Final - Project 1 Critique

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Poor internet access places a significant hurdle in the way of obtaining necessary services in
developing nations, which decreases people's quality of life. Insufficient internet access in
low- and middle-income nations hampers access to essential services, reducing people's
quality of life. Insufficient internet access in low- and middle-income nations hampers access
to essential services, reducing people's quality of life. To address this issue and promote
economic development, solutions such as price reductions must be implemented,
recognizing the fundamental importance of internet connectivity. The article "Reliable
Internet Unavailable for 90% of Poorest" by Dann Okoth ( - Enterprise, March 9th,
2022) explores the extensive impact of poor internet access in developing countries. The
author aims to shed light on how inadequate internet connectivity affects the lives of people
in these regions. They advocate for government programs that address gender inequality
and the digital divide while ensuring sufficient internet access for a better standard of living.
According to significant research, reports and in-depth information on the subject, the
article successfully proves its point that the internet connectivity is significant for improving
quality of life in the poor countries.


The article "Reliable Internet Unavailable for 90% of Poorest" by Dann Okoth, published on
March 9th, 2022, in - Enterprise, sheds light on the issue of poor internet access
in underdeveloped nations, which has significant repercussions for basic network users.
Insufficient connectivity deprives them of necessary services and hampers their
opportunities for employment, higher education, and healthcare. The concept of
"meaningful connectivity" is emphasized, highlighting the importance of reliable and
efficient networks that can support these vital aspects of life. With over a third of the global
population affected by internet access disparities, governments are urged to prioritize
expanding access to bridge the digital divide. Moreover, the gender gap in internet usage is
noted as a cost to developing nations, emphasizing the need for equitable
access.Additionally, the article highlights the detrimental impact of the gender gap in
internet usage on developing nations, underscoring the importance of ensuring fair and
equal access to internet services. To enhance the quality of life in developing countries, it is
crucial to prioritize the provision of reliable internet connections.

Response Segment 1: Evidence

The author adeptly highlights the importance of network connectivity in an individual's life
and the adverse consequences that arise from the lack of access to reliable internet. Let's
delve into the evidence provided to support this assertion: Research by the Alliance for
Affordable Internet indicates that less than 50% of people in developing nations lack basic
internet connectivity, impeding their access to necessary services. This reveals the dire
situation faced by a significant portion of the population in underdeveloped nations,
hindering their utilization of essential online resources for employment, education, and
healthcare. A firsthand account from a Kenyan construction worker in Nairobi highlights the
challenges of obtaining dependable internet, showcasing the significant efforts individuals
make to secure connectivity and underscoring its crucial role in their lives. Furthermore,
referencing a study by Ana Maria Rodriguez, the article suggests that internet access
provides social and individual benefits, such as improved education, communication,
economic opportunities, and social participation. Although, specific findings are not
mentioned, this evidence supports the argument that internet access is essential for a better
standard of living. Collectively, these points underscore the detrimental impact of limited
internet access and emphasize the necessity of bridging the digital divide to enhance
opportunities and living conditions in underdeveloped nations.

Research Segment 2: Relevance

The author places strong emphasis on the importance of government initiatives aimed at
improving people's lives by addressing the digital divide and providing reliable internet
connections. Let's examine the evidence presented to support this claim: The author
highlights the persistent gender disparity in internet access, citing a report from the Alliance
for Affordable Internet. The report reveals that, even in countries where the gender gap in
access has been closed, such as South Africa and Colombia, men still have a higher
likelihood of having meaningful internet connectivity. This underscores the importance of
specific government actions aimed at addressing and narrowing the gender gap in
technology and internet access. This emphasis the need for targeted government initiatives
to address and close the gender gap in technology and internet access. Additionally,
referencing a study by Mangal, the article suggests that reducing data fees should be a top
priority for governments aiming to improve internet accessibility. High data costs act as a
significant barrier, particularly for individuals in underdeveloped nations. By lowering data
fees, governments can make internet connectivity more affordable and accessible to a
larger population. These points underscore the importance of government interventions in
enhancing internet accessibility and bridging the digital divide. In summary, the evidence
provided in the article includes statistics from the Alliance for Affordable Internet report,
which highlight the gender gap in meaningful internet connectivity, the economic impact of
the digital gender gap, and the importance of lowering data fees to improve internet
accessibility. These examples, quotations, and analysis contribute to the author's argument
by demonstrating the need for government initiatives to address the digital divide,
specifically targeting gender disparities andinequalities and making internet connectivity
more affordable for all.


In less developed countries, the absence of internet access limits opportunities for
employment, education, and healthcare, exacerbating inequality. Governments must take
swift action to bridge these gaps, address the gender disparity, and prioritize reliable
internet access for a better quality of life. The author highlights the disadvantages faced by
individuals in underdeveloped nations without stable internet connections, including the
gender gap in technology and digital exclusion, resulting in missed opportunities and
disadvantages compared to those with meaningful connectivity. Overall, the article
effectively utilizes a wealth of information to convey its message clearly and powerfully,
although some technical terms may require further understanding.

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