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Bonding of Fe and Fe-C, Fe-Cr, and Fe-Ni alloys;

Boride-layer growth kinetics

C. M. Brakman, A. W. J. Gommers, and E. J. Mittemeijer
Laboratory of Metallurgy, Delft University of Technology, Rotterdamseweg 137, 2628 AL Delft,
The Netherlands
(Received 23 February 1989; accepted 22 June 1989)
Specimens of pure Fe and of Fe-0.8 mass % C, Fe-0.5 mass % Cr, Fe-4.0 mass % Cr,
Fe-4.0 mass% Ni, and Fe-10.0 mass% Ni alloys were borided in boriding powder. A
boron-compound layer developed consisting of a surface-adjacent "FeB" sublayer on top of an
"Fe2B" sublayer. Layer-growth kinetics were analyzed by measuring the extent of penetration
of the "FeB" and "Fe 2 B" sublayers as a function of boriding time and temperature in the
range 1025-1275 K. Layer growth is dominated by B diffusion through "FeB/Fe 2 B". This
diffusion process is of strongly anisotropic nature. Consequently, ragged interfaces occur
between the substrate and the boride layers. The depths of the tips of the most deeply
penetrated "FeB" and "Fe 2 B" needles have been taken as measures for diffusion in the easy
[001] diffusion directions. Assuming unidirectional B diffusion and parabolic growth, a
simple model of layer growth has been given. It accounts for the specific volume difference
between "FeB" and "Fe2B". In contrast with earlier work, the model provides values for the
kinetic parameters for growth of each of the phases in the boron-compound layer.

I. INTRODUCTION strate underneath the compound layer can be ignored usu-

ally; the solubility of boron in Fe is very small.5
Bonding's most prominent technological advantage is
the production of a very hard, wear-resistant surface layer It is assumed that (i) layer growth is rate-controlled
on metallic substrates.1'2 Industrial boriding is mainly ap- by boron diffusion in the FeB and Fe2B sublayers and
plied to steel and ferrous alloys. For process control in auto- (ii) boride-layer growth occurs as a consequence of B diffu-
mated installations, knowledge of kinetic parameters of the sion perpendicular to the surface of the specimen. A linear
boriding process is essential. The separate and combined B-concentration profile is assumed within each sublayer
influences on boriding kinetic parameters of the many alloy- (cf. the small homogeneity ranges of about 1 at. % for both
ing elements in steels are not known. borides reported in Ref. 6). Further assuming that the boron
surface and interface concentrations do not change during
This paper deals with a kinetic analysis of the boriding
boriding, the kinetic model given in Appendix A can be
of pure iron and iron-carbon, iron-chromium, and iron-
adopted. Using c0 = 0 and cb — cc = 0 (Appendix A;
nickel alloys. In earlier work devoted to the boriding of iron
Fig. A-l), it follows from Eqs. (A-6) and (A-7)
and carbon steels3'4 no distinction was made between layer-
growth rates of the (Fe,M)B and (Fe,M)2B sublayers. In C FeB = DFs,B(cs - ca) = 2m(mca + ncc) (la)
the present analysis, use is made of boron-penetration depth C Fe2B = DFe2B(cb - cc) = 2n(am + n)cc (lb)
obtained from needle-length measurements of both (Fe, M)B
and (Fe, M)2B phases. A simple model for bilayer growth is where m and n are the "parabolic" growth constants for the
applied providing separate determination of the kinetic pa- FeB and Fe2B sublayers, respectively. The concentrations
rameters for boron diffusion in each of both phases. The set cs ~ ca and cb ~ cc and the iron atom volume ratio a
of kinetic parameters obtained in this work for the boriding [Eq. (A-l)] can be assessed for boriding of pure Fe from
of iron and the iron-based alloys indicated allows steering of lattice parameter data7: cs = 100.5 X 103 mol m"3, cb =
the constitution of the boron-compound layer. 59.8 X 103 mol m" 3 , and a = 0.84. [The orthorhombic
unit cell of FeB has parameters a = 0.5506 nm, b =
0.4061 nm, c = 0.2952 nm; the tetragonal unit cell of
II. BORIDE-LAYER GROWTH KINETICS Fe2B has parameters a = 0.5109 nm, c = 0.4249 nm.
On boriding iron and ferrous alloys a boron-compound Both unit cells contain 4 molecules. In fact, all (more re-
layer can develop on the surface of the specimen. In gen- cent) other lattice-parameter values reported for FeB in the
eral the compound layer is composed of two sublayers: an literature are taken from Ref. 7 (mostly, but not always,
(Fe, M)B sublayer on top of an (Fe, M)2B sublayer. An al- after conversion of kX into A or nm), but the order of a, b,
loying element M originally present in the matrix can be in- and c varies from source to source (Table I). The present
corporated in the borides. In the sequel the borides will be choice of c in any case ensures compatibility with Ref. 3
denoted by FeB and Fe2B. The diffusion zone in the sub- for indication of the overall diffusion direction and the fiber-

1354 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 1989 Materials Research Society Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

TABLE I. FeB lattice-parameter data from the literature.

Ref. Year a (kX or nm) b (kX or nm) c (kX or nm)

7 1929 5.495 kXa 4.053 kXa 2.946 kX"

8 1930 4.053 kXa 5.495 kXa 2.946 kXa
9 1933 4.053 kXa 5.495 kXa 2.946 kXa
10 1950 5.506 x 10 ' nm 2.952 x 10"' nm 4.061 x 10~' nm
3 1967 4.053 kXb 5.495 kX" 2.946 kXb
11 1967 5.495 kX 2.946 kX 4.053 kX
12 1985 5.506 x 10"' nm 2.952 x 10"1 nm 4.061 x 10"' nm
Present paper 1989 5.506 x 10"' nm 4.061 x 10"' nm 2.952 x 10"' nm

"These data have been given in A, but, by international agreement of 1947, have to be taken as given in kX units (1 kX = 0.1002056 nm).15
'These data have been incorrectly denoted as given in A units.

