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ISSN 1063-7834, Physics of the Solid State, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 2298–2302.

© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2007.

Original Russian Text © N.I. Medvedeva, I.R. Shein, O.Yu. Gutina, A.L. Ivanovskiœ, 2007, published in Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 2007, Vol. 49, No. 12, pp. 2192–2195.


Simulation of the Structural, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties

of Fe3C1 – xBx Borocementites
N. I. Medvedeva, I. R. Shein, O. Yu. Gutina, and A. L. Ivanovskiœ
Institute of Solid State Chemistry, Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Pervomaœskaya ul. 91, Yekaterinburg, 620041 Russia
e-mail: medvedeva@ihim.uran.ru
Received April 11, 2007

Abstract—The structural, electronic, and magnetic properties and the enthalpy of formation of iron boroce-
mentites Fe3C1 – xBx (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00) are analyzed using ab initio calculations in the framework of
the electron density functional theory. It is found that the unit cell parameter a of the orthorhombic lattice
increases linearly and the parameters b and c decrease as the boron concentration increases. The density of
states at the Fermi level changes only slightly, and the main variations in the band structure occur in the region
of the bottom of the valence bands. The magnetic moment of the iron atoms and the total magnetization and
stability of the Fe3C1 – xBx phases increase linearly with an increase in the boron concentration.
PACS numbers: 71.15.Mb, 71.20.Be
DOI: 10.1134/S106378340712013X

1. INTRODUCTION ite as a function of the boron concentration is an impor-

tant problem.
The great attention paid by researches to the influ-
ence of boron impurities on the physicochemical prop- In this work, we performed the ab initio theoretical
erties of cementite Fe3C is explained by a very impor- investigation of the concentration dependences of the
tant role played by the Fe–C–B system in metallurgy structural, electronic, energy, and magnetic characteris-
and materials science. Introduction of boron into the tics of borocementites, namely, a continuous series of
composition of industrial alloyed steels has been used Fe3C1 – xBx solid solutions, on the concentration ratio
to increase their strength, hardenability, and cold-short- C/B in the framework of the electron density functional
ness threshold. The presence of boron suppresses the theory.
precipitation of ferrite in austenitic steels during heat
treatment. Boron exhibits a high neutron absorptivity,
and steels alloyed with boron have been used in nuclear 2. COMPUTATIONAL METHOD
industry. Boride coatings possess a high hardness and a AND DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE
high wear resistance, which is determined by the pres-
ence of a solid solution based on α-Fe and a number of The calculations of the band structure of the solid
carbide (Me3C) and boride (MeB, Me2B, Me23B6) pre- solutions Fe3C1 – xBx (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00) were
cipitates. It has been found that boron is readily soluble performed by projector augmented-wave (PAW)
in cementite Fe3C, which is one of the main compo- method [3] with the Vienna ab initio simulation pack-
nents of carbon steels and cast iron [1, 2]. The solubility age (VASP) in the spin-polarized variant. The general-
of boron in the cementite substantially depends on the ized gradient approximation (GGA) was used for the
temperature. For example, boron can substitute for up exchange–correlation term. The integration in the Bril-
to 80% C at a temperature of 1000°C and about 60% C louin zone was performed over 6 × 6 × 6 k points, and
at 600°C, thus forming the so-called borocementites the kinetic cutoff energy was taken equal to 400 eV. The
Fe3C0.2B0.8 and Fe3C0.4B0.6, respectively [1]. structure was optimized by the minimization of the
forces with a cutoff parameter of 5 meV/Å.
Although cementite is of great technological impor-
tance, the influence of boron impurities on the crystal Cementite Fe3C crystallizes in the orthorhombic
structure and electronic properties of this compound is system, space group Pbnm, and Z = 4. The unit cell con-
still not clearly understood. It is known that the Fe3C tains four carbon atoms and two types of iron atoms,
compound is metastable and easily decomposes with which occupy nonequivalent positions: eight iron
the precipitation of graphite (the so-called process of atoms are located in the general (Feg) positions and four
graphitization), whereas the Fe3B boride is stable. In iron atoms occupy the special (Fes) positions. Each car-
this respect, investigation of the stability of the cement- bon atom is in the trigonal–prismatic environment of


