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Book Report: Dealing with Dragons

have you heard of the book Dealing with dragons? Well, its a pretty good book. In this
book report i'll tell you about it.

Cimorene is the main character, she is also the princess of Linderwall. She is the youngest
daughter of her six sisters that came before her, each sister had long golden hair and is prettier
then the last. However, Cimorene has black hair and wears it in braid instead of curled and pinned
like her other sisters. She also is growing fast, and Cimorene has a rebel personality, like she does
not like being a princess she said “it boring”. Cimorene doesn’t like her princess classes like,
etiquette, drawing, embroidery, and dancing.

Kazul is also a main character, she is a dragon. She is the dragon that wanted Cimorene
as a princess. Kazul is kind, helpful, and likable. Kazul is strong and wise, she is a female that is
three horned like every other female dragon. Also Kazul used to have another princess until she
ran away with a knight.

There are more then three settings! First, Linderwall, it is just like a fairytale land and its
pretty large. Then, outside the dragon cave, in one scene its described like this: it was a lovely
day, warm and sunny. Next, Kazul´s cave, its dusty, messy, and all her pots and cooking material
is crooked or just bad. And lastly, the Enchanted Forest, has tall trees and a beautiful lake.

The problem is that there is a plot that has something to do with dragons and wizards.
Dragonsbane is a plant that is poison to dragons and dragons are also allergic to wizard staffs.
The worst of all is that the dragon king, king Tokoz was poisoned and now there will be the test to
see who will be next king. Cimorene tries finding out and figures that the wizards will be helping
one dragon cheat. But which one?!

First Cimorene doesn’t want to be a princess and goes to her fairy godmother, she says
its boring because all the interesting things are improper. Then, Cimorene takes advice from a frog
and leaves to be a dragon’s princess. She then gets threaten to be eaten by a dragon and they
say its improper to request in being a dragons princess. But then Kazul wants Cimorene to be her

She has to do some cleaning and organizing but being a dragons princess is ok. Then
comes the trouble; the knights and princes, Cimorene´s dad rewarded half the kingdom of
linderwall to whoever rescues Cimorene. She then meets three other princesses and one: Alianora
befriends Cimorene. The knights keep on coming and coming, then Cimorene gets an idea, she
would pretend she’s hurt.

Kazul invites some of her friends for dinner and they start arguing and losing their temper.
Causing the dragons to breathe fire, Cimorene got the idea of making a fireproof spell. Cimorene
then meets a witch and goes to her house. On her way she finds a bird and kills it accidentally but
gets three feathers that each holds one wish in each feather.

Kazul accidentally breathed the dragons bane and is now sick and the king of dragons
got poisoned with dragonsbane. Cimorene then meets a stone prince and helps him. She leaves
him disguised and goes to kazul to. Tell her that the king of dragons got poisoned and kazul had
to go to the trials to see who would be the new king. The trials were: the dragon takes the kings
rock and tries bringing the rock to a mountain and back. Cimorene didn´t think Kazul could do it
because Kazul was sick but she still went.

Cimorene then goes to pick up the prince with Alianora, the prince said he heard some
talking while Cimorene was gone. It was a wizard and a dragon planning a cheat on the kings trial.
Alianora discovers a way to melt wizards and then all three of them go ruin the cheat plan.

I liked this story because its different than other princess stories and it has some plot
twists I think. The author of Dealing with Dragons is Patricia Wede.

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