texture axis. The lattice-parameter values for Fe2B from The following interpretation is employed. Initially,
Ref. 7 agree (after conversion from kX into nm) with those the direction of the largest B concentration gradient is per-
from more recent work1314 within experimental accuracy.] pendicular to the specimen's surface where B atoms are
It is assumed that cs — ca and cb — cc do not depend supplied. Then, due to anisotropic diffusion, those crystal
significantly on temperature in the temperature range ap- nuclei with orientations allowing the largest B transport
plied. Then, the dependencies of CFeB and CFe2B on tem- rate perpendicular to the surface grow out preferentially.
perature are governed by the diffusion coefficients Z)FeB and Subsequently, the easy diffusion direction keeps favoring
£>Fe2B. Hence: preferential growth of these crystals perpendicular to the
surface, although lateral B concentration gradients can
CFeB = fcFeB exp(-0 F e B /Rr) (2a) occur. Growth selection leads to the (001) fiber texture
CFe2B = £Fe2B exp(-0 F e 2 B /Rr) (2b) becoming increasingly sharp for increasing penetration
depth. In the present experiments it is expected that the
where £FeB and £Fe2B are constants. Consequently, the acti- needles most deeply penetrating into the substrate ex-
vation energies Q and the pre-exponential factors k for B hibit orientations close to or with [001] perpendicular to
diffusion in FeB and Fe2B can be derived from the slopes the surface.
and intercepts at the ordinates of the straight lines obtained Hence, an unequivocal interpretation in terms of dif-
by plotting In CFeB and In CFe2B as a function of the re- fusion of boron in FeB or Fe2B is obtained only if the
ciprocal boriding temperature. respective needles penetrating most deeply are selected
Note that the growth rates of both sublayers inter- for indication of layer thickness. [One also excludes then
depend [cf. Eqs. (la) and (lb)]. Hence, for the determination needles with the correct [001] orientations but (i) not sec-
of the kinetic parameters relevant to only FeB- or only tioned through their tips by the metallographic preparation
Fe2B-sublayer growth, sets of corresponding data for both technique, (ii) nucleated at a later stage in the process.] The
sublayers are required. This is exemplified by the proce- kinetic parameters thus obtained correspond to diffusion in
dure given above for activation-energy determination. Con- [001] directions for FeB and Fe2B. This discussion implies
versely, calculation of the growth rate of one sublayer from that averaging over needles of various lengths to define an
kinetic parameters is possible only if the latter are known "average thickness" obstructs interpretation in terms of
for both sublayers. The corresponding not-straightforward fundamental mechanisms.
procedure is described in Appendix C.
Neither FeB nor Fe2B has cubic crystal symmetry. III. EXPERIMENTAL
Consequently, diffusion in these materials is of anisotropic
nature and grains may exhibit needle-like growth. For both A. Specimen preparation and boriding
compounds [001] appears as the easiest diffusion direc- Specimen codes and chemical compositions of the
tion.3 Substitutional B diffusion can occur in both com- materials used are listed in Table II.
pounds as a consequence of small homogeneity ranges of Specimen geometry and treatment of the materials
about 1 at. %6 in the Fe-B phase diagram or unequilibrium prior to boriding are indicated in Table III. Before borid-
amounts of vacancies at the boron sublattice. ing, all specimens were metallographically prepared by
Both sublayers have been shown to exhibit a (001) hand-grinding on 240, 320, 400, and 600 paper and subse-
texture.3'16> 17 Further, it has been found that the Fe2B (001) quently polishing with 3 /xm and 1 jum diamond paste.
texture became increasingly sharp for increasing penetra- The boriding times and temperatures are given in
tion depth. 31617 A similar FeB behavior is probable but Table IV. Boriding was performed in a closed, square-
difficult to prove (thin layer). shaped case (material: DIN 1.4841) using a fresh batch of

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 1355 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A. W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

TABLE II. Composition (mass %) of alloys used.

Fe C Cr Mn Si P s Ni

Fe balance 0.005 0.0013 0.004

Fe-0.8C balance 0.81 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.000 0.005 0.00
Fe-0.5Cr balance 0.013 0.53 0.014 0.027 0.001 0.007 0.057
Fe-4Cr balance 0.014 3.81 0.024 0.029 0.002 0.003 0.011
Fe-4Ni balance 0.010 0.00 0.00 0.040 0.000 3.99
Fe-lONi balance 0.007 0.00 0.00 0.059 0.000 9.99

TABLE III. Specimen treatment before bonding.

Condition of raw material Heat treatment Specimen shape

Fe Chill-cast rod, 25 mm diam None Disks, 2.3-2.5 mm thickness, sectioned

into 4 equal parts
Fe-0.8C Rolled sheet, 2 .3-2.5 mm thickness 30 min 850 °C + cooling in quiet air Square samples 10 mm x 10 mm
Fe-0.5Cr Rolled sheet, 2 .3-2.5 mm thickness 28 h homogenizing at 1100 °C in quartz Square samples 10 mm x 10 mm
tube + cooling in quiet air
Fe-4Cr Rolled sheet, 2 .3-2.5 mm thickness 28 h homogenizing at 1100 °C in quartz Square samples 10 mm x 10 mm
tube + cooling in quiet air
Fe-4Ni Chill-cast rod, 15 mm diam, turned to None Disks, 2.3-2.5 mm thickness, sectioned
10 mm diam into 2 equal parts
Fe-lONi Chill-cast rod, 15 mm diam, turned to None Disks, 2.3—2.5 mm thickness, sectioned
10 mm diam into 2 equal parts

TABLE IV. Boriding times and temperatures.

Boriding temperatures (K)

1023 1073 1123 1173 1273

Alloy Boriding times (h)

Fe 4,6,8 1,41/4,81/2 11/4,21/3,4 1,4,81/2 i/4,l,2

Fe-0.8C 1,4,8 1,4%, 8 Vi, l!/3,2
Fe-0.5Cr 4,8 1/2,1,4 1/2, 1,4
Fe-4Cr 1,4,8 1,4,8 l,5,9!/2 l,2!/2,4
Fe-4Ni Vi, 1,4 i/2,l,4 1/2, 1,4
Fe-lONi 1,4,8 1,4,8 4,8 1/4,1/2
(1223 K)

700 grams of Durborid 2 powder (tradename of Degussa B. Specimen treatment after boriding
AG, GB Durferrit und Industrieofenbau, Postfach 1345,
D-6450 Hanau 1, FRG) for each experiment. The case's It was found that a cleaning treatment, before mount-
dimensions were such that the powder filled it up to the ing of the specimen, removed part or nearly all of the FeB
lid. The specimen was located in the approximate center of sublayer. This is probably caused by the extreme brittle-
the case. Boriding followed after placing the case in a ness of the FeB sublayer. Thus the electrolytical deposition
normal chamber furnace without use of inert gases. Prior of a supporting Ni surface layer requiring a clean surface
to experiments, ample time was allotted for establishment before deposition had to be abandoned. Therefore, sub-
of thermal equilibrium in the furnace. As a result of pre- sequent to cooling of the specimen after boriding, the
liminary experiments it was estimated that boriding started specimen was carefully removed from the case and resin-
half an hour after transferring the specimen to the furnace; embedded without any further treatment.
after that, the so-called incubation period (see Sec. IV.A) Using 400 and 600 grinding papers, a 1-mm layer of
sets in. material was removed [Fig. l(a)] in order to eliminate

