafe New Zealand requirements. Infrastructure ITO © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard Outcome 2 15934 version 5 Page 3 of 3 Implement and maintain safety on roadmarking sites. Performance criteria 24 Site hazards are identified in accordance with company requirements. 22 Site safety is implemented and maintained in accordance with company requirements. Range Outcome 3 may include but is not limited to TMP amendments, site induction, communication of site hazards. Maintain health and safety, and environmental records on roadmarking sites. Performance criteria 3.1 Hazards, accidents, and incidents are recorded for the company register in accordance with legislation, regulations and Occupational Safety and Health Service documents. 3.2 Hazards and incidents are identified and recorded in accordance with Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Regulations. Planned review date 31 December 2022 ‘Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 20 January 1999 31 December 2018 Review 2 _| 13 February 2001 31 December 2018 | Review 3 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Revision 4 20 June 2008 31 December 2018 Review 5 20 April 2017 N/A Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure TO ‘SSB Code 101813 ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 NZQA unit standard 21428 version 2 Page 1 of 5 Title Demonstrate knowledge of health, safety, and environmental requirements of roadmarking operations Level 3 Credits 7 Purpose This unit standard is designed for people working in the roadmarking industry. People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: health and safety requirements for roadmarking operations; environmental resource management procedures in the roadmarking industry; hazardous substances used in the application of paint and raised pavement markers (RPMs); and safety procedures for hazardous substances used in roadmarking. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 4 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996, and associated regulations; Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), www.nzta.|; Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21428 version 2 Page 2 of 5 New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C1, NZTA MO7, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA M24, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 30, NZTA P 22, NZTA 4, NZTAINZRF T8, NZTA 112, NZTA T17, NZTA 118, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at items/acop-moshh The requirements within the following New Zealand Standard must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard NZS 5433:1:2012: Transport of dangerous goods on land — Part 1: Technical Information, hitp:/ This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. The assessment of this unit standard is limited to the coverage of paint and RPMs. Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, contract work documents, job plans, contract quality plan, and reporting documents LPG means liquid petroleum gas. Material supplier instructions may include specifications, storage, installation, handling, instructions for use and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of health and safety requirements for roadmarking operations. Performance criteria 14 Responsibilities of the candidate for health and safety are described in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes of practice, and company requirements. Range _includes but is not limited to — accident reports, safety procedures, responsibility of HSNO Approved Handler. 12 Locations of vehicle safety features and resources are identified Range _ vehicle safety features and resources include but are not limited to — fire extinguisher, shut-off mechanisms, first aid kit, emergency procedures, SDS. Infrastructure ITO © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21428 version 2 Page 3 of 5 13 Personal protective equipment is described in terms of appropriateness for task and for the materials and equipment being used Range tasks include but are not limited to — RPM installation, applying roadmarking materials, roadwork. 14 The identification and reporting of hazards is described in accordance with company requirements. 15 Hazardous substances likely to be encountered in the course of roadmarking activities are identified and their labelling, storage, and handling requirements are described in accordance with legislation, material supplier instructions, SDS, and company requirements. Outcome 2 Demonstrate knowledge of environmental resource management procedures in the roadmarking industry. Performance criteria 24 Roadmarking operations are described in terms of risks to the environment. 22 Procedures for maintaining environmental resource management requirements are described in accordance with company requirements. Range _includes but is not limited to — spillages, noise, dust, watercourse protection 2.3 Reporting procedures for environmental resource management requirements are described in accordance with legislation, regulations and company requirements. Outcome 3 Demonstrate knowledge of hazardous substances used in the application of paint and RPMs. Performance criteria 34 Paints and a thinner currently used for roadmarking are described in terms of their properties in accordance with material supplier instructions. 3.2 Flammable liquids and hazardous materials used by the candidate in toadmarking are identified and described in terms of their properties. 33 Heated materials and fuels used by the candidate in roadmarking are described in terms of their hazards in accordance with material supplier instructions. Range RPM adhesives, LPG, heating oils. Infrastructure TO © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21428 version 2 Page 4 of 5 34 Chemicals used by the candidate in roadmarking are described in terms of their toxicity and safe handling in accordance with material supplier instructions. Range may include but is not limited to — solvents, solvent-based (yellow) paints, etching acids, ammonia 35 Placarding requirements are described in terms of handling, storage and transport of hazardous substances in accordance with NZS 5433: 2012 and company requirements. 3.6 Pressurised materials are identified and described in terms of safe handling procedures in accordance with material supplier instructions and company requirements Range materials may include but are not limited to — paint, thinners, beads, hydraulics, LPG; procedures include but are not limited to the avoidance of - injection, skin contact, 37 Hazardous substances used by the candidate in roadmarking are described in terms of the effect of temperature and moisture. Range hazardous substances — paint, thinner, flammable liquid, heated product, pressurised material Outcome 4 Demonstrate knowledge of safety procedures for hazardous substances used in roadmarking. Performance criteria 44 Procedures in the event of personal injury are described in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes, and company requirements. Range includes but is not limited to — skin contact, injection of paint or solvent, inhalation, poisoning, vehicle impact. 