Data Management MDM4U1 - Course Notes

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Unit i - Introduction to Probability Lesson _| Title Homework 1 | Probabilities - Theoretical & Pg. 13 #12, Empirical 3,4,6,12,13,14 2 | Odds & Probabilities Pg, 24 # 1-: 6,8,9,10,14,16 Pg, 32 #1,2,6abc,8a 3 | Venn Diagrams Handout 4 | Mutually Exclusive and Non- Mutually Exclusive Events Pg. 42 H1-6 icons 0270, 7, 9, 1, 1aab 5 | Independent and Dependent Pg. 5313,4,50 6, | Events 8,11 6 — | Review Pq, 56 #1-7, Ba, Sac, 10, 12, 13 7 [Review #2 Handout [TesT ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: Unit 1: Probability Lesson 1: Probabilities - Theoretical and Experimental Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: y + Calculate a theoretical probability. ‘+ Determine an experimental probability + Differentiate betvieen experimental, theoretical and subjective probabilities. ‘Minds Ont How would you express how frequently something occurs? QED scion Probabiity is 2 measure of how likely an outcome i to occur ‘There are different types of probable. L nt ability ~ is determined by dividing the number Of times a particular outcome occurs by the number of trials, 2 (e,) I flipped 6 heads in 10 tries, thus T conclude the probability of tossing @ head = 60% "aa PO = Ta Were nf ithe numberof tines the outcome occurred NT) the total numberof rs 2: Subjective Probability ~ an estimate of likelihood based on intuition and ‘experience (Ex) I think our team has a 75% chance of making the playoffs. Page 1 of 25 ‘St. Marcelinus Secondary School Date 2. Theoretical Probability - is derived mathematically by dividing the total ‘umber of ways a particular outcome can occur, over the total number of Possible theoretical outcomes, ’, Ex. On a multiple choice question that has 4 possible options and only 1 correct one. The theoretical probability is %. =2@) Pa) = 55 Where: n{ is the numberof times the outcome occurred 1S) isthe total of possible outcomes Example 1 Determine the probability of roling a 3 with a single die. Example 2 2) Probability of rolling a sum greater than 9 with 2 dice? Dice A 1]2]3]4][5]6 12 [3 [4[sfel7 2[3/4[slel7[3 FEE Ele[s[s wo 4 [5] 6] 71819 fio} Sle] 7/89 fiofir 6 [7/8 [9 fiofifiz Trick? #roled| 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 30 1 12 # ways Page of 25 ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary School Date: b) sum less than 97 ©) If @ game is played that says player A wins if he rolls a 4 or 5 and player 8 wins if he rolls a 7 or 8. Who has the advantage of winning? Example 3 From a standard deck of cards, determine the probability of selecting. a) an ACE b) ared seven ©) a black face card Page 30f 25 | @o$ $$$ St. Marcelinus Secondary Schoo! bate: Bramble 4 ‘A game board spinner has 5 different colours on it. In this first twenty spins of the game the following results were tabulated. Determine the empirical probability of landing on each respective colour? Red z Yellow T Orange 3 2) How would this differ from the theoretical probability? The probability of an event occurring Is always a value between O and 1. In other words, for any event A, 0< P(A) I ‘A useful and important concept in probability is the complement of an event. The ‘complement of an event, denoted A’ (A “prime”) is the event that A does NOT ‘occur. Thus, whatever outcomes make-up A, all other outcomes make up A’, he sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes ALWAYS = 1] Page 4 of 25 St. Marcelinus Secondary School Example 5 What is the probability that a randomly drawn integer between 1 and 100 is not @ perfect square? This question is easier if we find the complement (ie.) finding the probability that the number drawn IS a perfect square. Consolidation! Probability is the branch of mathematics that attempts to calculate how likely an event is to occur ¥ There are three types of probability (Empirical - by *doing", Theoretical - "what's ‘supposed to happen” and Subjective ~ “what you think will happen") The sum of the probabilities for all possible outcomes always equals 1 _Itis sometimes easier to use the complement of an event (which can be found using 1 - P(A) Self- Assessment against Learning Goals a (1= not confident about my abilities and 5 ~ very confident in my abilities) + 1can calculate a theoretical probability 1 2 3 4 5 + can determine an experimental probability 1 2 3 4 5 + Iean differentiate between experimental, theoretical and subjective probabilities. 