1356 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

As discussed in Sec. III.B, part of the FeB sublayer

can scale off easily during cooling after boriding and/or
subsequent specimen preparation for examination, leading
to too small values for u and v at variable times. Further,
face used foi
penetration depth
the boriding potential of the atmosphere may decrease as a
measurements result of exhaustion of the boriding powder, leading to too
small values for u and v at long times and at high tempera-
(a) (b) tures (Table V). Because of the systematic nature of both
FIG. 1. Metallographic preparation before (a) and after (b) boriding. errors, the following procedure was established:
Arrow indicates grinding and polishing direction after boriding. (i) In the v2 vs t plot two points are selected yielding
the steepest straight line, but with an intercept of the ab-
"corner effects" (i.e., layer growth by inward diffusion of scissa (taken as the effective incubation time) smaller than
boron from more than one side). Care was taken that the the shortest boriding time employed.
abrasive action of both grinding and polishing always ^ii) The incubation time yields an additional point for
occurred in only one and the same direction [Fig. l(b)]. the u2 vs t graph. Next, the_(FeB) straight line is drawn
After polishing using 3 jum and 1 /xm diamond paste, through this point and the u2 data point leading to the
etching took place in nital (2% nitric acid in ethanol). With steepest straight line.
the exception of very short boriding times and/or very low (iii) After determination of the slopes of the straight
boriding temperatures (not considered in this paper), an lines for both v2 and u2 vs t, their square roots yield
FeB layer was observed for all materials displayed in 2(n + m) and 2m, respectively, according to Eq. (A-5).
Table II. It was also found that the FeB layer thickness
Graphs of u2 and v2 vs t for boriding at 1123 K for all
was larger on the "A-side" of the specimen [Fig. l(b)] as
alloys investigated are given in Figs. 2 to 7. The m and
compared to the "B-side," indicating the extreme brittle-
n values for the various materials and boriding tempera-
ness of the FeB phase. (This distinction between A and B orig-
tures are given in Tables_VI-a and Vl-b.
inates from the grinding/polishing direction employed.)
All values used for u2 and v2 are averages of 10 mea-
The conclusion seems to be justified that one always
surements. Errors for the slopes were assessed from maxi-
tends to wnJer-estimate FeB-layer thickness. An apparent
mal and minimal estimates for u2 and v2 according to
absence of FeB top layers after boriding may be due to in-
{(w2)1'2 ± <ruf and {(v2)"2 ± crv}2 where au and o\, denote
appropriate specimen handling.
the standard deviations of u and v, respectively.
C. Penetration-depth measurements
B. Activation energy and pre-exponential
Penetration depth was measured using a Leitz Durimet constant for layer growth
device. For both FeB and Fe2B sublayers the penetration
Activation-energy values were determined on the basis
depth was determined by selecting those needles reaching
of Eqs. (1) and (2) using the parabolic sublayer-growth
most deeply into the substrate (see discussion in Sec. II).
constants m and n gathered in Tables Vl-a and Vl-b. For
Values for the penetration depths u and v (see Fig. A-l)
each material, plots of In CFeB and In CFe2B vs reciprocal
were obtained as averages over 10 measurements (needle
boriding temperature were made (see Figs. 8 to 13). Errors
tip-surface distances) taken along a distance of 5 mm par-
in CFeB and CFe2B [cf. Eqs. (la) and (lb)] as a consequence
allel to the surface of the specimen.
of the growth-constant errors (see above) are indicated in
Figs. 8 to 13. Straight lines were fitted to these data points
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION employing a least-squares procedure. Activation-energy
A. Parabolic growth constants values were derived from the slopes of the straight lines
Using measured data for the thickness parameters u
and v [see Fig. A-l and Eq. (A-5)], plotting of u2 and v2 TABLE V. Examples of affected layer-thickness determinations due to
versus treatment time t yielded straight lines in general scaling off and exhaustion of boriding powder (see data marked*).
(but see below), indicating that parabolic layer growth
occurred. Material and boriding Boriding FeB layer FeB + Fe2B layer
Usually these straight lines did not pass through the temperature time (h) thickness (fim) thickness (pun)
origin. The intercept of the time axis can result from inac-
Fe-4Cr 1 27.3 100.7
curate estimation of the time needed to heat up the speci- (1273 K) 2!/2* nil 137.5
men (see Sec. III. A) as well as from an (actual) incubation 4* nil 185.0
time for boride development. No indication was obtained Fe 1/4 16.2 71.3
for significant difference between intercepts of the time (1273 K) 1 25.0 133.5
axis for u\t) and v2(t) (apart from those differences due to 2* 24.1 189.6
experimental problems described below).

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 1357 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W.J. Gommers, and E. J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

r>- * v2(FeB+Fe2B)
• u2(FeB)


f. 5000

A i' r " : 't \

(a) (b)
FIG. 2. (a) Cross section of borided Fe specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs boriding time t at
1123 K for Fe specimen.


- 3000
" 10000 -
'- 2000

5000 -
- 1000

FIG. 3. (a) Cross section of borided Fe-0.8C specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs boriding
time t at 1123 K for Fe-0.8C specimen.

1358 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

T bor 1123K


FIG. 4. (a) Cross section of borided Fe-0.5Cr specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs boriding
time t at 1123 K for Fe-0.5Cr specimen.

Fe-4 Cr
A V 2(FeB+Fe 2 B)


(a) (b)
FIG. 5. (a) Cross section of borided Fe-4Cr specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs boriding time t
at 1123 K for Fe-4Cr specimen.

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C M . Brakman, A. W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics


rat Tbor1123K
* v2(FeB+Fe 2 B)
15000 3000

10000 2000

5000 1000

(a) (b)
FIG. 6. (a) Cross section of borided Fe-4Ni specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs bonding time t
at 1123 K for Fe-4Ni specimen.



5000 1000


(a) (b)
FIG. 7. (a) Cross section of borided Fe-IONi specimen (4 h, 1123 K). (b) Averaged squares of layer thicknesses u and v (cf. Fig. A-l) vs bonding
time t at 1123 K for Fe-IONi specimen.

1360 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A. W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

TABLE Vl-a. Parabolic FeB-layer growth constants m (growth in [001] direction).

Bonding temperatures (K)

1023 1073 1123 1173 1273

FeB layer growth constants m (10 6 ms "2)

n ns7 0066 ft 1 47 0,l66

Fe 0 029 U - 1 4 / 0.l27
U.U3/ 0.048
(0.034) (0.089) (0.136) (0 .288)
0 jynO-525
(0.057) (0.095) (0.150) (0.229) (0.481)
Fe-0.5Cr 0.064°;™ 10124
J O 103
(0.041) (0.069) (0.110) (0.169) (0 .362)
A ftc70.066
Fe-4Cr U.U3/0047 0.260°;™
(0.023) (0.126) (0.260) (0 .899)
Fe-4Ni (0.057) n til0158 0 289° 31°
U.141O 125
(0.017) (0.304) (1 .238)
Fe-lONi (0.050)
(1223 K)
(0.014) (0.039) (0.098) (0.216) (0 .437)

Super- and subscripts indicate error range as obtained from the experiments. Values between parentheses: m back-calculated from kinetic data /t and Q
(Tables VII and VIII) according to Appendix C.

