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Clinical dermatology • Original article doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2230.2005.01908.

Topical application of 1-methylnicotinamide in the treatment

of rosacea: a pilot study
A. Wozniacka, M. Wieczorkowska,* J. Gebicki* and A. Sysa-Jedrzejowska
Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Lodz, Poland; and *Institute of Applied Radiation Chemistry, Technical University of Lodz, Poland

Summary Rosacea is a chronic facial dermatosis with a progressive course, which is characterized
by the presence of erythema, papules, pustules, telangiectasias and sebaceous gland
hyperplasia. However, the aetiology is still unknown; genetic predisposition,
gastrointestinal disorders (Helicobacter pylori), infestations with Demodex folliculorum
and environmental stimuli are considered to be involved in the inflammatory process.
A metabolite of nicotinamide, 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA+), has anti-inflammatory
properties, and this is the first study to test the effectiveness of this agent in treating
rosacea. In total, 34 patients with rosacea were treated with a gel containing 0.25%
MNA+ as a chloride salt, twice daily for 4 weeks, after which improvement was
observed in 26 ⁄ 34 cases. The improvement was good in 9 ⁄ 34 and moderate in
17 ⁄ 34, but no clinical effect was noted in seven subjects. In only one case was skin
irritation given as the reason for treatment withdrawal. These results indicate that
MNA+ might be a useful agent for treating rosacea.

tory processes. 1-methylnicotinamide (MNA+) is one of

the two major primary metabolites of nicotinamide,
Rosacea is a common dermatological condition. Over along with nicotinamide-N-oxide. MNA+ is further
the years many possible aetiologies have been proposed, metabolized to 1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide
including genetic predisposition, hypertension, Demodex and 1-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide.2,3 Although
folliculorum (mite) infestation, and association with MNA+ exerts its therapeutic function through multiple
internal diseases, especially gastrointestinal problems mechanisms, it seems that its anti-inflammatory prop-
connected with the presence of Helicobacter pylori erties are the prime mechanism. MNA+ can also be
bacteria. None of these theories have been proven considered as one of the nicotinamide adenine dinucleo-
beyond doubt. Diagnosis of rosacea is based on lability of tide (NAD+) analogues.4 The reduced form, nicotina-
the vasculature. Vasomotor flushes occur under a mide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), has been shown to
variety of circumstances: stress, temperature changes be effective in the treatment of rosacea and contact
(especially from cold to hot), and ingestion of alcohol or dermatitis.5
hot food and drink.1 We decided to test the therapeutic potential of MNA+
As the pathogenesis is not clearly defined, treatment in rosacea patients.
cannot act directly against the cause of the disease.
Treatment regimens usually interfere with inflamma-
Patients and methods
The study was approved by the local ethics committee.
Correspondence: Dr Anna Wozniacka, Department of Dermatology, Patients diagnosed with erythematotelangiectatic or
Medical University of Lodz, Krzemieniecka 5, 94-017 Lodz, Poland. papulopustular rosacea were recruited. The diagnosis
was made according to the criteria of the National
Conflict of interest: none declared. Rosacea Society Expert Committee.6 Before enrolment,
Accepted for publication 4 May 2005 patients were not receiving treatment with any form of

632  2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd • Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 30, 632–635
1-Methylnicotinamide in the treatment of rosacea • A. Wozniacka et al.

topical or systemic medication, or the medications

were withdrawn at least 2 weeks before the study.
Concomitant skin infection on the area to be treated
was an exclusion criterion.
As MNA+ is a physiological, nontoxic substance4,7
and the patients were in generally good health, only
basic laboratory parameters were analysed before and
after the study (complete blood cell account, erythrocyte
sedimentation rate, glucose level, urinalysis).
A gel containing 0.25% MNA+ as a chloride salt
(Accos; Pharmena Ltd, Lodz, Poland) was topically
applied to the skin lesions twice daily.
The number of papules and pustules, erythema
intensity (0 ¼ none, 1 ¼ mild, 2 ¼ moderate, 3 ¼ Figure 1 Mean ± SD number of facial inflammatory papules and
severe) and patient evaluation of symptoms such as pustules during the treatment time. Statistical comparisons be-
skin burning or stinging (0 ¼ none, 1 ¼ mild, 2 ¼ tween weeks 0 and 1 (P < 0.001), weeks 0 and 2 (P < 0.001),
moderate, 3 ¼ severe) were evaluated on the baseline weeks 0 and 4 (P < 0.001), weeks 1 and 2 (P < 0.007), weeks
1 and 4 (P < 0.001), and weeks 2 and 4 (P < 0.02).
visit and after 1, 2, and 4 weeks during the study.
Improvement was recorded as good when more than
70% of papules or pustules flattened and there was
evidence of a decrease in erythema and patient symp-
toms, and moderate when 40–70% of inflammatory
lesions flattened and a reduction of erythema and
patient symptoms was recorded.