1 2 3 4 5 Page 5 of 25 ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date, Unit 1: Probability Lesson 2: Odds & Probabilities Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: Draw a tree diagram to represent n(A) or nS). + Calculate and convert a theoretical probability to odds and vice versa. Minds Ont ‘Sometimes a visual drawing can have us to determine the total outcomes for a series of events n(S) or even to visualize the n(A). Since we have already discussed the concept of probability, are there any other way you have heard people express the frequency or likelihood or an event? Action! 5 QPEL ods are another way to express a level of confidence about an outcome. Odds are often used when the propoilty af on event versus Its complement is ofinterest. For example whether sprinter wil win Or oae the race. Most odds in sports are based on subjecive probebilty about en athletes bites but thet can se be bosed Empirical date about his past performance, ‘The odds in favour of an event occurring Is given by the ratio of the probability that the event will occur to the probability that It will not occur. sn oourotaare= 72 which cn also be written as PAPO) Os ans Aare = 2 which can also be writen as PAD: PCA) ‘The relationship that exists between odds and probability is: Peay Odds in favour of Aare P(A): PLA) and the probability of A PO = ray Pras Page 6 of 25 be ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: Example ‘A drawer contains 3 red socks, 5 white socks and 4 black socks. What are the odds In favour of randomly drawing a red sock? Example 2 Determine the odds in favour of randomly drawing an odd number from 1-9 Inclusive. Example 3 ‘There are 15 identically shaped beads In a bowl, 4 red, 5 blue and 6 green. One bead is taken at random from the bowl, 2) What are the odds of you drawing a green bead? b) What are the odds against you drawing a blue bead? Page 7 of 25 ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: ©) What are the odds that is it not red? 4) What are the odds that It Is either red or green? Example 4 A popular lottery game promotes the odds of winning a prize to be “1 in 3°. What is the actual probability of you winning a prize in this lottery. Explain how this difference could be misleading Page 80F 25, ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! We can also use tree diagrams, (or factorials or combinations/permutations later on in the course) to determine or araanize all possible outcomes and determine probability, A tree diagram Is a visual ways to represent all possible outcomes of a series of events or choices. Example 5 ‘A young couple is planning a trip to a small suburb of Hong Kong. In order to do this they must first travel to the airport by a bus, cab or train. Once at the airport they have a choice of fying by Canadian Airlines, Pacific Airlines, or British Airways. ‘Once in Hong Kong they have options of a ferry, cab or train to gettto the suburb. How many different ways are there of getting there? Page 9 of 25 Pt ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date. Example ¢ For lunch David has to choose @ sandwich, drink ane dessert. The cafeteria sells BLT, Tune, and Club sandwiches. For drinks they offer, orange juice, iced tea, apple Juice and coke, and as for dessert, they sell brownies and cookies. How many wi (a+) * ask Go 2G Ge (a+8) ete tab B 31 ys aCe aCe (@HBY ake 30° + Bab? oP POHL Cy Gy (048) > Lao" e60°b? sha s1b4 Observations... ‘+ Each term in Pascal's triangle corresponds to a value of ,C, ‘+ Expanding a binomial (a+6)", where n is the row of Pascal's triangle, results in the coeffidents of the terms in the expansion equaling the terms in that row of the trangle (see row 4) ‘The Binomial Theorem - used to expand binomials raised to the n® power. [e+ P=, Cua", Gabe, Cab +, Ca B+, C,B (o+ay =3.C.a78 Page 18 of 26 ‘St, Marcelinus Secondary Schoo! Date: (€x 8) Expand and simplify (a+5)' using the binomial theorem. Observations. Note how the exponent on “a” starts to decrease (from n) as the exponent on “p" starts to increase (to n), as you expand Note how n = 6, but there are 7 terms (n+1) since you choose zero also Note how the sum of the exponents on any term must = n (in this case 6) Note how the coefficients of the terms In the expansion match the entries in row 6 (n) of Pascal's triangle (I.e.) 1 6 15 20 15 6 1 (Ex 9) Expand and simplify (2x4) using the binomial theorem. ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: Consolidation! The terms in row n, of Pascal's triangle correspond to combinations, where far = oC ¥ Agiven term in Pascal's triangle equals the sum of the two terms directly above It. Using combinations, Pascal's Formula is |yC,= iC terCy, ¥_ The coefficients in the binomial expansion of (x + y)", are found in row n, of. Pascal's triangle ¥ Pascal's metrod can be applied to counting paths in arrays How are you doing? Self Assessment against Learning Goals (1.= not confident about my abilities and 5 - very confident in my abilities) ‘Make connections between combinations and Pascal's Triangle 1 2 3 4 5 Page 20 of 26 ‘St, Marcellin Secondary School Unit 3: Combinations Lesson 4: Probabilities Using Combinations Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: tw? ean + So road robles sing counting princes ‘Minds Ont Experienced card players usually consider probability. They need to know how likely the next card drawn is to be something they “need! for their hend. If they are holding 2 Kings, what is the chance of another King being drawn, to give them "3 ofa kind”. In some situations, we require the use of permutations or combinations to help us calculate probability Remember that before you begin any question ask yourself "is order important?", If yes, use permutations, if no, use combinations. Action! (Ee 1) An advisory group of three members is to be randomly selected from @ medical team consisting of five doctors and seven technicians. ) what is the probability that the group selected will be comprised of doctors only? St. Marcellinus Secondary School 'b) what is the probabilty that the group selected will not be comprised of doctors only? ©) what is the probabilty that the group selected consists of 1 doctor and 2 technicians? 4) what Is the probabilty that the group is not just made up of technicians? ) What is the probabilty that at least 2 doctors make up the group? ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date. (Ex 2) A child's lago box contains 5 blue pieces, 3 red pieces, 4 yellow pieces and 6 White pieces. Ifhe randomly selects 3 pieces from the box, what is the probability that 2) Two are white? b) None are oiue? ©) At least 1 is white? Page 23.026 ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary School Date: (© 3) Jeff is in one Biology class and Julie is in another. The school will send 6 students to an upcoming competition, three from each class. If Jeff is one of eight volunteers from his class wishing to attend, and Julle Is one of seven volunteers from her class that wish to atteng, 2) what is the probanllity that Jeff and Jule will end up at the competition together? b) what is the probability that Jeff or Julle, but not both, are selected to attend? (Ex 4) Whet is the probability that @ 5-card poker hand contain. a) 2 hearts? Page 28 0f26 ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! ») At least 1 spade? ©) 2 diamonds and 2 spades? 4) No more than 1 face card? €) Lor 2 jacks? Page 25 of 26 ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date. (Ex 5) The social convenor has 15 volunteers to work at a school dance. Each dance requires 4 volunteers at the door, 5 volunteers on the floor and 6 floaters. Joe and Jim have not worked together before so the convenor would like to not assign them together. What is the probability that the convenor can assign the positions such that they are not together? Consolidation! ¥ Problems involving Probability sometimes require the use of elther permutations or combinations - remember to always ask yourself if order matters before beginning a question How are you doing? Self Assessment against Learning Goals = (1 = not confident about my abilities and 5 - very confident in my abilities) Solve probability problems using counting principles 1 2 3 4 5 7 Page 26 of 25 Unit 3 - = | 1.4 contractor need four carpenters, ten are sent from the union hall. Tn how many ways ean he pick his crew? _ 210) 2. How mny different sums of money can be made with one $5 bill, two $10 bills and one $50 bill? ta) | 3.Tn how many ways can ¢ commitee with six members form @ sub-committee fat least one person must be selected? 