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Name : Nilla Rizqiyah

ID. Number : A73219068

Answer these questions in good English using your own words

1. Explain the principles of effective English Language Teaching (ELT) especially

concerning input, student-centeredness, and classroom activities (approximately
100 words).

There are two English teaching methodologies; technique and approaches.

The technique is what every teacher does. While approaches are divided into two;
the communicative approach such as when the teacher teaches the student to answer
the question using the English language without paying attention to grammar, and
the structured approach is about vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc. Then, the
most important to teach the student about the English language are to start with the
meaning and communication because learning the English language is through
acquisition which means must be practiced first without understanding the structure.
The process of English language learning will be called a success if the teacher talks
less than the student, such as the talking time of the teacher is 30 minutes then the
talking time of the student must be 60 minutes.

2. Explain the advantages of Total Physical Response (TPR) and Task-Based Learning
(TBL) in ELT (approximately 50 words). 

TPR has many advantages including facilitating long-term memory through a

stress-free. Using this strategy, language related to activities, classroom rules, and
storytelling can be taught. While TBL has advantages such as being useful for
moving the focus of the learning process, giving a different way of understanding
language, teaching from abstract knowledge to real-world application, provides a
framework for creating interesting classes.
3. Mention the characteristics of an ideal language teacher and explain why those
characteristics are important (approximately 50 words).

The most important characteristic of an ideal language teacher is a teacher

who successfully carries out his or her role as a teacher such as being a controller for
taking responsibility in class, a prompter for being involved in role-playing, being
the main resource for their students, tutor to provide direction of her students, and
participant also.

4. Explain what needs to be considered in giving feedback to the learners

(approximately 50 words).

Many teachers may not consider the feedback they give to their students to be
a reward or a punishment. Since the teacher typically uses verbal or written language
to give feedback, the context, tone, and vocabulary the teacher chooses can
determine how it’s received. Therefore, the teacher should be kind when providing
feedback without coming off as passive-aggressive or intimidating, emphasizing
meaningful feedback, and not being biased based on personal feelings.

5. What should the learning context be like for the ELT to be effective? Explain
(approximately 50 words).

First, the teacher must be able to distinguish the place and means of instruction.
It means every place will get a different context of learning and means of interaction
based on the place. Second, the teacher must pay attention to the class size, because
the class size can affect the learning process in a big way. Third, the teacher must
manage mixed abilities, because every student has their own ability and it’ll be
different from one student and another.

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