Table 1. Optimized lattice parameters (Å) and the unit cell volume (Å3) for the Fe3C1 – x Bx borocementites

Fe3C Fe3C0.75B0.25 Fe3C0.5B0.5 Fe3C0.25B0.75 Fe3B

a 5.058 (5.082) 5.126 5.218 5.315 5.397 (5.433)

b 6.703 (6.733) 6.670 6.652 6.629 6.650 (6.656)
c 4.506 (4.521) 4.467 4.438 4.407 4.363 (4.454)
V 152.77 152.73 154.05 155.27 156.59
Note: The experimental data taken from [5] for the Fe3C compound and from [6] for the Fe3B compound are parenthesized.

s g
the iron atoms [ Fe 2 Fe 4 ] with the average Fe–C dis- 3d states with spin down (3d↓ ). The magnetic moments
(MM) of the iron atoms are equal to 1.96 and 1.86µB
tance of ~2.018 Å [4].
(for the Fes and Feg atoms, respectively). The magnetic
moments of the carbon atoms are equal to 0.12µB.
Upon replacement of carbon by boron in the
3.1. Structural Properties Fe3C1 – xBx solid solutions, an additional band A'
It follows from the data presented in Table 1 that, for formed by the B 2s states appears in the energy region
the Fe3C and Fe3B compound, the calculated values of from –9.5 to –7.5 eV (Fig. 1). The B 2p states are
the lattice parameters (a, b, c) and the unit cell volumes shifted to the region of higher energies as compared to
(V) are in good agreement with the available experi- the C 2p states. As the boron concentration increases,
mental data. The calculations performed have demon- the A' band regularly broadens, whereas the lower-
strated that, for the Fe3C1 – xBx solid solutions, the unit energy C 2s band (A) correspondingly narrows. This is
cell volume of the borocementite increases with an accompanied by changes in the relative contributions of
increase in the concentration ratio B/C, i.e., with the the C 2p–B 2p states to the region of the valence band.
sequential replacement of the carbon atoms with a Since the B 2p states reside in the region of the Fe 3d
small radius (0.77 Å) by the boron atoms with a large band C, an increase in their concentration leads to an
radius (0.91 Å). However, it is found that, in this case, increase in the overlap of the Fe 3d and B 2p states, i.e.,
the lattice parameters (a, b, c) vary oppositely; more to an enhancement of the Fe 3d–Fe 2p hybridization
specifically, as the boron concentration increases, the upon changing over from carbide to boride. For all the
lattice parameter a increases linearly, whereas the lat- compositions Fe3C1 – xBx, the Fermi level is located in
tice parameters b and c decrease. The lattice parameter the region of almost completely occupied Fe 3d↑ states
a varies more significantly (by 6.7% upon changing and in a local minimum of the unoccupied Fe 3p states.
over from Fe3C to Fe3B). The changes in the lattice As a result, the total density of states at the Fermi level
parameters b (0.8%) and c (3.2%) are considerably
smaller, i.e., an increase in the volume in the series
Fe3C Fe3C1 – xBx Fe3B is determined by an 20 C
Density of states, states/eV