TABLE Vl-b. Parabolic Fe2B-layer growth constants n (growth in [001] direction).

Boriding temperatures (K)

1023 1073 1123 1173 1273

Fe2B layer growth constants n (10 ms "2)

Fe O.154o O.315o'ilo ".O3.J0.827

(0.144) (0.220) (0.323) (0.460) (0.853)
Fe-0.8C 0.206S 0.538Q 537

(0.105) (0.158) (0.228) (0.319) (0.576)

Fe-0.5Cr O 0 235 0.488g;^
(0.154) (0.233) (0.340) (0.480) (0.879)
Fe-4Cr (1 2 4 2 0 2 4 9
U.Z4Z 02 37
(0.057) (0.096) (0.153) (0.462)
ft 171 0.377
Fe-4Ni 0.186 0185 0.306g;^ U.J/IQ.364
(0.124) (0.193) (0.282) (0.388) (0.628)
1*L10.270 II ,i«->0.488
Fe-lONi 0.199":2™ 0 .262 0 2 5 6 O.4s2 0 4 7 7
(1223 K)
(0.130) (0.193) (0.270) (0.357) (0.457)

Super- and subscripts indicate error range as obtained from the experiments. Values between parentheses: n back-calculated from kinetic data k and Q
(Tables VII and VIII) according to Appendix C.

(Table VII). Extrapolation toward \/T = 0 yielded the [001]; see Figs. 14(d, e)]; in the case of FeB a zigzag path
temperature independent pre-exponential constants k (corresponding to a zigzag chain of B atoms; see Fig. 3 of
according to Eqs. (2a) and (2b). Results are shown in Ref. 9) seems likely for net transport along [001].
Table VIII. The kinetic data are interpreted here as repre- Using crystallographic data (see aside in Sec. II), the
senting B diffusion along [001] directions in FeB and shortest distance between an Fe atom and a B atom experi-
Fe2B, respectively (see discussion in Sec. II). enced by a B atom during diffusion in Fe2B along its path
perpendicular to (001) equals about 0.191 nm [at that mo-
1. Iron ment the B atom is surrounded by 4 Fe atoms at this dis-
Substitutional boron diffusion perpendicular to (001) tance; see Fig. 14(e)]. For the zigzag path diffusion of B in
appears possible in Fe2B [there is a chain of B atoms along FeB each atomic jump (corresponding to a "zig" or a "zag")

J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 1361 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

~<n -16 Fe
o • FeB
E • Fe2B



\ -21 -

7.8 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0
1 FIG. 10. In CFeB and In CFe2B vs \/T for Fe-0.5Cr specimen [cf. Eqs. (1)
and (2)].
FIG. 8. In CFl,B and In C¥t2B vs \/T for pure Fe specimen [cf. Eqs. (1)
and (2)]. is along a direction such as [hid] with h = (1 - 4u)/a2, k -
l/b2mdl = (-16 uv + 4M + 4v - 2)1 c2 where u = 0.125
and v = 0.18. [Symbols u and v used here should not be
confused with those used for the sublayer thicknesses in
the rest of this paper. Note that a and b crystal axes have
been interchanged in this paper as compared to Ref. 9 (see
aside in Sec. II and Table I). Hence u from Ref. 9 is asso-
ciated with b in this paper and v with a]. This atomic jump
occurs perpendicular (to within about 2°) to a plane such as
(hkl) with/i = 2/(4v - 1), k = h/(l - 4u)andk + I = 2.
The shortest distance between an Fe atom and a B atom
during diffusion in FeB occurs in the jump indicated and
equals about 0.197 nm [at that moment the B atom is
surrounded by 4 Fe atoms in the plane described; see
Fig. 14(c)].
The unconstrained shortest distance between an Fe
and a B atom is about 0.215 nm.10'19 Then, consideration
of the boron misfits in the jumps indicated above would
suggest about the same value for the activation energies of
boron diffusion in FeB and Fe2B.
The small difference between the values for the ac-
tivation energy of boron diffusion in FeB and Fe2B (cf.
-21 -
Table VII) may be explained as a consequence of a dif-
ference in bonding of the B atom. Because the shortest
Fe-B distance is somewhat smaller in FeB than in Fe2B
(1CHK-1) (0.215 nm vs 0.218 nm10), the covalent nature and thus
FIG. 9. In CFeB and In CFe2B vs \/T for Fe-0.8C specimen [cf. Eqs. (1) the strength of the Fe-B bond may be largest for FeB
and (2)]. (cf. Ref. 20). Further, the shortest B-B distance in FeB

1362 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E. J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics


• FeB
• Fe2B

-16 -

-17 -

-18 -

-19 - \

-20 --
-21 -

1 t 1 \
78 8.0 8.5 9.0 95 10.0
FIG. 11. In CFeB and In CFe2B vs \/T for Fe-4Cr specimen [cf. Eqs. (1)
and (2)].
FIG. 12. In CFeB and In CFe2B vs 1/71 for Fe-4Ni specimen [cf. Eqs. (1)
and (2)].
is about twice the covalent radius of the B atom whereas
the corresponding value in Fe2B is significantly larger
(0.180 nm vs 0.212 nm10). It may thus be suggested that distance of c/2 = 0.212 nm, whereas one atomic jump of
disruption of the bond of the B atom with a nearest B B in FeB along the zigzag path (not along [001]) covers a
neighbor is more difficult in FeB than in Fe2B. projected distance along [001] of c/2 = 0.148 nm. There-
Activation-energy values were reported earlier for this fore, considering only jumps along the chain (either zigzag
case of boriding Fe; data are shown in Table IX. However, or straight) of boron atoms, the ratio of the pre-exponential
a comparison with the present results is difficult, because factors of the boron-diffusion coefficients valid for net
(i) the FeB and Fe2B sublayers were treated as one in diffusion along [001] in FeB and Fe2B is estimated by
Refs. 3 and 4 and the values reported for the activation (0.148)2/(0.212)2 = 0.5. No experimental data are avail-
energy reflect some average; (ii) it appears likely that the able to verify this prediction. Using the experimental value
values for the activation energies reported for FeB and for kFeB/kFe.lB (= 2.25; cf. Table X) and the above value
Fe2B in Ref. 21 were derived just from the temperature for the ratio of pre-exponential factors of the diffusion
dependence of m alone and n alone, respectively, there- coefficients, it follows that the boron-concentration differ-
by ignoring the interdependence of m and n for bilayer ence across the FeB sublayer is about 4.5 times as large as
growth as incorporated in Eqs. (la) and (lb); and (iii) spe- for the Fe2B sublayer [see Eqs. (1) and (2) and Fig. A-l].
cial precautions, to avoid artifacts due to scaling off, and
thickness measurements on the basis of the needles most 2. Iron-chromium and iron-nickel
deeply penetrated, were not made for the analyses reported Considerable amounts of Cr and Ni can be dissolved
in the literature. in FeB and Fe2B.22
The diffusion coefficient is proportional to the square The atomic radii of Cr and Ni are about the same and
of the length of the atomic jump and the jump frequency they are larger than that of Fe. Adopting the geometrical
(the latter factor contains the exponential temperature de- model for B diffusion, discussed above for boriding Fe,
pendence as characterized by the activation energy). One it would be expected that Cr and Ni dissolved on the Fe
atomic jump of B in Fe2B occurs along [001] and covers a sublattice of the borides will generally lead to activation