42 Procedures in the event of spillage are described in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes, and company requirements. Range includes but is not limited to — emergency shutdown, containment. 43 Procedures in the event of fire and explosion are described in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes, and company requirements. 44 Procedures in the event of a vehicle collision are described in accordance with legislation, regulations, codes, and company requirements. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21428 version 2 Page 5 of 5 Replacement information This unit standard and unit standard 21429 replaced unit standard 15928. Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 2 20 April 2017 NIA Consent and Moderation Req) ments (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure 1TO. ‘SSB Code 101813 ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 NZQA unit standard RMO01 version 1 Page 1 of 2 Title Run a toolbox meeting with a roadmarking crew Level 3 Credits 5 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to run a toolbox meeting with a roadmarking crew. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 Evidence presented for assessment against this unit standard must be consistent with safe working practices and be in accordance with relevant industry and legislative requirements. 2 Legislation and references relevant to this unit standard include: Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; and any subsequent amendments. 3 Definitions Industry requirements may refer to but are not limited to relevant company policies, processes, methodologies, industry codes of practice, company or site specific health and safety plans, standard operating procedures, site safety plans, quality plans, work plans, traffic management plans, contract work programmes, job safety analysis, safe work method statements, job instructions, manufacturer's requirements, contract specifications, manuals, procedural documents, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency specifications and guidelines Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Run a toolbox meeting with a roadmarking crew Performance criteria 14 Reasons why toolbox meetings are important are confirmed with participants Range inform crew of operational changes, new and reviewed hazards and hazard controls, discussion of new safety data, employee participation, communication, review work processes and procedures, short training session, plant and equipment. 12 Hazards, accidents, incidents and near misses on the worksite are discussed in terms of Zero Harm initiatives and actions to prevent them occurring again Connexis Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard RM0O1 version 4 Page 2 of 2 13 Hazardous substances are discussed in terms of actions to ensure they are handled and disposed of safely. 14 Behaviours to improve the safety of the worksite and promote teamwork are discussed. Range may include but are not limited to - wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), reporting unsafe work, offering solutions to. address unsafe practices; evidence of two behaviours. 15 Programme of works is discussed in terms of tasks to be completed. 16 Meeting notes are recorded Range —_ attendance, topics, participant feedback, actions and due date. 17 Feedback on the meeting or recommendations for improvements are discussed with a supervisor Range may include but are not limited to - scheduling of the meeting, length of the meeting, employee participation, providing positive feedback, conveying key health and safety messages, use of simple language, follow up actions, recording or meeting notes; evidence of two improvements, Planned review date 31 December 2025 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 NIA | Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at Comments on this unit standard Please contact Connexis — Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit ‘standard. Connexis Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard RMO2 version 4 Page 1 of 3 Title Conduct a prestart vehicle, plant and p: tor inspection for roadmarking Level 3 Credits 5 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: conduct pre- start vehicle inspection for roadmarking, conduct pre-start paint applicator inspection for roadmarking and complete end of shift checks. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grad le Achieved Guidance Information 1 Evidence presented for assessment against this unit standard must be consistent with safe working practices and be in accordance with relevant industry and legislative requirements 2 Legislation and references relevant to this unit standard include: Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; and any subsequent amendments. 3 Definitions Industry requirements may refer to but are not limited to relevant company policies, processes, methodologies, industry codes of practice, company or site specific health and safety plans, standard operating procedures, site safety plans, quality plans, work plans, traffic management plans, contract work programmes, job safety analysis, safe work method statements, job instructions, manufacturer's requirements, contract specifications, manuals, procedural documents, Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency specifications and guidelines. Pre-start checks refer to operator responsi lities to be carried out prior to vehicle or plant use to optimise the life of the vehicle or plant and to minimise running and repair costs. Operators have a duty of care to ensure the vehicle or plant is in a safe condition, is serviced, in legal condition for operator safety, to operate on the road, and to preserve the operator rating system (ORS) Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Conduct prestart vehicle inspection for roadmarking, Performance criteria Connexis infrastructure ITO ‘SSB Code 101813 (© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 NZQA unit standard RM02 version 1 Page 2 of 3 14 Pre-start checks on the vehicle before driving are completed in accordance with operator safety manual, Range loose parts, tyre wear and inflation, warrant of fitness (WOF)/certificate of fitness (CoF), registration, service due, oil, power steering, coolant level, condition of hoses and belts, pipes and wiring, oil or coolant leaks, air intake system, front suspension, cleanliness, park brake on, gear lever in neutral, mirrors adjusted, seat in correct position, gauges working, speedo, hubometer/electronic distance recorder, hour meter readings, wipers working, horn working, air pressure gauge working, seat belts to standard if fitted, warning lights, steering, brake operation, engine noise, transmission noise, rear vision mirrors, fuel, road user charges. 42 Vehicle walk around checks are completed. Range all lights and indicators, suspension, wheel rims, wheel nuts, tyres, air and fuel tanks, batteries, fuel level, trailer couplings, load and equipment security. 