163), 4. A bridge hand consists of 13 cards. How many bridge hands include 5 cards of i suit, 6 cards| ‘of a second and 2 cards of a third? (4134297024) 5. By what factor does the number of possible bridge hand (I3 cards) differ from the number of ways in which a bridge hand coule be dealt to you? 16227020800] 6, Six hockey players and eight baseball players are avaloble fora charity benefit. The organization con afford to send four athletes to the event. Inhow many ways could they be selected 2) with no restrictions? 1001) b) IF there must be exactly two hockey players and two bosebal players? (420) ) If there must be at least one hackey player ond one baseball player? (916) 7, Francesco is handing out snacks at the day care center, There are 18 children. Ff he has seven apples six oranges and twoboxes of raisins, in how many ways could he distribute the sacks to the children? —_ 1801 18. A test contains 10 questions. 4 student Is required to answer 7 of them including atleast 3 of ‘the first 5 questions. How mony different combinations of questions could the student choose to | 10), 9. If Thave 15 movies avalable fe watch 4) in how many ways can I select 4 movies to view? 11366) )Tahow many ways can T arrange the fins two movies ona shelf? (from the 15 available movies) (219) | 10. Bobby has 6 red crayons, 5 ble crayons, 7 yellow crayons and 3 brown crayons ine bin. In how many ways con he reach in ord select at east one crayon to colour with, fat least 1 blue “crayon is included in the selector? (1120) 1, A man's wardrobe includes 6 suts, 8 shirts and 4 pairs of pants, He wants fo select 2 suits, 2 shirts ond {pair of pants for his pcoming road trp. Tn how many weys can he do this? (1680) 12, A high schoo! Football coach must select 4 quarterbacks, 5 running backs and 3 wide receivers | from a group of 17 players. In haw many ways can he do this fall the players can play any of the positions? 1171531360) 13, A committee of students and teachers is being formed to study the isue of student parking Privileges. Fifteen staff members and 18 students have expressed interest in serving on the committee. Tn how many differert ways could « five person committee be formed if it must Include o least one stucents ond ane teacher? z (228765) 14. There ore 18 keen math students competing in a competition, Two smaller divisions of 9 “students eachare tebe selected. The oly restriction inthe division of students is that the two top students Pasquale and Francesca) must be in separate divisions. Tnhow many ways could the divisions be determined with ths restriction in place? (25740) 15. The St. Marcellus Region Department consists of 4 teachers, while the Socal Science Department enssts of 12 teachers, There is I teacher who is common te both departments, In how many mays could these two departments form a sub-group of 5 teachers to attend a conference ifat leat one teacher from each department is included? (61381) 16, Rewrite Ci using Pascal formula uso - uli 17. What isthe sum of the terms from row 13 in Pascal triangle? (0192) 18. Use the binomial theorem to expand and simplify (2x-5y) (328 Ay eae e257 19, How many ways are there to spel the word PORTABLE (as shown below)? 20, 6. A bog contains 2 blue, 3 red and 4 green marbles, Tf youreach im to elect exactly rarbles, wht isthe prabability that you wil select. ‘9). No mere than I blue marble? 135/361 b) Not 2red marbles? 14/42) 21. A 6 member committee is to be selected from among 8 teachers, 5 administrators ond 6 porents. Wht is the prabobility thatthe committee consists of an egal number of members | from each group? ypo/323) 22. Jenna is oe class ard Olver isin another. The school will send 8 students to an upcoming ‘competition, four from each class. Tf Tema is one of six volunteers from her cles wishing to attend, and Olver is one of eight volunteers from his class that wish toattend, what i the probobilty that they both end up at the competition together? 