Statistical analysis

The range of measured variables, mean arithmetic

values and standard deviation were calculated, and the
Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used to compare
mean values. Comparisons were considered significant
at P < 0.05.
Figure 2 Mean ± SD erythema score (o) and intensity of patient
symptoms (x). For both variables the differences between weeks 0,
Results 1, 2 and 4 were statistically significant (P < 0.001).
The study group consisted of 34 patients (32 women
and 2 men, aged between 29 and 45 years). Ten
patients were diagnosed as having erythema- The first indications of clinical efficacy could be seen
totelangiectatic rosacea and 24 subjects with the after 1 week, but the longer the time period for
papulopustular subtype. The disease duration ranged application of the gel, the better the results obtained
from 4 weeks to 2 years. (Figs 1 and 2).
Ten patients reported previous topical corticosteroid Good improvement was observed in three patients
use; the rebound effect after their discontinuation was with erythematotelangiectatic rosacea and six patients
the reason for their inclusion after the washout period. with papulopustular subtype. Moderate improvement
In 5 of the 10 patients, MNA+ gel was found to be was noticed in 5 volunteers with erythematotelangiect-
helpful. In seven other subjects, previous topical met- atic lesions and 12 with papulopustular. The patient
ronidazole treatment was unsuccessful. Seventeen sub- illustrated in Fig. 3 is a typical erythematotelangiectatic
jects had not been previously treated. case, which revealed moderate improvement. In seven
Statistical analysis of the number of papules and patients, no improvement was seen. Only one patient
pustules, erythema and patients’ complaints (intensity complained of itching, burning and skin irritation,
score) revealed significant differences between baseline which occurred after 2 days of topical gel application
and weeks 1, 2 and 4 (P < 0.001 for all comparisons). and was the reason for treatment withdrawal (Table 1).

 2005 Blackwell Publishing Ltd • Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 30, 632–635 633
1-Methylnicotinamide in the treatment of rosacea • A. Wozniacka et al.

Figure 3 Rosacea patient before and after

the treatment.

Table 1 The clinical results of the study. Our previous investigations revealed that MNA+, a
metabolite of nicotinamide, possesses anti-inflammatory
No. of patients with
Total no. properties and can be efficacious in acne vulgaris,
Clinical effect ER PR of patients allergic contact dermatitis and burns.4,7 Its therapeutic
properties are thought to be associated with its ability to
Good improvement 3 6 9
Moderate improvement 5 12 17
release prostacyclin (PGI2) and to reduce adherence of
No clinical effect 2 5 7 proinflammatory cells and molecules to the surface of
Worsening 0 1 1 the vascular endothelium. The ability of MNA+ to
stimulate PGI2 production may have anti-inflammatory
ER, erythematotelangiectatic rosacea; PR, papulopustular rosacea.
effects. The ionic character of MNA+, which can bind to
glycosaminoglycans located on the surface of vascular
endothelium cells, is also thought to be associated with
Laboratory examination did not reveal any abnormalit- its beneficial effects.4
ies before or after the study. Ten patients continued this The anti-inflammatory MNA+ properties were proved
form of treatment after the study, up to 7 months, as the by the decrease in the number of papules and pustules,
gel was well tolerated and maintained the improvement. intensity of erythema, and patient symptoms. The first
clinical improvement could be seen in the first week, but
continuation of the treatment brought greater benefit
for patients. Although the study was designed as a
Although the exact aetiology of rosacea is unknown, it 4-week trial, the good clinical effect resulted in some
is considered to have an inflammatory and vascular patients continuing the gel application. Follow-up at
origin. Hypersensitivity to Demodex mites causes recruit- 7 months in 10 subjects confirmed not only good
ment of inflammatory and other immune cells into the tolerance of prolonged gel application but also main-
dermis and release of inflammatory mediators. Rela- tenance of improvement and control of recurrences.
tionship between vascular and inflammatory events is Unfortunately we did not observe any influence on
regarded as a result of the influence of inflammatory telangiectasias.
mediators such as substance P, histamine, serotonin, In rosacea patients, topical treatment can sometimes
bradykinin or prostaglandins on vasodilatation.8,9 cause skin irritation. In our study, only one patient
Marks10 also suggests that immune cells cause endot- developed this symptom, requiring withdrawal from the
helial damage, which increases the capacity of facial study, so MNA+ gel seems to be well tolerated.
microvasculature and ultimately dilatation. Therefore It is generally accepted that systemic and local
agents with anti-inflammatory properties are in the first corticosteroids are contraindicated in rosacea patients.
line of rosacea therapy. Sometimes, in active form of disease, they are intro-

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1-Methylnicotinamide in the treatment of rosacea • A. Wozniacka et al.

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