13 Daily checks are completed and recorded. Range speedo, hubometer/electronic distance recorder, hour meter readings, fuel, check for damage. Outcome 2 Conduct pre-start paint applicator inspection for roadmarking. Performance criteria 24 Pre-start checks are completed in accordance with operator safety manual Range _paint and bead tanks full, enough material to complete the task, water drained from air receivers, gland oil reservoirs on paint pumps topped up, paint line taps working, spray tip size and condition of paint guns, paint filters and lines for leak or damage, applicator gauges working, paint pumps working, check under the vehicle for leaks. 22 Damage is recorded and reported in accordance with company requirements. 23 Sufficient paint protection cones are provided in terms of protecting the work on the worksite. Outcome 3 Complete end of shift checks. Performance criteria Connexis Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard RMO2 version 1 Page 3 of 3 34 Moritoring of plant servicing needs is completed during operation. 32 End of day or shift checks are completed Range checks may include but are not limited to ~ vehicle parked in secure area, refuel, drain air tanks, lock the vehicle, lock fuel caps; evidence of at least three checks. Planned review date 31 December 2025 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 NIA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 ‘J ‘This CMR can be accessed at, Comments on this unit standard Please contact Connexis — Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard. Connexis infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15935 version 3 Page 1 of 3 Title Undertake routine maintenance of roadmarking plant and equipment Level 3 Credits |3 | Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: perform routine process and operational checks on roadmarking plant and equipment; and complete maintenance records for plant, equipment, and process control devices Holding of credit for this unit standard does not enable a person to undertake specialist repairs on roadmarking plant and equipment. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at, New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM),; ‘Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at www.worksafe.govi,nz/worksafe/information-quidance/all-quidance- items/acop-moshh. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15935 version 3 Page 2 of 3 3 Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices. 4 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Plant and equipment supplier instructions may include specifications, fitting, installation, handling, repairs, maintenance, safe operating procedures and instructions for use. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Perform routine process and operational checks on roadmarking plant and equipment. Performance criteria 141 Pre-operational checks are made on vehicles and ancillary equipment in accordance with plant and equipment supplier instructions and company requirements. 12 Operational equipment is checked and if necessary either serviced or reported for specialist service in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Service documents and company requirements. Range two from a list which may include but is not limited to filters, guns, tips, lubricants, hoses 13 Process control devices such as computers and measurement equipment are checked, and adjusted if necessary, in accordance with plant and equipment supplier instructions and company requirements. Range may include but is not limited to — bead jugs, trip meters, weighing equipment, flow meter, speedometer, segmented line control. Outcome 2 Complete maintenance records for plant, equipment, and process control devices, Performance criteria 24 Maintenance of operational plant and equipment is recorded in accordance with company requirements. 22 Maintenance of process control devices is recorded in accordance with company requirements. Infrastructure TO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15936 version 3 Page 3 of 3 | Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 4 20 January 1999 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 NIA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard, Infrastructure 1TO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18045 version 3 Page 1 of 4 Title Prepare an A-type applicator for roadmarking Lev 3 Credits 12 Purpose This unit standard is for people who operate an A-type roadmarking applicator. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of requirements for A-type roadmarking; and prepare for roadmarking using an A-type applicator. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to. roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996; and associated regulations. Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM),!; Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part Il; http://www.; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C01, NZTA P14, NZTA P22, NZTA P30, NZTA 14, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from; Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18045 version 3 Page 2 of 4 WorkSafe New Zealand Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at moshh, This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Material supplier instructions may include specifications, storage, installation, handling, instructions for use and Safety Data Sheets. Plant and machinery supplier instructions may include specifications, fitting, installation, handling, repairs, maintenance, safe operating procedures and instructions for use. Truck Loading Code is the code of practice for the safety of loads and load security on heavy vehicles, for heavy transport operators. It includes both general and specialised requirements. ISBN: 047306104X, author Land Transport Safety Authority. This unit standard refers to A-type applicators. For the purpose of assessment however, operator-mounted applicators suitable for applying longitudinal markings commonly referred to as B1-type applicators would also meet the assessment requirements of this unit standard. For B-type applicators refer to unit standard 18048, Prepare a B-Type paint applicator for roadmarking. Candidates must hold a driver licence of the appropriate class for the gross vehicle mass of the vehicle being driven. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of requirements for A-type roadmarking Performance criteria 1A Specifications for A-type applicators are described in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2, and specifications NZTA P22 and NZTAINZRF T8. 12 Preparation for A-type operations is described in terms of company requirements. Range tural, urban, left-hand operation, right-hand operation Tafastructure TO © New Zealand Quallicalions Authoriy 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18045 version 3 13 14 15 1.6 Page 3 of 4 Personal and team safety for A-type operations is described in accordance with the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation's Safety, Health and Environment Guide, and company requirements. Location and function of process controls on A-type applicators are explained in accordance with plant and machinery supplier instructions. Range includes but is not limited to — painting left-hand drive and right- hand drive, computer, segmented line control, troubleshooting, emergency procedures. Procedures for changing the product type are explained in accordance with material supplier instructions, plant and machinery supplier instructions, and company requirements, Range includes but is not limited to - paint flushing, filters, compatibility of products. Maintenance of plant and equipment is described in terms of operator checks and adjustments, and when to refer for specialist servicing Range includes but is not limited to — filter clean, pump lubrication, hose condition, accumulator charge (where fitted), tip condition. Outcome 2 Prepare for roadmarking using an A-type applicator. Performance criteria 24 Tests One, Two, Three, and Four are demonstrated on an A-type applicator in accordance with specification NZTA/NZRF T8. 