1/3) |Lesson [Title Homework 1 [Measures of Central Tendency | p. 263 # 1-8, 10,13, 15a (answ - mean = 84, median= 7.5, mode = 9-12), 16,18 | 2 Standard Deviation and z-Scores | p. 286 # 1,2, 3, 4, 9,14 3 Measures of Spread p.275 # 1,2, 3bd, 5 — | Handout 4 [Review p. 308 # 1,2b, 3, 4, 5,8,9 p.311#2,3,4,8 TEST ‘St. Marcelinus Secondary Schoo! /ariable Data Analysis Lesson 1: Measures of Central Tendency ‘Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: ‘ew? Lenka Gon ‘+ Interpret the mean, median and mode of a set of data ‘+ Choose the measure of central tendency that best describes the data ‘Minds Ont {tis important to collect and organize data in a way that helps you understand where the majority of the numbers are found. This clustering of data Is referred to as measures of central tendency. The three most ‘commonly used measures of central tendency are mean, median and mode. | © Astlant In statistics, you can find the mean of a population and the mean of a sample of that population. A sample mean will approximate the actual ‘mean of the population. Population mean: | 7 ‘Sample mean: Where Wis the size of the population, and n Is the sample size. Although the calculations are the same, different symbols are used. ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: The median, Is the middle-most value when the data are ranked from lowest to highest. (&)3 468 10 (29345578 10 12 ‘The mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a set of data, If there is no mode, indicate this with “none” or “n/a”. Outliers = data points that tend to be cistant from the majority of the data = Affect the mean more so than the median + Can be problematic particularly with small data sets (92 35 10 50 vs 23510 Each measure of central tendency has its own advantages/disadvantages MEAN ~ is the most "mathematical" but can be affected by outliers MEDIAN ~ is used when you are simply interested in the midpoint of the data, and the number of values that fall above and below this point (not affected by outliers) MODE - useful for non-mathematical events (ex) t-shirt sizes at a concert, “fitted hat day” at the Blue Jay's game ‘St Marcelinus Secondary Schoo! Date: (Ex 1) The Income of 15 employees at a local business are listed below. ($i2500 7 #12500] ~$i7305 | $18980 $20 432 (325676 $32 65a $33. 450 gazes | $34083 | $36 540, $45 678 48980 | $250 921 $478 320, a) Determine the mean, median and mode of the incomes b) Comment on the effect of any outliers ‘¢) Which measure of central tendency best represents this data? Why? ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: When the quantity of data is large, you can group the data into Intervals to make them easier to analyze. When data are grouped into intervals, you can only “approximate” the centre of the data (median). The mean of grouped data can be Sim, Eh found using the formula, |, where mis the midpoint of each interval and fils the frequency of each interval. (Ex 2) The time taken to complete a chess game was recorded, to the nearest minute. The table below shows this data, Find the mean, median and mode. 10-15 15-20] 20-25 25-30 | 30-35 { 2 20 wo | 5 Midpoint (m.) | # of games (fi) St. Marcellinus Secondary School Date: For the median... \ook for the Interval in which the middle value occurs. There are 55 data values, so the median will be the 214 = 28 term... Now look at the cumulative frequency table to see in what interval the 28" term occurred (answer = 20-25)... now use the midpoint of that interval :. median = 22.5 For. the mode... \00k at the interval with the greatest frequency - . made 5-20 minutes (keep this as a range) ‘Sometimes, certan values in a data set are of greater relative importance than others (*worth" more). In such cases, a weighted mean can be calculated. This can be done using the formula ainsi, 2" er Sm Where x, represents each data in the set and wi, represents its weight. ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: (Ex 3) Calculate your final mark in a course with the following scores and corresponding welghtings. Category Mark (2) | Weight (w) | (%) (%) Knowiedge a1 30 “Application a =a ‘Communication 7 20 ‘Thinking/inquiry,——«ASSCSCSC«O (Ex 4) A teacher's calculating marks for students in her class using the follawing weight values 1) Knowledge - 25% 2) Application - 20% 3) Communication ~ 15% 4) Thinking - 10% 5) CPT - 159% 6) Exam - 15% Kyle has not yet written the exam, but has scored 90, 79, 82, 70 and 85 in the first 5 categories, respectively. What mark would he need on the Exam, to finish the course with 84%? ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary School The three measures of central tendency are mean, median and mode, each with Its own advantages and disadvantages ‘The mean represents the average of a set of data ‘The median is the middlemost number, when the data is arranged in ascending order The mode is the number that occurs most frequently. It is possible to have more than one mode, or no mode Outliers are data values that are significantly distant from the majority of the rest of the data. They have a dramatic effect on the mean, not so much the median ‘A weighted mean accounts for the relative Importance of each value in the average Grouped data are organized into intervals. The interval midpoints and frequencies can be used to estimate the measures of central tendency How are you doing? Self- Assessment against Learning Goals (= not confident about my abilities and 5 - very confident in my abiities) ‘+ Interpret the mean, median and mode of a set of data 1 2 3 4 5 + Choose the measure of central tendency that best describes the data ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary School Unit 4: One-Variable Data Analysis Lesson 2: Standard Deviation & z-scores Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: val ‘Calculate the variance and standard deviation of a data set ‘+ Calculate and understand the significance of a z-score ‘= develop significant conclusions about a data set Minds Ont ‘+The measure of spread, or dispersion, of a data set are quantities that indicate how closely a set of data cluster around its centre. A deviation is the difference between an individual data and the mean for that data. ‘The following formulas are used to determine the standard deviation and variance for both samples and populations. Population - standard deviation ‘Sample ~ standard deviation Where the population deviation is represented by (x 1), and the sample devation Is represented by (x—x). Note: n-t, is used in sample s.d. to compensate for the fact that a sample taken from the population tends to underestimate the deviations in the population. Asn becomes larger, the formula for s, approaches that for a. ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary School Date: Population ~ variance ‘Sample - variance (x 1) The heights (cm) of a 7-member girls basketball team are listed below. Determine the mean, standard deviation and variance and comment on the results. 183 165 148 146 181 178 154 Sol'n... Before you start... is this a sample OR population? Mean For s.d. ~ a chart Is helpful Height (x) | Deviation (x-u) ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: Comments? ~ this team has a mean height of 165cm (quite tal) however the standard deviation of 14.7 (quite high) indicates that the data does not cluster closely to the mean (in other words, this team likely has very tal players but very short players as well). Had the s.d. been small (ex 3-Scm) this would tellus that all the girls on the team were around the mean of 165em...think strategy ~ what team might be easier to defend? (Ex 2) Two students are competing for a scholarship at a competitive University. ‘They were asked to submit their top 6 grade 12 course marks. The results are below. “Student A| 90 ‘Student 5 2) Calculate the mean average for both students. ») Calculate the standard deviation for both students. ©) Which student might the University consider accepting? Can you make a ‘case for each student? ‘St. Marcellins Secondary Schoo! (Ex 3) You have just been hired as the GM of the Toronto Maple Leafs. You have the option cf signing one of two players. Player A has produced a mean of 25 goals Per season aver the past 5 seasons, with a standard deviation of 5 goals. Player B has produced 2 mean of 28 goals per season over the past 5 seasons, with a standard deviation of 15 goals. Which player would YOU choose to sign? Justify your selection. ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! ‘A z-score Is the number of standard deviations that a data Is from the mean. It is calculated by dividing the deviation of the data, by the standard deviation. ‘+ Variable values below the mean have negative z-scores ‘+ Variable values above the mean have positive z-scores ‘+ Variable values equal to the mean have zero z-scores (Ex 4) Refer back to Ex. 1, Calculate the z-score for the girl on the tear who is. 178cm tall. What dees this value represent? ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date (Ex 5) The heights of a grade 11 boy's phys-ed class were recorded, producing @ mean of 161 cm, with a standard deviation of cm. If Ethan's height produced a z-score of 1.21, how tall is he? Consolidation! The variance and standard deviation are measures of spread ¥ The standard deviation of a data set determines the average distance of the measurements from the mean. The larger the standard deviation, the greater the spread of the data, ¥ You can think of standard deviation as a measure of CONSISTENCY of the data as It relates to the mean. Tre higher the s.d. the less consistent the data. The lower the s.d. the more consistent the data ¥ The z-score tells you the number of standard deviations that a data is from the oe ‘How are you doing? See Se came Sia ae ey aa my he) ae arc eae ane we + Caletate and understand the sgniticance of a z-score 1 2 3 ‘ 5 + develop significant conclusions about a data Set 1 2 3 ‘ 5 1B » we os uo oe we ov ww uo wom 8 wow 24 as aos aka 1224 sara (nea, fass,24,24 "Te da below show ade ora sal Cas ana aCe a. The Yn oT hs POPULATION ae )aklat thera, macon ane made oka te andar devon &voance tas9,2518] «fag thee forthe student wh reeves 95 asm 5 Theda below saw teal nar of Pas wo eeagat pan On wr Hi pa weekend The esas oS vo ® © 2 9 » 5 » 2) ake the es, macon nme b)caulste the standard devon Barone ‘inane scare forthe prion who per 32 burn wer o6.255,902828, racosy 05) 4. The folowing tte shows tesla rctt for smu ed oy company. Aum tht anya “awe mes? {ox159000, wa peas inte ier te Determine the approvinate mean sry Sn ST Sonera Empoa 70 = e520) )osteminethe sprout mnzany (34800) How muchdoerthe ater afc te rresn/mesan? (mean $800, med —$0) 5 Annteemer ates cand ou of or each of te ctr lite ow. te Fete tego ate wor teat ‘nuchal cate each pesos weighted mann dei who oud et theo ‘ira edit Stphon Berea ta ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Unit 4: One-Variable Data Analysis Lesson 3: Measures of Spread Learning Goal By the end of this lesson I will be able to: LeaPaag Gon ‘+ Descrite the variability in a sample or population using measures of spread Calculate the range ‘+ Understand how to use quartiles and percentiles ‘Minds Ont A mmam returns home from the hospital after delivering Eaby boy. She was od that her son ranked in the 90% percentile for height, and the 85 . percentile for weight. What does this information mean to her? Percenties area measure of the percent ofall data that are equal to oF less than specific data value, In this case, the mom now knows that her son is tlle” than about 90% of athe babes born inthe same time frame as hes, anf “heavier” than about 85% of these same other babies. Would you rather your Data mark be in the 5* or 95" percentile for the class? Why? ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: To help us analyze the spread of data, you may need to identify the percentile rank or calculate percentiles. The following formulas are used, Percentile Rank |X ety} where p is the percentile, n is the population size ‘and R Is the whole number rank of the data point. IF R is not a whole numser,, round DOWN. op E058) | where p is the percentile, Lis the number of data less than the data point, E is the number of date equal to the data point, and nis the population size. Actiont (Ex 1) The list below show the marks for 25 students on a recent test (out of 40) 3128 28-30-2025 38 4026 28S 36-25 16 «21 34 «37-30-23 24 3632 4) Calculate the 80" percentile. b) what percentie is a mark of 257 ©) what percentile is a mark of 40? ‘St, Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date: Step 1 - arrange the data in ascending (least to greatest) order St. Marcellinus Secordary School Date: Recall that the median divides an organized data set into an upper and lower half. We can further divide this data into Quartiles, which divide this set of ordered data into four groups, with an equal number of values. The three dividing points are the first quartile (Qu), the median (Qs) and the third quartile (Qs). Thus, Qi and Qs are effectively the medians of the lower and upper halves of the data, respectively. Also, Q: can be considered the 25 percentile for the data while Qs Is the 75” percentile for the data, The Inter-quartile range, is Qs ~ Q1, which represents the range of the middle half of the data. This IQR provides us with a measure of spread. The larger the IQR, the larger the spread of the central half of the data A Box & Whisker Plot illustrates these measures. The “box” shows Qi, the median and Qs, and the "whiskers" extend on each side of the box to the lowest and highest data values (not inclading outliers). 