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C M . Brakman, A.W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

needs not be governed only by diffusion of B, but, for ex-

ample, the necessary transport of M and Fe by diffusion on
the "Fe sublattice" may (also) be rate determining. Indeed,
especially the activation energy for (Fe,M)B-sublayer
growth is affected on alloying Fe with Cr or Ni. Further,
diffusion of Cr on an (a or y) Fe (sub)lattice is more rapid
than that of Ni.24 This might be related to the observation
of an activation energy for (Fe, M)B-sublayer growth larger
for FeNi than for FeCr (cf. data for about the same amounts
of alloying elements in Table VII: Fe-4Cr vs Fe-4Ni).

3. Iron-carbon
Carbon does not dissolve significantly in FeB and
Fe 2 B. 3 On bonding carbon is driven ahead of the boride
layer and, together with boron, it forms borocementite,
Fe3(B, C) as a separate layer between Fe2B and the matrix
[Fig. 3(a)]. [From lattice-parameter measurements it was
found that the borocementite in the present case contained
about 4 mass % B corresponding to Fe3(B067C0 33).17] Thus,
-20 - part of the boron supplied is used for the formation of
Consequently, a bilayer-growth model for bonding
Fe-C alloys does not hold in principle. However, a descrip-
-21 - tion based on an effective bilayer-growth model may be used
yet, if a number of simplifying assumptions are made:
7.8 8.0 (i) the kinetics for the three-layer system [FeB +
Fe2B + Fe3(B, C)] are considered to be controlled only by
B diffusion in FeB and Fe2B, and
FIG. 13. In CFeB and In CFe2B vs 1/r for pure Fe-lONi specimen [cf.
Eqs. (1) and (2)].
(ii) the fraction of all B atoms arriving at the Fe 2 B/
Fe3(B, C) interface and used for Fe3(B, C) formation does
energies for B diffusion larger than those for Fe (cf. data not depend on time and temperature.
for Fe, FeCr, and FeNi in Table VII). On the other hand, The model pertaining to the above conditions has been de-
composition-depth profile data for FeCr (8 mass % Cr) and scribed and discussed in Appendix B where it has also been
FeNi (8 mass % Ni) borided at 1173 K indicate that on borid- shown for QFe2B and made likely for gFeB that they can be
ing a redistribution of the alloying element, M(=Cr, Ni), obtained using the formalism of Eqs. (la) and (lb).
occurs: as compared to the bulk compositions the (Fe, M)B Minor changes of the Q values are observed as com-
sublayers appear to be impoverished in Ni and enriched in pared to the case of boriding Fe (Table VII). This supports
Cr, respectively, while the (Fe,M) 2 B sublayers exhibit applicability of the above model. Earlier work on boriding
about the bulk content of M. 22 ' 23 Then the apparent ac- carbon steels also hinted at small effects of carbon on
tivation energy for, in particular, (Fe, M)B-sublayer growth boriding kinetics.4

TABLE VII. Activation-energy values obtained using bilayer growth model (Appendix A).

Correlation coefficient
least-squares fit
(kj mor 1 ) (U mol"1) FeB Fe2B

Fe 175 157 1.11 0.995 0.996

Fe-0.8C 176 154 1.14 0.984 0.981
Fe-0.5Cr 177 155 1.14 0.999 0.997
Fe-4Cr 289 210 1.38 1.000 0.997
Fe-4Ni 311 178 1.75 0.995 0.986
Fe-lONi 286 157 1.82 0.983 0.999

1364 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A. W.J. Gommers, and E. J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

• Feinf
o Fe i n ^
• Binf
• B in^c


O Fe atoms
• B atoms


(b) (c)

FIG. 14. (a) Projection of Fe and B atomic-center points onto (001) plane for FeB (according to Fig. 1 of Ref. 9). (b) Projection of Fe atoms onto the
plane perpendicular to which an atomic jump of B takes place in FeB (for hkl indices see text in Sec. IV.B). The center points of the hatched atoms 1—4
are in the plane of projection; the center points of the cross-hatched atoms 5 and 6 are above this plane [the numbering 1-6 corresponds with the one of
(a)]. The atomic radius of Fe has been taken equal to half the shortest Fe-Fe distance in the structure: 0.132 nm (cf. atom pairs 1-3 and 2-4). B atoms
have not been drawn, but projections of B atoms coincide with the crosses indicated, (c) Fe atom configuration around the B atom for FeB at the moment
of closest approach to the surrounding Fe atoms during an atomic jump of B; measures in nm. The B atomic jump occurs practically perpendicularly to
the plane through the Fe atoms 1-4 [cf. (b) and Sec. IV.B]. The shown crystallographic section of the iron sublattice corresponds with the front face of
the trigonal prism shown in Fig. 2 of Ref. 9. (d) Projection of Fe atoms onto the (001) plane perpendicular to which an atomic jump of B takes place in
Fe2B. The center points of the hatched atoms are in a plane at a distance of 3 c/4 above the plane of projection; the center points of the darkened atoms
are in a plane at a distance c/4 above the plane of projection. The atomic radius of Fe has been taken equal to half the shortest Fe-Fe distance in the
structure: 0.120 nm (cf. atom pair 4-5). B atoms have not been drawn, but projections of B atoms coincide with the crosses indicated, (e) Fe atom con-
figuration around the B atom for Fe2B at the moment of closest approach to the surrounding Fe atoms during an atomic jump of B perpendicular to
(001); measures in nm [see also Fig. l(b) in Ref. 18].