22 The applicator is loaded with approved material and equipment in accordance with company requirements. Range includes - paint, beads, measuring devices; may include — road signs, cones. 23 Load is secured in accordance with the Truck Loading Code. 24 Personal protective equipment is fitted and worn in accordance with company requirements 25 The pavement surface is prepared for application in accordance with company requirements. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18045 version 3 Page 4 of 4 26 Specific tasks related to the job are carried out in accordance with company requirements and plant and machinery supplier instructions. Range requirements may include — calibration, process control, adjustments, and product information as specified by the client or company, 27 Transfer from right-hand to left-hand operation (or vice versa) is demonstrated in accordance with company requirements. Range _ traffic management, mirrors, driving controls, paint controls, pointers. Replacement information | This unit standard, unit standard 18046, and unit standard 18047 replaced unit standard 15929. Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 13 February 2001 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 NIA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Quaifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18046 version 3 Page 1 of 5 Title Repaint roadmarkings with an A-type applicator Level 3 Credits 15 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare for repainting roadmarkings; repaint roadmarkings using an A-type applicator; communicate within the roadmarking operation; and shut down roadmarking plant, clear the site, and document operations, Classification Infrastructure Works> Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Entry information Prerequisites Unit 18045, Prepare an A-type applicator for roadmarking, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills. Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Hazardous substances and New Organisms Act 1996; and associated regulations; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at; New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM),|; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C1, NZTA MO7, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 30, NZTA P 22, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA 112, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18046 version 3 Page 2 of 5 TQS2, Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices (TCD Rule), Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings: Part 2, available from; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at items/acop-moshh. 3 Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices. 4 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Contract specifications include plans, diagrams, and special technical conditions. They do not include special administrative conditions. Manufacturer's instructions may include specifications, installation, handling and maintenance instructions use and Safety Data Sheets (SDS). Plant and machinery supplier instructions may include specifications, fitting, installation, handling, repairs, maintenance, safe operating procedures and instructions for use. Road Controlling Authority (RCA) in relation to a road, means the Minister of Transport, Crown entities, State enterprises, or territorial authorities that control the road. Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a document describing the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management. Truck Loading Code is the code of practice for the safety of loads and load security on heavy vehicles, for heavy transport operators. It includes both general and specialised requirements. ISBN: 047306104X, author Land Transport Safety Authority. 5 This unit standard refers to A-type applicators. For the purpose of assessment, operator-mounted applicators suitable for applying longitudinal markings commonly referred to as B1-type applicators would also meet the assessment requirements of this unit standard. For B-type applicators refer to Unit 18048, Prepare a B-type paint applicator for roadmarking. 6 Candidates must hold a driver licence of the appropriate class for the gross vehicle mass of the vehicle being driven and marking materials being applied. 7 Performance criterion 4.2 may be assessed against using a simulated scenario. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Prepare for repainting roadmarkings. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18046 version 3 Page 3 of 5 Performance criteria 44 Personal protective equipment is fitted and worn in accordance with company requirements. 1.2 Equipment is set up for marking to tolerances specified in NZTA P22. Range marking includes but is not limited to - edge line, centre line, double lines, continuity dots; equipment — pointers, paint computers (where fitted), driving mirrors. Outcome 2 Repaint roadmarkings using an A-type applicator. Range _ includes but is not limited to — operating on left and right sides of the vehicle, marking straight and curved lines, continuous and intermittent. Performance criteria 24 ‘A-type applicator is operated in accordance with TMP and RCA requirements. Range includes but is not limited to — use of arrow-boards; entry and egress of applicator; placement of cones, signs, and other delineation devices. 22 A-type applicator is operated in accordance with section 9 of the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation's Safety, Health and Environment Guide. Range includes but is not limited to - commencement of marking, temporary halts, cessation of marking. 23 Paint and beads are applied to existing roadmarkings in accordance with company requirements, with given dry film parameters, and within the location and dimension tolerances of NZTA P22. Range includes but is not limited to longitudinal markings — more than 150m in length, edge lines, centre lines, no-passing lines, double lines 24 Specific tasks related to the job re carried out in accordance with the company requirements and plant and machinery supplier instructions. Range requirements may include — calibration, process control, adjustments, product information as specified by the client or company. Outcome 3 Communicate within the roadmarking operation. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18046 version 3 Page 4 of 5 Performance criteria 34 Communication is maintained with company personnel in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications. Range includes but is not limited to - work sequence and methodology, any emergency procedures. 