1) The box and whisker plot always sits above a scale (labelled) 2). The length of the box shows the IQR | 3) The whiskers show the range of the data Qs 4) The median does not necessarily fallin the middle of the box and the whiskers may not be the same length St. Marcellinus Secondary School Date: ‘A modified box and whisker plot is required when the data contains outliers, (defined 2s any point which is at least 1.5 times the IQR away from the box). These outliers are plotted as separate points and are not included in the whiskers. Always be sure to check for suspiciously high or low data points in your data set. | Outlier chezk ie done lke thi. For suspiciously high values: Qy + 1.5(1QR) = max. allowable value to Incude Inthe right whisker For suspiciously low values: Qi = 1.5(1QR) = min. allowable valve to include inthe (eft whisker (Ex 2) A random survey of patrons at a sci-fi movie premier asked them how many times they had watched the movie AVATAR. The results were. 10 2) determine the median, Q:, Qs, and IQR b) create a suitable box and whisker plot for the data ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary School ‘St. Marcellinus Secondary Schoo! Date Consolidation! vA measure of spread helps you understand how closely @ set of data Is clustered ‘around Its centre The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum value ¥ Apercentile is the percent of data that are less than or equal to the specific data point ¥- Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts. Q4 is the 25" percentile, Qe is the median (or 50") percentile, and Qs s the 75" percentile The IQR is the distance between the first and third quartiles ¥ Abox and whisker plot visually demonstrates the spread of distribution, plotting the median, quartiles and upper and lower extremes ¥ An outlier exists if itis less than Qs ~ 1.5(IQR) or greater than Qs + 1.5(1QR) How are you doing? Self- Assessment against Learning Goals (= not confident about my abilities and 5 - very confident in my abilities) ‘+ Describe the variability in a sample or population using measures of spread 1 2 3 4 5 © Calculate the range 1 2 3 4 5 ‘+ Understard how to use quartiles and percentiles 1 2 3 4 5 20 MDMAU - Unit 4 = Lesson Tr The lat blow show the ses on "San al (ouk 650) or 25 Studer a Gass 2 5 mw wm 0 3% w © % 2 9 2 2 % 3 oy oe wm OR 9) Cacuate tne 75% percent 055) by Caleuate the 90” percent 9) ©) what prcetle a ar of 247 0" 2) at parent 2 mack 8? 80) "2. The st below shows the ruber of push-ups tat each of @ penal Wainer cats were abet perform in inte, a 8 2 we se ms 2s 6 6 9 nm w % uw 49 2) Calelate the SO" percent, us) 2) Clelate the 65" peranti ) © what prcentie sa seve 367 150") 2) what percents 2 sore af 317 (939) 3. random survey of teens a he local ral asked em how many Ures they check ter el-phone in hour The resut rite Selon won 4 2 ww ow s n 7 os 5 6 6 13 4 9 2 1 ww 2) determine the mean, Q, 2 an 198 (105, 55, 14,85) rete sua box and whisker plot forthe cate (be sure ta check for outers!) _ cack w/ frend} “Hares (a) ona recent Cae teat fore cas war posted The ess ae Boom so 45 DS 2% 7s 2) determine te meson, Qi, 2 and 18 (72,495, 845,35) eae a sutable box and wiser plot or the data (be sur to eneck routers!) [check w/ friend) va st 1A smal cles of 2.wrateemeth exam. The results ofthis AOPULA TION iste below ss 65H 5% 8 Bow «) detenine the mean, medion, rode ) determine the stondrd deviation, varonce €) detente the mean, QQ nd TQR create a suitable box & whisker let fr ths date are there ary utiars? ©) determine the z-oe for the student who receive a rade of 96% 4) exlvate 65" percentile 49) what percentile ie scare of 81? 2. Apersorl trainer record the number of sit-ups thet some of her cents er able to perform in one ‘minute tied test, The results of this SAMPLE re listed balan. 2 5 6 2 n 6 6 2 B vw 2 2 9 © 9 % 2 2) determine the mean, medin, mode ) determine the standard devitin, vance ©) determine the median, Gy, Qo and 1QR

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