increase in the lattice parameter a. 10 B
3.2. Electronic Properties 10 Fe3C0.25B0.75
The total densities of electron states of the Fe3C1 – xBx 0
solid solutions are presented in Fig. 1. It can be seen 10 Fe3C0.5B0.5
from this figure that the valence band of the Fe3C com- 0
pound (in accordance with the results of the previous Fe3C0.75B0.25
calculations [7–11]) involves three subbands, namely, 10
the A, B, and C subbands. The lower band A is formed 0
by the C 2s states, and the B band contains predomi- C
10 Fe3C B
nantly the contributions of the C 2p states. The upper A
edge of the valence band (the C band) is formed prelim- 0
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10
inarily by the Fe 3d states. The hybridization of the Fe E, eV
3d–C 2p states is rather small, which is indicated by the
small contributions of the C 2p and Fe 3d states in the
region of the C and B bands, respectively. The Fermi Fig. 1. Total densities of states for the Fe3C1 – xBx solid
level (EF = 0) is located between almost completely solutions. The solid and dotted lines correspond to the spin-
occupied 3d states with spin up (3d↑) and partially free up and spin-down states, respectively.


2300 MEDVEDEVA et al.

Table 2. Averaged atomic magnetic moments (MM, µB), the total magnetization M µB/form. unit), and the enthalpies of for-
mation ∆H (eV/form. unit) for cementite-like phases in the system under investigation
Parameters of the
Fe3C Fe3C0.75B0.25 Fe3C0.5B0.5 Fe3C0.25B0.75 Fe3B
MM [C] –0.12 –0.12 –0.12 –0.12 –
MM [B] – –0.14 –0.15 –0.15 –0.16
MM [Fes] 1.96 2.04 2.15 2.22 2.28
(1.99) (2.06)
MM [Feg] 1.86 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.94
(1.95) (1.89)
M 22.25 22.75 23.23 23.64 24.10
∆H +0.22 –0.06 –0.33 –0.59 –0.87

in the series Fe3C Fe3C1 – xBx Fe3B varies Fe3B, Fe3C1 – xBx), bcc iron Etot(Fe), graphite Etot(C),
insignificantly and increases linearly from 0.75 (Fe3C) and α-boron Etot(B) as follows:
to 0.80 states/(eV atom) (Fe3B) due primarily to the Fe 3 C, Fe 3 B
contributions from the Fe 3d↓ states. ∆H
= E tot ( Fe 3 C, B ) – { 3E tot ( Fe ) + E tot ( C, B ) },
The calculations performed allow us to interpret the
Mössbauer data [12, 13], according to which, upon sub- Fe 3 C 1 – x, B x
stitution of boron for carbon in the composition of the ∆H = E tot ( Fe 3 C 1 – x, B x )
Fe3C compound, the isomer shift at the iron nuclei in – { 3E tot ( Fe ) + ( 1 – x )E tot ( C ) + xE tot ( B ) }.
the Fe3C1 – xBx system weakly depends on the boron
concentration. As is known, the isomer shift is deter- It can be seen from Table 2 that the change in the
mined by the density of s electrons at the nucleus and enthalpy of formation of the Fe3C compound is positive
Fe 3 C
depends on the populations of both the 3d and 4s in sign ( ∆H > 0), which is in good agreement with
valence states due to the screening effect. However, the the observed metastable behavior of Fe3C under normal
variations in these populations affect the isomer shift in conditions [14]. For the composition of borocementite
different ways. A decrease in the population of the 3d Fe3C0.75B0.25, the enthalpy of formation becomes nega-
states (q3d) leads to a decrease in the isomer shift, while tive, and a further increase in the boron concentration x
a decrease in the population of the 4s states (q4s), on the leads to an increase in the absolute value of
Fe 3 C 1 – x B x
contrary, results in an increase in the isomer shift. The ∆H , which takes the maximum value for Fe3B
obtained averaged populations of the Fe 3d states Fe 3 B
decrease linearly as the boron concentration x ( ∆H = –0.87 eV/form.unit). It is known [15] that,
increases, and the difference between the populations in contrast to boron carbide, the Fe3B boride is a stable
for the Fe3B and Fe3C compounds, according to our phase. According to our calculations, the dependence
data, is equal to ∆q3d = –0.057 e/atom for the 3d states ∆H(x) is linear and the quantity ∆H changes sign at a
boron concentration x = 20%.
and ∆q4s = +0.018 e/atom for the 4s states. Taking into
account the strong screening effect of the 4s electrons, The established concentration change in ∆H for
the constancy of the isomer shift [12, 13] can be borocementites can be explained with allowance made
explained by the compensating effect, which is caused for the specific features revealed in the interatomic
by an increase in the population of the 4s states. interactions in the series Fe3C Fe3C1 – xBx
Fe3B. From the charge density maps presented in
Fig. 2, it can be seen that the covalent Fe–B bonds are
3.3. Stability and Chemical Bonding stronger than the Fe–C bonds. Since an increase in the
boron concentration is accompanied by an increase in
in Borocementites the unit cell volume and a weakening of the Fe–Fe
The relative stability of the Fe3C and Fe3B com- bonds weaken, the total stabilization of the boroce-
mentites with increasing boron content is caused by an
pounds and the Fe3C1 – xBx solid solutions was esti- increase in the number of strong covalent Fe–B bonds.
mated from the changes in the enthalpies of their for- This conclusion also follows from the analysis of the
mation (∆H), which were calculated from the total calculated densities of states (Fig. 1), which demon-
energies (Etot) of the cementite-like phases Etot(Fe3C, strates an increase in the density of states in the energy



