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EMPLOYEE DETAILS ( Fill out all fields)

Name: MAZWANNA TASHA BINTI MOKTI Identity Card: 961212136464

Date of Advance: 17.05.2023

Amount Advance: RM400

Reasons Advance: MOTHER'S DAY

I, MAZWANNA TASHA BINTI MOKTI, request an advance payment of

RM 400 on my wages/salary payable on the payroll date of NEXT MONTH.
If this request is approved, I would like to receive this advance by:

{ } Physical check
{ } Direct deposit
{ ✔ } Cash
By signing this form, I authorize Dapur Kami Café to make deductions from my paycheck to repay
this advance through one payroll deduction be made from wages/salary payable the first pay period
immediately following the pay period from which this advance is made.

Employee Signature Date

________________________________ _________________________________
Supervisor/Manager Date

_______________________________ __________________________________
Human Resources Manager/Director Date

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