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This week fractions were introduced in mathematics. Students understood the basic about

creating fractions. I did notice some students were a bit confused with representing mixed

numbers and improper fractions. I will work on that this upcoming week. I believe students can

move ahead in science and Belizean studies as well. They do need more assistance with

conjunctions as some students still are confused when they use for, so and yet. I do need to

reinforce the subject and catch up on religion. This week a lot of time was taken prayers for Ms.

Jones and discussing students feelings regarding the sudden death.

Spelling/ Phonics/ Reading
Class Time: 9:10- 9:55 a.m.
Topic: Suffixes
Objectives: With the aid of a suffixes concept chart, students will be able to:
- Analyse and Categorise words that have the same consonant sound/spelling patterns
-Articulate words that have the suffixes en, er
- Value how phonetic awareness can help them better improve their reading skills.
Broken Wooden Taken Harden flatten
player Robber Spoken Ruler leader
Frighten brighten Driver Teacher preacher

Sight Words
make put that into back

from Just then when saw

Day 1 -3
-Introduce suffixes to students.
-discuss the meaning of the suffix’s en er
-have students share words they know with those suffixes.
-Have them complete worksheet on er suffix’s words.
-Have students identify the appropriate suffixes to given words using context clues.
-Review words and sounds with students.
- Given cards students sound out letters that make words.
- Have students practise reading sight words.
- Have students’ complete quiz.
- Have students sing song to review prefixes digraph
- Review spelling and definition of en/er sound words.
- Have students use words in oral sentences.
- Have students play a spy game to locate sight words.
- Have students complete test.

Day 4&5
-read story Ella’s Eggs to students.

- have students do a round robin to discuss the dilemma and why.

-discuss what are dilemmas and have students identify some simple dilemmas we
might face in everyday life.

-discuss dilemmas in stories and link it to character traits. Talk about how it may affect
the characters choice.

-Have students answer comprehension questions

Day: 1- 5
Topic: Parts of Speech
Subtopics: Parts of Speech
Learning Outcome:
Objectives: With the aid of a parts of speech concept chart, students will be able to:
● Differentiate between different parts of speech
● Identify parts of speech
● Understanding how parts of speech help us in language
- using conjunctions
- extracting information
-value the significance of editing work
-recognizing conjunctions

-place concept chart on the board.
-present sentences missing parts of speech
-have students suggest words that will make the sentence make sense.
-take note of these words.
-discuss that there are special words. Have student identify what part of speech each
word is .
-have students watch a video explain the different parts of speeh
-have students practice identifying parts of speech in sentences orally.
-have students complete written practice.
-have student’s complete quiz.
Assessment Strategies/Activities:
Oral response, worksheet
Reference Materials/Instructional Aids:
Concept Chart

Day: 1-5
Class Time: 8:10- 9:10 a.m.
Topic: Numbers
Subtopics: Adding unlike fractions
Learning Outcome:
Objectives: Through cooperative learning activities and discussions, students will:
MA 4.28
1. Explain parts of a fraction
2. Add fractions
3. Understand how fractions are used in our everyday lives.


Attitude: Appreciate the value of numbers and basic operations as used in everyday
Demonstrate interest in identifying and exploring with larger numbers.
-have students do newspaper fraction dance
-place concept chart on the board and explain
-have students bring treats to build fractions
-have students add fractions with unlike denominators
-students will complete a worksheet

Oral response, Worksheet, Quiz
Reference Materials/Instructional Aids:
Concept Chart

Class Time: 9:55-10:30 a.m.
Topics: Jesus is Alive
Previous Knowledge: Students are familiar with the apostles' creed said when we pray
the Rosary.
Content/Concept: What does it mean that Jesus has risen?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that believers are justified before God. He was
delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. ( Romans
Objectives: Through class activities, students will be able to:
● Explain what holy week entails
● Describe the station of the cross
Teaching/Learning Strategies/Activities:Day 1-5

Discuss what the disciples felt seeing the risen Jesus

Discuss how Jesus brought his disciples peace and how we can work toward world
Discuss why and how we celebrate easter.
Discuss how Jesus won victory over death and what that means for us.
Assessment Strategies/Activities:
Oral response
Reference Materials/Instructional Aids:
Christ Our Life Teacher’s Guide Chapter 17
Belizean Studies
Topic:Impact of Economics
Subtopic: Isaland and the Caribbean Sea
Time: 1:10-2:00 p.m.
Materials: concept chart, glue, scissors,construction paper, pictures, matching cards,
typing sheets
Previous Knowledge: Students can explain the importance of the forest.
Learning Outcome: BS 4.15 Create a map of Belize, using original symbols, that shows
the location of Belize's natural resources and major economic activities.
Objectives: Week 2 (Identifying different landscapes in Belize)
- Identify different landscapes found in Belize.
- Explain different features of landscapes found in Belize.
- Analyze and appreciate the different contributions landscapes give to animals and