(‡) case, the magnetic moments of the boron atoms turn out
to be higher than the magnetic moments of the carbon
atoms because of the stronger orbital hybridization of
the B–Fe bond as compared to the C–Fe bond. An
Feg increase in the boron concentration is attended by an
increase in the magnetic moments of the iron atoms,
and a more significant increase in the magnetic
moments is observed for the Fes atoms rather than for
the Feg atoms. As can be seen from Table 2, the total
magnetization of the borocementites in the series
Fe3C Fe3C1 – xBx Fe3B increases linearly. The
calculation performed have demonstrated that there are
two factors responsible for the observed increase in the
(b) magnetic moments and the magnetization with an
increase in the boron concentration x; namely, a
decrease in the populations of the Fe 3d states (a
decrease in the density of states in the range from –2 eV
Feg to the energy at the Fermi level EF) and an increase in
the unit cell volume of the cementite.

Thus, the results of the calculations performed have
demonstrated that, in the series of borocementites
Fe3C Fe3C1 – xBx Fe3B, the unit cell volume
increases at the expense of the increase in the lattice
(c) parameter a, whereas the lattice parameters b and c
decrease. The main variations in the electronic spec-
trum occur in the region of the bottom of the valence
Feg band and result from the redistribution of the contribu-
tions of the C 2p–B 2p states to the region of the band
of the Fe 3d states, whereas the density of states at the
Fermi level changes insignificantly. It has been estab-
lished that the constancy of the isomer shift for differ-
ent boron concentrations is determined by the compen-
sation of the contributions due to a decrease in the pop-
ulation of the Fe 3d states and an increase in the
population of the Fe 4s state. An increase in the boron
concentration is accompanied by the stabilization of the
borocementites and the enthalpy of formation changes
Fig. 2. Charge density maps in the C(B)–Feg–C(B) plane sign in the vicinity of the composition Fe3C0.80B0.20.
for the compounds (a) Fe3C, (b) Fe3C0.75B0.25, and The magnetic moments of the iron atoms and the total
(c) Fe3B. magnetization increase with an increase in the boron
concentration, and the induced magnetic moments of
the boron atoms are larger than those at the carbon
range from –3.5 to –2.5 eV in the series Fe3C atoms due to the stronger orbital p–d hybridization.
Fe3C1 – xBx Fe3B. This fact indicates an enhance-
ment of the d–p hybridization.
This study was supported by the Russian Founda-
3.4. Magnetic Properties tion for Basic Research (project no. 05-03-32021), the
Table 2 presents the magnetic moments of the car- OAO MMK Foundation, ITTs Ausferr, and FNiO Intels
bon, boron, and iron atoms in nonequivalent positions (project no. 41-06-01).
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