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C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics



(d) (e)
FIG. 14 (continued)

C. Effect of kinetic parameters on the relative Values for kFtB/kFeiB, (QFeB - QFe2B), and m/n for
thicknesses of the (Fe, M)B and (Fe, M)2B 1173 K and 1273 K are presented in Table X. Very large
sublayers values of kFeB/kF<.lB occur for Fe-4Cr, Fe-4Ni, and Fe-
The ratio m/n is equal to the ratio of the thicknesses lONi, as compared to Fe, Fe-0.8C, and Fe-0.5Cr. This
of the (Fe,M)B and (Fe,M)2B sublayers [cf. Eq. (A-5)]. promotes large values for m/n. However, the correspond-
Using Eqs. (1) and (2) it follows ing (gFeB - 2Fe2B) values are also large, thereby counter-
acting the &FeB/^Fe2B effect to a considerable extent, but not
entirely (cf. Table X).
For practical applications a monophase (Fe,M) 2 B
2 my1 surface layer is favored amongst others to reduce the
— +a brittleness.1 An (Fe,M)B top layer can be avoided if the
bonding potential is sufficiently low. This may not al-
exp{-(2 FeB - G Fe2B )/Rr} (3) ways be possible, for example if a bonding powder as in
F C Fe 2 B this work is employed. Then, if the model used in this
Realizing that m and n are positive, it is immediately seen paper prevails, the thickness of the (Fe,M)B sublayer
that m/n increases with increasing CFeB/CFe2B. can be (made) small for [see Eq. (3)] a small kFtB/kFt2B
ratio, a large <2FeB - gFe2B difference, and a low bonding
TABLE VIII. Logarithms of the temperature-independent constants temperature.
*FeB = DfB(cs - ca) and kFc2B = />oe2B(c» - cc) where the Do denote the
pre-exponential factors of the corresponding diffusion coefficients
[cf. Eqs. (A-8) and (A-9)]. V. CONCLUSIONS
In k¥cB (mol m ' s ') In £Fe2B (mol m ' s ') (1) A simple model for diffusion-controlled bilayer-
growth kinetics has been given taking into account specific
Fe - 0.359 -1.17 volume differences. If the interface concentrations are
Fe-0.8C + 0.284 -1.96 unknown but approximately independent of temperature,
Fe-0.5Cr + 0.167 -1.25
Fe-4Cr + 3.33
as in the present case of boriding, the kinetic parameters
+ 11.9
Fe-4Ni + 14.7 +0.925 for each of both phases can be calculated yet from the
Fe-lONi + 11.5 -1.48 temperature dependencies of both parabolic layer-growth

1366 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov/Dec 1989 Downloaded: 09 Jun 2014 IP address:

C M . Brakman, A.W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

TABLE IX. Activation-energy values for boriding of iron as reported in the literature.

Ref. Activation energy reported (kJ mol ') Details

[3] 176; both layers treated as one amorphous B powder boriding; B concentration measurements; armco specimens
[4] 132; both layers treated as one; very little FeB Ekabor 2 powder boriding; layer thickness measurements; armco specimens
[21] FeB: 82.5, Fe 2 B: 105.5 (eFeB/eFe2B = 0.78) gas boriding; separate layer thickness measurements; armco specimens

(2) Because of the anisotropic nature of boron diffu- found are close to those determined for the case of borid-
sion, the (Fe,M)B and (Fe, M)2B sublayers produced on ing iron.
boriding iron-based alloys exhibit pronounced (001) fiber
texture and needle-type morphology. Analysis of well-
defined growth kinetics should be performed on the basis
of penetration-depth measurements of those needles ex- We are indebted to Ir. J. J. Smit for enthusiastic co-
tending most deeply into the substrate. Activation ener- operation in an early stage of the project. We express our
gies obtained are related to boron diffusion along [001] in gratitude toward Ir. M.A. J. Somers and Professor B.M.
both compounds. Korevaar for stimulating discussions and toward Mr. P. F.
(3) Activation energies and pre-exponential constants Colijn for skillful metallographic analysis. We are grateful
for growth of (Fe,M)B and (Fe, M)2B sublayers have to Dr. R . B . Helmholdt (Netherlands Energy Research
been determined from parabolic growth constants. In all Foundation, ECN, Petten, The Netherlands) for his pa-
cases the activation energies are larger for (Fe, M)B than tience and help in preparing computer drawings of the FeB
for(Fe,M) 2 B. and Fe2B crystal-structure projections.
(4) On boriding of pure iron, values for the activation
energy of (net) boron diffusion along [001] in FeB and REFERENCES
Fe2B are about the same. As compared to Fe2B, the some- 'A. Graf von Matuschka, Boronising (Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich,
what higher FeB activation energy is ascribed to stronger FRG, 1980).
2P. A. Dearnley and T. Bell, Surf. Eng. 1, 203-217 (1985).
boron-boron atom bonding in the chain along which substi-
3 H. Kunst and O. Schaaber, Harterei-Tech. Mitt. 22, 1-25 (1967).
tutional boron diffusion takes place.
4M-J. Lu, Harterei-Tech. Mitt. 38, 156-169 (1983).
(5) Activation energies increase on alloying with 5 O. Kubaschewski, Iron-Binary Phase Diagrams (Springer Verlag,
chromium and nickel — in particular for (Fe, M)B-sublayer Berlin, FRG, 1982).
growth. ^Binary Phase Diagrams, edited by T. B. Massalski et al. (ASM, Metals
(6) Boriding of iron-carbon (0.8 mass % C) leads to a Park, OH, 1986), Vol. 1, p. 356.
7T. Bjurstrom and H. Arnfelt, Z. Phys. Chem. (B) 4, 469-474 (1929).
surface layer composed of three compounds: FeB, Fe2B, 8 B. Hendricks and P. R. Kosting, Z. Kristallog. 74, 511-545 (1930).
and Fe3(BO67CO33). If severe constraints are obeyed, boron 9T. Bjurstrom, Ark. Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi 11A, no. 5, 1-12
diffusion in FeB and Fe2B sublayers may still be analyzed (1933).
using the bilayer-growth model. The activation energies IOR. Kiessling, Acta Chem. Scand. 4, 209-227 (1950).
"W. B. Pearson, Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals
(Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1967), Vol. 1, p. 899.
12W. B. Pearson, Handbook of Lattice Spacings and Structures of Metals
TABLE X. Illustration of the effect of the kinetic parameters k and Q on (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985), Vol. 2, p. 1297.
the ratio m/n of the thicknesses of the boride sublayers [see Eq. (3)]. 13E. E. Havinga, H. Damsma, and P. Hokkeling, J. Less-Common Metals
27, 169-193 (1972).
m/n 14 B. Aronsson, T. Lundstrom, and I. Engstrom, Proc. Int. Symp. on
Anisotropy in Single-Crystal Refractory Compounds, edited by F. W.
Vahldiek and S.A. Mersol, 1967 (Plenum Press, New York, 1968),
(kJ mol"1) 1173 K 1273 K Vol. 1, pp. 3-22.
^International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (The Kynoch Press,
Fe 2.25 18 0.3 0.3 Birmingham, 1962), Vol. 3, p. 42.
Fe-0.8C 9.43 22 0.7 0.8 16M. Chochatbwski, K. Przybylbwicz, J. Szymariski, and J. Zelechowski,
Fe-0.5Cr 4.12 22 0.4 0.4 Metalurgia i Odlewnictwo 9, 411-421 (1983).
Fe-4Cr 5270 79 1.1 2.0 17J. J. Smit, M.Sc. Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Laboratory of
Fe-4Ni 960000 133 0.8 2.0 Metallurgy, 1984.
Fe-lONi 434000 129 0.6 1.0 18G. Hagg, Z. Phys. Chem. (B) 11, 152-162 (1930).
(1223 K) 19L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd ed. (Cornell Univer-
sity Press, New York, I960), p. 435.
Values for m/n have been calculated from the data for k and Q given 20W. B. Pearson, The Crystal Chemistry and Physics of Metals and Alloys
in Tables VII and VIII. Note that for boriding at 1273 K of Fe-4Cr and (Wiley, New York, 1972), p. 135.
Fe-4Ni an (Fe,M)B layer thickness is predicted twice as large as for 21 H. Planitz, G. Treffer, H. Konig, and G. Marx, Neue Hiitte 27,
(Fe,M)2B. 228-230 (1982).