Students are shown a picture scene of the Caribbean Sea and an Island. This can be
done in groups or as a whole

Belize Ministry of Education, Culture, Science & Technology- Belize national

competency-based unit of work/instructional unit plan- Sept 2022
Resources of Sea and Islands
This includes species diversity, fish and seafood supplies, oil and gas, minerals, sand
and gravel, renewable
energy resources, marine tourism potential, and unique ecosystems like coral reefs.
Benefits of Sea and Islands
It helps to breathe
It helps to regulate the climate
It is an essential source of food
Its biodiversity is incredible (home to many species of animals
It creates millions of jobs
Students get to share their findings through oral sharing.
The teacher adds details where necessary or asks the "The 5Ws" guiding questions, the
Who, Where, When, and
Day: 1-3
Class Time: 2:00-2:45 p.m.
Topic: Data Security
Subtopic: Importance of Storing Information
Objectives: ● Explain the differences and similarities between private and
personal Information.
● List examples of private and personal Information.
● Discuss why keeping Information such as name, location, phone number, and home
address is considered private.
Personal and Private Information
Personal Information- information that can't be used to identify you, such as your age,
gender, how many siblings you have, your favorite food, etc. Personal Information is
usually safe to share online
Private Information- information that can be used to identify you, such as your social
security number, your name, your school name, your email address, your phone
number, and your house address.
Private Information is usually not safe to share online.
Students should get permission from a parent/guardian or teacher before giving out
private Information.
Teaching/Learning Strategies/Activities:
Discovery-Based Approach

Have students bring a picture of themselves to class.

Allow students to describe themselves using the picture. During their description,

students should include the following:

● Name

● Age

● Date of Birth
● Hobby/hobbies

● The teacher will place students in groups according to height.

● The words "Personal Information" and "Private Information" will be placed on the

board. Elicit the difference between the two. Volunteers will share their responses.

Students will view a video on the difference between Private and Personal Information.

⮚ (Personal & Private Information –


● Have the student list one similarity and one difference that was mentioned in the


Students will share. Corrections will be made where necessary

● In groups, students will create a Personal Biography Poster, including pictures. The

poster should include the following:

● Favorite Food

● Personal Opinion on Something

● Hobby

● Favorite Sport.

● Each group will be allowed to present on their poster.

● Have students complete the Private Information activity sheet.

● Students' Private Information will be collected and placed on students' files.

● Students will see differences and similarities between private and personal

Information with thehelp of the chart provided below.

● The teacher will reinforce the concept

Topic: Human Relationships
Subtopic: Roles of family household members.

Unit Objectives Students will:

• Define and explain what a family is.

• List similarities and differences in roles, needs, and aspirations of the family members.
• Explain their roles in their household.
• Create a model of their home and family members in the household.
Concept: Roles of Family Members
What are the roles of family members?
The family functions as an interactive unit. This
unit provides for its members' physical, mental,
emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.
Families provide food, clothing, shelter, medical
care, and a safe environment for their members.
The family teaches its children to conform to
social standards.
Needs of a Family
These include shelter, food, clothing, water, and
Basic Family Needs
A clean and beautiful environment.
An adequate supply of safe water.
Minimum requirements of clothing.
A balanced diet.
Simple housing.
Basic health care.
Communication facilities.
Aspiration of a Family
To feel safe, secure, and loved within the family,
develop rich relationships with parents and
siblings. To feel supported and encouraged to
pursue their interests and talents. To enjoy and
gain pleasure from being with others and to have
the ability to develop lasting friendships and
Family aspirations: Aspirations for the family
may involve starting a relationship, getting
married, and having children. Skill aspirations:
Sometimes aspirations center on becoming skilled
or talented in something you are interested in.

Development: Discovery Approach

• A picture with different family members will be presented to students. Allow students to
observe the picture presented carefully.
• Elicit what some similarities and differences can be observed from the picture are. Volunteers
will share their opinion.
• A concept chart with similarities and differences between different families will be presented to
• Allow students to remove the flash card. Elicit the types of families. Volunteers will share.
• Allow students to form groups based on the types of families received.
• In groups, students will conduct short research based on similarities and differences in family
members' roles, needs, and aspirations.
• Have students create a mini poster with their roles in their household.
• Students will differentiate between different family members' roles, needs, and aspirations.
Roles Needs Aspiration

• Students will create a model of their home and family members in the household.
• Each student will be allowed to present the model created.

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