32 Communication is maintained with parties involved in the roadmarking operation in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications. Range includes but is not limited to — sub-contractors, client or client's representative, company management. 33 Communication is maintained with the public in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications. 34 Communication is maintained with pilot vehicle(s) in accordance with company and TMP requirements. 35 Communication is maintained during mobile operations in accordance with the TMP and temporary traffic management requirements. Outcome 4 ‘Shut down roadmarking plant, clear the site, and document operations. Performance criteria 44 42 43 44 Plant is shut down in accordance with machinery manufacturer's instructions, company requirements, and the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation's Safety, Health and Environment Guide. Range includes but is not limited to — paint system, auxiliary motor (where fitted), left-hand drive, pointers, driving mirrors. Emergency shutdown is demonstrated in accordance with company safety plan. Range includes but is not limited to — paint spill, burst hose. Site is cleared and equipment and materials are secured for travel in accordance with company requirements and the Truck Loading Code Materials diary is completed in accordance with contract specifications and company requirements. Range _includes but is not limited to — paint and bead type, quantities, location and extent of markings. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18046 version 3 Page 5 of 5 Replacement information | This unit standard, unit standard 18045, and unit standard 18047 replaced unit standard 15929, Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration | 4 13 February 2001 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 [NA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO ‘SSB Code 101813 (© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 NZQA unit standard 18048 version 3 Page 1 of 4 Title Prepare a B-type paint applicator for roadmarking Level 3 Credits 12 Purpose This unit standard is for people who operate B-type pedestrian, operator-mounted or umbilical type roadmarking applicators. People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of requirements for B-type roadmarking; and prepare for roadmarking using a B-type applicator. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; ‘Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at www. 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM),; Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2; http:/; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C1, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 22, NZTA P 30, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from www.nzta govt nz/resources/index.html; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Infrastructure 1TO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18048 version 3 Page 2 of 4 Zealand at items/acop-moshh. Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices. Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Material supplier instructions may include specifications, storage, installation, handling, instructions for use and Safety Data Sheets. Plant and machinery supplier instructions may include specifications, fitting, installation, handling, repairs, maintenance, safe operating procedures and instructions for use. Minor markings mean arrows, limit ines, alphabetic characters, symbols, diagonal hatching, 33m centre line before limit lines etc. It excludes longer run markings such as edge lines and centre lines greater than 33m. Road Controlling Authority (RCA) in relation to a road, means the Minister of Transport, Crown entities, State enterprises, or territorial authorities that control the road. Candidates must hold a driver licence of the appropriate class for the gross vehicle mass of the vehicle being driven. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of the requirements for B-type roadmarking Performance criteria 11 1.2 1.3 Specifications for B-type applicators are described in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2, and specifications NZTA P22 and NZTAINZRF T8. Preparation for B-type operations is described in terms of company requirements. Range minor markings such as — flush median, pedestrian crossing, letters, vehicle parking, intersection. Personal and team safety for B-type operations is described in accordance with the company safety plan Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18048 version 3 14 15 1.6 Page 3 of 4 Location and function of process controls on B-type applicators are explained in accordance with plant and machinery supplier instructions. Range includes but is not limited to troubleshooting, emergency procedures. Procedures for changing the product type are explained in accordance with material supplier instructions and company requirements. Range includes but is not limited to — paint flushing, fiters, compatibility of products. Maintenance of plant and equipment is described in terms of operator checks and adjustments and when to refer for specialist servicing. Range includes but is not limited to — filter clean, pump lubrication, hose condition, accumulator charge (where fitted), tip condition Outcome 2 Prepare for roadmarking using a B-type applicator. Performance criteria 24 22 23 24 Tests One, Two, and Four are demonstrated on a B-type applicator in accordance with specification NZTA/NZRF T8. The applicator is loaded with approved material and equipment in accordance with the job plan Range includes — paint, beads, measuring devices; may include — road signs, cones. Personal protective equipment is fitted and worn in accordance with company requirements. The pavement surface is prepared for application in accordance with the job plan Range includes but is not limited to - hand brooming, machine sweeping. Replacement information | This unit standard, unit standard 18049, and unit standard 18050 replaced unit standard 15945. Planned review date 31 December 2022 Infrastructure 1TO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813, NZQA unit standard 18048 version 3 Page 4 of 4 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 13 February 2001 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 NIA [ Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at htto:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO SSB Code 101813 ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 NZQA unit standard 18049 version 3 Page 1 of 4 Repaint roadmarkings with a B-type applicator Level 3 Credits | 15 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: prepare for repainting roadmarkings; repaint roadmarkings using a B-type applicator; and communicate within the roadmarking operation Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Entry information Prerequisites Unit 18048, Prepare a B-type paint applicator for roadmarking, or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills. Guidance Information 41 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, such as available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), www.nzta.