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C M . Brakman, A. W. J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics

22C. Badini, C. Gianoglio, and G. Pradelli, J. Mater. Sci. 21, 1721-1729 of the reaction taking place at the I/II interface (if a ¥" 1).
(1986). As follows from the above discussion, this interface shift
23 Z-S. Jiang, L-X. Zhang, L-G. Li, X-R. Pei, and T-F. Li, J. Heat
amounts to (1 — a)du. Therefore, in the analysis of intrin-
Treating 2, 337-343 (1982).
24 J. Fridberg, L-E. Torndahl, and M. Hillert, Jernkont. Ann. 153,
sic growth of layer II, a net shift dvnel has to be considered:
264-276 (1969).
dvmt = dv - (1 - a)du (A-3)
25W. H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, and W. T. Vetterling,
Numerical Recipes (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986), Then, proceeding analogously as for layer I, the B-
pp. 269-272. mass balance for growth of layer II reads:
The following case is analyzed. A substrate of solvent
element A has been saturated with solute element B where /3 denotes the ratio of the specific volumes per sol-
(Fig. A-l). The chemical potential of B in the surrounding vent atom of substrate and compound II, respectively.
atmosphere is such that two layers, I and II, form on the Note that the B amounts necessary to maintain the con-
substrate. Each layer corresponds to a certain compound centration gradients in the respective layers have been ne-
of A and B. Layer/compound I is more rich in B than glected in the left-hand members of Eqs. (A-2) and (A-4).
layer/compound II. It is assumed that: The following general solutions satisfy Eqs. (A-2) and
(i) layer-growth rates are controlled by solid-state (A-4):
(ii) inward diffusion of B is unidirectional (perpen- u = 2mt112 and v - u = 2nV (A-5)
dicular to the surface); After rearranging it follows from Eqs. (A-2), (A-4),
(iii) differences in specific volume per solvent atom and (A-5):
for the phases concerned (I, II, and the substrate) are ac-
commodated fully in the diffusion direction; C, = Dics - ca) = 2m{mca + ncc - am(cb - cc)
(iv) linear B -concentration profiles occur in both - (3co(am + «)} (A-6)
layers. [In principle the treatment should be given in terms
of activities. In view of the minute composition variations
which are possible within the sublayers (cf. Sec. II), it is Cn = Dn(cb - cc) = 2n(am + n) (cc - f3c0) (A-7)
anticipated that the activity coefficient is practically con-
If the interface concentrations are not known, the diffu-
stant within a sublayer. Then the treatment presented is not
sion coefficients cannot be determined from measurements
affected in principle.]
of the "parabolic" growth constants m and n. However,
(v) (inter)diffusion coefficients, Dl and Du for layers I
the kinetic parameters for diffusion in layers I and II can
and II, respectively, are constant. The same holds for the
still be obtained from measurements of m and n provided
interface concentrations cs, ca, cb, cc, and c0.
the interface concentrations and in particular the differ-
ences (cs — ca) and (cb — cc) [see left-hand members of
A. Mass balance for growth of layer I
Eqs. (A-6) and (A-7)] are approximately constant in the
An increase du of the thickness of layer I in time dt temperature range considered. Then adopting Arrhenius-type
occurs under simultaneous "consumption" of a layer of temperature dependencies for the diffusion coefficients:
thickness adu of layer II. The ratio of the specific volumes
per solvent atom, Vn and Vl for compounds II and I, respec- C, = *, (A-8)
tively, is given by a = Vn/V{. For instance, if compounds I
Cn = *n exp(-G n /Rr) (A-9)
and II conform to AB and A 2 B, respectively, it follows:
where kt and kn are the pre-exponential constants, Ql and
a = VmA2j2V"AB (A-l) (2n are the activation energies, and R and T denote the gas
where Vm denotes molar volume (in fact, a is equivalent to constant and the absolute temperature, respectively.
a so-called Pilling-Bedworth ratio). Values for Ql and Qxl are determined from the slopes
The B mass-balance for the growth of layer I thus reads: of the straight lines obtained on plotting In Ct and In C n vs
du 1/r. Note that for the determination of Q:l knowledge of
(ca - <xcb)— = Di(cs ~ ca)/u (cc — f3c0) is not required, since the temperature depen-
dence of In Cn is fully determined by n(am + n) [see right-
- Dn(cb - cc)/{v - u) (A-2)
hand member of Eq. (A-7)]. For the determination of Ql in
where both u and v are distances to the (outer) surface. principle ca, cc, (cb — cc), and c0 should be known. How-
ever, precise values are not required; thus, if only small
B. Mass-balance for growth of layer II concentration variations are possible within compounds I
Even if no reaction would occur at the layer II/substrate and II, the stoichiometrical values can be adopted for ca
interface, a shift of the interface would yet occur as a result and cc, and (cb - cc) ~ 0 (see also Sec. II).

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C M . Brakman, A. W.J. Gommers, and E. J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layer growth kinetics


