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Unit 8 School: №40

Date: 10.04.2023 Teacher name: Muratkyzy Aigerim

Class: 5 ә Number Absent:
Lesson title An article
Learning objectives To teach the use of articles
Lesson objectives All pupils: Distinguish between
indefinite and definite, zero articles
Assessment criteria Distinguish between indefinite and
definite, zero articles can receive, can
find in sentences, meaning in words
you can look at it.
Cross-curricular links Similar aspects of the articles, know
how to translate in a words
ICT skills Stickers, a table for mutual and self-
assessment, task cards.
Level of thinking skills to develop the intellectual qualities of
students, cognitive interest and
competence in the field of language
to introduce students to the definition of
the article as an official part of speech,
to identify the differences between the
indefinite and definite article;
Previous learning Past Simple. Wh-questions
Planning of the lesson
Planned Planned activities Resources
Organization moment
Good morning, boys and girls! How are you
3 min feeling today? I’m really glad to see you.
Please sit down.
Let’s start our lesson. Who's absent today?
Request homework
10 min
An article is any member of a class of
dedicated words that are used with noun
phrases to mark the identifiability of the
referents of the noun phrases. The category of
articles constitutes a part of speech.
A definite article is an article that marks
a definite noun phrase. Definite articles such as
English the are used to refer to a particular
member of a group. It may be something that
the speaker has already mentioned or it may be
otherwise something uniquely specified.
An indefinite article is an article that marks an
indefinite noun phrase. Indefinite articles are
those such as English "an" or "a", which do not
refer to a specific identifiable entity.
Task cards.
10 min
New grammar tasks Individual work

3 min

Warming up
3 min

Read and translate new text
Page: 89, Text
Are you bored with modern sports? Then come Eyes open student’s book
Middle to the Highland Games in Scotland and
10 min discover traditional Scottish sports, The Games
celebrate Scottish culture, and also include
Scottish dance competitions and typical local
food. From May to September there are
Highland Games in towns and villages across
Scotland. Men, women and children travel
from all over the world to watch. Nobody
knows when the Games started. But in the 11"
century, King Malcolm III of Scotland held a
race to find a fast runner to take his messages.
Maybe this was the first Highland Games.
Some historians say that the Victorians
invented The Games in the 19th century,
Competitors at the Games do a lot of different
events. There are special heavy'athletic sports.
One famous event is the caber toss. A caber is
a heavy wooden pole. Contestants throw the
caber. The winners are very strong! Other
events are the stone put - contestants throw a
big stone - and the hammer throw - they throw
a metal ball on a long stick. Another popular
event is the Tug o' war. In this event rival
teams pull a rope in opposite directions! Local
Scottish athletes wear traditional tartan kilts
similar to skirts, Tartan is a colourful material.
7 min In the past, Scottish people wore tartan to show
which family they were from. Nowadays,
people from all round the world compete in the
events. So why don't you come are Highland
Games all too and experience the magic of the
Highland games?

Read the article again. Are the sentences

true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.
1 F - The Highland Games started in the 19th
1. The Highland Games started this
2. There aren't any Highland Games in the
3. King Malcolm was a 19th century king.
4. The winners of the 'heavy' events are

3 min

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan Assessment – how are you Health and safety check
to give more support? How do you planning to check learners’ ICT links
plan to challenge the more able learning?

● Students will support each other. Students will be assessed through ICT links
● More capable students will be - after-reading activity
given more challenging material creating and sharing sentences
to work with in order to allow with new vocabulary
them to be more challenged.
 The students will be supported by
the teacher during independent
Reflection Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant
Were the lesson objectives/learning questions from the box on the left about your lesson.
objectives realistic?
Did all learners achieve the LO?
If not, why?
Did my planned differentiation work
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my
plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

5 People didn't wear tartan in the past.

6 Only Scottish people can compete in the
2 min
Look at the board. There is a tree. If you
like our lesson - stick the pink, if you
dislike it – stick yellow, and if you think
that it is so so - stick green

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