| New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C1, NZTA M07, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 22, NZTA P 30 NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA 112, NZTA 718, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2; Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices (TCD Rule), Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings: Part 2, available from html, Infrastructure ITO. (© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18049 version 3 Page 2 of 4 Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at www.worksafe. items/acop-moshI 3 The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard NZS 3910:2013: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction; NZS 3915:2005: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction (where no person is appointed to act as engineer to the contract); NZS 5433:1999: Transport of dangerous goods on land, available at http: / 4 Assessment against this unit standard must take place in a workplace environment. Assessment parameters will be dependent on company and site-specific equipment, procedures, and practices 5 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plans, and contract work and reporting documents. Contract specifications include plans, diagrams, and special technical conditions They do not include special administrative conditions. Road Controlling Authority (RCA) in relation to a road, means the Minister of Transport, Crown entities, State enterprises, or territorial authorities that control the road. Traffic Management Plan (TMP) is a document describing the design, implementation, maintenance and removal of temporary traffic management. 6 — Candidates must hold a driver licence of the appropriate class for the gross vehicle mass of the vehicle being driven. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Prepare for repainting roadmarkings. Performance criteria 1.4 Personal protective equipment is fitted and worn in accordance with company requirements. 12 B-type applicator is loaded on and unloaded off the transport vehicle or trailer in accordance with company requirements, Tfrastructure TO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18049 version 3 Page 3 of 4 1.3 Equipment is set up for marking to tolerances specified in NZTA P22. Range marking — letters, arrows, chevrons, car parks, no stopping; equipment — pointers, paint computers (where fitted). Outcome 2 Repaint roadmarkings using a B-type applicator. Range __ includes but is not limited to — operating one side of the applicator, marking straight and curved lines. Performance criteri: 24 B-type applicator and transport vehicle are operated in accordance with TMP and RCA requirements Range includes but is not limited to - entry and egress of applicator; placement of cones, signs, and other delineation devices. 22 B-type applicator is operated in accordance with the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation's Safety, Health and Environment Guide. Range includes but is not limited to — commencement of marking, temporary halts, cessation of marking, 23 Paint and beads are applied to roadmarkings in accordance with company requirements, with given dry film thickness, and within the location and dimension tolerances of NZTA P22 Range includes but is not limited to - letters and symbols; arrows; limit lines; lead lines; pedestrian crossing; flush medians. 24 Specific tasks related to the job are carried out in accordance with company requirements. Range requirements may include ~ calibration, process control, adjustments, product information Outcome 3 Communicate within the roadmarking operation. Performance criteria 34 Communication is maintained with company personnel in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications, Range —_ includes but is not limited to — work sequence and methodology; emergency procedures. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18049 version 3 Page 4 of 4 32 Communication is maintained with parties involved in the roadmarking operation in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications. Range includes but is not limited to — sub-contractors, client or client's representative, company management. 33 Communication is maintained with the public in accordance with company requirements and contract specifications. Replacement information | This unit standard, unit standard 18048, and unit standard 18050 replaced unit standard 15945. Planned review date 31 December 2022 ‘Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 13 February 2001 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 NIA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference [o101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ ‘Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21420 version 2 Page 1 of 4 onstrate knowledge of roadmarking materials and processes Level | Credits | 10 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of roadmarking materials; and the roadmarking material application processes. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to toadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at; NZRF Roadmarking Materials Guide, available from Materials-Guide.pdf, New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM),| Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices (TCD Rule), Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings: Part 2; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C01, NZTA M07, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA M24, NZTA P14, NZTA P30, NZTA P22, NZTA T4, NZTAINZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T16, NZTA T17 NZTA 118, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from|; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21420 version 2 Page 2 of 4 Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at items/acop-moshh. 3. The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment for this unit standard: NZS 3910:2013: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction; NZS 3915:2005: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction (where no person is appointed to act as engineer to the contract) 4 This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. 5 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, and contract work and reporting documents Contract specifications include plans, diagrams, and special technical conditions. They do not include special administrative conditions. Material supplier instructions may include specifications, storage, installation, handling, instructions for use and Safety Data Sheets. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of roadmarking materials. Performance criteria 14 Generic headings within the NZRF Roadmarking Materials Guide are explained in terms of content and purpose. Range _ eight of the following — general description; composition; physical properties; performance properties; compatibility; adhesion; application parameters; manufacturing processes; testing of physical properties; handling, storage and packaging; environmental impacts; occupational health and safety hazards; application process; process monitoring equipment; post- application measuring equipment; test methods; quick reference safety guide; recorded environmental hazards; recorded health and safety incidents, related national/international standard specifications; useful references. Infrastructure ITO. ‘@ New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21420 version 2 12 13 Page 3 of 4 Explanation of the general descriptions for roadmarking materials is consistent with the NZRF Roadmarking Materials Guide Range paint and four of - thermoplastic, cement based coatings, cold- applied plastic, self-adhesive tapes, raised pavement markers (RPMs), RPM adhesive, glass beads, angular material Explanation of roadmarking materials is consistent with sampled heading content and scope in accordance with the NZRF Roadmarking Materials Guide and includes suitability of each for specific operations. Range ‘sampled heading content and scope relating to eight of — general description, composition, physical properties, performance properties, compatibility, adhesion, application parameters, manufacturing processes, testing of physical properties, handling, storage and packaging, environmental impacts, occupational health and safety hazards, application process, process monitoring equipment, post-application measuring equipment, test methods, quick reference safety guide, recorded environmental hazards, recorded health and safety incidents, related national/international standard specifications, useful references; two materials within the general description of paint; one material from each of the following general descriptions — RPMs, RPMadhesive, glass beads, angular material; two other materials from — thermoplastic, cement based coatings, cold-applied plastic, self-adhesive tapes. Outcome 2 Demonstrate knowledge of roadmarking material application processes. Range five materials from — paint, RPMs, RPM adhesive, glass beads, angular material, thermoplastic, cement based coatings, cold-applied plastic, self- adhesive tapes. Performance criteria 21 Roadmarking material application processes are explained in accordance with contract specifications, material supplier instructions and company requirements. Range protection of work sites, applicator set up, set-out, preparation of work surface, climatic conditions, application conditions, environmental management, protection of markings until set or dry. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21420 version 2 Page 4 of 4 22 Equipment used in the application process of roadmarking material is identified and explained in accordance with contract specifications, material supplier instructions and company requirements. Range hazards, personal protective equipment, cleaning, application, maintenance, quality assurance Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 2 20 April 2017 N/A [ Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at httn:/, Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21426 version 2 Page 1 of 3 Title Perform simple industry calculations for roadmarking application Level 2 Credits 6 1 Purpose This unit standard is designed for operators of roadmarking application plant. People credited with this unit standard are able to: estimate usage of resources prior to operation; perform simple industry calculations for roadmarking application; and record actual resource usage. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C01, NZTA M07, NZTA M12, NZTA M13, NZTA M20, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 22, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF 8, NZTA T12, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2 available from; ‘Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at www.worksafe govt. nz/worksafe/information-quidance/all-quidance- items/acop-moshh. Infrastructure ITO @ New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813, NZQA unit standard 21426 version 2 Page 2 of 3 3. The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard NZS 3910:2013: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction; NZS 3915:2005: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction (where no person is appointed to act as engineer to the contract);, 4 This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. 5 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, job plan, and contract work and reporting documents. Contract specifications include plans, diagrams, and special technical conditions. They do not include special administrative conditions, Simple industry calculations are estimations and approximations based on crude measurements such as dipsticks, weight changes or comparisons and are used for internal process purposes. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Estimate usage of resources prior to operation. Performance criteria 14 Paint and bead usage is estimated in accordance with contract specifications and company requirements. 12 Operation times are estimated in accordance with contract specifications and company requirements. 13 Fuel consumption is estimated in accordance with the vehicle being used and the work to be done. Outcome 2 Perform simple industry calculations for roadmarking application Performance criteria 24 Paint and bead usage is calculated in accordance with company requirements. Range may include but is not limited to — dipstick, flowmeter, gauges, weighing scales, calibration kit as relevant to the material being measured. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21426 version 2 Page 3 of 3 22 Application rates are calculated in accordance with company requirements. Range may include but is not limited to — wet and dry film thickness gauge, plate testing, paint consumption, bead consumption. 23 ‘Adjustments to application rates are calculated in accordance with company requirements, Range may include but is not limited to — wet and dry film thickness gauge, plate testing, paint consumption, bead consumption Outcome 3 Record actual resource usage. Performance criteria 34 Paint and bead usage is recorded in accordance with company requirements. 32 Application rates are recorded in accordance with company requirements. 33 Travel and job times are recorded in accordance with company requirements. Replacement information | This unit standard and unit standard 21427 replaced unit standard 15927, Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date | Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 2 20 April 2017 NA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at http:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure TO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21430 version 2 Page 1 of 3 Title Demonstrate knowledge of specifications used for simple roadmarking Level 3 Credits 10 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of specifications used for simple roadmarking; and use references to locate and identify details of simple roadmarking requirements. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Avai grade ‘Achieved Guidance information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Employment Relations Act 2000; Health and Safety at Work Act 2015; Health and Safety in Employment Regulations 1995; Health and Safety in Employment (Pressure Equipment, Cranes, and Passenger Ropeways) Regulations 1999; Accident Compensation Act 2001; Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; all available at 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at New Zealand Transport Agency's principal external manuals, manual amendments, specific examples include: Code of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM), www.|; Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2 available online at|; New Zealand Transport Agency's Technical documents NZTA C01, NZTA P 14, NZTA P 22, NZTA P 30, NZTA T4, NZTA/NZRF T8, NZTA T12, NZTA T16, NZTA 117, NZTA T18, Quality Standard TQS1, Quality Standard TQS2, available from|; Approved codes of practice and guidelines relevant to specific work activities an example being the Approved Code of Practice for the Management of Substances Infrastructure ITO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 21430 version 2 Page 2 of 3 Hazardous to Health in the Place of Work (MOSHH), available from Worksafe New Zealand at items/acop-moshh. 3 The requirements within the following New Zealand Standards applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: NZS 3910:2013: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction; NZS 3915:2005: Conditions of contract for building and civil engineering construction (where no person is appointed to act as engineer to the contract); ASINZS 2009:2006 Glass Beads for Pavement Marking; 4 This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. 5 Definitions Company requirements include the policy, procedures, and methodologies of the company. They include requirements in company and site health, safety and environmental plans, quality assurance documents, and contract work and reporting documents ‘Simple roadmarking is roadmarking performed by an individual or small team on a single marking element. Situations include but are not limited to sections of longitudinal marking lines less than 150m and simple intersection markings such as a single give way or compulsory stop. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of specifications used for simple roadmarking. Performance criteria 14 Categories of markings are described in accordance with the Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2 12 Specifications for dimensional tolerances, application rates, material diary entries, traffic management, setting out, preparation of road surface, non- conforming markings, and remedial markings are stated in accordance with New Zealand Transport Agency specifications. 1.3 The traffic management plan, contract quality plan, document control, and client requirements are described in terms of a specified job in accordance with company requirements. Outcome 2 Use references to locate and identify details of simple roadmarking requirements. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813, NZQA unit standard 21430 version 2 Page 3 of 3 Performance criteria 24 The Manual of Traffic Signs and Markings, Part 2, is used to locate and identify details of simple markings and raised pavement markers (RPMs) for roadmarking requirements 22 New Zealand Transport Agency specifications are used to identify details of roadmarking requirements in accordance with company requirements. 23 Contract documents are used to locate and identify details of contract requirements. Replacement information | This unit standard and unit standard 21431 replaced unit standard 15933. Planned review date 31 December 2022 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process [Version | Date Registration 4 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 2 20 April 2017, NA Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0101 This CMR can be accessed at hitp:/ Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure ITO ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 18943 version 3 Page 1 of 3 Title Utilise maps and plans for roadmarking Level 3 Credits 12 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to: demonstrate knowledge of roadmarking maps and plans; and utilise maps and plans for roadmarking. Classification Infrastructure Works > Roadmarking Available grade Achieved Guidance Information 1 The requirements within the following legislation and regulations applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Resource Management Act 1991; Traffic Regulations 1976; available at www 2 The requirements within the following codes of practice and guidelines applying to roadmarking operations must be complied with as appropriate for the context of assessment against this unit standard: Codes of practice and checklists published by the New Zealand Roadmarkers Federation, available at; New Zealand Transport Agency's highway information sheets; available from www. 3 This unit standard may be assessed against in a workplace or a provider environment. 4 Definition Legend features are site features marked on the site map and represented as symbols on the map legend. Examples include seal edge, centreline, kerb and channel, legal boundary, signs, footpaths, mailboxes, vehicle crossings. Both existing and proposed features may be shown. Outcomes and performance criteria Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of roadmarking maps and plans. Infrastructure 1TO. ‘© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15943 version 3 Page 2 of 3 Performance criteria 14 New Zealand Transport Agency's highway information sheets are described in terms of displacement, topography, gradients, road widths, referencing positioning, and advisory speeds. 12 Road maps are interpreted in terms of index, grid, scale, and legend. 13 Site plans are interpreted in terms of chainage, scale, location, and route position. Range two site plans which may include — car parks, major intersections, shape corrections, as built, aerial photograph Outcome 2 Utilise maps and plans for roadmarking Performance criteria 24 Location is found using route position map and road map 22 New Zealand Transport Agency's highway information sheets are utilised to identify vehicle counts, topography, advisory speed, street signs, and route position markers 23 Dimensions are scaled up from a given site plan. Range two dimensions of length. 24 Features of a site are identified from a given site plan. Range scale, location, markings, legend features. Planned review date 31 December 2022 | Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version | Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 20 January 1999 31 December 2018 Review 2 22 September 2005 31 December 2018 Review 3 20 April 2017 N/A | Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference [o101 This CMR can be accessed at http :/www.nzaa.govt.nzfframework/search/ Infrastructure ITO. (© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813 NZQA unit standard 15943 version 3 Page 3 of 3 Comments on this unit standard Please contact the Infrastructure Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this assessment standard. Infrastructure TO. © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2020 ‘SSB Code 101813

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