- cc) = 2n'(am' + n')
OF "B LEAKAGE" (1 - / )
The treatment is based on that given in Appendix A. (B-3)
Suppose that part of the amount of B arriving at the A case covered by the above description is that deal-
layer Il/substrate interface at x = v (see Fig. A-l) is not ing with a "semi-infinite" substrate with "infinitely fast"
used for net growth of layer II but is absorbed by the sub- diffusion of B; c 0 = 0 for all t.
strate. It will be assumed that the kinetics for the growth of "B leakage" can also be realized such that the B ab-
layers I and II are (still) controlled only by diffusion of B sorbed by the substrate is incorporated in a (third) com-
in layers I and II. Then, considering a bucket with a hole pound layer adjacent to layer II (Fig. B-l). Under the above
in the bottom to be filled with water, the present problem constraints (B diffusion in layers I and II is rate controlling
may be described as "B leakage" (in this sense the case of and B diffusion in layer III is "infinitely fast") the mass
"a bucket without a hole" has been treated in Appendix A: balance for growth of layer III reads
B-saturated substrate).
Assuming that the fraction, /, of the amount of B ar- *W _ m (cb ~ cc)
riving at the layer Il/substrate interface that is absorbed by 11(v - u)
the substrate does not depend on time, the mass balance with
for growth of layer II now reads [cf. Eq. (A-4)]
dwna = dw - (1 - a)du - (1 - 0)dvna (B-5)
dvnet . (ch — cc)
where x = w indicates the layer Ill/substrate interface,
cd and c 0 denote the constant B concentrations in layer III
The formula for the mass balance for growth of layer I [cf. and the substrate, respectively, and y is the ratio of the
eq. (A-2)] does not change. Defining the now occurring specific volumes per solvent atom of substrate and com-
parabolic growth constants as m' and n' [cf. Eq. (A-5)], pound III, respectively. For "parabolic" growth of layer III
the pendants of Eqs. (A-6) and (A-7) become with growth constant l(w — v = 2 • I tm), it follows from
C, - DY(cs - ca) Eqs. (A-3), (B-l), (B-4), and (B-5)
r r I = (am' + n') (B-6)
= 2m'\m'c,. + n' -f)(cd-yc0)
Cr If the interface concentrations and the fraction / are
- am \ch -
(1-/) not known, the diffusion coefficients in layers I and II can-
jam' + n') not be determined from measurements of the "parabolic"
C° (1 - / )

B concentration B concentration

x (distance from surface) x (distance from surface)

(1-a)du (1-a)du \ \ ^
adu \
1 •
1 1

1 1 ! n l substrate I j j substr
1 [
.— u —J
— u _J V Ydw net
(3dvne t w

I n substrate
m substrate
u + du v+dv u + du v+dv w+dw
FIG. A-l. Solute-element concentration profile assumed in bilayer FIG. B-l. Solute-element concentration profile assumed in three-layer
growth model. growth model.

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C M . Brakman, A.W.J. Gommers, and E.J. Mittemeijer: Boride-layergrowth kinetics

growth constants m' and n'. However, the kinetic parame- f(x,y) = ax2 + bxy + 1 = 0 (C-3)
ters for diffusion in layers I and II can still be obtained
g(x,y) = <fy2 + exy + 1 = 0 (C-4)
from measurements of m' and n', provided the interface
concentrations and the fraction / , and in particular the dif- where a = 201 X 10"9 (mol m" 1 s~l)/p
ferences (c, — ca) and (cb — cc) [see left-hand members b = 119.6 x 10"9 (mol m" 1 s"1)//?
of Eqs. (B-2) and (B-3)], are approximately constant in the d = 119.6 x 10"9 (mol m" 1 s^)/q
temperature range considered. This, again, leads to Eqs. e = 0.8407 x 119.6 X 10"9 (mol nT 1 s~l)/q
(A-8) and (A-9). using data for ca, cc, and a given in Sec. II. Values forp
Then, it immediately follows that the activation energy and q were usually of the order 100 x 10"9 (mol nT 1 s"1).
<2n in fact can be obtained by using the formalism of The roots of Eqs. (C-3) and (C-4) can now be ob-
Eq. (lb) or Eq. (A-7), since the temperature dependence of tained applying a two-dimensional version of the Newton-
In C n is fully determined by n'(am' + n') [see Eq. (B-3)]. Raphson method.25
If cb «= cc and / «= /3cd/cc the term between braces in Consider the functions/(*, y) and g(x,y), as defined
the right-hand member of Eq. (B-2) reduces to m'ca + above, with x and y as independent variables; the roots of
n'cc, and the activation energy Q1 can in fact be obtained Eqs. (C-3) and (C-4) are designated by xr and yr. Sup-
by using the formalism of Eq. (la). Even if/would signifi- pose xn and yn are (the n*) approximations for xr and yr.
cantly deviate from the above value, it can be shown that Then, Taylor series expansions for f(x,y) and g(x, y) around
in many cases only small effects on the temperature depen- (xn,yn) yield
dence of In Q occur [note that the temperature dependence
f(xr,yr) =fixn,yn) + hjx(xn,yn) + jjy{xn,yn)
of In (2m') is of comparable importance for the tempera-
ture dependence of In CY as the temperature dependence of
the logarithm of the term between braces; see Eq. (B-2)].
{xr,yr) = g(xn,yn) + hngx{xn,yn)
Q ANDfr ; f, = | = bx ;
In Tables VII and VIII the kinetic data <2FeB, <2Fe2B and
&FeB> ^Fe2B a r e given for the six alloys studied in this paper.
8* Tx ey> Sy
Once such kinetic data are available the parabolic layer-
growth constants for any desired temperature can in prin- and xr = xn + hn and yr = yn + j n .
ciple be calculated. For the calculation of m and n Eqs. (1) Since xH, yn, f(xr,yr)(=0), g(xr,yr)(=0), fx(xn,yn),
and (2) may be rewritten as follows: fy(x«,yn), gx(xn,yn), and gy(xn,yn) are known, estimates
2cam2 + 2ccmn + p = 0 (C-l) for hn and/ n , indicated by /?„' andj n ', can be calculated
from Eqs. (C-5) and (C-6) if the series expansions are
2ccn2 + 2accmn + q = 0 (C-2) truncated after the first derivatives. Hence a next [(« + l)th]
where approximation for xr and yr is obtained from
P= eXp(-g F e B /Rr) = xn h'n (C-7)
yn+1 = y n + i l (c-8)
This is a system of two nonlinear equations in m and n. In leading to new estimates h'n+l a n d ^ + 1 , etc.
order to find the roots an iterative procedure can be used. Evidently, the starting values x0 = 0 and y0 = 0 should
Because p and q are smaller than ca and cc by many not be used. Both parabolic layer-growth constants should
orders of magnitude, the constants in the equations have to be non-negative. Use of two small positive numbers (say
be adapted in order to obtain numerical stability. For the 0.01) as starting values provided an efficient approach. The
present problem the following approach has been proven iteration can be pursued until f(xn+l,yn+1) and g(xn+i,yn+l)
to suffice. both differ by a small amount (depending on the experi-
After division of the left-hand and right-hand members mental accuracy; cf. Tables VI-a, Vl-b, VII, and VIII)
of Eqs. (C-l) and (C-2) by p and q, respectively, and from zero [cf. Eqs. (C-3) and (C-4)]. Rapid convergence
defining x and y as dimensionless quantities as follows was achieved; only a few steps were necessary.
x = m times 1.10"6 s"2 meter" 1 ; Obviously, coincidence of the thus calculated and ex-
perimental data for m and n is achieved only if the corre-
y = n times 1.10"6 s1/2 meter" 1 , sponding experimental data points in the plots of In C vs
Eqs. (C-l) and (C-2) are transformed into equations with 1/7 fall exactly on the fitted straight line (see Figs. 8-13
coefficients of comparable order of magnitude: and Tables Vl-a and Vl-b).

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